Nine idlers

Chapter 62

Chapter 62 Dead to Survive

The demon energy emitted from the Zhenhun Pagoda not only blocked the white light of Duer back, but also gathered into a beam of white light that passed through and hit Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva Dharma Elephant Jin, shaking the golden body uncontrollably .However, who would have thought that this blow not only did not hurt Xu Changqing, but saved his life.Since his divine strike has always been to invite Guan Di, and it is also suitable for Guan Di's spiritual power, he suddenly turned to invite the upper body of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, and it was the golden body of the Dharma Elephant who leapfrogged and invited, and suddenly poured in. The true power of the strange god brought his mind into a state of great tranquility.If there is no external help or self-awareness of the Buddha's heart, he can only die slowly in this state of ignorance and unconsciousness, and the devilish energy in the soul-suppressing pagoda just stimulates his mind to save him from the Great Nirvana. Status dragged out.

"It's so dangerous!" After Xu Changqing woke up, he couldn't help but exclaimed, and before he could calm down, he saw that the war soul borrowed the devil's energy, and bit by bit the light of the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva was about to break through. Aperture is restricted.Regardless of the abnormality of his physical examination, he hurriedly formed the Buddhist Vajra Seal and chanted the Vajra Sutra.As the sound of the recitation of the Diamond Sutra blessed by the pure power of the Tao merged into the golden body of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, the light of the golden body immediately changed, becoming golden, and the beams of light seemed like handfuls of light. The sharp blade crushed all the demonic energy and fighting spirit that rushed out of the Soul Suppression Tower.

At this moment, Xu Changqing was trying his best to support the golden body of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva and block the gap in the Soul Rescue Pagoda, so he had no time to care about his own state.The Yinshen stick, which had been absorbing the true power of the gods in the upper dantian, suddenly rushed out of his sea of ​​consciousness, twirling and rolling in the air, and soon rushed into the Soul Tower.Seeing this scene, Xu Changqing was annoyed, but there was nothing he could do about it. Since both his mind and mind were trying his best to maintain the golden body of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, he couldn't spare any ability to control the truth of the Dao in the Yinshen stick. Spirit, so that it automatically made these incomprehensible actions.

Although Xu Changqing's spiritual consciousness could not control the Yinshen stick for the time being, he was able to use the Yinshen stick as an incarnation through the Dao True Spirit inside the Yinshen stick, so as to observe the scene in the soul suppressing tower.At this time, he found that this soul tower is slightly different from the soul tower in Hepingxiang Town. In the soul-suppressing tower, there is a group of very strong demon energy gathered in the middle, not only that, but there are also some battle spirits guarding the surrounding area like guards, which looks very strange.

After the Yin God Stick rushed into the Soul Suppressing Tower, it rushed directly towards the mass of devilish energy, and the fighting spirits guarding around the demonic energy blocked in front of the Yin God Stick, trying to block the path of the Yin God Stick.However, the Yinshen stick contains the spiritual power of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, which has a natural restraint effect on these fighting spirits. Refining.After breaking through the defense of the battle spirit, the Yinshen stick directly 'inserted' into the demonic energy, generating a strong suction force, which instantly sucked away the demonic energy and 'exposed' the objects in the demonic energy.

It turned out that the object covered by the demonic energy was a corpse. This corpse was wearing a dragon robe and an imperial crown. It was dressed like an emperor. It looked like a bandit.Even though he was a stiff corpse now, he could still feel a strong murderous look on his face.Next to the corpse was a broken battle flag, on which the words Daxi Wang Zhang and others could be vaguely discerned. Xu Changqing outside the tower was startled immediately, and couldn't help but exclaimed: "Zhang Xianzhong, this is Zhang Xianzhong's body that the Qing court has never found."

According to historical records, Zhang Xianzhong was killed by a hidden arrow in the last battle, and then his subordinates wrapped him in a brocade mattress and hid him in a secluded place.After the Qing government wiped out Zhang Xianzhong's subordinates, they have been looking for Zhang Xianzhong's body and offered a huge reward, but there has been no news, and this incident has become Dorgon's last attempt to slander Hauge and Oboi's military exploits. Good basis.

Right now, Zhang Xianzhong's body appears in the Soul Suppression Tower. The only possibility is that his loyal subordinates brought his body here, and those subordinates died after entering the Soul Suppression Tower. The soul guarded Zhang Xianzhong according to the last thought before death. around the dead body.After all, Zhang Xianzhong had been the emperor for some time, and his body was more or less contaminated with the breath of dragon veins, and he should also be a practitioner himself. He started to absorb the magic energy automatically and began to practice. If he was given another few hundred years, he might be able to cultivate a trace of true spirit, and maybe he would become a demon god.

It's a pity that the Yin God Stick won't give him this chance, just like what Xu Changqing knew before, the Yin God Stick is not complete, it is far from the legendary power, and there are a few Yin Gods missing.However, no one can say clearly what the Yin God is, the only thing he knows is that it is a god and a demon, and at this moment Zhang Xianzhong's corpse is the best material for the Yin God to refine, so the Yin God stick instinctively wants to subdue Zhang Xianzhong's corpse.

After the demonic energy disappeared, I saw the Yinshen stick hovering around the corpse for a few times, and then ruthlessly inserted into the corpse's heart, and then the stick body quickly poured down the heart like it had turned into water. into Zhang Xianzhong's body.When the Yin God Stick was completely fused with Zhang Xianzhong's corpse, a wave of devilish energy rushed out from the forehead of Zhang Xianzhong's corpse, and the devilish energy rolled to form a face with an angry and mournful expression, followed by a quick Absorbed and assimilated by the surrounding magic energy.At this moment, Zhang Xianzhong's corpse shrank and twisted rapidly, and finally turned back into a stick. At this time, the Yinshen stick changed. The stick had a metallic luster, and the surface became smooth. The Buddha's face that was originally covered with the stick It disappeared, only a Buddha's face and a grimace appeared at the two ends of the stick.

After the final transformation of the Yin God Stick was completed, it immediately rushed out of the Soul Suppressing Pagoda, returned to Xu Changqing's upper dantian, suspended above the Tai Chi Divine Consciousness, and was surrounded by a ball of Samadhi True Fire.At this moment, the Yinshen stick seemed to have fallen into a deep sleep. No matter how Xu Changqing used his mind to drive, he couldn't control the Yinshen stick.

Xu Changqing has no time to take care of the change of Yinshen stick now. Please find that the golden body of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva on his body has supported to the limit, the true power of the gods has begun to show signs of backlash, and the Sha Chong Qixing seems to have no intention of ending.If this continues, he himself will lose his combat power before the end of the Sha Chong Seven Stars. At that time, the battle souls in the Soul Suppression Tower will no longer be hindered, and they can escape at will.

Facing this kind of crisis, Xu Changqing became calmer instead, and took advantage of the moment when the impact of the battle spirit became smaller, sinking his mind into the realm of Dao Xin, and quickly deduced the way to deal with it.Although he deduced hundreds of times in the realm of Dao Xin, it was only a moment outside, but when he came out of the realm of Dao Xin, a confident smile appeared on his face.

"Forget it! For the sake of the overall situation, Miss Tang's family should not blame me." Xu Changqing suddenly said to himself.Then he suddenly put the bodhisattva relic on his head into his sleeve, and he didn't use the seal of sending the gods. He directly used the Jiuliu Dao to draw the power of the heaven and the earth from the void, so as to squeeze the true power of the gods out of his body Go, then quickly withdraw and leave.Due to the sudden loss of control of the true power of the gods, the balance was instantly broken, and the golden body of the dharma elephant collapsed immediately, and all the true power of the gods that should have been borne by the Bodhisattva relics poured into the two Nirvana relics, Nirvana relics Cracks began to appear due to the influx of too much divine power, and it turned into two balls of light that fell into the gap in the Soul Suppression Tower.

After Xu Changqing's feet landed on the ground, he immediately gathered his true energy in his left and right hands, and quickly drew the Shangqing Shenxiao Wuleifu with all his strength. He drew more than 50 pieces in a row. When the golden core and true energy in his body were almost consumed, he immediately Formed a dharma seal, and at the same time drew fifty Shangqing Shenxiao Five Thunder Talismans with true energy, shouted loudly, and said: "Lead the thunder!"

Following his roar, the Dao power in the fifty Shangqing Shenxiao Wulei Talismans was immediately aroused and shot straight into the sky. Afterwards, fifty extremely powerful Shenxiao Wulei Talismans quickly fell from the sky towards the Soul Suppression Pagoda.Those battle souls who just thought they were out of trouble and rushed out of the Soul Tower were instantly smashed to pieces, but Lei Jin didn't stop at all.Under Xu Changqing's control, they rushed into the Soul Relief Tower, and all of them hit the Nirvana relics that were about to collapse.

After more than 50 lightning strikes, the Nirvana relic shrank abnormally into a very small spot of light, and then burst out instantly, and the true power of the Ksitigarbha full of lightning illuminated the entire Soul Requiem Pagoda.All the war ghosts and demon energy were instantly refined by this extremely powerful light. Without the support of the demon energy and battle spirit, cracks began to appear on the tower body of the Soul Suppression Tower, which slowly festered and shattered. It shattered into pieces under the impact, and shot out in all directions with the light.

Xu Changqing, who was right in front of the Zhenhun Pagoda, directly suffered the destructive power caused by himself. Although he had carefully deduced it, the power of the Nirvana relic, which was full of the true power of the gods, was detonated by Lei Jin, which far exceeded his. Deduction.At the moment when the body of the soul-suppressing pagoda began to collapse, he immediately called the Yellow Spring Banner out of his body and wrapped it around his body.Just when he was about to summon the Dao Tu to form a sealed world, Nirvana Relic's divine power had been fully released, and an irresistible powerful impact collided with the fragments of the Soul Tower. come over.

Although most of this powerful impact was blocked by Huangquan Banner, the remaining power was still not what Xu Changqing's Hunyuan golden body could bear. He felt that his whole body was about to be crushed.Then a huge fragment of the Soul Suppressing Tower hit him, knocked him out together, and knocked him unconscious at the same time, only the Jiuliu Dao in his body was running automatically, driving Huang Quanfan to suffer Hard to resist this impact.

This burst of light did not cause any sound. From a distance, it looked like a fire that was suddenly doused with kerosene. It suddenly burst into an extremely strong light, and then disappeared immediately.However, the power contained in the light has penetrated the limitation of space. Not only the people guarding the other two soul-suppressing towers can clearly feel this powerful power, but also the Xuangang Tianmo in Beiping, Hu Yueniang and Chen Jiachong in Suzhou. Chen Xiong also felt the explosion of this force.In addition to being shocked, they are more puzzled. In their impression, such a powerful power can only be released by half-immortals who are about to ascend to heaven after forming the primordial spirit. Even the world of cultivation that had already closed the mountain began to flourish, and there were speculations about who the person who emitted this power was.

Among all the winners, Xuangang Tianmo was the most nervous. He knew very well that the place where the power erupted was in the area of ​​Pingxiang Town where Yinkui collected the fighting spirits.In his heart, there are only two reasons for this power to erupt. One is that Yin Kui has cultivated into the Way of the Underworld, becoming stronger than he can control, and the other is that Yin Kui's actions annoyed an unborn half-immortal People, that half-immortal shot and killed Yin Kui.However, no matter what kind of guessing it was, it was not the result that Xuangang Tianmo hoped for, so he sent people to Ping Township to investigate, and at the same time issued a magic order, ordering all his subordinates to return to Beiping to prevent accidents, and at the same time let the person who presides over the Nine Dragons Championship Qin Tianjian Baoyuan stepped up preparations.

"Hero Yan, what seems to have happened to Mr. Xu?" Tang Wan felt the powerful destructive force, her heart trembled, and she asked anxiously.

Yan Feng also felt the aftermath of the power coming from Pingxiang Town. Although he was also anxious for Xu Changqing, he remained calm and said, "Don't think about anything else, just guard our soul-suppressing tower first."

At this time, the evil spirit rushing from the moon to the Big Dipper gradually receded, the light of the moon and the Big Dipper returned to normal little by little, and the blue light originally attached to the Zhenhun Pagoda also slowly returned. on the tower.At this time, the tower body began to vibrate violently, and even Yanfeng's sword array was broken by this vibration force, and the 55 spiritual swords were combined into one and retracted into Yanfeng's sword box.Then the soil under the tower began to become as soft as quicksand, and there was an extremely strong pulling force that pulled the soul suppressing tower, together with everything around it, down to the ground.

Yan Feng hesitated for a moment before sinking in with his feet up to his knees. He hastily used the sword control method with all his strength, using the power of the spirit sword to pull himself up from the ground and brought himself to a safe periphery, and then also used the sword control method to , lent the spirit sword to Tang Wan as a springboard, and jumped from the top of the tower to a safe place.

Soon the Soul-Suppressing Tower sank into the ground, and with the pulling force generated from the ground, the entire Hundred Years Mountain also tilted, fell on top of the Soul-Suppressing Tower, and buried it deeply in the ground .At the same time, the same thing happened in Changhe Township. Niu Gangzhen and others who escaped from around the Soul Suppression Tower saw the Soul Suppression Tower buried in the ground bit by bit, and pulled the entire Changhe Township underground.When everything returned to calm, there was only a piece of flat land left in front of them, as if everything just now was just an illusion, which made everyone feel chills after seeing it.

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