Nine idlers

Chapter 64 Exorcising the Guan Family

Chapter 64 Exorcism of the Guan Family

It took Xu Changqing a lot of time to get away from Shijiazhuang, perhaps because he pretended to be an eminent monk so much that the people in Shijiazhuang hoped to get blessings from this fake eminent monk, hoping to get some peace in this troubled world. peace of mind.At the same time, the abbots of some temples around Shijiazhuang also came to the city one after another, hoping to meet this so-called eminent monk and discuss Buddhism, so as to use his momentum to enhance the prestige of their temples.It was not until late at night that he left Shijiazhuang at night and walked towards Baoding on foot. After arriving in Baoding, he planned to take the train to Tianjin.

On the way, he couldn't help but feel amused when he thought of what happened to him in Shijiazhuang.The world likes false appearances, and they like to chase false appearances even more. No one worships eminent monks who are really proficient in Buddhism. On the contrary, I, a fake monk full of Taoist inaction, is regarded by the world as an eminent monk. The reason is just some superficial little Taoism. It made them see the eminent monk in their minds.It is no wonder that since the Ming Dynasty, the White Lotus Sect has been regarded as the number one evil sect by the courts of all dynasties. Every time they send heavy soldiers to eradicate it, but it will revive within a few years. In terms of deceiving people's hearts, the White Lotus Sect is indeed one of the lowest sects. In the end, they are much smarter than those authentic immortals and Buddhas.

The road from Shijiazhuang to Baoding is not easy to walk. There used to be bluestone roads paved, but the road was damaged by the war a few years ago. on the road.Later, a remnant army of the Boxer Regiment was entrenched in the nearby mountains, and several times of encirclement and suppression by the government and army failed. In the end, this remnant army of the Boxer Regiment became a stubborn problem on this road, and many passing merchants even carried goods. He was robbed by them and could not be found, so he must have died.Now, some merchants prefer to take the long way to Cangzhou rather than take this road, which makes the road from Shijiazhuang to Baoding even more desolate.

Stepping on the road covered with weeds, Xu Changqing was in a very relaxed mood. Since there was no human habitation nearby, he drove the magic circle in the dead bamboo in his hand to control all the plants within the range of power, and laid a layer of soft mat on the ground. Since it is easy to walk on it, it will not hurt your feet.Because he didn't need to hurry, he didn't use ghosts and spirits, and he didn't walk very fast. It took almost a day to reach a small village called Majiapu between Xinle and Dingzhou.

As the sky was getting darker, this small village seemed to be having a happy event, and the village was covered with red lanterns. Xu Changqing did not enter the small village, this was to avoid being disturbed by ordinary affairs and slow down his recovery speed.After a few days of deliberate practice, the golden 'liquid' in his body has recovered a little, and it should be almost recovered in another seven or eight days.The re-refining of the spirit beads and the Maitreya cassock has also been completed. Because of the mastery of the control techniques of these two spirit treasures, the refining process is much easier. However, unlike the world-conquering spirit beads, the Maitreya cassock has not been refined into the Dao True spirit, as if its Buddhist refining method is inherently a bit repulsive of Taoist Daoist true spirit.Even so, Xu Changqing was still able to control Maitreya's cassock like Shi Maitreya did, and he also inadvertently mastered a method that Shi Maitreya had never mastered, which could make the cassock glow with a faint white light, making the body The person wearing cassock looks more like a well-educated monk.

Xu Changqing temporarily settled down in a broken Taoist temple not far from the entrance of the village. Judging from the traces of damage to the Taoist temple, it should have been artificially pushed down after the fire.Looking at the incomplete and moss-covered Sanqing statues in the Taoist temple, Xu Changqing couldn't help but feel a sense of sadness. The world is in chaos, and even such remote temples and Taoist temples have been involved. It seems that there is no place in the world safe place.

In the Taoist temple, Xu Changqing did not light a fire, but sat down in a relatively remote corner that could shelter from the wind and rain, and filled his stomach with some wild fruits picked on the road.Since recovering from the state of fetal breath, his appetite began to change a little, and he ate less and less, most of which were vegetarian. It indicates that he has officially entered into the last step before the formation of the alchemy, which is to return the Qi to the 'liquid'.

The night gradually covered the entire sky. It didn't rain during the day, but it started to fall shortly after nightfall. Except for the place where Xu Changqing was sitting with a roof to cover the rain, the other places were quickly wet by the rain.It took about half an hour for the rain to change from small to large, then from large to small, and then gradually turn into drizzle.At this time, from where he was sitting, he could see a vigorous figure quickly passing through the rain and running towards the Taoist temple.When I got outside the Taoist temple, I didn't know why I didn't go through the well-maintained main entrance, but came over the wall instead. Although it was indeed good in terms of physical skills, it seemed a bit ostentatious no matter how I looked at it.

This figure quickly found the only dry place in the Taoist temple. Since Xu Changqing was sitting in a relatively dark corner, and his body was naturally integrated with the surrounding environment under the influence of the Jiuliu Daoistao, it made some It is difficult for practitioners who sense the existence of living things through their breath to find him.Hei Ying took out some dry firewood he had collected from the rucksack behind him, manipulated the fire nitrous skillfully, and soon lit a bonfire, and then he peeled off the three-purity statue. Gathered some dried vines for firewood.

Under the light of the fire, Xu Changqing saw the appearance of the man in front of him clearly. He was a Taoist with an ancient bun, with a loyal appearance. Although he had a beard on his face, he did not appear to be very old. Big, a little bigger than Xu Changqing at most.At this moment, he was wearing a gossip Taoist robe, with a treasure chest necessary for wandering Taoists on his back, and a simple broad sword hanging on his waist.He unbuttoned his wet clothes, then shook it on the fire, and the Taoist robe was suspended in the sky above the fire. After adding a few firewood to the fire with him, he quickly drew the void symbol with his fingers, and said in his mouth Said: "Heaven and earth are boundless, the five elements borrow the law, and hurry like a law! Burn yourself with fire!"

I saw that as the young Taoist chanted the incantation, the talisman drawn by the void immediately rushed into the Taoist robe, and then the fire below suddenly ignited a fire several meters high, surrounding the Taoist robe above.What is strange is that although the Taoist robe was surrounded by fire, it did not burn. Instead, the rain in the Taoist robe immediately turned into water vapor and dissipated in the air.After seeing that the Taoist robe was almost completely dry, the young Taoist pressed down the fire with his sword finger, and took off the Taoist robe casually and put it on his body.

"Such an exquisite five-element Taoism!" Xu Changqing couldn't help but exclaimed that this young Taoist was able to control the fire so exquisitely.

"Ah! Who?" The young Taoist didn't even think that there were other people in this Taoist temple. He was startled immediately, jumped up from the ground, took the broad sword beside him with one hand, turned around like flowing clouds and flowing water, and drew the sword , alert, said: "Who is sneaking around here?"

"Sneaky?" Xu Changqing smiled, stood up and walked out of the darkness, sat on the fire without any politeness, warmed up, and dispelled the cold air from his body, and said: "It seems that I came to this Taoist temple first, If you want to talk about sneaking, I wonder if that wandering Taoist who doesn't even leave the main entrance is more suspicious?"

"Hey!" The young Taoist saw a monk in plain yellow cassock, and his guard was lowered a bit, and when the monk approached, a feeling of reassurance immediately swept over his body, making him Unknowingly, he regarded the monk as a good friend for many years.When he heard Xu Changqing's rhetorical question, he smiled awkwardly, inserted the wide sword back into the scabbard, and saluted Xu Changqing: "I don't know that the master has already rested in the temple, so I forgive you for rushing in."

"Fellow Taoist, it looks like it!" Xu Changqing smiled and said, "This place was not built by poor monks. Everyone is looking for a place to live, so why be so polite?"

"Haha! Not bad, not bad!" The young Taoist sat down with a smile, put the broad sword beside him, took out a jug of spirits from the treasure chest, took a sip, and said, "Have you asked about the honorable name of the master yet?"

"The poor monk's eyes." Xu Changqing took out the dharma name that he used to fool the people in Shijiazhuang, Tang Sai, a young Taoist.

"Master Shenmu? Could it be the Master Shenmu who stepped on a white lotus that appeared in Shijiazhuang a day ago?" The young Taoist was startled, stood up quickly, and respectfully saluted Xu Changqing: "The master recently demonstrated his superb Buddhist teachings in Shijiazhuang. Healing the illnesses and praying for the common people, and then drifting away late at night without asking for anything, is really a role model for our generation of practitioners. Now the whole Shijiazhuang has spread the story of Master Zhiyun, even Master Zhiyun, who is the host of the Great Buddha Temple And Master Xing, who presided over the Bolin Temple, also praised Master Shenmu for your character, Buddhism and Dharma."

Xu Changqing couldn't help being stunned when he heard the words of the young Taoist. The so-called Dharma he practiced was just some Taoist talisman water and some lotus Buddha lights. He didn't expect that even the Buddhist masters of those authentic temples would be punished. Deception, which made him marvel at the disguise and deceitfulness of Maitreya sect's secret method.

It is said that the more you talk, the more mistakes you make. Xu Changqing didn't intend to talk too much on this topic. He smiled at the young Taoist, noncommittal, and changed the subject: "I don't know if fellow Taoist can borrow a sword to fight with you." The poor monk has a look?"

"Yes, of course!" The young Taoist was already dazzled by the pure divine power obtained from the Ksitigarbha Faxiang golden body on Hunyuanjin. The sword was handed over to Xu Changqing.

Xu Changqing took the saber, opened it, and saw that the blade of this broad sword was four fingers wide and three and a half feet long. The hilt was carved with five bats, and the tail of the sword was inlaid with Luoshu in red jade. There are hundreds of kinds of Taoist talismans engraved in the fine micro-carving method, most of which are Taoist talismans for exorcising ghosts and killing demons.After looking at it, he closed the sword and returned it to the young Taoist, saying: "Good sword! It is indeed a high-quality refined steel talisman sword! I don't know what is the relationship between fellow Taoist and the Guan family, the exorcist of Shandong?"

In the whole world of practice, besides the orthodox sect of Xianfo and Xia Jiuliu sect, there are also some sects and aristocratic families of monasticism. The Lin family of the Heavenly Master family and the Guan family of the Northern Exorcist Heavenly Master family are the most famous.The Tianshi titles of the Lin family and the Guan family were not bestowed by the imperial court, but a kind of praise from the practice community. The Guan family and the Lin family have a history of more than a thousand years, and the earliest can be traced back to the Jin Dynasty. The room is also a Taoist couple, not a husband and wife.The Lin family had already left China during the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom and moved overseas. Most of the family members settled in Southeast Asia, while the Guan family stayed in China.Later, because the Guan family was involved in the flames of war, the members of the family suffered heavy casualties, so they had to be broken up into pieces, and the members of the family were scattered all over the place. In recent years, the rumors of the Guan family in the practice world have become less and less. There is a tendency to decline.

Like the earth escape technique of the Zhong family of the exorcising family, most of the families have a set of unique skills that can be proud of the world. rune sword.It is rumored that a master of the Guan family's celestial master level can engrave nearly a thousand kinds of five thunder talismans from dozens of sects of Yuqing, Shangqing, and Taiqing on a steel talisman sword. Accumulation, when it is time to use it, you can drive it at will, and you can even release it all at once, its power is even more powerful than that of the Heavenly Thunder.

From the talisman sword of this young Taoist, Xu Changqing could tell that his status in the Guan family was not low. Being able to use a talisman sword engraved with hundreds of Taoist talismans was a status symbol in itself.

The young Taoist didn't intend to hide anything, so he clasped his fists and said bluntly, "Zheng in Xiaguan is a direct disciple of the 140th and sixth generation of the Guan family."

"I didn't expect to be able to meet the children of the Guan family in this poor village. It is really an honor for the poor monk." Xu Changqing said sincerely: "In order to prevent the Western Holy See from invading my Chinese practice world, the 38 heroes of the Guan family did not hesitate to sacrifice their lives Fighting against the artillery of the Eight-Power Allied Forces, and finally perishing with the enemy, it is really admirable!"

"Ah!" Guan Zheng sighed and said, "It's a pity that even so, it couldn't stop the Eight-Power Allied Forces from humiliating China. I'm really ashamed."

"Why are you ashamed of the Guan family?" Xu Changqing said with a sneer: "The ones who should be ashamed should be those who only pretend to be destiny and stand on the sidelines. It’s just some people who have forgotten their ancestors and are selfish! The Guan family’s act of righteousness for the country is tantamount to a slap in the face, and it is extremely satisfying.”

Guan Zheng said in a grateful tone: "I never thought that the master is also a man of 'temper'. If the martyrs of the Guan family can hear the praise of the master under Jiuquan, they will definitely smile at Jiuquan."

Xu Changqing sighed, shook his head, and said: "The poor monk is not a man of temperament, he is also a selfish person, but he is better than those old ghosts who hide in the mountains and can't come out. At least the poor monk Do you know your last name?"

Guan Zheng also heard the resentment contained in Xu Changqing's words, he didn't say anything more, picked up a piece of wood and fiddled with the fire, and then the two of them quietly listened to the sound of the drizzle hitting the eaves, and listened to the sound of the fire. With the crackling sound, the slightly ups and downs of the mood just now gradually returned to calm.

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