Nine idlers

Chapter 59

Chapter 59

Not only Xu Changqing was surprised by Tang Wan's words, even Yan Feng was extremely astonished, and said: "Girl of the Tang family, you should think about it! If you let him go at this time, it will be difficult to catch him later, your mother Perhaps the revenge of her will never be avenged."

"Thank you, Master Yan's relationship!" A trace of pain flashed across Tang Wan's face, and she said in a firm tone: "It's a personal enmity between Yinkui and I, even if we can't report it, it won't affect everyone. If we let him Letting out those battle spirits in the Soul Suppressing Tower will bring disaster to the world, I think if my mother is still alive, she will agree with my approach."

"Alas! Forget it! This may be the fate of your Tang family's guardian lineage!" Yan Feng sighed, shook his head, then glared at Yin Kui and said, "Yin Kui, you are really ruthless this time, and you dare to risk your life!" , since the girl from the Tang family opened her mouth, we will let you go this time, but you must remember that I will try my best to find you and chop off your ghost head to commemorate my dead girl from the Tang family."

"Hero Yan, don't worry! Even if you don't come to me, I will definitely find you. If you kill the Yinfeng monster, his younger brother Pang Ling, the owner of the Yinfeng Mountain, will not let you go. Maybe Yan It’s not necessarily true that the hero will beg me for mercy.” Yin Kui had already seen that there was the Tower of Souls to rely on, and Tang Wan and the others had no choice but to let him go. At this time, he shifted his gaze to Xu Changqing, who made him feel the most scruples, and said: "I don't know if Mr. Xu will continue to fight? As the host, he has agreed. Presumably you, the guest, will not make up your own mind?"

Xu Changqing glared at Yin Kui fiercely with a livid face, without saying a word, retracted the Yin God stick to the upper dantian, walked slowly to Yan Feng's side, made a way out, and then looked at him coldly, A look of dissatisfaction.

"Haha!" Yin Kui laughed triumphantly, and said repeatedly: "Happy, happy!"

"That's enough! Yin Kui, get out after you've made the poisonous oath. If you continue to be arrogant and domineering here, Yan's Yuqing Spiritual Sword may not be able to control its violent temper!" Xu Changqing, who wanted to do something, yelled at Yin Kui coldly.

Yin Kui also knew what it means to accept as soon as you see a good one, restrained the arrogance on his face, and immediately swore an oath of his own life, then held the Wangui Banner, and carefully retreated from the road that Xu Changqing gave way to. .When he retreated to the position where Xu Changqing was standing before, Yan Feng had already put the sword into the sword box behind him, Tang Wan also took the Nirvana relic from his shoulder, and Xu Changqing was walking towards the other side of the Zhenhun Pagoda.

Yin Kui immediately used his own ghost shadow body technique, preparing to escape from here, and make plans when he returns to Beiping, to see if he can find someone else to break open the soul suppression tower, and then restrain the fighting spirit outside the town, so that there will be no danger. Will break the oath.It was precisely because he wanted to leave Pingxiang Town wholeheartedly, and because Yan Feng and others took back the magic weapon, his vigilant heart relaxed a little bit, and he didn't notice that there were countless people on the ground where Xu Changqing was standing before. There are hundreds of very sharp and sharp soil needles, each of which is very secretly attached to the sharp gold energy of the five elements.

When Yin Kui turned around and stepped forward to perform body skills, he suddenly felt pain in his feet, and at the same time, the extremely pure five-element sharp gold qi came up from several places under his feet, and his whole foot became like a piece of stubborn iron, lost perception.Then I heard Xu Changqing's chilling sneer behind him: "Five elements of gold, gather!"

Xu Changqing's voice fell, and all the soil thorns on the ground rushed out, piercing into the eighteen secret points of the Huangquan Road on Yin Kui's body, and the pure golden energy blocked the points , so that all the ghost energy in his body could not be activated, and all his body skills were blocked.It's a pity that Yin Kui, the great sage of the Nether world, didn't even have the chance to display the Ten Thousand Ghost Banner, so he was sealed by more than 100 humble little soil needles. It invaded his body and began to eat away at the ghost essence scattered around the meridians.

Yin Kui's sneak attack shocked Tang Wan and Yan Feng, who were already determined to let him go. They all looked at Xu Changqing with a sneer.At this time, due to the loss of Yin Kui's control, the tens of thousands of ghosts in Wangui Banner restrained themselves, turned back into an ordinary banner, and fell out of Yin Kui's grasp and fell to the ground.As soon as Xu Changqing moved, he immediately appeared beside Yin Kui, picked up the Wan Gui Banner, and took a careful look at Yin Kui's eyes that were almost sparkling.

Xu Changqing roughly knew the refining materials and some simple control techniques of the ghost banner obtained from the body of Yinkui's disciple, but Xu Changqing was a little surprised to see the refining material of the ghost banner.The flagpole of Wangui Banner is refined from the spirit bones of heavenly ghosts, one of the two major magic weapon spirit bones, and a whole pair was used extravagantly.The refining of flags and banners is more complicated. The hair of 99 virgins born during the Hungry Ghost Festival is soaked in the blood of 49 heinous people who committed heinous crimes for [-] days, and then [-] souls are absorbed by secret methods Compile the ten pictures of the underworld on the flags and streamers, and then use the natal ghost yuan to refine it for three years to achieve small success.

Xu Changqing asked himself that although the materials used to refine the thousand-soul Yan Wangshuo were not much worse than the Wangui Banner, but if you look at the power of Yan Wangshuo alone, it is definitely not as good as the Wangui Banner.With this magic weapon, if there is no blue light to suppress Gui Yuan, Yin Kui will be invincible even if he faces himself, Yan Feng and others.

Although Yin Kui was extremely resentful in his heart, he still did not give up the chance to get away. While trying to gather ghost energy to attack the sharp gold energy, while delaying time, he said with great disdain: "Is this the way you decent people do things? Going back on your promises is better than us evil spirits." It's not as good as outsiders!"

"Don't bring Hero Yan and the others into this. I, Xu Changqing, am not a decent person. Everyone knows that I am a low-ranking person." Xu Changqing felt Yin Kui's thoughts, but he was not in a hurry, and instead faced Yin Kui , sacrificed the ten thousand ghost banners on the top of the head and refined them again with the real fire of samadhi, and said with a relaxed face: "Besides, I never said from the beginning that I would let you go. .”

Seeing that Xu Changqing actually used the real fire of samadhi, Yin Kui was startled immediately, and then felt as if a piece of flesh had been cut off from his heart, and lost contact with Wanguiban.At this moment, Yin Kui's expression was uglier than crying, he gritted his teeth and said, "Xu Changqing, how do you know the key point of my Huangquan Dao?"

Xu Changqing took out the scroll of bones written on the way of the underworld, shook it in front of Yinkui, and said, "The people of the devil way are just cold in nature, and my own disciples have forgotten it."

"It turned out that you were the one who 'forced' him to swear back! I didn't expect you to be able to find the weakness of my sect with just a single volume of the Way of the Underworld. No wonder the Emperor said back then that if you haven't mastered the Way of the Underworld, you must never come out of the mountain. "Yin Kui smiled wryly, following Gui Yuan, he had rushed to open four big 'holes', pinched the magic seal secretly with his movable hands, and the expression on his face regained his composure at this moment, said: "Do you think you have won for sure? Don't you think so?" You don't feel at all that there is not even a ghost in my body?"

At this time, Yan Feng, who came over, stretched out his hand when he heard the words, his face became gloomy, and said: "Those ghosts..."

"That's right! Although you, Yan Daxia, have a lot of promises, some people are villains. I have to guard against them." Yin Kui's face was full of ferocity, and his bloodshot eyes stared at Xu Changqing, who was always calm. Said: "As long as I die, my more than 100 ghosts will turn into thunder, attract the evil spirit of the earth, break through the soul suppression tower, and then..."

"You won't be able to see anything then!" Xu Changqing said suddenly and coldly.

At this time, Daotu suddenly flew out from above his head, surrounded by Yinkui who would not be able to trigger ghosts in the future.Then the divine eye on the forehead opened completely regardless of the presence of outsiders, and shot out eight blue-purple lightning bolts, which hit the places where Yinkui had stayed before, forming a huge electric shock, and the entire land was covered. Together with the ghost hiding in the ground, they gradually shrink with the electricity, and finally disappear together.

"Why do you think I'm so bored talking nonsense to you?" Xu Changqing, who shot out all the Lei Jin in his eyes, was a little pale, but his expression was extremely contemptuous and disdainful: "I have noticed from the beginning that there is nothing in your body. Yinhun, I deliberately accommodated you to talk nonsense, let you break through the restriction, just waiting for you to contact those ghosts, so as to find their exact location, and then kill them all. You really cooperated with me seamlessly, and never gave up on survival, If you are so greedy for life and afraid of death, how can you be a devil?"

When Yin Kui was surrounded by the Dao Map and the Yin Guiyuan could not be transmitted out, he secretly thought that something was wrong, and when he saw the Lei Jin shot out from the divine eyes on Xu Changqing's forehead, all the ghosts hidden in the ground were hidden. After Luo, it turned into despair.Seeing that all the ghosts were wiped out, he knew that he was not far from death, and when he heard Xu Changqing's mocking words, he was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood.But before he could swear before he died, Yan Wangshuo of Thousand Souls appeared in Xu Changqing's hands and 'inserted' into Yin Kui's heart. The ghost body sucked food wantonly, and Yinkui's body shrank and shriveled little by little.

"It turns out that you are not the Tao, you are the devil!" Before dying, Yin Kui stared at Xu Changqing and said with difficulty.

"Is there a difference between Dao and Demon?" Xu Changqing took the thousand-hundred Yan Wangshuo from Yin Kui who had become a mummy, and took it back into his dantian, because he released all the thunder power in the eyes of the gods in an instant, It makes the consciousness a little weak, and the face looks pale.At this moment, the ghosts in the Wangui Banner have been refined by the real fire of Samadhi, Xu Changqing reached out and grabbed it, and rolled towards the corpse of Yinkui on the ground, hundreds of ghosts rushed out from the banner and dragged the ghost body of Yinkui Entering the Ten Thousand Ghosts Banner, there was a crunching sound coming from the banner, and then a pitch-black skull fell from the banner.

"Changqing, is it necessary for a human being to be so desperate? He doesn't even leave the bones to others." Yan Feng watched Xu Changqing's little calculations to 'force' the big devil, Yinkui, into a dead end, and finally he felt the same. I felt chills for a while.

"Hero Yan, although I admire your character, but now that the catastrophe is approaching, all the practitioners who are preparing to experience the catastrophe in the practice world are fighting for the chance of survival. Only by surviving can they get the chance when the heaven and earth's energy changes. A great merit," Xu Changqing picked up Yin Kui's skull from the ground, looked at it, and showed a sneer on his face, put it in his sleeve, and continued to say to Yan Feng: "You can treat your skull The enemy talks about chivalry, but will your enemy be chivalrous to you? If you think you can practice chivalry in this troubled world, I would advise you to go back to the mountains, because I can be sure that with your 'nature', you will definitely not be able to survive this catastrophe."

Yan Feng didn't refute Xu Changqing's words, he knew that Xu Changqing's words were all out of good intentions, although he also felt that some things made sense, but his nature still couldn't accept it, so he could only stand aside and stop talking.Xu Changqing is also very clear that Yan Feng will never accept his words. If he obeys his words, then he is not a hero Yan Feng. Be careful, this is Xu Changqing's original intention.

"Thank you, Mr. Xu helped me twice and helped me kill these two enemies." Tang Wan did not express any objection to Xu Changqing's method of killing Yin Kui. After seeing Yan Feng walk away, he went up to thank him and said, "The little girl has nothing to repay, so I have to borrow flowers to offer Buddha." Then he took out Shi Maitreya's World-Transcending Spirit Bead from his bosom, handed it to Xu Changqing, and said, "This thing is originally Yan Feng's treasure." What the hero cut off Shi Maitreya's arm should have been returned to the hero Yan, but the hero Yan didn't want to accept this treasure, so I present this thing to my husband as a token of my heart."

Xu Changqing was not too polite, and took the Transitional Spirit Orb. At this moment, the power of the gods on his body had become a little dim, so he waved and said, "Let's leave this blue light first."

After speaking, he walked out of the town first, followed by Yan Feng and Tang Wan. When passing by the entrance of the town, Yan Feng picked up Mrs. Tang's body and walked out of the town together.At this time, where the blue light could not reach, Niu Gangzhen and others saw Xu Changqing and others coming out, knowing that they had won, they surrounded them happily, but soon they looked sad again.This time, nearly [-]% of the disciples of the Niu family and Xiaowei 'Mo' Jin died here. Under the blue light, only some elders with profound cultivation in the sect survived.As for the Donghua faction, two outer hall elders also died. One of them bled to death after being injured by a bomb, and the other died in the hands of the old monster Yinfeng.Although he won, it was a tragic victory. If it weren't for Xu Changqing's existence, it is still unknown who will win and who will lose.

Seeing that the people around were all 'relaxed' despite their grief, Xu Changqing couldn't help but sneered and said, "You don't think the matter is over, do you?" He pointed his hand towards the top of the Soul Rescue Pagoda, and said solemnly: "Open your heavenly eyes and take a closer look."

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