Nine idlers

Chapter 60

Chapter 60 Underworld Evil

Everyone looked at Xu Changqing in surprise, and when they heard his words, they couldn't help casting spells to open their eyes.At the beginning, there was nothing wrong with it, but after one person yelled out in surprise, many people yelled out in surprise one after another, with a hint of horror showing on their faces.It turned out that they saw a black mist emerging from the top of the Soul Suppression Tower, and fierce-looking battle spirits emerged from the black mist continuously, impacting the blue light of the Soul Suppression Tower.However, every time the war spirit collided with the blue light, it immediately turned into a puff of green smoke, and the blue light became weaker. Countless war spirits were rushing forward, trying to use their ghost bodies to completely break the blue light.Due to the dark sky, if everyone didn't look carefully, they wouldn't be able to see any problems at all.

"What's going on here?" Tang Wan stared at all this, her face became extremely pale. She originally thought that the matter was over and her mother's death was not in vain. A hole was opened in the body of the tower.

"Could it be that blow?" Yan Feng was shocked, remembering that when he was preventing Yin Kui from breaking the restriction, he used the Feixian Sword, but Yin Kui used his strength to break the restriction of the Soul Restraining Tower together.After the restriction was opened, the strength of the two did not stop, and they continued to hit the tower, and the position where the strength hit happened to be near the breach at the top of the tower.

Tang Wan also seemed to remember Yan Feng's blow, looked at him, not knowing what to say, and finally asked Xu Changqing: "Mr. Xu has a way to deal with it?"

Xu Changqing didn't answer immediately, his face was gloomy, frowning, he walked back and forth several times, his eyes casually glanced at the Wangui Banner he was holding in his hand, and then at the constantly impacting blue dragons on the Soul-Suppressing Tower. The fighting spirit of light.After contemplating for a long time, he turned around and said to the crowd, "I have a way to deal with this Soul Suppression Tower alone, but I am afraid that other Soul Suppression Towers will have problems, especially the one on Baisui Mountain."

When they heard that Xu Changqing had a way to deal with the Soul-Suppressing Tower, everyone's faces were happy, but then they thought that there were still two Soul-Suppressing Towers that needed to be taken care of, and the joy that had just risen on their faces couldn't help but sink again.At this time, among the crowd, Yan Feng had met Mrs. Tang before, and he knew the Soul Suppression Tower the most. He stood up and said, "The Soul Suppression Tower on Baisui Mountain should not have been opened by Yin Kui, otherwise his ten thousand The ghost banner restrains the battle spirit, and its power is not limited to this. In addition, even if the evil energy of the earth disperses the blue light of the evil spirit tower itself when the evil spirit rushes to the seven stars, as long as the tower is not damaged, it should be fine. The soul-suppressing tower in Suishan will be handed over to me and the girl from the Tang family. As for the soul-suppressing tower in Changhe Township, I have also visited Ang, who has not seen any damage. You can let the boy from the Niu family lead the rest to guard it. Even if something goes wrong, the Niu family's Crouching Tiger Fighting Evil Formation can guide the free evil spirit back to the Soul Rescue Tower to replace the blue light. As long as the hour of Sha Chong Qixing passes, the Soul Rescue Tower and its surface will The Heavenly Fiend's blue light will naturally recover."

Xu Changqing actually wanted Yan Feng to make such an arrangement in his heart, and after hearing what he said, he said calmly: "This arrangement is just right, I hope I can survive tonight." Then, he turned his head and said to Tang Wan: "Miss Tang, I still need to borrow your Nirvana relic to resist the battle spirits of the Soul Suppression Tower."

Tang Wan didn't think about it, handed the relic to Xu Changqing, and then said worriedly: "Mr. Xu can really deal with these escaped war spirits alone?"

Xu Changqing smiled lightly, looked around suspiciously, and said: "To be honest, my personal cultivation is of course unable to withstand these more than [-] battle spirits, but I have practiced the Shi Family God Fighting, and then I will borrow God The power of fighting, through the Nirvana relics and my own Bodhisattva relics, I invited the golden body of the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, and I believe that with the power of the Bodhisattva, it should be able to calm the fighting spirits in the tower."

The entire cultivation world is very clear about the tyrannical power of the Shi family's gods, so that more than a year ago, all the direct disciples of the Shi family died strangely, and the entire cultivation world felt extremely sorry.Although the collateral line later claimed to have inherited the Shi Family's God Fighting, their so-called God Fighting was like a quack show compared to the direct line of God Fighting. The family has become a laughing stock in the practice world.How Xu Changqing knew how to fight with the Shi family gods, although everyone didn't know, but they were not surprised. They had heard the elders in the sect mentioned that Jiuliu Xianren knew all kinds of Dharma sects, and they thought there would be another Shi family god It is not uncommon to fight.

The matter has been arranged, and everyone started to leave for the other soul-suppressing towers. When Yan Feng was leaving, he was going to give Xu Changqing the life-saving elixir "drug" Hunyuan Jindan that he brought out from the teacher's gate this time, in case of emergency. But in the end it was rejected.It's not that Xu Changqing doesn't covet this golden elixir. After all, at this time, although the Donghua School's Zhenshan Zhibao is not as good as the heaven and earth spirits, it also has the effect of bringing the dead back to life.Xu Changqing didn't accept such a valuable life-saving pill because he didn't want to owe Yan Feng's favor and make a cause and effect with Yan Feng.

After everyone left, Xu Changqing sat down cross-legged around Qingguang, took out the thousand-soul Yan Wangshuo from the middle dantian, together with the Wangui Banner in his hand, and sacrificed together in front of him with the real fire of samadhi.The reason why Xu Changqing sent everyone away and dealt with the fighting spirits in this soul-suppressing tower alone was to sacrifice Yinkui's unfinished Huangquan Banner.

From Yinkui's unrefined skull, Xu Changqing saw half of the way of the underworld created by Emperor Qianyuan. Although it was only a half set, Xu Changqing was deeply shocked by its magic.The entire Huangquan Dao is divided into three levels, Wangui, Huangquan, and Liudao. According to the strength shown by Yinkui, at most he has refined to the realm of Wangui, and he has just touched the realm of Huangquan, and Emperor Qianyuan has already refined to the realm of Six Dao. It lives forever with the heaven and the earth, immortal and immortal, so those orthodox masters of immortals and Buddhas can only imprison him but cannot make him die.

In the entire practice of Huangquan Dao, the Wangui Banner is not only a magic weapon, but also a collection of natal ghost power. If you want to practice from one level to the next, you need to refine the magic weapon again and upgrade it to a higher level, so If Yinkui wants to practice Huangquan Dao, he must refine it into Huangquan Banner.In Yinkui's cultivation white bone letter to each disciple, the refining method and materials of Yan Wangshuo are written in detail, but the refining method of Wangui Banner is not written, and he has no good intentions at all. Unknowingly, he used his disciples to collect all the materials for refining Yan Wangsuo, because Yan Wangsuo and Wangui Banner are two magic weapons that make up Huangquan Banner.

Xu Changqing didn't understand until then why Yinkui went to Changhe Township to find the evil blood seal regardless of the danger. He didn't do it to enhance the power of the Wangui Banner, but to refine the Yan Wangsuo.If he wanted to integrate it with the Ten Thousand Ghost Banner, after opening the Soul Suppressing Tower, he could absorb the battle spirit to refine the last Huangquan Banner he needed.The two magical weapons that make up the Huangquan Banner, Yan Wangsuo is like a prey trap, and the Wangui Banner is like a container that absorbs prey.That's why Xu Changqing drove Yan Wangshuo into the Soul Suppression Tower to absorb the battle soul, and he only absorbed one ghost king's battle soul and couldn't absorb any more.Because the Ten Thousand Ghost Banner is the place to accommodate the refining war spirits, and precisely because of the Ten Thousand Ghost Banners, Xu Changqing felt that he could deal with the war spirits in the Soul Suppression Tower by himself. Even if he couldn't absorb all the war spirits, he still had three With relic as the backing, he had [-]% confidence to guard the gap in the soul tower.

As the evil spirit attracted by the moon gradually approached the Big Dipper, the blue light of the Zhenhun Pagoda gradually dimmed. Coupled with the impact of the fighting spirits, there was only a little shell left of the blue light, which would collapse and shatter at any moment.At this time, Xu Changqing had already used the real fire of samadhi to remove the impurities of the Wangui Banner, and connected the Yanwang Shuo to the head of the Wangui Banner's flagpole, and gradually merged into one.

When Yan Wangshuo and Wangui Banner merged into one, the demon soul absorbed in Yan Wangshuo and the ghost in Wangui Banner began to fight and devour each other. The bones of ghosts and spirits merged into one and turned into a heavenly ghost.After Tiangui's spirit body gradually condensed, Xu Changqing felt that Wangui Banner and Yan Wangshuo wanted to get out of his control. He immediately followed the refining method of Huangquan Banner, gathered the true yuan Chaofan, and shot 99 yuan spirits in a row Dharma seals, each Dharma seal contains a true fire of samadhi.With the casting of the refining seal, the heavenly ghost who has not yet formed a spiritual consciousness is easily refined by him, and then the true spirit of the Great Dao in Yama Wangsuo rushed into the body of the sky ghost, and merged with the sky ghost , instead of the spirit consciousness that should have been formed automatically.

"Huh!" Xu Changqing opened his eyes to look at the Huangquan streamer floating in front of him while running Jiuliu Avenue to absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and supplement his body's consumption.Although from the appearance point of view, the Yellow Spring Banner is not much different from the Wangui Banner except that it has passed a flagpole tip, but in fact, the power of the Huangquan Banner is more concentrated and restrained, and it does not have the power of the Wangui Banner. The publicity of the flag, if it is not displayed, is not much different from an ordinary flag.Now Huangquan Banner is just a prototype, and its ability to display is similar to that of Wangui Banner and Yan Wangsuo. Only by absorbing and refining enough living souls and war ghosts can it be transformed into a boundless Huangquan.

At this time, the evil spirit of the moon had rushed to the Big Dipper, and the light of the seven stars turned into a mass of blood, and the blue light of the Zhenhun Pagoda in front of Xu Changqing suddenly swayed, and then gradually faded at a speed visible to the naked eye. fading, and eventually disappearing.

"It's started!" Xu Changqing held the Huangquan Banner in his hand, stood up immediately, and said involuntarily.

I saw that the war spirits who had lost the blue light restriction were stunned for a moment, and then they all rushed into the air to absorb the moonlight aura wantonly, and let out howling ghosts and wolves that were enough to shock people's hearts. The sudden filaments passed through the body, and were instantly absorbed without a trace.

When Xu Changqing rushed into the air, he immediately concentrated his mind and used the true spirit of the Dao to control the Yellow Spring Banner, rushed to the top of the Soul Suppressing Tower, and followed the Yellow Spring Banner to form a dark purple cloud of magic , shrouded the entire town of Pingxiang in it, and in the devil cloud, the sky ghost turned into a huge mouth, opening and closing to swallow everything.At this time, the thousand-soul Yan Wangsuo on the head of the Yellow Spring Banner turned into a thousand-soul silk and formed the sky, surrounding the gap. The giant mouths transformed by the ghosts were refined one by one and became part of the underworld banner.

Obviously, the appearance of the Yellow Spring Banner made those battle spirits who had already seen the hope of escape become even more crazy. They rushed to the Thousand Souls Heaven desperately, trying to push it away, but no matter how they hit the sky, they would be instantly crushed by the sky. absorb.Just as Xu Changqing thought in advance, the Ten Thousand Ghost Banner is a container. After the battle spirit is absorbed into it, it is like entering a bottomless pit. The light spots are densely distributed in the dark purple magic cloud, and the magic cloud formed by the banner body also grows up little by little.

"Strange, why are they all ordinary war spirits? Where are those general war spirits and ghost king war spirits?" At the same time, he looked at the unusual place in the battle spirit that rushed out of the Soul Suppression Tower with great surprise.

Just when Xu Changqing felt a little puzzled, a ghost king-level battle spirit and dozens of generals who were hundreds of times stronger than ordinary battle spirits rushed out of the Soul Tower, gathering all ghosts from Yuanchao Qianhuntian The center part hit hard.Although like other war spirits, these ghost king war spirits and general war spirits were quickly captured and absorbed by Qianhunsi, but Qianhuntian, which was originally stable as a rock, trembled under this impact, faintly Possibility of being knocked out.

Then those war spirits seemed to have found their way. Under the leadership of dozens of ghost king war spirits, they kept impacting on the center of Qianhunsi. strength.However, with the addition of the ghost king's fighting spirit, the impact force gradually became stronger than the absorbing force, and the thousands of soul threads gradually showed signs of collapsing, and after absorbing tens of thousands of fighting spirits, thousands of generals' fighting spirits and dozens of ghost kings After the battle spirit, even the bottomless pit of Wangui Banner seems to be filling up a bit.In addition, the number of refined war spirits is almost beyond the control of the ghost of Huangquan Banner. If they continue to absorb it, the battle spirits in the banner will inevitably eat the ghost. If the ghost is broken, then the ghost of Huangquan It's useless.

Naturally, Xu Changqing would not let such a top-level magic weapon be abolished. He quickly withdrew his mind from the underworld banner, sacrificed the two Nirvana relics in his hand to the true fire of samadhi on his shoulders, and his own Bodhisattva The relic was also taken out by him and placed in the real fire of Samadhi above his head.Afterwards, he performed ghostly movements, and quickly rushed to the top of the tower along the solidified body of the Soul Rescue Tower, flew up along the outside of Qianhuntian, and jumped right above the gap.

"Disciple Xu Changqing, for the sake of the safety of the common people, I would like to ask the Great Wish Bodhisattva Ksitigarbha to ride the golden body on my body, and be as urgent as a law!" When Xu Changqing soared to the highest point, he quickly took the yellow spring flag into his mind and formed a knot at the same time. Please use the seal of the gods, run the Jiuliu Dao with all your strength to connect with the power of the heaven and the earth, and recite the mantras of the gods.

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