Nine idlers

Chapter 507

There is nothing worthy of Xu Changqing's attention in Bengyun Mountain.Therefore, from now on, I will spend my mind and energy to use my divine sense here.In addition to concentrating on observing the changes in the Dao Hongmeng Wanxiang Diagram of the Great Dao of the Original Mind and the Foreign Prime Minister, absorbing the incomplete spirits of the ancient immortals and monsters, and comprehending the truth of the Dao from them, he also separated out the Eight Treasure Glazed Ginseng Fruit Tree Primordial Spirit and the True Martial Demon Sword Yuanshen integrated the ancient Taoism obtained in Wantu Stone Forest in the realm of Taoism.Whether these ancient Taoist methods are complete or incomplete, they are extremely important for perfecting Xu Changqing's Jiuliu Dao.

However, it is not difficult to learn these Dao methods, but it is very difficult to truly integrate them and incorporate them into one's own natal Dao. Even Xu Changqing needs a long period of time to deduce in the realm of Dao Xin before he can achieve small success.

Whether it was the remnant aura left in the Wantu Stone Forest before or the remnant aura of mana after the immortals around Mount Chaoyun fought, all the birds and beasts that originally lived around Mount Chaoyun stayed far away.Those who did not have time to escape from Mount Chaoyun were all trapped in the mountain, and they were under the coercion of the residual mana of the Kunlun Xeon Immortal all the time. If they did not die, if they survived, they would find another "Taoism" and they would definitely be able to make a difference. Achievement.

As for the spiritual energy here, because nearly half of the spiritual veins were led by Xu Changqing to the waterfall spiritual pool in the gathering place with great supernatural powers, the spiritual energy here was greatly reduced, and it became a half-dead place.But even so, since a few days ago, the gods and saints of the Immortal Palace suffered a great loss here, and the one who worked so hard to wait was taken away by a mysterious person. After it was established, Mount Chayun, a small place that had never been valued by people, became an important training ground for the immortals of the outer sect.In just a few days, no less than [-] outer sect fairies gathered in Mount Chaoyun, but they were all surrounded by the remaining holy spirits and gods around Mount Chaoyun. The residual mana aura after the fairy-monster fight was blocked outside Chayun Mountain.Among this group of fairy monsters, the ones with the highest mana are just loose immortals who have just entered the realm of returning to the void, and the ones with low mana are just some low-grade immortals who came here with their elders to experience it. To bear the coercion of the remaining mana of the fairies.But cultivating in such a place is of great benefit to Kunlun immortals like them who are unstable in cultivation. Those with small eyesight and high Taoism can realize many superior Taoisms from these residual mana, while ordinary immortals may pass through. Feel the artistic conception in the mana to enhance the Taoist heart, what's more, directly feel the coercion of the mana of countless powerful immortals, so as to temper the mind and spirit.

A low-grade fairy who didn't look very old had a long sword across his lap, and sat cross-legged quietly among the outermost circle of fairy monsters.Judging from the decorations on his clothes, he should be from Xiaoming Mountain Feixia Bieyuan, which is [-] miles north of here, and there is also a person who is dressed like him and has reached the middle-grade Jindan realm in the outer sect. , the old immortal who looks similar to him, at the moment he is cultivating closer to the Ten Directions Fire Lin Formation.

Feixia Bieyuan is a small family of immortals attached to Shennong Valley. There are only about 400 people in one family. Like other immortal families without inheritance, the Taoism they practice is extremely complicated and shallow, and there is no high-level Taoism. The Dharma can be used as a sect to pass on the Dharma.That day, when the immortals were fighting in the Yunshan Mountain, the Feixia Courtyard also felt the unimaginably powerful mana fluctuations here.For this little fairy sect attached to the Shennonggu sect, the situation on that day was no less dangerous than the sky falling apart, and it was definitely the most difficult day. More than [-] of them even prepared to abandon their homes to avoid disaster Even after the mana fluctuation subsided, no one dared to come here to check what happened.

The two people who came to insert Yunshan are people from the Pharmacist Hall of Feixia Bieyuan, and they are also grandfather and grandson.The old man's name is Liao Wenwen, he is a rare Confucian immortal, he practiced the method of cultivating energy and righteousness at the beginning. the elders.His grandson's name is Liao Zhengyun, who has loved swords since he was a child. He occasionally wrote a fragment of a book called Jian Qi Hui Xin Zheng Tai Fa, which he regarded as a treasure.Although Liao Zhengyun is extremely talented and reached the top-rank of the outer sect in his 20s, and can form a golden core at any time, but because there is no follow-up practice method, he has been stagnant in this state for 20 years.Liao Wenwen was also worried about his grandson, he spared no expense to buy two sets of sword cultivation methods in Mingshi, but unfortunately they were far different from the sword energy converging heart and body methods, and the sword elements he practiced were also incompatible, so he failed in the end. play any role.

On that day, after the magic power fluctuations subsided after the battle between the immortals and demons in Chaoyun Mountain, Liao Wenwen knew that their opportunity had come for the two of them.Because he knows very well what kind of benefits the strong mana breath left after the immortal battle can bring to himself and his grandson. Back then, he was able to successfully achieve the Golden Elixir because he was stimulated by the mana breath left after the immortal battle. Yes, he believes it will be of great help to his grandson as well.So he just found an excuse to leave Feixia Bieyuan and rushed to Mount Chaoyun.

When their grandfather and grandson arrived, the fighting spirits and demons had already left, and there were also a few Jindan immortals with higher cultivation bases than him, who were eager to welcome the benefits of this place, and had already come here to practice latently.Because of the fact that there is no dispute among the immortals under the local fox, each of them found a suitable place, and carefully felt the superior Taoism remaining in the surrounding mana. Liao Wenwen told his grandson about his original experience Finally, he set up a protective formation around his grandson, and then went to a place closer to the ten-direction fire formation to practice. His grandson Liao Zhengyun is also really extraordinary, and soon entered a state of deep enlightenment, and took advantage of the surrounding powerful chaos The breath of mana put pressure on his body, stimulated the strongest sword element on his body, formed Dan fire, and hit the Danfan barrier.

As time goes by, more and more immortals come here to borrow their strength to practice. The immortals know that such an opportunity is rare, and the remaining aura of fighting skills of the immortals will become violent and violent due to the effect of the surrounding spiritual energy in a short time. If you try to use your strength to practice the law, it is tantamount to asking for a dead end.Therefore, the immortals who have come here to practice don't say much even if they know each other. They all quickly found a suitable place and practiced on their own. Many of them quickly made achievements and broke through their own bottlenecks. , up a level.

Liao Zhengyun was also one of the luckiest people among them. After using his strength to attack the Danfan barrier for several days in a row, he finally broke through the barrier, and the scattered alchemy began to condense, forming the unique Jianyuan Jindan of sword cultivators.When he was forming the alchemy, a small cloud of golden elixir cloud gathered in the sky, and thunderbolts fell, hitting him, and a sharp elixir immediately radiated from him, melting into his knees. Among the immortal swords, it rises into the sky, forming a sword shield, protecting the whole body, and enduring the thunder and lightning, which is particularly eye-catching among the surrounding immortals.

It is extremely rare for such a public alchemy to cross the catastrophe. Many immortals who have not yet entered the stage have gathered around to watch their formation of the alchemy.Liao Zhengyun's abnormality naturally also alarmed his grandfather Liao Wenwen. Seeing his grandson crossing the catastrophe, Liao Wenwen didn't care about his own practice, so he hurried to protect him nearby to avoid accidents.

Liao Zhengyun has a deep foundation, and he has been blocked by this alchemy barrier for many years. Today, the opportunity has come, and it will naturally happen. Special, nourished by Dan Qi and tempered by Jie Lei, the quality has improved a lot, no worse than those middle-grade magic weapons.After the robbery cloud dissipated, all the immortals around who took advantage of this opportunity also congratulated Liao Wenwen one after another. After all, it is really extraordinary for a Sanxian sect and family that did not inherit the righteous law to achieve the golden elixir.After Liao Wenwen returned the gift, he turned his attention to his grandson, waiting for his grandson to wake up after consolidating the golden core, and even forgot about his own practice.The other immortals didn't bother when they saw each other, they dispersed and continued their previous practice, and sorted out the harvest after watching people form pills to cross the catastrophe just now.

It took another day for Liao Zhengyun to fully consolidate the golden elixir, and he woke up after finishing his work. When he saw the caring and pale grandfather Liao Wenwen at the moment when he looked straight at him, he couldn't help but feel a burst of excitement in his heart. Liao Wenwen kowtowed and said, "Grandpa, my grandson has lived up to your expectations and has finally achieved the golden alchemy.

"Okay! The cultivation is good! The cultivation is good! Liao Wenwen was so excited that he didn't know what to say. He helped his grandson up and stroked his head. He sighed and said, "It's a pity that Grandpa is incompetent and failed to help you find a good set of sword fairy Taoism. In the future, you"

"Grandpa, there's no need to be like this! I don't have a follow-up method, and I have also cultivated the Golden Core Daoguo. I believe that even if there is no suitable way in the future, I can learn from other sword immortals and realize my own sword formula. Putting it back into the scabbard, he looked extremely confident and determined, and said: "Where there is a will, there is a way, since others can understand the world and create their own Taoism, so can I. "

"What a confident kid."At this time, a voice full of anger came from the two of them, and the grandparents of the Liao family were startled, because they hadn't noticed anyone approaching at all, and turned their heads to look in horror.I saw two people standing beside them at some point, one was wearing a scruffy Taoist robe, with a big beard like a steel needle on his face, and his head was tied together chaotically. A small sword looks like a vertical eye, and its body exudes an awe-inspiring righteousness, which makes people feel majestic without anger.Beside this weird Taoist was an even weirder one, his entire body except for his eyes was wrapped in long strips of black cloth, all of which were embroidered with various Taoist symbols, Strains of black mist spread out from the gaps in the cloth strips, covering his whole body, making him appear evil.

Looking at the strange people who are righteous and evil in front of them, the experienced Liao Wenwen can naturally feel that they are definitely not ordinary loose immortals, so he quickly pulled his grandson, went forward to salute and said: "The little old man has seen the two immortals, dare to ask?" Where is Shangxian Xianxiang?What is the title? "

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