Nine idlers

Chapter 61 Ksitigarbha White Lotus

Chapter 61 Ksitigarbha White Lotus

With the assistance of 'Mo' Jin Xiaowei's earth escape technique, Niu Gangzhen and others rushed to Pingxiang Town before Sha Chong Qixing, and arranged a crouching tiger fighting evil formation around the Zhenhun Pagoda.When the blue light of the Soul-Suppressing Tower disappeared, Niu Gangzhen, with the help of his wife Lu Rong, jumped to the top of the Soul-Suppressing Tower. shrouded.Although this aura of heavenly evil is far inferior to the blue light of heavenly evil before the Soul Suppression Tower, in this case, it can also play a deterrent effect.The fighting spirits in the Soul Suppressing Tower seemed to sense that the blue light outside the tower had disappeared, and they desperately hit the tower body, causing the tower body to vibrate and shake constantly. Even so, under the influence of the evil spirit, the tower body was still strong As before, there is no sign of damage.

The disciples of the Niu family who survived in Pingxiang Town "manipulated" the sapphire bamboo hats one by one to absorb the evil spirit of the earth, and those who were not strong enough were supported by the people of the Donghua School and "Mo" Jin Xiaowei. If this continues, they will survive It is not difficult to attack the seven-star game.Niu Gangzhen recovered a little skill, and took another Qi Yang Pill in his mouth, connecting the heaven and earth magpie bridge with the tip of his tongue, slowly brewing the Dao Power in the pill.At this time, Lu Rong stepped forward to bandage the wound on her shoulder. It was injured by Tianyin Guisheng. There is no gap in the tower here, and it is so difficult to deal with it, can Xu Changqing alone deal with the gap in the soul tower?"

Niu Gangzhen looked not far in front of him, and there was a slight ups and downs in the body and mind of the constantly shaking tower, but he still pretended to be calm and said: "Xu Changqing should be sure to do this, he is not the kind of person who is overwhelmed."

"I hope so! Jiuliu Xianren is known as the No. 1 outsider, I believe that with his ability, there will be a way to restrain those war spirits." The so-called couples unite their hearts. Although Niu Gangzhen concealed his inner anxiety, Lu Rong still felt it. Yes, in order not to affect other people around, I followed his words.

While they were talking, a white light suddenly shot out from Pingxiang Township, illuminating the night sky as brightly as daytime. It was as if the battle spirit inside was extremely afraid of this white light and did not dare to move.This piece of white light didn't last long, and quickly shrank back, and then saw Pingxiang Town, the white light gathered into a bunch, and went straight to the sky, forming a huge white lotus in the sky.Although they were separated by more than 100 miles and could only see the white lotus, but not the situation under the white light, everyone thought of what Xu Changqing said before, and said in unison: "Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva!"

Correspondingly, in Baisui Mountain, when Yan Feng and Tang Wan arrived here, a group of disciples of Yinkui, Tianyin Ghost Sage and Yinfeng Old Monster were entrenched near the soul-suppressing tower that emerged from the ground. .Just now, Yan Feng hadn't killed enough. Seeing that there were still many demon cubs here, he let Tang Wan enter Qingguang to guard the Soul Suppressing Tower first, while he held his own spirit sword and charged all the way. .With Yan Feng's cultivation base, he naturally killed those little demons running for their lives. With one move, Wan Jianjue almost killed the disciples of Tianyin Ghost Sage and Yinfeng Old Monster. In the end, there were only a few disciples of Yinkui. Using the ghost that he had painstakingly refined to perform the golden cicada shelling method, he escaped death.

After Yan Feng dealt with those demon cubs, just when the blue light of the Soul Suppression Tower disappeared, Tang Wan hurriedly sacrificed the Azure Dragon Staff in her hand, turning it into a green flood dragon, entrenched around the Soul Suppression Tower, and then sat on the top of the tower, running The Cihang Dharma Gate forms a universal white lotus, which can hold down the weakest tower top.Yan Feng, who had already freed his hand, also divided the spirit sword into 55 handles at this moment. According to the number of innate great evolution, he set up a sword array around the Soul Repression Tower, and cooperated with Tang Wan's universal white lotus and green dragon to suppress the civil war in the Soul Repression Tower. The fierceness of the soul.

Although Baisui Mountain is more than a hundred miles away from Ping Township, with Yan Feng's cultivation base, he can still feel what happened in Ping Township.When he noticed the demonic cloud formed by the Yellow Spring Banner, his face became a little more dignified, he frowned, and said with a little displeasure: "I didn't expect Changqing to take Yinkui's Yellow Spring Banner After refining it, but still restraining the fighting spirit, could it be that he is going to practice the magic way?"

"Hero Yan, don't worry too much!" Tang Wan, who is extremely sensitive to demon energy, also felt the demon cloud over Pingxiang Town. Although she didn't know the reason why Xu Changqing did this, but thinking that he was the benefactor of the Tang family, she decided to distinguish it for him. Said: "I think Mr. Xu is planning to control the demons with demons first, and then ask the golden body of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva to guard the Soul-Suppressing Tower when he can't control it. Just like my mother said, Taoism, magic, and magic are not good or bad. , People will be sure! With the understanding of Mr. Xu, Yan Daxia naturally knows what he is like, so why worry about him?"

"Haha! Makes sense, makes sense!" Yan Feng raised his head and laughed, looked up at Tang Wan above, and said, "It seems that Mrs. Tang's empowerment method is really amazing, and it can make you reach the Three Zen House , Righteousness, and Righteousness, if one further reaches the state of equanimity and tranquility of the Four Dhyanas, then it is not difficult to form a relic after attaining the fruit of the Arhat Way.”

"Hero Yan has won the prize, his foundation is not stable, and the day when the Three Zen Realms will be perfected is still far away, so how can he prove the Tao?" Yan Feng's words reminded Tang Wan of Mrs. Tang, her expression darkened slightly, Sighed and said.

The battle spirits in the Soul Suppression Tower obviously didn't intend to let the two of them relax so easily, and started to hit the tower body forcefully, causing the Soul Suppression Tower to shake continuously.The land that was originally soft due to the birth of the Soul-suppressing Tower became softer due to the shaking of the tower body, and the ground also faintly showed signs of sinking. If Yanfeng's sword array hadn't locked the air of earth spirits in all directions, perhaps It is not necessarily true that the Soul Resisting Tower has broken free from the ground at this moment.

At this moment, Yanfeng felt that the magic cloud above Pingxiang Town suddenly disappeared, and then a white light burst out from that direction, shooting in all directions, illuminating the sky, and the Soul Rescue Tower that was illuminated by the white light immediately became pale. Be quiet.Then the white light shrank back at a faster speed, and at the same time, it gathered into a ball over Pingxiang Town and went straight to the sky, and formed a white lotus in the void, which could be clearly seen even a hundred miles away.

When Tang Wan saw the huge white lotus floating in the air, Tang Wan was taken aback for a moment, and then made a lotus seal with her extremely devout hands, and praised: "The Bodhisattva Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva with great wishes to cross the sky and hell!"

Yan Feng, on the other hand, didn't appear to be so pious, but smiled and said: "This Xu boy, really invited Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva here! This is really a big face!"

At this moment, in Yuncheng, Shanxi, which is also more than 100 miles away, people from the villages around Pingxiang Town were placed by Tang Bin in a simple tent built outside the city, while Tang Bin himself listened to the news from the prefect of Shanxi in the garrison office of Yuncheng. A reprimand from the officials sent.More than a dozen villages, more than 4 people, all "sex" were emptied at one time, and the reason was that underground ghosts were haunting. If such a reason was stabbed to it, I am afraid that a crime of using a cult and plotting to commit crimes will be carried out on Tang Bin body.The prefect of Shanxi is a family friend with the Tang family. After hearing the news, he immediately sent people to block the news, and then reported it to Zhang Renjun, the governor of Liangjiang in Shanxi. Tang Bin was reprimanded.

Although Tang Bin, who had a calm personality, heard the reprimand from the prefect of Shanxi, he didn't pay much attention to it. Now that many places have their own soldiers, there are not many provinces where the imperial court's orders can really play a role.At this moment, he is holding a heavy army in Shanxi. He has the most elite [-] military guard battalion in Shanxi, and the [-] green camp Han army at the border of Yuncheng and Hubei is also his direct lineage. Right now, Zhang Renjun is suppressing the Beiyang new army and encircling the revolutionary party. , Even if you know the truth of the matter, you have to weigh whether it is worth going to Shanxi to ask the teacher.

Compared with the court's attitude, he was more worried about the "grandmother" Mrs. Tang and aunt Tang Wan in Ping Township, although he, like his father and third uncle, did not believe what Mrs. Tang and Tang Wan said. However, it is true that his cousin Tang Wei, second uncle Tang Biao, and fourth uncle Tang Tianhao are all missing.He didn't go to Changhe Township to see the situation, but he learned from the people who came from that direction that there was indeed a tower with a shining blue light overnight in the earthen city of Changhe Township. This is an inexplicable fact. , and made him dubious about the words of his "grandma" and aunt, so he followed their orders to move the people out.

Just when Tang Bin was considering whether he should take someone back to Ping Township to have a look, he suddenly felt that there was something new, and when he raised his head, he found that the emissary of the prefect of Shanxi was looking outside in a daze. Only then did he notice the light in the room. It opened up a lot, and a burst of white light came in from outside the house.He hurriedly stood up and turned around to look, the scene in front of him made him make the same expression as that superior, the sky was illuminated by the white light shot from the direction of Pingxiang Town, followed by the white light and shrank back instantly, finally in the A huge white lotus appeared in the sky towards Ping Township.

"Prepare the horse!" Tang Bin didn't care to greet the servant who was already in a sluggish state, and immediately rode on the horse brought by his own soldiers, rushed out of the garrison mansion, and galloped out of the city.

On the way out of the city, all the people in Yuncheng saw the white lotus hanging high in the air, and they couldn't help but knelt down, kowtowed to the white lotus, and chanted "Namo Amitabha!", extremely devout.After he arrived at the simple huts outside the city where the people around Pingxiang were housed, the tens of thousands of people in front of him, like the people in the city, all became devout believers, and the huge white lotus that was so obvious made people He couldn't help but want to kneel down to the ground.Tang Bin's father and third uncle, who were resettling the people at the moment, also looked at Bai Lian blankly, not knowing what to do.

"Father, what's going on here? That lotus flower seems to have risen from our township." Tang Bin got off his horse and rushed to his father and asked urgently, "Didn't you come from 'grandma'?" Did grandma hear anything?"

Hearing his son's question, Tang's father came to his senses, shook his head and said, "Your 'grandmother' never talked about ghosts and gods with the men of our Tang family, only your aunt knows about it." All things, if you don't believe me, ask your third uncle!"

Tang Bin's third uncle also nodded vigorously, as if he hadn't recovered from the shock caused by the sudden appearance of the white lotus in the sky.

Tang Bin frowned and thought for a while, and immediately ordered the soldiers beside him, "Prepare 500 troops and follow me to Pingxiang Township."

While the surrounding people were shocked by this huge white lotus, Xu Changqing had already entered a wonderful state of mind and spirit on the Zhenhun Pagoda in Pingxiang Town, which was similar to the state of great silence of Buddhist enlightenment. All things have lost the sense they should have.When Xu Changqing exhibited the Shijia God Attack and invited the true power of the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva through three relics, his mind was surrounded by this power, and he fell into a state of tranquility without feeling sorrow or suffering. Liu Dao automatically starts to operate, promoting the Shi family's gods to absorb the true power of the gods.Gather up the true power of the gods scattered from the hundreds of points of the body, and go straight to the sky, forming a huge white lotus. Under the white lotus, a golden body of the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva is formed, which is hundreds of feet high, just to calm the soul. The gap in the tower was covered, and the white power of the gods on his body shot into the Soul Suppression Tower, and any war spirits would dissipate immediately when they touched this white light.

At this moment, Xu Changqing's body was gradually filled with the divine power that was destructive to ghosts and demons, and he began to attack the Huangquan Banner in his mind.The True Spirit of the Great Dao in the Yellow Spring Banner also felt the danger, and automatically hid in the consciousness of the word Dao, and the map of the Great Dao also wrapped the consciousness, blocking the control of the consciousness by the true power of the gods, and in the consciousness There was also a stream of samadhi real fire that automatically refined the yellow spring banner.Different from the instinctive resistance of the Taoist mind to resist the true power of the gods, the Tai Chi divine sense does not care about the intrusion of the true power of the gods, and actively absorbs the true power of the gods and sends it into the Yinshen stick suspended above.The demonic energy absorbed by the Yinshen stick was immediately melted under the action of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva's spiritual power. After the divine power poured into the Yinshen stick, it turned into a spiritual fire, repeatedly tempering the Yin. The god stick, the grimaces on the surface of the yin god stick seem to gradually change into Buddha faces full of compassion.

When the mind, mind and consciousness were treating Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva's spiritual power in their own ways, Xu Changqing's Hunyuan golden body also gradually absorbed this pure and thick spiritual power.However, like Xu Changqing's consciousness, it seems that this spiritual power is not willing to be absorbed by the Hunyuan golden body, and has a lot of resistance.

At the same time when Xu Changqing's body, mind, and mind were running automatically, the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva transformed by Xu Changqing was no longer satisfied with guarding the surface of the Soul Suppression Tower, but penetrated into the Soul Suppression Tower with his own white light to attack those fleeing everywhere. Fighting spirits.When the light reaches the deepest part of the Soul Suppression Tower, it seems to arouse the magic energy accumulated in the Soul Suppression Tower to rebound, and a strong magic energy rushes out from the deepest part of the tower, and the abrupt Duer light gives Pushing it back, at the same time, battle spirits kept throwing themselves into the gushing devil energy, borrowing the power of the devil energy to gradually rush out from the gap.

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