Nine idlers

Chapter 636 Xinglong Dharma Tomb

Chapter 630 Six Xinglong Dharma Tomb

There is still a distance from the gate of Xinglong Prison to the entrance of the rift valley. This distance is surrounded by a wall, forming a small fan-shaped city. This is where the prison guards live.When there is no need to patrol the rift valley, most of the jailers will stay here. As for the vast forests on both sides of the rift valley, which are also surrounded by high walls, they have never entered, and even if they enter, they are only on the edge.There are a lot of tyrannical monsters in this forest, although these monsters are nothing outside, but here, these tyrannical monsters are the strongest existence, even the jailers seldom go provoke them.

The work here is very easy and boring. The jailers only need to go to the bottom of the rift valley to inspect once every three days, and a new batch of jailers will be stationed at the bottom of the valley every other month. As for the rest of the time, they are free to allocate.The environment of Xinglong Prison is not suitable for practice at all, so most of the jailers here will find a side door they like to learn in their spare time, such as alchemy, making utensils, planting 'medicine', etc., so that these jailers After the expiration of their term of office, they all have a solid foundation in different ways to varying degrees.This kind of foundation can give them great innate advantages in the side ways they have learned, and they can quickly become the best in this side way, so the various forces in War Demon Cliff also treat these jailers quite favorably. It's important, as long as the term of office expires, most of the jailers will be wooed by major forces and become their core members. Among the alchemy directors and 'pharmacist' directors of the Alchemy Association, there are also several jailers who have served as Xinglong Prison.

In addition to learning the ways of other sects, most of the jailers will use the strange wind that blows at [-] noon every day to condense their minds.Although this strange wind is an extremely painful torture for the prisoners of Xinglong Prison, but for those who have not been marked with the seal of prohibition, this strange wind is the best thing to temper their minds.Jailers often strengthen their spiritual foundation to an astonishing degree through this kind of tempering, so that they can reduce many obstacles in their subsequent training. Although it cannot be said to be smooth sailing, it is not far behind.This kind of talent is naturally the object that the major forces are vying for. Similarly, for those casual cultivators who hope to join various forces and be reused, becoming a jailer of Xinglong Prison is also a good shortcut.

Under the leadership of the jailer, Xu Changqing quickly came to the front of the prison master building. The prison master who received the news had been waiting in front of the door. Shangxian."

"Dingfeng Mountain?" Xu Changqing was stunned for a moment, and soon remembered the Zhanmoya faction.It is one of the few demon fairy forces in Zhanmoya. Although its power is inconspicuous among the big and small forces in Zhanmoya, the strength of its internal members and disciples is also very strong, but most of them are not used to walking outside. Just communicate.

The prison master standing in front of Xu Changqing is also a demon fairy, not even a fairy, because he still exudes a strong demonic aura, and his appearance is more like a beast than a human. Only after the demon energy is refined and condensed into golden core can it be called a fairy, otherwise it can only be called a monster.

Xu Changqing had no intention of beating around the bush, and after returning the gift, he said directly: "I am here this time to look for Du Chengen, the special envoy of War Demon Cliff who came here not long ago to release Gong Liangjue. I wonder if the prison master has his whereabouts?"

"This..." Hearing what Xu Changqing said, Yuan Gu immediately showed panic on his monkey face, swallowed dryly, and quickly stepped aside, made a gesture of please, and said: " This is not a place to talk, please let Shangxian enter the building and talk about it later."

Seeing Yuan Gu's expression, Xu Changqing felt that this matter was a bit weird, but he didn't ask here, but walked into the main prison building as he wanted.

"Go and call Li Jing." Prisoner Yuan Gu then gave instructions to the jailer, and then quickly followed him, leading Xu Changqing to the top of the building.The top floor of the main prison building is just a catastrophe higher than the inner city wall. Looking from a distance, one can have a panoramic view of the Xinglong Prison, and can also see the wide, unfathomable, and unfathomable sight. The endless rift valley shows that the people who built this building also spent a lot of thought.

"Good scenery!" Standing by the window, Xu Changqing saw a lush and lush forest in Xinglong prison, surrounded by clouds and mist, just like the ink painting, which made people feel relaxed and happy.

"No matter how good the scenery is, it becomes boring after seeing it countless times!" Yuan Gu stood behind Xu Changqing, said something with emotion, and then said seriously: "I don't know if Shangxian has heard of it before." Xinglong Dharma Tomb?"

"Xinglong Dharma Tomb?" Xu Changqing thought for a while and said, "Prisoner Yuan said that there is Xinglong Dharma Tomb that the prisoners of Xinglong Prison practiced themselves?"

"Exactly!" Yuan Gu nodded, seeing that Xu Changqing didn't know much about the Xinglong Fa Tomb, so he explained: "The prisoners imprisoned in Xinglong Prison are almost all well-known people in this Hunyuan Heaven, with advanced cultivation , proficient in all kinds of Taoism, few of them were able to leave alive, and most of them died here. I don’t know who started this matter. In short, the prisoners of Xinglong Prison gradually got a habit, that is, they Before he died, he would go to the center of the Xinglong Prison Rift Valley, which is the junction of Zhanmoya and the land controlled by the Immortal Palace, and engrave what he had learned all his life on the stone wall. Over time, the Taoism engraved on the stone wall became There are as many as thousands of kinds, covering almost all kinds of methods in the entire Kunlun Three Realms."

After hearing this, Xu Changqing felt that the Xinglong Dharma Tomb was somewhat similar to his Kuyaotang stele, but then he showed doubts and asked: "This seat has also heard about it. The peculiarity of the Xinglong Dharma Tomb, it stands to reason that there are so many secret transmission methods, this place should be a forbidden place, why does Zhanmoya never pay attention to it?"

"Of course there is a reason for it." Yuan Gu smiled bitterly, sighed and said, "You must know that all the people imprisoned here were once high-ranking people, but now they are knocked down to the clouds, and they have to suffer twice a day. The torture and resentment in their hearts will naturally accumulate endless resentment, how could they be willing to leave the Taoism behind for the benefit of future generations!"

"Are you saying that all the teachings are false?"

"Not all of them are fake. Some of the fakes are true, some are half-truths, and some are completely fake." Yuan Gu said, taking out a booklet from the bookcase on one side, and handing it To Xu Changqing, said: "Which one of those prisoners is not the most talented person in the world, the Taoism they modified is difficult to distinguish between true and false, and it is difficult to see the harm in it until the end, even if they are members of their own sect It is also impossible to distinguish the authenticity, let alone other people. Many people have practiced the Taoism in it back then. The end of the dead soul. Because of this, neither the Immortal Palace nor the Zhanmoya no longer pay attention to it, only those casual cultivators who have no way out will go to find a Taoism and try their luck."

Xu Changqing took the pamphlet and flipped through it. It recorded a sword sect Taoism of the Shangqing sect in Lingshan, which Xu Changqing knew. The state of fire and degree is clearly stated one by one, and the practice perception of the person who engraved this method is added later, so that people can't help but have the urge to practice when they see it.It's just that Xu Changqing quickly saw some weirdness in this method. There were some subtle loopholes in each level of inconspicuous practice method. It is to simply change the meridian of the immortal essence and so on.These small details may not cause any problems during the practice, but at the end of the practice, all the deviations will be concentrated together, and finally the practitioners of this method will fall into a tragic trap.

If the method recorded in the booklet is not someone who is proficient in Taoism like Xu Changqing, it may be difficult to see the flaws in it, and even if it is found out, after it is completely revised, there may still be some unknown dangers in it.So practicing this method is really like gambling. If you win the bet, you will be able to soar into the sky. If you fail to win the bet, not only will you lose your life, but you may not even be able to keep your soul.

"But what does this have to do with Du Chengen?" Xu Changqing closed the booklet, handed it back to Yuan Gu, and asked in confusion.

"It has nothing to do with Du Chengen Shangxian, but it has something to do with Gong Liangjue." Yuan Gu said enviously: "As far as the little demon knows, Gong Liangjue once searched for a Taoist practice in this Xinglong Dharma Tomb. , but he was far luckier than others, and found a way to practice."

Hearing what Yuan Gu said, Xu Changqing immediately thought of Gong Liangjue's superb Huangquan ghost cultivating method. Thinking about the authentic Taoism of Yuxu III's family, it should be impossible for them to have this kind of ghost cultivating method. Now it seems that this method The Dharma should come from this Xinglong Dharma Tomb, so I asked tentatively: "The Dao Dharma you mentioned is a ghost cultivation Dharma?"

"Exactly." Yuan Gu nodded, and then whispered meaningfully: "It seems that Gong Liangjue must have returned to Zhanmo City. With a pardon, if someone is released, I am afraid that even after the siege of the beasts, the War Demon City will not be able to settle down." As he spoke, he suddenly realized that he shouldn't be the one to say these words, so he quickly changed the subject , said: "Perhaps Shangxian doesn't know yet, in fact, the current Xinglong Dharma Tomb is not the original one, the current Xinglong Dharma Tomb was only newly built 300 years ago, and it is divided into Zhanmoya Tomb and Xiangong Tomb. "

"Why is that so?" Xu Changqing frowned slightly and asked.

"300 years ago, a deadly aura suddenly emerged from the rift of Xinglong Prison, wrapping the entire Xinglong Dharma Tomb, and no one could enter. If it was before, the prisoners of Xinglong Prison would not have worried about this. It is extremely dark and deadly, but now their cultivation bases are all sealed, and it is certain to die if they get this dark and deadly. That is why the later prisoners will abandon the original Xinglong Dharma Tomb and reapply in the extremely dark and dead. A new Xinglong Dharma Tomb was rebuilt on both sides." Yuan Gu explained, and then changed his voice, and said again: "However, Gong Liangjue is an exception. He seems to have a special constitution, not afraid of death, and can freely In and out of the former Xinglong Dharma Tomb. When Du Chengen came to the immortal, Gong Liangjue was in the Xinglong Dharma Tomb."

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