Nine idlers

Chapter 635 Xinglong Immortal Prison

Chapter 630 Xinglong Immortal Prison

"Old Ancestor..." Tai Shuzheng's face showed excitement when he heard it, and he hurriedly stood up, wanting to ask Tai Shuwang to take back his order, while Gong Liangsheng showed joy color', his eyes were shining brightly, while Wanhou Jinwo was expressionless, as if the matter had nothing to do with him, but the expression between his brows was slightly gloomy.

"Let's just leave it like this! This thing is a scourge. The longer you keep it in your hands, the worse the scourge will be. Using it as soon as possible will do us more good than harm." After being injured, Tai Shuwang acted extremely tough, and did not allow other people to object at all.Although Tai Shuzheng was dissatisfied, he did not continue to object. As for Wanhou Jin, I frowned slightly, as if I was a little worried that Taishuwang would use his own strength to quell the internal turmoil of the Yuxu III family.

Just as Tai Shuwang was speaking, the aura visions formed by the Great Expansion Heaven and Earth Qijue Formation above his head suddenly rushed uncontrollably into the Qinglian Fatai below, and immediately after that, the Fatai seemed unable to bear all these The one-time injection of power turned into dust in an instant, and Tai Shuwang, who was sitting on it, had no time to make preparations because of the sudden incident, which made him almost fall to the ground when the altar disappeared, looking extremely embarrassed.

"Evil! Isn't it enough to destroy the foundation of the old man Dao, and you have to destroy the foundation of my Yuxu III family, are you happy?" Tai Shuwang seemed to know what was going on, and roared angrily without caring about tidying up his clothes , while turning into a cloud of black clouds shining with golden light, rushing out of the cave.

At the same time, in the Water Jue Xuan Yin Formation, Gong Liangjue resisted the strong pressure brought by the Water Jue Xuan Yin Formation, while staring dumbfounded at Xu Changqing who was not far away from him.I saw that Xu Changqing was devouring all the power around him like a legendary gluttonous beast at this moment, and the surrounding forces that could not be absorbed by people all poured into his body, and with his body With the body as the center, a huge vortex is formed.In addition to the formation power of the Water Absolute Xuanyin Formation, the formation power of the other six large formations also turned into six torrents, connected to each other through the Seven Absolute Formation, pouring into the vortex and disappearing around Xu Changqing.While losing a lot of formation power, he also felt the pressure around him weaken rapidly, and soon he could hardly feel any pressure. If it wasn't for him, he could still feel the Shuijue Xuanyin Formation in motion, and the surrounding snow mountain formation was still in motion. If it hasn't disappeared, maybe he will think that the array has been broken.

Gong Liangjue has been imprisoned in Xinglong Prison for more than 200 years. During this time, he has been thinking about how to break the Seven Jue Formation of Dayan World. The patriarch of the family may not be able to compare with it.However, he had to admit that even a person who knew the formation like him would never have imagined a way to break the formation like Xu Changqing. imagination.

It is not without reason that the Dayan Heaven and Earth Qijue Formation is respected by Yuxu Palace as a heretical formation. The strength of the formation is not inferior to that of the ancient formation. Even Xu Changqing, who has mastered the essence of the ancient formation, wants to Breaking this formation is not something that can be done in a short while.In addition, if the formation is forcibly broken, it will not only cause a lot of noise, but also cause various unnecessary damages, and even damage the spiritual veins of the entire War Demon City. This is unacceptable to Xu Changqing, who has already regarded War Demon City as his own. the result of.In addition, Xu Changqing didn't want to break the formation and affect the balance of power between the Yuxu III family and the Zhanmoya coalition forces. After all, the Yuxu III family who had subdued Wanhou Jinwo would allow him to enter the inner sect of Lingshan. An important chess piece.So he finally came up with a tricky method, which can greatly weaken the power of the Great Expansion Heaven and Earth Seven Jue Formation without harming the foundation of the Yuxu III Family.

The yin-yang, five-element, and seven formations in the Da Yan Tiandi Qijue Formation are arranged according to the formation methods of the ancient formations, which are more or less mixed with the stacking formation methods of the ancient Taiqing formations, and knowing the ancient formations, Xu Changqing, who also mastered the complete method of stacking formations, easily mastered the key to connect the formations between the seven unique formations.Afterwards, he used the miraculous method of thousands of incarnations to imitate his own celestial mana into a similar habit, and integrated it into the Shuijue Xuanyin formation. Through the connection of each other's strength, he unceremoniously absorbed it Dayan Tiandi Qijue Formation has accumulated a huge formation force for thousands of years.

The huge formation power of thousands of years is definitely comparable to the mana of Xiaoyao Tianxian. In terms of quantity, it is not inferior to the mana of Jinxian. Xu Changqing's Zhu Yan avatar who only has the mana of a small heaven can't bear such a huge force. Yin-yang and five-element formation.Fortunately, Xu Changqing didn't intend to refine such a huge force in Zhu Yan's avatar. Zhu Yan's avatar was just an excessive channel. After these formation forces were swallowed into Zhu Yan's avatar, they immediately passed through the avatar and the main body. The mysterious connection between them is absorbed by the main body. Although this channel will be damaged, it will not hurt the root.

With such a huge force pouring into his body, Xu Changqing's main body had to stop merging with God's Domain, and allocated nine percent of his mana to refine these forces.With Xu Changqing's all-out refinement, coupled with the assimilation of his own five-color divine light, such a huge force quickly completely merged with him, and Xu Changqing's five-color divine light also had two more yin and yang elements. Qi, and turned into seven 'color' divine light.It's just that although the yin and yang qi are arranged together with the five elements, they are not compatible, and Xu Changqing also feels that two bloodlines of the same origin and different routes have evolved in his natal bloodline, which are different from the five'color'shenguang respectively. It merged with the yin and yang divine light.At the moment when the blood merged, the two kinds of divine light transformed into the phoenix and peacock at the same time, and then disappeared quickly, returning to the original color of the divine light, and blending into Xu Changqing's natal nine-stream avenue.

At the same time as Xu Changqing's main body had a vision, Zhu Yan's avatar in Yuxu Mountain also showed the appearance of the seven-colored divine light. When the divine light appeared, his engulfment of the surrounding forces was strengthened dozens of times More than enough, the formation force that would have taken a while to swallow disappeared around Xu Changqing in an instant.If Xu Changqing hadn't cut himself off from the Water Absolute Xuanyin Formation in time, perhaps the Dayan Heaven and Earth Seven Absolute Formation would have been completely devoured and destroyed by the seven-color divine light.But even so, about [-]% of the formation's strength accumulated over thousands of years has been lost, and now it can barely maintain the operation of this formation, and many magical powers in this formation cannot be used due to insufficient formation strength, so the deterrent effect is natural Also much weaker.In this way, the strength of the Yuxu III family and the Zhanmoya coalition forces are almost equal.

Although Xu Changqing's main body has the help of the seven-color divine light and supernatural powers contained in his natal blood, it took a lot of time to refine the formation power of thousands of years, but in the Kunlun Three Realms, this time is only a moment .Gong Liangjue at the side only saw that the formation force was so huge that even he was afraid that it was swallowed up by Xu Changqing in an instant, and the surrounding wind and snow subsided, and the formation force weakened to the point. I was stunned by all the changes before my eyes.Just a moment ago, he was still thinking hard about how to break the formation in front of him, and rushed to the gate of Yuxu Mountain to seek revenge from his enemies, but now this formation, which she regards as the biggest obstacle and protects Yuxu Mountain for thousands of years, is just like this was cracked.This moment made him feel at a loss, feeling that all his 200 years of research had been wasted, and he stood there in a daze, not knowing what to do.

At this time, a seven-color divine light appeared above Xu Changqing's head, and the coercion of the divine light awakened Gong Liangjue from his bewilderment.And when he saw this divine light, he immediately turned pale with shock. He seemed to recognize the origin of this divine light, and stared at the purple-gold and blue-green formed by the yin and yang on Xu Changqing's head. "Sex' divine light, said: "You were sent by her? Are you sent by her?"

Xu Changqing can also guess who Gong Liangjue is referring to. The divine light in the back of his head is the evolution of the supernatural powers of his natal blood. Presumably the source of this blood is not the blood of his father who is a mortal, but only reincarnation. As a human mother, Xu Changqing became more and more sure of his guess because the divine light also changed direction.

Gong Liangjue's profound cultivation was beyond Xu Changqing's expectations, so the plan he had laid out before needs to be changed. Being able to win over this person can also become a powerful arm, so Xu Changqing is going to explain, so as not to prevent Gong Liangjue and Yaochi Shengjun Past grievances have affected his plans.It's just that when he was about to speak, he stopped suddenly, looked at Yuxu Mountain, and said nothing, put the divine light in the back of his head into his body, and directly used the teleportation method to move thousands of miles away.

Just as Xu Changqing left, he saw a dark cloud shining with golden light flying over from the direction of Yuxu Mountain, mixed with shocking resentment, and accompanied by a loud roar, he said, "Evil barrier, you have committed such a catastrophe of extermination!" , this old man wants to arrest you and go back to sacrifice your blood to the ancestors of Yuxu III's family!"

Just as the voice fell, a bell came out from the dark clouds. The bell contained great power, forming an invisible barrier to trap Gong Liangjue's body, and at the same time, a golden bell came out Flying out of the clouds, it grows when the wind sees it, and instantly becomes as huge as a hill. It presses down on the top of Gong Liangjue's head, vowing to crush Gong Liangjue to pieces.

Seeing this crisis, Gong Liangjue didn't care to hide his strength, and a cloud of bluish-black thick fog gushed out from his body, wrapping his body, and at the same time, the most yin and death energy in the thick fog also formed a huge thrust, shaking the surrounding The ban was pushed away.When the golden bell was about to press down, two black arms exuding a sinister aura rushed out from the dense fog, lifting the fallen golden bell with the force of a tripod, and the remaining golden bell The force suddenly pressed down, forming a whirlwind to disperse the thick black fog around Gong Liangjue, revealing the incarnation of Gong Liangjue's seven-headed and fourteen-armed ghost king.

The hateful Gong Liangjue didn't know that he had become Xu Changqing's scapegoat, but he had no intention of explaining, staring at the dark clouds in the sky, and said: "If you want to take me in, old guy, I'm afraid you don't have the ability! "

"Lord of the Seven Emotions! You actually practiced such sorcery!" Tai Shuwang, who showed his figure from the dark clouds, saw Gong Liangjue's ghost king incarnation, his face became even uglier, his eyes murderous It was steaming, causing a faint heat to emanate from the originally extremely cloudy and cold formation.

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