Nine idlers

Chapter 637 Seven Lords of Love

Chapter 630 Seven Emotions Underworld Lord

"Aren't you afraid that the outside world will find you and blame you for doing this?" Xu Changqing said with a calm expression.

"Investigate? Do you know how many people die in this Xinglong Prison every year?" The blessing of Zhiyin made Li Jing feel that he was omnipotent, and also regarded Xu Changqing's calm expression as a sham, sneered Said: "If we really investigate, I'm afraid none of the hundreds of jailers in Xinglong Prison will be able to leave here alive!"

"I see! So, even if you die here, no one will care about you, right?" Xu Changqing glanced at the other party contemptuously, but he did not see any movement. The yin and death energy was completely out of the opponent's control, and turned into chains to bind his body, making him unable to move.

"How can you control the yin and death qi?" Feeling that the yin and death qi was completely out of his control, Li Jing seemed to think of something, and immediately turned pale, and said in horror: "You , Have you also practiced the Lord of the Seven Emotions?"

"Seven Emotions Underworld Lord?" Xu Changqing frowned, feeling that this method was somewhat familiar, after thinking about it for a while, he remembered that this method is one of the three forbidden methods of the evil way among the 72 methods of the Xiaodao Wenxin of the Lingbao School .

The reason why this method of the master of the seven emotions is listed as a forbidden method is mainly because to practice this method, it is necessary to find seven practitioners who have reached the peak of the seven emotions and have a comparable level of cultivation, and then refine them into soul clones. Letting go of one's seven emotions and entrusting them to the avatar of the seven emotions and soul, when the cultivation base is reached, the seven emotions can be united to form a soul avatar with mana far exceeding his own cultivation.

It's just that you want to find seven practitioners who have reached the ultimate level of the seven emotions, and this practitioner needs to be as good as you. Such a condition is so difficult, not to mention that such practitioners are usually entangled in great karma For people who are so powerful, refining these people into soul clones is equivalent to bearing the karmic retribution of these people.Facing this kind of power of cause and effect in heaven and earth, even with great cultivation, it is difficult to escape doom. Therefore, although this method is miraculous and powerful, it is not a great way. Anyone who practices this method will have a good end, usually not without Those who retreat will never practice this method.

Xu Changqing, who has mastered the 72 Dharma Gates of the Great Dao Asking the Heart Sutra and the Xiaodao Asking the Heart, is very familiar with the Dharma of the Lord of the Seven Emotions. On the stone tablet in front of the Ku'yao Hall, there is also an evil cultivation method that evolved from this method. Although its power is much weaker, But it's better to be safe.It's just that Xu Changqing never remembered how to control the Yin and death energy recorded in the Seven Emotions Underworld Master Dharma Gate, and he never remembered how the Seven Emotions Underworld Master became the method of the ghosts in the underworld.

In Xu Changjiu's mind, the aura of the most powerful immortal he felt from Gong Liangjue before probably did not come from Gong Liangjue himself. Gong Liangjue was banned because of the immortal spirit, and his cultivation base should still be 200 years ago. At the peak of the strongest, the breath of the strongest immortal should come from the Lord of the Seven Emotions.It's just that what makes him feel strange is that Gongliangjue has already majored in Qiqingming to the culmination. Logically speaking, he should be entangled in karma like this Li Jing, and there are many calamities, but he didn't feel it from Gongliangjue. Not to mention any karma, but this Li Jing has an incredible amount of karma.

"With your cultivation level, it is impossible to unlock the spell of this seat." Xu Changqing looked at Li Jing who was still struggling to get out of the predicament, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, this seat will not ask you any questions, because this seat wants Draw it directly from your soul."

While speaking, Xu Changqing stretched out his hand to touch Li Jing's forehead, and a powerful soul-searching mana poured into his body, easily captured his three souls and seven souls, penetrated into it, and searched for his lifelong memories.

"Huh?" Just when Xu Changqing had just controlled Li Jing's three souls and seven souls, and was about to retrieve his memory with the method of searching for souls, suddenly a strange force was used from his three souls and seven souls, turning into a ball of ghost fire in an instant Burn his soul without leaving a trace.

"Good method!" Xu Changqing could feel that the magic power of this underworld fire came from Gong Liangjue, and it should have been buried secretly when he left Xinglong Prison, in order to prevent anyone from finding out his secret from Li Jing.Although Xu Changqing suffered a small loss, he did not feel depressed because of it. Instead, he became a little more interested, and gradually began to face up to Gong Liangjue and regard him as an opponent.

Now Li Jing's three souls and seven souls have disappeared, and his physical body is like a walking corpse without any intuition, but the karma of his body has not disappeared because of this, and is still entwined around him.If Xu Changqing kills him, he is acting in accordance with the sky, and he will definitely get a lot of good fortune from the world, but this good fortune is dispensable to Xu Changqing, so it is better to keep him than this, so that Find out from him the secret of the Lord of the Seven Emotions cultivated by Gong Liangjue.Although Li Jing's three souls and seven souls have disappeared, the karma caused by practicing the Seven Emotions Underworld Master has not disappeared. It can be seen that Gong Liangjue's unique method of the Seven Emotions Underworld Lord should be in this body. middle.

"Hey! I told you a long time ago not to talk to that lunatic Gongliang, but you didn't listen, and said that you could learn the outstanding Taoist method from him. What about now? You don't even have a soul, and you still practice a fart!" At this moment, an old voice suddenly came out from the dead air in the pit, the tone was extremely regrettable, it seemed that it had a close relationship with Li Jing.

Xu Changqing was quite surprised by the appearance of this voice, because his divine sense didn't sense the presence of anyone within a radius of ten miles, and even after the voice appeared, he still didn't feel anyone in the place where the voice appeared.Although Xu Changqing's current cultivation of spiritual sense has only reached the strongest immortal, and although the surroundings are full of earth yin and deadly yin, he doesn't think that anyone can avoid his spiritual detection.Unless, the other party is using a special sound transmission method, which can cover mana before he feels abnormal, or the other party has always existed in front of him, just because some common sense thoughts make him turn a blind eye.

Just when various speculations surfaced in Xu Changqing's mind, the other party had already revealed the answer by himself, and saw that the most yin and death energy in front of Xu Changqing suddenly rolled up into a small vortex, gathering the most yin and death energy around, and quickly condensed Become a strange beast with one horn, dog ears, dragon body, tiger head, lion tail, and unicorn feet.

Seeing this strange beast, even though Xu Changqing was mentally prepared, he still couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and couldn't help asking tentatively: "Listen to the beast?"

The strange beast was noncommittal to Xu Changqing's question, instead, he came to Xu Changqing in full swing, looked at Xu Changqing with nostalgia, sighed after a long time, and said in a deep tone: "I didn't expect my companion from back then to be tempered by others now." Turned into a clone, lamentable! Sad!"

Xu Changqing was not surprised that the divine beast of Diting could see through his avatar, but he was surprised that the divine beast of Diting had known this avatar of Vermilion Yan before, and the relationship was not shallow.However, after Xu Changqing was a little surprised, he quickly put his attention back on the Divine Beast of Listening Truth. Following him, he found that the Divine Beast of Listening Truth was just a body of Yin God with the soul as the core and the most yin and death energy as the body. , in a sense, this piece of yin and death qi is it, and it is also this piece of yin and death qi, which is why Xu Changqing didn't find anything abnormal.

"Although this is just your avatar, you still have a strong aura of the underworld. Have you ever been to the underworld?" While Xu Changqing was looking at it, the Di Ting beast also put its head on Xu Changqing's body and sniffed it. , said: "What does the underworld look like now? Has the six realms of reincarnation been rebuilt?"

Xu Changqing didn't answer, but smiled and said: "Aren't you monitoring the Three Realms again? You should be able to hear the voice of the underworld."

"If I have that magical power, why bother to ask you!" Di Ting Divine Beast glared at Xu Changqing angrily, then turned his head and moved closer to Li Jing's side, inhaling hard, a black mist of gas was sucked into his abdomen, and at the same time those The karma and karma wrapped around Li Jing's body scattered like a broken root, and soon disappeared without a trace.At this time, above the head of Di Ting, there appeared nine faintly visible white qi, and the black mist that had just been inhaled into the body disappeared without a trace when it touched these nine white qi, and the figure of Di Ting's beast also appeared at the same time. A lot of false.

"You can transfer his karma into your body and suppress it with nine qi, what's the use? He's already a living dead, even without karma, it won't change anything." Xu Changqing frowned head, said in a deep voice.

"This is what I owe him." Di Ting Shenshou didn't explain much. After adding some Yin and death energy, which made his body solidify a lot, he turned his head to look at Xu Changqing and said, "I didn't expect the heaven and earth prohibition here." The power of power is actually useless to you. It seems that you should have mastered this kind of Dao of Heaven and Earth, right? With the Dao of Heaven and Earth you have mastered, you can be regarded as a rare and powerful person even in ancient times. In this era of the end of Dharma There is still such a great power, it seems that the catastrophe of heaven and earth has arrived." He was silent for a while, and said: "Your Excellency can come here and meet me, it can be seen that the two of us are destined, if you have something If you want to ask me something, just ask! I will know everything. But after asking, I hope that if you don't find it troublesome, you can do me a favor."

"If it doesn't harm me, I am willing to help." Xu Changqing's trip to see the legendary Di Ting beast was an accident, so he asked politely: "You are the beast of the underworld. Even if the underworld is broken, the reincarnation of the three realms is still there, you should not be able to leave the underworld, why did you come to this Kunlun fairyland with the body of a yin god?"

"Your Excellency should be able to see that I am just a remnant soul of Di Ting Divine Beast. With my innate advantages, I can use this yin and death energy to condense the Yin God's body." Di Ting Divine Beast went to the side of the big rock and lay down , Said: "The real Divine Beast of Di Ting died with the underworld long ago. I am just a ray of remnant soul attached to the fragments of the underworld. I fell into this Kunlun fairyland many years ago, and it was not until recently that I escaped from the predicament. out."

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