Nine idlers

Chapter 638

Chapter 630 Eighth Underworld Fragment

As Xu Changqing uncovered the conspiracy of the Divine Beast, the Divine Beast calmed down, looked at Xu Changqing with complicated eyes, and said, "You are smarter than I imagined. I can see so much, but why do you think that I am the Lord of Six Desires?"

"Because there is no trace of karma on Gong Liangjue's body, but he has cultivated to become the Lord of the Seven Emotions, and the karma on Li Jing's body is enough to make him suffer ten times of catastrophe, but he is still able to recover quickly." It’s good to live here. At first, I only thought that it was because of the special influence of the Dao of Heaven and Earth here that the Heavenly Tribulation did not fall, but when I wanted to search for the memory of Li Jing’s soul, his soul was suddenly burned by the underworld fire , and you appeared nearby at just the right time, if it is said that there is no connection between you, I am afraid it will be hard for people to believe." Xu Changqing pointed to the Qiqing Mingzhu Dharma Gate on the stone wall while talking, and said: "With that Gongliang Jue's cultivation base, even if he has mastered the Seven Emotions Underworld Master Dharma Gate, he can't completely control the remnant soul of you, the Divine Beast of Di Ting. Cultivate a Lord of the Seven Emotions, and then use the connection of one body and two bodies to clear his own karma. Only in this way, he will inevitably destroy the original Lord of the Seven Emotions who has been successful in cultivation, and may also do something for his own sake. He erected a dangerous existence by himself, otherwise he would be turned into the master, so he chose this incomplete, and has a lot of loopholes, the master method of Liuyuming to practice avatar. As for Li Jing, his heart is higher than the sky, and his destiny The poor guy who is thinner than paper, was first lured by Gong Liangjue to become his helper, and then he was controlled by you to lose his soul and become a puppet, what a pity! What a pity!"

"The weak eat the strong, the natural selection of things competes with each other, this is the way of heaven and earth!" Listen to the beast said indifferently, and then Li Jing, who was supposed to be outside the Xinglong Fa Tomb, appeared next to it in an instant, and then saw it turn into a blue streak The light entered Li Jing's body.

"What are you going to do now? Do you want to take away my body like taking over Li Jing's body?" Xu Changqing smiled contemptuously, looking at Li Jing, who had become one with the Divine Beast again, with disdain, and said : "If my guess is correct, the reason why you want to take away the body of others is mainly because this body of Li Jing cannot help you cultivate the Dao and regain the supernatural power of listening to the gods and beasts. But in this Xinglong Prison there are There are so many fairy bodies here, why don't you use them?"

"Because of the seal of the Great Way of Forbidden Punishment here," Li Jing said patiently, "If I take away their bodies, I will also inherit the seal of the Great Way of Forbidden Punishment in their bodies. Get away."

Xu Changqing showed an expression as expected, and then said: "It seems that my subordinate Du Chengen has fallen into your hands?"

"Then Du Chengen was able to use mana after he entered Xinglong Prison. I thought he was an exception and would not be affected by the seal of prohibition and punishment here." Li Jing smiled wryly and said, "I didn't expect him to be unpopular. The influence of the Great Way of Prohibition and Punishment of the Dragon Prison is because there is already a seal of prohibition in his body, so naturally he will not be blessed by other powers of the Great Way of Prohibition and Punishment." As he spoke, he waved his hand and saw Du Chengen, who was completely frozen in death, appeared out of nowhere, was carried by a blue cloud, and brought to Xu Changqing, saying, "I'll return this person to you."

Xu Changqing didn't comment on this, but when Du Chengen approached him, the misty death energy around him suddenly became extremely solid, as if all the death energy in the Xinglong Dharma Tomb was concentrated around him. Its weight was almost comparable to that of a ten thousand zhang mountain, and it pressed Xu Changqing's body so that he couldn't move.At this time, Du Chengen, who was frozen, had a weird and proud smile on his face, and a blue light shot out from between his brows, turning into a six-headed, twelve-armed ghost king god, and penetrated into Xu Changqing's forehead.At the same time, the remnant soul of the Diting Divine Beast in Li Jing's body also turned into a ray of blue light and penetrated into Xu Changqing's body, and became one with the ghost king and god, and smashed away the Zhu Yanxian Yuan in Xu Changqing's body like a broken bamboo, facing towards Xu Changqing's body. Xu Changqing's sea of ​​soul and consciousness rushed over.

For the opponent's sneak attack, Xu Changqing seemed powerless to resist, and was easily attacked by the opponent into the sea of ​​consciousness and consciousness.I saw that in this sea of ​​consciousness is a blood cloud full of conquest and slaughter, and at the top of the blood cloud stands a desolate beast, Zhu Yan, and under the blood cloud is a piece of land, countless people on the land are frantically Fighting, after death, it will turn into a wave of blood and merge into the blood cloud, and then new people will grow out of the ground, and continue to fight without end.

"Slaughtering the world! Sure enough, it is Zhu Yan who is in charge of the killing of the world. As long as I capture your body and soul, I can restore all my supernatural powers and mana!" On top of Zhu Yan's head, Liu Yuming, transformed from the divine beast of Di Ting, suddenly appeared out of thin air. Lord, at the same time as he shouted loudly, his twelve arms pressed down on the top of Zhu Yan's head below.

Just when the twelve palms were about to hit the top of Zhu Yan's head, a huge round rock suddenly burst out from above Zhu Yan's head, blocking all the attacks.At the same time, a huge rock similar to the previous one also appeared on the top of Lord Liuyuming, and the two giant rocks went up and down just to sandwich Lord Liuyuming in the middle.Just when he was about to cast a spell to push away the two huge rocks, a force that Xu Changqing had penetrated into Li Jing's body before formed an invisible chain, trapping him firmly and making him unable to move.

"Impossible! I am in charge of the six desire senses. All changes in your sea of ​​consciousness are under my control. Even you yourself can't stop me." Feeling that the plan was completely out of his control, Liu Yuming The master's face immediately showed panic, and he shouted: "Why? Why are you still suppressing me? It's impossible! Impossible!"

"Nothing is impossible!" At this time, Xu Changqing appeared next to Lord Liuyu, looked at the suppressed Lord Liuyu with a smile, and said: "Lord Liuyu is really powerful, he can 'fuck' Indulging other people's six desires and senses into the invisible is simply the ultimate method of sneak attack. It's a pity that you met me, otherwise other people would have been attacked by you long ago. If you are outside, it will cost me money to catch you. You made a lot of tricks, but you threw yourself into the avatar of this seat, which saved a lot of trouble for this seat!" He said, he looked around, and then looked at the still ignorant Zhu Tired of Shenhun, he said: "You are right. After entering this sea of ​​consciousness, your Six Desire Lord has controlled the changes here, but you seem to have forgotten that this is just a clone of this seat. No matter how strong the clone is, You also have to be controlled by the main body, the moment you control this sea of ​​consciousness, you are also controlled by me."

"Clone? Could it be that this is not a clone of spirit and flesh, but an incarnation outside of the body!" The Di Ting beast in the Master of the Six Desires seemed to have remembered something, and screamed loudly.

"I can see my Zhu Yan avatar, but I can't tell that this avatar is an incarnation outside the body. It seems that your supernatural power has weakened a lot, and tens of thousands of years have degraded your wisdom to the point of ordinary monsters. At first, I overestimated you a little bit." Xu Changqing looked at the beast of Diting who had lost its size, and said expressionlessly: "It's been hard enough for you to be trapped for so many years! Go at ease! I will take care of what you have left. Put them to good use."

As he spoke, he saw him raise his hand slightly and press down, and the two huge rocks immediately joined together without any hindrance, and at the same time they spun like a millstone.Strains of green air floated out from the cracks in the millstone, and with an invisible force penetrated into the nostrils of the incarnation of Xu Changqing's main body, and then he saw a Liuyuming riding on the divine beast that listened to the truth gradually transformed from the back of his head The main dharma form, and the dharma form is becoming more and more solid.

When the last ray of green energy was completely absorbed by Xu Changqing, Xu Changqing showed a strange smile on his face, snorted lightly, and said to himself: "What a cunning guy! He also drives a clone, no wonder he can't Control Li Jing out of Xinglong Prison's power range."

At this time, the soul of Zhu Yan's avatar seemed to be freed from the control of the Lord of the Six Desires, and instantly understood what happened before. He breathed a sigh of relief, turned towards the main body, and said, "I didn't expect the Lord of the Six Desires to be so powerful. Even if I have done my tricks in advance, I still get taken advantage of by him, this is just the incomplete Lord of Six Desires, if it is replaced by the complete Lord of Seven Emotions, I don’t know what will happen?"

"What else, the result is doomed." Xu Changqing's body incarnation said domineeringly: "Don't tell me, you can't deal with it! Even if I didn't show up just now, if I really hit you, what it controls Knowing the six desires of the sea, it will be shattered immediately, but this ray of remnant soul is not up to you. If I hadn't taken a fancy to the supernatural power of this divine beast, I wouldn't have shot it directly. After all, the fusion of fragments of the gods must be very careful now. Inseparable."

"The supernatural powers of Di Ting?" Zhu Yan's avatar closed his eyes slightly, sensed it, and then said with a little regret: "It's a pity that it is incomplete, not even the Tian Er supernatural power of the Di Ting beast monitoring the Three Realms..."

The incarnation of Xu Changqing's body took his words, and said: "However, its magic-breaking eyes can be used on the Great Light God's eyes, and its blessing and karma elimination magic power can also be used, and maybe it can find karma from it." It is not necessarily the way to complete the causal way.”

Zhu Yan's avatar nodded, expressing agreement, and then asked: "The Lord of Seven Emotions and the fragment of the underworld that is attached to the remnant soul of the listening beast?"

"Don't touch the underworld fragment for the time being. This fragment is likely to be the source of Xinglong Prison's Way of Forbidden Punishment. Don't worry about the remnant soul. I took its clone. With its ability, I'm afraid it will be very difficult in another 1000 years." It is difficult to condense another avatar, it will not bring any trouble to the plan, and I will deal with it after I fight against the devil together." Xu Changqing's body incarnation thought for a while, and said: "As for the Lord of the Seven Emotions, it is natural to seize it. , although it is a pity that Gong Liangjue's talent is a bit pity, but if I can integrate the Lord of the Seven Emotions and the Lord of the Six Desires, my Jiuliu Dao's humane orthodoxy will be almost completed, and the fusion of the God Realm will be much faster."

"I know how to do it!" Zhu Yan's avatar nodded and said.

Xu Changqing's body incarnation didn't stay any longer, and blessed Zhu Yan's avatar with all the power of the six desires and the remnant soul avatar of Di Ting, and then disappeared into the sea of ​​avatar consciousness. There is a spirit and Dharma image.

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