Nine idlers

Chapter 633

Chapter 630

While the casual cultivators of Zhanmoya were besieging the medicine village of Dandaohui, the sect masters and family owners of the Zhanmoya allied forces were not idle. Not only did they cut off all the supply of elixir to Daohui, Even the broken spiritual veins were completely sealed off, making the spiritual energy here even thinner.At the same time, they also threatened the earth fire spirit veins suitable for the Alchemy Association in War Demon City, hoping to force the Alchemy Association to bow their heads, and began to contact the alchemists and "medicine" masters of the Alchemy Association, and promised to win them over to their respective schools with great profits. Among the forces, it further disintegrated the unity within the Alchemy Society.

Although through various means, many alchemists of the alchemy association could not bear the pressure and turned to the various forces, but those alchemists were just ordinary alchemists who could refine low-grade spirit pills, forming the alchemy association. The mid-grade, top-grade alchemists and 'pharmacists' of the foundation stone were not moved by the great profit.However, the Zhanmoya coalition forces are very confident. With various means, they will take all the alchemists of the Alchemy Society into their pockets in a short time. In their view, there is no way out for the Alchemy Society.

Just when the Zhanmoya coalition forces were using various methods to dismantle the Alchemy Society, they didn't know that all the middle-grade, top-grade alchemists and 'medicine' masters of the Alchemy Society had been completely controlled by Xu Changqing. It is impossible to shake its authority.

Two days ago, after Xu Changqing demonstrated in front of all alchemists and 'pharmacists' who could refine middle-grade spirit pills in the Alchemy Association, how to refine more than ten kinds of high-grade spirit pills that they had never mastered, these alchemists and 'pharmacists' Has become Xu Changqing's most loyal disciple.Seeing him, they all treated him as a teacher from the bottom of their hearts, even the old man Yao, who was quite suspicious of his purpose, sincerely admired his alchemy cultivation, and didn't ask him any more about his decision.

Although the Dan Dao Society was puzzled by Xu Changqing's decision not to allow them to leave the 'Yao' Zhuang to explain to those casual practitioners in order to relieve the pressure on the 'Yao' Zhuang, but they did not express too much doubt.And when those casual cultivators secretly ordered some harsh conditions written by the Allied Forces of the Demon Cliff to be published, intending to 'force' the Alchemy Association to agree, the alchemists and 'pharmacists' of the Alchemy Association had only a little favor for the War Demon City. It also dissipated.This caused Bian Zhang to deliberately spread that the Alchemy Association would move out of War Demon City in the next few days. Agreed, and under Bian Zhang's arrangement, he secretly packed up his luggage and moved out of Zhan Mo City when the time came.

After the Alchemy Society was completely suppressed by casual cultivators due to the calculations of the Zhanmoya coalition forces on the surface, the Zhanmoya coalition forces shifted their main attention to the Yuxu III family.The expected Gong Liangjue did not appear as scheduled, and Du Chengen did not come back either. From War Demon City to Xinglong Prison, even if he casts the ordinary flying spell, it only takes two days at most. With a little news, everyone guessed that something must have happened in Xinglong Prison.So the Zhanmoya coalition forces sent people to Xinglong Prison to investigate the news, and also tried to find a way to obtain the divine elixir from the Yuxu III family.

Since Xu Changqing asked Bian Zhang to accept all kinds of elixirs sent by Wanhou Jinwo, this action was almost announcing to the outside world that the two divine elixir were obtained from him by the Yuxu III family, thus also The Zhanmoya coalition forces lost their biggest excuse to force the Yuxu III family to hand over the divine elixir.For this reason, the Zhanmoya Allied Forces can only use some methods that cannot be put on the table to seize the divine elixir.All of a sudden, Zhanmoya possessed all kinds of supernatural powers and powerful men gathered around Yuxu Mountain, sneaking into Yuxu Mountain again and again to find the whereabouts of the divine elixir.It's a pity that Yuxu Mountain has been managed by the Yuxu III family for thousands of years, and the defensive circle has long been impregnable. Many people have not sneaked into the villa of the Sanshi family, and they have been captured outside the mountain gate, even if one or two sneaked in. , and because of the unfamiliar terrain, it was impossible to find the whereabouts of the divine elixir.

Regarding these intruders, the Yuxu III family beheaded them one by one with an unprecedented tough attitude, and they were on the verge of completely tearing apart the Zhanmoya coalition forces.At the same time, they also used this as an excuse to threaten the Zhanmoya coalition forces to withdraw from the defensive circle the disciples and immortal troops sent by the Yuxu III family, so that the Zhanmoya coalition forces would be wary.The Zhanmoya coalition forces had to stop all their actions. They had no intention of confronting the Yuxu III family, so they could only suffer from this dumb loss. They lost more than a dozen strong men. Fortunately, none of these strong men belonged to the various sect families. Disciples are just some priests with special abilities.

The Allied Army of Zhanmoya has not yet the confidence to directly hostile to the Yuxu III family. After all, although there are far more immortals on the side of the Zhanmoya coalition than the Yuxu III family, but because the ancestor Qianhun is unwilling to participate In this matter, there is no Xeon Immortal who can play the role of Dingding, and there are many internal forces, not as cohesive as the Yuxu family.If they really confront the Yuxu III family head-on, let alone whether they have a chance of winning, even if they have a chance of winning, they will only win miserably. At that time, War Demon City may no longer be able to cope with the "tide" of turbid beasts attacking the city.

It's not the Yuxu III Family and the Dan Daohui who are feeling overwhelmed right now, but the Supreme Lord and others who dominate the coercive attitude.The repeated failures of the Zhanmoya coalition's countermeasures and the tough attitude shown by the Yuxu family are like a heavy hammer hitting the prestige of the Supreme Lord, Wan Jian and other coalition chiefs, thus making Zhanmoya There were some different voices within the Ya coalition forces.At the beginning, some sects and aristocratic families began to retreat, and even some big sects and aristocratic families were reluctant to get involved in this matter, but the momentum of the Yuxu III family having three extremely powerful immortals was too threatening,' Forced them to have to go on.Fortunately, although the "tide" of turbid beasts outside the city has been strengthened several times, because the poisonous old man sits in the second floor of the killing formation, these turbid beasts are far from reaching the limit that the defensive circle can withstand, making the Zhanmoya coalition forces To be able to deal with the Yuxu III family without distractions.

"No! If this continues, it is absolutely impossible for the Zhanmoya coalition forces to 'force' the Yuxu III family out of the Demon City. We must find another way!" Xu Changqing, who was hidden in the dark, heard the toughness of the Yuxu III family. When there was chaos inside the Zhanmoya Allied Forces, his brows could not help but frowned, and his expression became solemn.

Although Xu Changqing also speculated that the strength of the Yuxu III family would be very strong, he never expected that it would be so strong.The dozen or so worshipers of the Zhanmo City's great sect family who died in the hands of the Yuxu III family were not simple people, each of them was a strong man who had long been famous in Zhanmoya, and not only had the cultivator of the Daoist Immortal Because, there are many ways to save lives, even the Supreme Lord and others are not fully sure that they can take them down.But the Yuxu III family managed it, and they didn't use the elite disciples of the three major families, just the ordinary disciples plus the mountain guards, and they captured these strong men in one fell swoop. With such strength, it's no wonder that the Zhanmoya coalition forces have internal meetings. There are different sounds.

The strength of the Yuxu III family was beyond Xu Changqing's expectations. If things go on like this, it may cause some of his plans to deviate.After much consideration, he decided to make a move by himself to weaken the strength of the Yuxu family and balance the strength of them and the Zhanmoya coalition forces. He also wanted to go to Xinglong Prison, after all, it was strange that Du Chengen never returned.

Following Xu Changqing, he said to himself again: "Wan Hou, I originally wanted to encourage the 'tide' of turbid beasts to attack the city, but now although the 'tide' of turbid beasts has been strengthened several times, it is far from reaching its peak. None of the turbid beasts with the strength of a real immortal appeared, and it seems that something may have happened to the turbid beasts outside the city."

The abnormality of the turbid beast outside the city made Xu Changqing also have the idea of ​​leaving the 'medicine' village and going outside the city to investigate.

On this day, Xu Changqing found the old man 'Yao', handed over the two-world magic circle plate made by two world stones in the past two days to the old man 'Yao', told him how to use it, and said: "'Medicine' Brother Dao, I entrust this item to you for safekeeping, and I will entrust you with the relocation of the Pill Dao Society to Lingyan Mountain."

These two circles of circles are a magic weapon for teleportation made by Xu Changqing according to his own teleportation supernatural power and understanding of the passage between the two realms.This treasure is divided into two parts, one is the sub-disc, which is the part given to the old man of "medicine", and the other is the mother disc, which is mainly placed in the desired destination.These two circles can't really open a channel between the two worlds, but can only open a channel for teleportation within a range of two thousand miles.Such a short distance has no effect on the immortals, demons, Buddhas and demons of the Kunlun Three Realms, but it is unusual for this treasure to be able to pass directly through a large formation like the War Demon City's defensive formation.If someone knows that such a treasure exists, it is likely that the entire Kunlun Three Realms will be turbulent because of it. After all, having this treasure means that any sect's mountain protection array can be regarded as nothing, and no sect's family will be able to use it again. With a little sense of security, the treasures stored in the secret vaults of the magic circle are also opened for others to take as if the door is open.

After listening to Xu Changqing's description of the function of this treasure, the old man's face immediately became very serious. He has clearly seen that this treasure has the ability to shake the foundation of the entire Kunlun Three Realms, and he couldn't help worrying: "This thing It is really no small matter, if it spreads out, I am afraid that Fellow Daoist Nie will become the target of all cultivators in the three realms of Kunlun."

Xu Changqing smiled and said: "Hehe! Although this thing is wonderful, it is extremely troublesome to make, and it can only be used once, so it is not very effective. Besides, so what if people know about it? What if they join forces to deal with the old man?" , the old man will announce all the production methods of this treasure, and I am afraid that they will have no time to take care of the old man."

"Fellow Daoist is a bit unscrupulous in acting on the facts!" Although the old man 'Yao' was somewhat dissatisfied with Xu Changqing's way of doing things, he did not refuse Xu Changqing's request to temporarily preside over the relocation of the Alchemy Association.

"It's better to be unscrupulous than to be caught with nothing!" Xu Changqing smiled slightly, and then said: "Originally, the old man planned to preside over the relocation of the Alchemy Society to Lingyan Mountain by himself, but it is a pity that the plan will never keep up with the changes. The current situation of Zhan Moya It has become a bit out of the old man's estimation, and the turbid beasts outside the city have become a bit weird, the old man has to leave here for a while, so the relocation of Dan Daohui can only be entrusted to you, Brother Yao. Wait for Dan After the relocation of the Daohui is over, Nie will definitely hand over all the refining methods of the Taiqing Daodan created by the old man to you, Brother Yao, and hope that Brother Yao can continue to stay in the Daohui of Pills to guide the younger generation Dan division and 'pharmacist'."

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