Nine idlers

Chapter 65

Chapter 65 Contest

Xu Changqing was a little unaccustomed to such dull topics, so he searched for some words at random, and asked, "As far as the poor monk knows, the direct line of the Guan family has moved to Guizhou, why did Brother Guan appear in this northern place?"

Guan Zheng said solemnly: "I don't know, is Master aware of the heaven-defying move of the Profound Handle Heavenly Demon on the fifth day of next month?"

Xu Changqing was stunned for a moment, thought quickly in his heart, nodded slightly, and said: "The poor monk knows a little bit, but the knowledge is not detailed, so he went north to the capital to see if the Xuangang Heavenly Demon used my Huaxia energy. If it is true, the poor monk will kill demons even if he is willing to violate the precept of killing and risk going to hell."

Because when Xu Changqing said these words, the divine power of Guandi in the Hunyuan golden body could not help showing, which made him look upright and awe-inspiring, like a righteous man who saved the country.This image caused Guan Zheng to feel admiration, and even more admiration for him as a person. He subtly regarded him as a confidant in his life.

"Master is really a righteous man!" Guan Zheng stood up, bowed respectfully to Xu Changqing, then sat down, and said solemnly: "Guan will be in this northern place, and Master's intention is Similarly, they also came here for the matter of the Profound Handle Heavenly Demon."

"Oh!" Xu Changqing, who already understood the answer, could only pretend to be stunned, and then continued to ask: "Brother Guan went north is the meaning of the Patriarch of the Guan family? As far as the poor monk knows, The main disciples of the Guan family suffered heavy casualties under the siege of foreigners. The Guan family was forced to leave Shandong and move to the south, and announced the closure of the mountain. Except for the cousin disciples, all the children of the Guan family were not allowed to walk around in the practice world. Brother Guan This move is really against the rules of the Guan family, which made the poor monk feel a little suspicious."

"The master is really thoughtful. Just as the master guessed, I violated the family rules and ran away privately." Guan Zheng smiled awkwardly, took a sip of wine, picked up the talisman sword and put it on his lap while stroking it. , while saying: "Two months ago, Taoist Master Zhengxiao, the Great Elder of Louguan Dao Outer Hall who has a good relationship with my Guan family, came to my house and hoped that my Guan family could participate in this righteous act of exterminating demons in the north, but my family's head and elders He refused to go back on the grounds that the Guan family would no longer 'intervene' in the practice world. I was also there at the time, so I can't blame the Patriarch for wanting to preserve the family's blood, but..." said He pulled out the long sword in his hand, stroked it solemnly and said: "A man with a three-foot long sword in his hand, how can he lose the righteousness of the world because of his own self-interest, that's why I left home privately. Go north."

Xu Changqing couldn't help but think of someone when he saw Guan Zheng's blood soaring, so he asked: "Brother Guan's behavior reminds the poor monk of a friend who has forgotten his age. Xia, you two are really alike."

"How dare! How dare!" Guan Zheng blushed slightly, put the sword back into the scabbard, and said with admiration: "How dare I be compared with Hero Yan! When I was young, Hero Yan once came to live in my house For a few months, I happened to be lucky enough to serve him, and I got him to teach him some sword repair techniques. If there is someone I admire most in the world, it must be Hero Yan!"

"It turns out that Brother Guan is the registered disciple of Yan Daxia. I am really disrespectful, disrespectful!" Xu Changqing looked at Guan Zheng carefully again, and suddenly stood up to pat the dust on his body, and looked at the drizzle that was about to stop outside. Putting his hands together, he said, "I wonder if the poor monk will be lucky enough to learn Brother Guan's talisman sword?"

"Okay! Although there are more than a dozen of Guan's exorcising ghosts and demons on this journey northward, he has not encountered a comparable opponent so far." Guan Zheng also nodded excitedly, stood up and said: "Guan Master's own method , is also a person who is proficient in secular martial arts, and it happens to be able to prove whether Guan's self-created method of Yukong Talisman Sword is useful?"

While talking, the two had already walked to the small courtyard in front of the Taoist temple.Although the rain just now was not too heavy, a lot of rainwater had accumulated on the ground, and Guan Zheng's boots creaked on the water, but Xu Changqing used his unique five-element method to stand barefoot on the water, With every step, the ripples on the water form a lotus shape.

Seeing Xu Changqing's Five Elements Taoism, Guan Zheng mistook it for Buddhism, and his face became more solemn, and he couldn't help admiring: "I didn't expect that Master's Buddhism has reached the realm of water and soil, which really makes Guan admire it." .”

"Some flesh and blood, not worth mentioning." Xu Changqing smiled modestly, giving people a feeling of not being famous, and then made a gesture of invitation to Guan Zheng, saying: "Brother Guan, please!"

"Guan has been offended!" Guan Zheng looked solemn, pulled out the talisman sword, threw the scabbard casually, and landed on the side of the fire without a sound, with just the right amount of strength.I saw him holding the sword in both hands, posing most of the swordsmanship salute sword postures, after seeing that Xu Changqing was also ready, he suddenly triggered the sword in the sword, his figure disappeared without a trace, and disappeared before Xu Changqing's eyes At the same time, it appeared behind Xu Changqing strangely and slashed at his right shoulder.

In Xu Changqing's eyes, Guan Zheng's sword suddenly emitted a force, and then his whole body disappeared in an instant, and he suddenly felt a strong wind blowing behind him.Regarding the attack behind him, he didn't appear to be in a panic. He was running the Taiqing Yuangang that he had just practiced for a while, and at the same time drove Maitreya's cassock to form a defense. When the sword fell down, a soft force came from the cassock to wrap the sword body , and then under the influence of Taiqing Yuangang, the hem of the cassock turned into a palm and slapped it directly towards Guan Zheng's chest.

With a sound of "Boom!", the two separated instantly. Although Xu Changqing had Maitreya cassock and Taiqing Yuangang defenses, the thunder force contained in the talisman sword still broke through the defense and hit his Hunyuanjin. , made him feel a little paralyzed.On the other hand, Xu Changqing's Taiqing Yuangang force also hit Guan Zheng's chest, causing him to back up more than ten steps, and the front of his chest was shattered, revealing a close-fitting armor engraved with charms. Qing Yuangang's strength was instantly dispelled by a layer of water-like strength without causing any harm to Guan Zheng.

"Amulet?" Xu Changqing turned around and saw the amulet, his expression froze for a moment, and he couldn't help but have some doubts about Guan Zheng's identity. After all, there are not a few Guan family who can have a talisman sword, as long as they are direct disciples Everyone will have a handle when they become adults, but there are not many who have rune armor.Generally, apart from the orthodox exorcist celestial master heirs and a few elders, only the descendants of the 38 righteous men of the Guan family who died that year can have a rune armor.Thinking of this, Xu Changqing couldn't help asking: "I don't know which one of the 38 righteous men Guan brother is a descendant of?"

"Eight arms supporting the sky, Guan Yunpei is the patriarch of the family." Guan Zheng smiled lightly, touched the talisman on his chest, and suddenly he was stunned again, and said: "I didn't expect that the master is also proficient in Taoist Tai Chi Cotton Palm Kung Fu !"

"Buddhism and Taoism are one, why are they divided into two schools!" Xu Changqing didn't give a direct answer, but said a verse vaguely, and then didn't give Guan Zheng much time to think, and used the Jiuliu Dao to circulate the true essence according to the Bailian's method of crossing the world. It is simulated as a white lotus crossing the world Buddha Yuan, and it is displayed with the great compassion and compassion of the secular Buddhism, and it is formed into a white lotus palm print to attack the pass.Ever since he realized that the secular martial arts are not useless, he has also reclassified the secular martial arts that he has learned in exercising his muscles and bones, and selected the martial arts that can be used in conjunction with Dao Power and Foyuan, and mastered them again. Hand Avalokitesvara is one of them.

Seeing the overwhelming lotus palm, Guan Zheng had no choice but to focus on his energy and fully use his Guan family's unique awe-inspiring righteousness formula to stimulate the power of exorcism in the talisman sword. He used the 72-style Dharma sword of the secular Shaolin school to transform Qiandao Sword Shadow greeted him.Because Xu Changqing wanted to prove whether his understanding of secular martial arts was correct, he did not hold back at all, and Guan Zheng also learned the bottleneck of the Guan family's unique knowledge, just in need of a well-matched opponent to help him break through, and he also went all out.

The two palm shadows and sword lights exchanged no less than a thousand moves. Neither Xu Changqing's lotus seal nor Guan Zheng's talisman sword could break through the opponent's defense, but the power contained in the moves of both sides brought each other No small shock.Although Maitreya's cassock and rune armor released part of the power for his master, part of the power still hit the opponent directly.Because Xu Changqing has the golden body of Hunyuan, not to mention the residual Dao power, even the spells driven by Dao power thousands of times greater than this cannot bring him direct damage. The only trouble is the Dao power contained in the talisman sword. Lei Jin always makes him paralyzed.As for Guan Zhengze, it is different. Although his body has also practiced some secular body protection magic skills, no matter how strong it is, it is only at the secular stage, and it is not sublimated into Buddhism like the Shaolin school's Vajra Indestructible Body Magic Kungfu. The golden body directly bears the remaining force of Xu Changqing's lotus seal, which really makes him feel a little unbearable.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Guan Zhengli slashed with his sword, 'forced' Xu Changqing to respond, then jumped back and jumped out of the battle circle, and before Xu Changqing could react, he used the sword cultivation method Wanjian Jue taught to him by Yan Feng , turned the talisman sword into tens of thousands, and attacked Xu Changqing overwhelmingly.

"Good time!" Xu Changqing had also learned Yan Feng's Wan Jian Jue. In terms of the power of the sword formula, Yan Feng was far better than Guan Zheng, but Guan Zheng's Wan Jian Jue was not useless. Wan Jian Jue was integrated into his own talisman sword method.The power of many Dao talismans in the talisman sword is mixed in the sword formula. Although it is messy, it is also amazingly powerful.

At this time Xu Changqing frowned, his expression was not so relaxed, his hands quickly formed a lotus seal, and displayed the only authentic set of white lotus incarnation ** of the White Lotus Sect. It turned into an unbloomed white lotus, wrapped Xu Changqing in it, even letting Wan Jian go through him didn't hurt him at all.Then his handprint changed into the opening lotus seal again, and the lotus blossomed instantly, releasing a dazzling light, bounced off the spirit sword of Wanjian Jue, and rushed towards Guan Zheng.After bumping into Guan Zheng, he shrank back suddenly, and after he said the word "Gu", he wrapped Guan Zheng, who had not yet had time to guard against, in the lotus flower.

"Hey! I lost!" Xu Changqing saw that Guan Zheng was imprisoned in the lotus Buddha power, no matter how he hacked, he couldn't get out of it, but there was no joy on his face.Originally, the requirement he set for himself was to only use secular martial arts and the method of the White Lotus Sect, and never use any Taoism, because he knew that if he used Taoism, Guan Zheng would definitely not be his enemy with ten moves, and that would be boring too much.But he didn't expect Guan Zheng to only use seven fractions of his strength until the last time when he used the Wanjian Jue. He released all the strength of the Taiqing Divine Thunder in the talisman sword, which brought him great pain. The small threat 'forced' him to use his own five-element Taoism, combining the Qi of the Golden Spirit with the incarnation of the white lotus, so he didn't get embarrassed just now.So in his opinion, although he won, he also lost.

Just when Xu Changqing felt that he had lost a game and felt uncomfortable, and at the same time was thinking about whether to imprison Guan Zheng for one night to relieve his anger, the white lotus that was mixed with Jinling Qi and Bailian Foyuan Suddenly, a mighty sword energy rushed out, instantly smashing Bai Lian to pieces.At this moment, Guan Zheng held the sword in both hands, his expression was solemn, his eyes were closed tightly, and the awe-inspiring aura around him was constantly expanding and contracting, and it went round and round.

"Breakthrough! This is the mighty sword of the Guan family. It's astonishingly powerful." Although the white lotus was chopped into pieces, Xu Changqing was not unhappy at all. Live in admiration.

Guan Zheng's Haoran Zhengqi Jue was already on the verge of breaking through, and what was missing was only a chance, but Xu Changqing's white lotus confinement made him enter an ethereal state in a disguised form, so that the Haoran Zhengqi Jue could be released. Break through, unleash the mighty sword of the Guan family's unique skill, and break through the white lotus.At this moment, Guan Zheng is comprehending his own Grandeur of Righteousness, and when he wakes up from the Xing Gong method, his strength must be improved by at least one level.

Xu Changqing, who had already seen that Guan Zheng's cultivation had encountered a bottleneck, deliberately lowered his skill to compete with him, not only to prove his secular martial arts, but also to improve Guan Zheng's cultivation.In his opinion, Guan Zheng's ability to improve his strength is absolutely beneficial and harmless to the trip to Peiping, so he didn't disturb Guan Zheng, went back to sit by the fire, and let Guan Zheng realize what he had just gained.

It didn't take long for Guan Zheng to wake up from the practice of martial arts, and the aura of grandeur that was constantly bulging and contracting on his body was instantly drawn into his body from a hundred 'acupuncture points'. Guan Zheng's temperament also changed from being slightly publicized to restrained and invisible. It's not only his cultivation, but also his state of mind that comes to improve.

"Thank you, master, for helping me break through the bottleneck!" Guan Zheng had really felt his own breakthrough, and was overjoyed in his heart, and hurried forward to thank him with fists in his hands.

Xu Changqing smiled and said: "This is the result of Brother Guan's hard work, and it has nothing to do with the poor monk. Brother Guan is wrong!"

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