Nine idlers

Chapter 632

Chapter 630 Two Thousand Corpses Enter the Game

When he was in the secular world, Guan Po ordered to enter Kunlun with the first batch of authentic practitioners of Immortal Buddha to help Guan Zheng explore the way.This group of more than a hundred people was besieged and attacked by the demonic people led by the ten-changing demon king, and in the end there were less than ten people left. After these few people came to the Kunlun fairyland, they encountered the fighting skills of the Kunlun immortals just after they walked out of the Temple of Enlightenment. In the aftermath of the fighting, only Guan Poming survived.

After seeing the fighting skills of immortals, Guan Poming realized that his cultivation here is equivalent to that of mortals in the world, and he was also very lucky to save an evil fairy who was seriously injured by fighting skills.The evil fairy took Guan Poming as his disciple, and in order to avoid being chased by his enemies, he fled to Zhanmoya in the Immortal Palace. Being able to recover from his injuries, Guan Poming naturally settled down here.

For the next 100 years, Guan Poming has been following this evil fairy to practice the evil fairy method of Kunlun Wonderland.Although this evil fairy temporarily suppressed the injury, but the injury had already hurt the soul and could not be cured. After a hundred years, the oil was exhausted, and because of this, Guan Poming was regarded as his successor, inheriting all his evil immortals Dharma door and magic weapon.I don't know if it was done on purpose, but before the evil fairy died, he told Guan Poming that his enemy was very powerful, and that he was not allowed to leave Moyun Peak if his cultivation had not reached the strongest level.

Guan Poming was so impressed by the evil immortal's last words and the immortal fight that he always felt that he lacked confidence, so he practiced in Moyun Peak for another hundred years.It wasn't until more than ten years ago that he fully integrated the Kunlun Evil Immortal Dharma Gate taught by that Evil Immortal with his own Thousand Corpse Acupoints. Afterwards, he had many victories in fighting against people from the Immortal Palace Demon Realm and Zhanmoya. Only then did I feel that my strength was enough, and I had the idea of ​​traveling.This time there was a conflict between Zhanmoya and the Immortal Palace, and the battlefield was not far from Moyun Peak. Guan Poming had the idea of ​​leaving Moyunfeng to avoid disaster. He wanted to invite him to Zhanmoya to help fight against the beast, so he came to Zhanmoya.

Although Guan Poming was the first group of mundane practitioners who came to the Kunlun Three Realms, he was also the one who knew the least about the Kunlun Three Realms.Since the evil immortal's lifespan is about to expire, he wants to pass down the orthodoxy before he dies, so he has been teaching the evil immortal's secrets all the time. As for the common sense, power, etc. of the Kunlun Three Realms, he has not told him Guan Poming.As for Guan Poming's cultivation in Moyun Peak, because of the remote location, few people, and no contact with anyone, he is not clear about all the affairs of the outside world.Not to mention the current situation of Guan Zheng and the others, even the situation of the nearest Immortal Palace Demon Realm and Zhanmoya has only been understood recently.

Originally, Guan Poming wanted to experience some experience here, so that he could familiarize himself with the actual combat skills of his own Taoism, and also know the division of the realm of cultivation here. After he understands the situation here, he will look for it. Are there other people who have ascended from the world.However, he never thought that he would meet a big acquaintance within a few days after he came out. Although he didn't like this acquaintance very much, the joy of meeting an old acquaintance in a foreign country was still hard to suppress.

However, Guan Poming has been here for 200 years, and the people he has seen can be counted with his hands. On the surface, he doesn't care, but he feels lonely in his heart, and he almost forgot how to deal with people. The emotional shock of joy made him feel as if a big stone had been stuffed into his throat for a moment, making him unable to make any sound, and he didn't know what to say.

Xu Changqing could see Guan Poming's hard-to-talk dilemma, smiled, poured him a cup of calming tea, and said, "Old man, have a cup of tea and calm down! We still have a lot of time , Talking is not for a while."

Guan Poming took the teacup and drank the tea in one gulp. Maybe he felt that such a small cup of tea was not enough, so he picked up the teapot again and gulped down the whole pot of tea. After taking a long breath, he spit out In a word, said: "Xu Changqing, why are you here?"

Xu Changqing smiled and said, "Old man, you are actually interested in caring about Xu's whereabouts. Doesn't the old man want to know the whereabouts of Brother Guan Zheng?"

"Zheng'er? Zheng'er, are you also fighting on the Demon Cliff?" Guan Poming asked anxiously with excitement on his face.

"He's not in Zhanmoya, nor in the Immortal Palace. He's in Lingshan, the outer gate, which is the place where you just came to Kunlun Wonderland." Xu Changqing pointed to the low couch opposite, and said, "Old man, sit down." ! We may need a little time for this conversation."

After hearing this, Guan Poming quickly put away the anxious expression on his face, sat cross-legged directly opposite Xu Changqing, looked at Xu Changqing, and motioned him to tell what he wanted to know as soon as possible.

Xu Changqing didn't care about Guan Poming's attitude, and unhurriedly told some news about Guan Zheng that he knew.When he heard that Guan Zheng had achieved such an achievement now, the indifferent Guan Poming couldn't help but show a look of relief and nodded again and again.After that, Xu Changqing told some news about other people.When he heard that a large number of authentic practitioners of Immortal Buddha died before entering Kunlun Wonderland, and only a small number of them successfully entered Kunlun Wonderland, Guan Poming couldn't help but feel sad.When I heard that Yan Feng became the master of the Temple of Reception and Hu Yueniang had established such a large foundation as the Wai Dao League, I couldn't help but be surprised by their achievements.What makes Xu Changqing feel strange is that when Guan Poming heard that his disciples Huang Shan and Huang Juan had become the leaders of the ancient sect of Lingshan, which can rival the inner sect of the Immortal Palace, they were extremely calm, as if all this was taken for granted things.

When Xu Changqing asked the reason, Guan Poming said with a smile: "The two brothers and sisters you accepted are not simple. Although the means of calculating people are not as good as yours, they are born with a convincing power, and they are more lucky. In person, the old fellows of Xianfozhengzong were coaxed by these two brothers and sisters for a while, and they wished to give them all their family assets. Even the Ten Transformation Demon Lord had no way to deal with them back then. Now they can It is only a matter of course that this Kunlun Wonderland has achieved such success."

Xu Changqing couldn't help showing a gratified smile for his disciple's achievement, and followed him to ask Guan Poming: "What's the old man's plan? If the old man wants to go to the outer gate Lingshan, Xu can help." Open a passage between the two realms, with your current cultivation base, old man, you can quickly gain a foothold even in the Outer Sect Spirit Mountain."

"This...?" After Guan Poming knew Guan Zheng's whereabouts and situation, he was not so anxious. He really couldn't let go of his old face if he wanted him to go to the Outer Gate Lingshan to work under his grandson's command.After all, the grandfather has achieved nothing for more than 200 years and is still ignorant, but the grandson has achieved great success and sits in the overlord's position. This makes him feel so lonely and arrogant.In addition, after so many years of being alone, he has long been accustomed to this kind of free life, and he doesn't want to be restrained, so he hesitates in his heart about going to the outer gate Lingshan to meet Guan Zhengxiang.

"If the old man doesn't want to leave here, and if there is no other urgent matter, he can settle down here temporarily." Xu Changqing couldn't see what Guan Poming was thinking, so he invited.

Although Guan Poming's current cultivation base has only just touched the peak of Hedao Earth Immortal, the purity of his immortal essence is not much worse than Wanhou Jin's fairy monsters, Buddhas and demons who have already entered the peak of Hedao Earth Immortal .In addition, he was able to integrate the Kunlun evil immortal method into his own Taoism and create his own natal avenue, which proves that it is not difficult for him to enter the realm of the strongest, as long as the immortal essence has accumulated to that realm, it will be a matter of course , if you add your own elixir conditioning, this process will be shortened a lot.With such a talent, Xu Changqing, who has not enough confidantes, is naturally unwilling to let him go, that's why he asked this question.

Guan Poming has suffered a lot from the descendants of Jiuliu, and now Xu Changqing took the initiative to show his favor to him, which made him feel like he was being watched by wolves, and a chill rose from his back and went straight to the top of his head.After his body shivered involuntarily, he looked at Xu Changqing suspiciously, and asked in a deep voice: "Your heirs of the same line are all characters who cannibalize people and don't spit out their bones. Do you want the old man to stay?" What is the purpose? You have to make it clear first, otherwise the old man would not dare to stay by your side for a while longer."

"The old man is really serious! Although my ancestors of the same line and the old man had conflicts several times, the relationship between them is not bad. Now Xu and brother Guan are also close friends, so how can they harm the old man? What about you?" The grievances between Guan Poming and Jiuliu's ancestors made Xu Changqing guess that this would happen a long time ago, he smiled and said calmly: "The reason why Xu wants the old man to stay and help is mainly It is because there are not enough trustworthy and talented people around Xu, if the old man can stay and help me, it will be even more powerful for me." Saying this, seeing that Guan Poming seemed a little moved, he said again: "No Do you know if the old man knows the realm of Xeon?"

"Of course this old man knows." Guan Poming gave Xu Changqing a blank look, and replied angrily.

"Three conditions must be met if you want to step into the realm of the strongest. The first condition is the natal body you have cultivated, and only the natal body conforms to the Dao of Heaven and Earth to reach this level." Xu Changqing calmly responded Po Ming explained, and said: "To be honest, the evil fairy method you practiced is not very clever, and it is already the limit when you reach the realm of the earthly fairy. It has merged with my own Thousand Corpse Body, formed my own natal body, and pushed my cultivation to the peak of Hedao Earth Immortal. But this has reached the limit. If I guessed correctly, old man, you should Do you also feel it? Since reaching the current level of cultivation, no matter how much you have lost your cultivation, you can’t make any progress?" Speaking of this, he looked at Guan Poming's face and smiled. Said: "Old man, if you haven't integrated the more powerful evil spirits into your own thousand corpses, it will be difficult for your cultivation to improve."

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