Nine idlers

Chapter 631 It's time to start

Chapter 630

"Brother Du, I have already done what you asked me to do, and Gong Liangjue's release document will be sent to you tonight." After Zhuo Qianjun returned to his camp at the Zhentu Gate, he saw the waiting Here, Du Chengen recounted what happened just now, and then said: "What about the things you promised me?"

"Things have been prepared for you a long time ago!" Du Chengen smiled, took out a small booklet from his sleeve, and put it on the table.

When Zhuo Qianjun saw this little book, his eyes shone with brilliance, he pounced on it, and held it in his hand, regardless of etiquette, he couldn't wait to read it, and every time he saw something wonderful, he couldn't help applauding it .However, when he saw the ending, his face darkened immediately, he turned his head and stared angrily at Du Chengen, who was leisurely drinking tea, and asked, "What's going on? Why is there only an outer array map? We have agreed to help you release Gong Liangjue, so give me the entire set of Huangtian Imperial Immortal Formation, what about the inner formation?"

"Brother Zhuo, you also said that it is to release Gongliangjue. Now Gongliangjue is still locked in Xinglong Prison. When he really comes out, I will make up the remaining half. You and I have been friends for a hundred years, and we have been born to death. No less than a hundred times, can you still not believe me?" Du Chengen put down the teacup in his hand, explained a bit, saw Zhuo Qianjun nodded slightly in agreement, and said with a smile: "Actually, you can also belong to the Temple of Possession like me, my lord I will definitely value Brother Zhuo's talent. What is a small Huangtian Imperial Immortal Array? The formation will definitely be able to be greatly improved, and it is no longer a problem to become the strongest, so why bother to maintain the formation for those big and small forces in this War Demon City, and do some thankless things."

Du Chengen's words indeed gave Zhuo Qianjun a lot of temptation, and his breathing became a lot faster, but he was still able to control the desire in his heart, calmed down quickly, shook his head, sighed and said: "The old man's family is related to the biggest barrier of War Demon City, and he must not leave it for public or private purposes, otherwise the hundred thousand immortals, Buddhas and demons in War Demon City will be in danger! It's a pity that the responsibility lies with me..."

"Brother Zhuo, don't rush to refuse." Du Chengen immediately interrupted Zhuo Qianjun, and said, "Actually, even if Brother Zhuo joins me in the Demon God Palace, I don't need Brother Zhuo to do anything. Brother Zhuo still leads the array gate to guard The defensive circle of the War Demon City is the same as what was done before. It's just that when I decide to attack the Demon Cliff, Brother Zhuo can take the lead and open the defensive circle of the War Demon City, so as not to If brother Zhuo agrees, in addition to the ancient fairy formation map that brother Zhuo wants, I will also give brother Zhuo two divine elixir to help brother Zhuo become the strongest realm."

"Haw!" Hearing such conditions, Zhuo Qianjun couldn't help but gasped, his expression changed a lot, and it took him a long time to calm down. After exhaling a long breath, he said, "Du Brother, your words have 'disturbed' the old man's Dao heart, but fortunately the old man survived, the realm of Dao heart did not retreat but advanced, it was a blessing in disguise! The conditions you offered are really impossible for the old man to refuse, but you also know that, This Tumen is not owned by the old man alone, and the old man still needs to think about it." After speaking, seeing Du Chengen was about to speak, he seemed to have guessed what he wanted to say, and said again: "Don't worry, the old man will not deal with your matter. If it is leaked, the old man will only discuss it with a few confidants, and there will be no trouble."

"In this case, after Du comes back from Xinglong Prison, I will listen to the good news of Brother Zhuo!" Du Chengen knew Zhuo Qianjun's character well, and knew that the things he decided would not change, so he didn't try to persuade him any more, and turned around After walking out of the tent, he believed that it was impossible for Zhuo Qianjun not to accept Xu Changqing's offer.

After leaving the camp of the Zhentu Gate, Du Chengen walked slowly to a small hill. After repeatedly confirming that there was no one around, he cast a spell and sacrificed a Jade Talisman of Communication, and drove a ray of divine thought into the Jade Talisman, arousing it The magic circle and the jade talisman rushed to the sky immediately, turning into a stream of light and disappearing into the sky.

A few breaths at the speed of the jade talisman came to the sky above the "Yao" village of the Dandaohui. The jade talisman did not stop at all, and directly hit the magic circle inside and outside the Zidan Building, and then it seemed to turn into a magic circle. The illusory phantom passed through without hindrance, entered the attic on the top floor of the Zidan Building, and fell into Xu Changqing's hands.

At this moment, Xu Changqing is not the only one in this attic, but also Wan Hou Jin me who just sent a large amount of elixir and wanted to use this to attract the attention of the Zhanmoya coalition forces here.It's just that Wanhou Jin's face is extremely ugly now, with a frightened expression on his pale face, and the mana on his body rises and falls from time to time, as if hesitating whether to make a move.

Wan Houjin, I originally came here just to know whether Xu Changqing had killed the strong beast lurking in War Demon City for him, but after seeing Xu Changqing, I realized that my biggest secret had been known.If this secret is spread, let alone the head of the Wanhou family, he will not be able to sit down any longer. He doesn't even know if his life will be saved. Thoughts surfaced, and even wanted to make a direct shot, desperately fighting.It's just that when Xu Changqing showed his identity and told him that he could help him relieve the hidden dangers of his body, he hesitated and was at a loss. He didn't know what to do for a while, and was completely stunned.

Xu Changqing also ignored Wanhou Jinwo, he unfolded the spiritual thoughts in the jade talisman without any demonstration, and let Du Chengen manifest the illusion to report the matter. At that time, the whole person became a lot more decadent, and the mana in his body was completely withdrawn from his body, as if he had completely given up resistance.

Although Du Chengen's cultivation base is only in the middle of the Supreme Lord and others, but his reputation is the first among casual cultivators. There are countless people who have directly or indirectly received his favor in Zhanmoya. Elder Yao' is also inferior, otherwise he wouldn't be respected as the leader of casual cultivators by Zhanmoya casual cultivators.It is no exaggeration to say that if Du Chengen wants to form a sect, as long as he raises his arms, a large number of casual cultivators will gather under his command to form a sect that is not much weaker than Qingming sect and other sects.

The reason why Xu Changqing wanted to subdue Du Chengen was because of his reputation in casual cultivators.Although the status of casual cultivators in Zhanmoya is not high and their influence is not great, any small force can have an influence on casual cultivators, but if all the casual cultivators are gathered together, then even big sects such as Xuanfamen Can't compete with it either.

Xu Changqing just wanted to use Du Chengen's hand to integrate the casual cultivator forces to create a little 'chaos' in War Devil City.But what he didn't expect was that Du Cheng'en not only had a high reputation among casual cultivators, but even the heads of some sects were close friends with him. Zhuo Qianjun, the head of the Array Sect, was one of them, and he had been with him for more than a hundred years. Life and death.

The Array Sect is not very big in the Zongmen of War Demon City, at best it can only be regarded as a low-level force, there are only more than fifty disciples in the sect, except for Zhuo Qianjun, the Hedao Earth Immortal, only the left and right elders are just now. Stepping into the realm of Hedao Earth Immortal, most of the rest of the people are returning to the Void Immortal.Since everyone in the sect is array idiots, they rarely fight with others, and their array cultivation method is extremely peculiar. After they are completed, they are quite powerful. It is almost difficult for people of the same realm to match them, so no one is willing to provoke them. them.Although the array gate is not very powerful, it is related to the safety of War Demon City, so Xu Changqing let Du Chengen contact the array gate, and use the array gate's hand to disturb War Demon City, so that the alchemy society can Leaving smoothly, at the same time, you can test the mind of the array gate to see if you can pull the array gate into the demon temple.From Xu Changqing's point of view, Du Chengen did a good job, Zhuo Qianjun didn't immediately refuse, which meant that he had basically agreed to return to the Demon Temple, and the current War Demon City was an undefended city to Xu Changqing.

Xian Yuan spit out lightly, and after destroying the jade talisman, Xu Changqing turned to look at Wanhou Jin me, and said, "Patriarch Wanhou, how are you thinking?"

"The lord can really help me unshackle me?" Wan Houjin gritted his teeth, stared at Xu Changqing, and said.

Xu Changqing took out a jade talisman from Qiankun World that could also isolate the influence of the Holy Ruins, handed it to Wan Hou Jin, motioned him to put it on, and said, "Try it."

Wanhou Jin, I took the jade talisman and inspected it habitually, but I didn't find anything unusual in it, nor did I find any power in this jade talisman, but when he kept the jade talisman on his body When he was talking, he was stunned, showing the same expression as Beth had at that time.

Xu Changqing smiled slightly, and said, "This jade talisman can protect you from being controlled by the original fragments of the Divine Realm of the Holy Ruins."

"Can't it be done once and for all?" Wan Houjin quickly recovered from the state of ecstasy, and found something wrong with this jade talisman, thinking that if this jade talisman was damaged or lost, I would receive the jade talisman again. This kind of bondage state that seems to have a steel knife around the neck every day, I feel shuddering, and I can't help asking.

"Of course, this seat can solve your hidden danger once and for all, but it will disturb the holy market, which is not good for this seat's plan." Xu Changqing sneered, and said: "And you have not agreed to join this seat, and you have made a lot of money. I haven't been established, but I want this seat to cast spells to help you eliminate hidden dangers, how can there be such a good thing in the world!"

Wanhou Jin and I were silent for a moment, tightened the hand holding the jade talisman, and asked in a deep voice: "If I belong to you, what do you want me to do?"

Xu Changqing replied: "It's very simple! I want you to help the family of Yuxu III leave Zhanmoya and return to Yuxu Palace, and then hide in Yuxu Palace until I come to you again."

"What? Leave Zhan Moya and return to Yuxu Palace?" Wan Houjin was stunned by Xu Changqing's words. After a long time, I smiled bitterly and said, "Don't you know that the world is changing now, leading to other Kunluns?" All the passages between the two realms of the three realms have disappeared, so how could it be possible to return to Yuxu Palace? Besides, even if I agree to return to Yuxu Palace, I can open a passage between the two realms leading to Lingshan, the inner gate, but my family of Yuxu Three Aristocrats managed to get here. Once Zhan Moya got a foothold, it was almost out of the control of Yuxu Palace, how could he be willing to leave!"

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