Nine idlers

Chapter 640 Nine Veined Spirit Stones

Chapter 640 Nine Meridian Spirit Stone

Xu Changqing originally planned to accept Gong Liangjue as his subordinate. After all, a person who can endure so many years of torture and still have a firm will is indeed a rare talent.It's just that when I saw Gong Liangjue who was wounded by Qiqing Mingzhu, I realized that the previous impression was just an illusion covered by Qiqing Mingzhu's magic power. The real Gong Liangjue had already become a vengeful A half-crazy person, and years of torture made him breed an extreme hatred, hating everything in the world, even himself.Accepting such a person as a subordinate will only bring trouble to himself, not to mention that the suppressed karma in him is also an unstable factor, so it can only be used as a pawn.

After leaving the small courtyard, Xu Changqing walked down the hill. When he walked through the courtyard where Zhenwei lived and reached the half-mountain pavilion, he suddenly stopped because there was a person sitting in the pavilion in front of him. Empress Tianshi who left just now.She was supposed to meet its commander Wen Yueyan at the Dongfang Leiguang Army camp, and she was supposed to seek a place for Gong Liangjue to enter Xinglong Prison, but now she is sitting here, as if waiting for Xu Changqing's arrival, and her aura is restrained, and she is in harmony with her surroundings. The surrounding environment is perfectly integrated, so that Xu Changqing can't feel its existence in advance, just like outside the small courtyard just now.

"Another existence that is one with heaven and earth!" Xu Changqing showed a slightly surprised expression, and walked towards the pavilion.

This kind of situation also happened to Xu Changqing when he met Diting Divine Beast in Xinglong Dharma Tomb. 'Sex' thinking ignores its existence.The state of Empress Tianshi in front of her is the same as that of the remnant soul of Di Ting, she is integrated with the whole Little Devil Mountain, she is the Little Devil Mountain, and the Little Devil Mountain is her, making Xu Changqing turn a blind eye to this and fail to discover its existence.

It's just that it's very difficult to reach such a state, just like Xu Changqing's cultivation base is advanced and he can cast spells to integrate into the world, but his relationship with the world is still the relationship between water and oil, and there will always be some traces of 'revealing'.This kind of state does not come from hard work, nor can you rely on a certain sect to reach this state. What is needed is a chance, such as listening to the remnant soul of a god and beast in the underworld for countless years before assimilating with the death energy of the yin. This is a chance. And Empress Tianshi in front of her obviously got another chance.

"Please sit down!" Empress Tianshi seemed to regard Xu Changqing as a close relative and friend. After sitting down, she poured him a glass of purgatory door specialty wine and lit it on fire, then asked with a smile, "Should I sit down?" How should I address you, Your Excellency?"

"Zhou Ming!" Xu Changqing said calmly after changing his appearance back to that of Zhou Ming.

"Zhou Ming, the Lord of the Demon God Palace?" Empress Tianshi was stunned for a moment, then repeated in a surprised tone, and soon regained her normal color, looking enviously at Xu Changqing's spell, and praised: "What a brilliant change If it is not in front of your eyes, I am afraid it will be difficult to see the slightest flaw. Master Zhou really deserves his reputation!"

"Your Master's realm of heaven and earth is also extraordinary, and he was able to assimilate with this little magic mountain. If it wasn't right in front of me, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to perceive the existence of Your Honor. You agree, no one can enter this mountain!" Xu Changqing said politely, took a sip from his wine glass without hesitation, felt the strong alcohol smell that burned his body and soul, and couldn't help but praise: "Good wine!"

"Naturally it's good wine!" Tianshi Empress said quite proudly: "This place is brewed with a kind of fire heart fruit unique to Purgatory Gate, and only 30 pots are produced every [-] years. Among them, it can be classified as There are only three jugs of high-grade wine, and I won this jug from Wen Xingyan, and she only has two jugs in her hands."

After hearing this, Xu Changqing unceremoniously filled another cup, but this time he didn't drink it all at once, but tasted it owed money, nodded slightly approvingly, and then said: "Fellow Daoist Tianshi and Commander Wen have a very good relationship. ?”

Empress Tianshi smiled softly, and replied: "Hehe! If being like water and fire is considered a good relationship, then my relationship with her is indeed not bad."

Xu Changqing was stunned for a moment, and said: "In this case, why were you so sure that you could help Gong Liangjue enter Xinglong Dharma Tomb from Xinglong Prison in Immortal Palace?"

"The Lord of Six Desires that Gong Liangjue wanted the most before was in you, but now he doesn't even want the Lord of Seven Emotions anymore, so naturally he doesn't need to go to Xinglong Prison again!" Tianshi Empress said rather He seemed satisfied and said: "In this way, I don't need to ask for help, and I also repay a favor, and settle a worry."

"Tianshi Dao is friendly and calculating!" Xu Changqing praised sincerely, and then asked: "How did fellow Taoist know that I am pregnant with the Lord of Six Desires?"

Empress Tianshi also took a sip of ground fire, and then said: "It's very simple! Because I created the main method of the Six Desires, I naturally know its magic power well. If you enter the territory of the magic town, I will It's already felt."

Hearing this, Xu Changqing was stunned for a moment. When he saw the Master of Six Desires before, he thought that the person who created this method was already dead. He didn't expect that he was still alive, and he was still living next to Xinglong Prison.It's just that the surprise dissipated quickly. Although it surprised him, he was not interested in why he was in the Xinglong Prison, why he created this method based on the method of the master of the seven emotions, etc. interest.Seeing that his expression was indifferent, he asked directly: "Fellow Tianshi is waiting for me here, why?"

Xu Changqing's blunt questioning made Empress Tianshi, who had prepared a lot of speeches, mess up her hands and feet. After rearranging the speeches, she looked at Xu Changqing calmly and said: "I I just want to see who is the person who can not be affected by Xinglong Prison and snatch the Lord of the Six Desires from the remnant soul of the divine beast. But I never thought that it would be the Lord of the Demon God Hall. Speaking of which, Lord Zhou, don’t you? Are you worried?"

"What are you worried about?" Xu Changqing asked back.

Empress Tianshi stared at Xu Changqing, and said: "As far as I know, the target of the 'tide' of the turbid beasts is not War Demon City, and War Demon City is just a feint attack. Their main force seems to have pointed the finger at your Demon God Temple. A general attack will be launched in the evening, even if you have the help of the Lord of the Forbidden Forest, Lord Zhou, you will probably not be able to resist the siege of more than ten foreign gods, right?"

A look of surprise flashed in Xu Changqing's eyes. The reason why he was surprised was not because the turbid beast Tide put the main target on himself.In fact, after subduing the Lord of the Forbidden Forest, he thought that the remnants of the alien gods behind the turbid beast would be afraid that he would continue to subdue the other Lords of the Forbidden Forest and deal with them in turn. The temple was strangled in its infancy.So after Empress Tianshi told the news, Xu Changqing just felt that things were going much faster than he expected, and he was not surprised, but the reason why he was really surprised was because of this Tianshi. Empress is actually able to understand the movements of the "tide" of the turbid beast so well.

"Are you also a bereaved family of foreign gods?" Xu Changqing quickly thought of a possibility and asked in a deep voice.

"Yes!" Empress Tianshi didn't have any intention of hiding anything, she nodded and admitted directly: "And it's the kind with the purest blood, even more pure than Seventh Sister."

Xu Changqing immediately used the supernatural powers he deduced from the divine power of the Greek god Zeus to turn himself into the exotic god Zeus, so as to resonate with the hidden divine power of the exotic gods in Tianshi Empress.In this resonance effect, Xu Changqing felt a majestic earth spirit condensing around Empress Tianshi, and the little magic mountain under her feet and the leylines of the surrounding mountains on both sides completely merged with her, as if she was The embodiment of this land.

Xu Changqing faintly guessed the source of the divine power of Empress Tianshi, but she still confirmed her 'sex' and asked, "Mother Earth Gaia?"

"God King Zeus?" Empress Tianshi looked at Xu Changqing who was exuding the real power of thunder with even stronger surprise, and couldn't help but cast a spell on guard, and said in surprise: "You are also from the Holy Ruins?"

"No, this is just the divine power of Zeus imitated by Taoism." Xu Changqing could see that Empress Tianshi didn't have the slightest liking for the foreign gods in the holy market, especially after she imitated the divine power of foreign gods, her face immediately revealed ' There was a strong hostility.So Xu Changqing withdrew his mana, returned to normal, and said: "As far as I know, the most pure alien spirit survivors in the Holy Ruins are not allowed to leave the Holy Ruins and the beast's lair, otherwise they will inevitably suffer from the Kunlun Three Realms. Since you are the purest descendant of foreign gods, why can you appear here? And according to your blood, you should be highly valued in the Holy Ruins, so why would you abandon all that power and come here to be a Where is the mayor of the town?"

"Not everyone likes power! As for why I'm here, it's all because of this rock." Empress Tianshi didn't intend to say anything more about her affairs in the Holy Ruins, she just sighed a little, followed She spread her palm towards Xu Changqing, and an irregularly shaped stone emerged from her palm. This stone contained a huge yin and yang immortal energy, and faintly exuded an aura of the law of the heaven and earth.

"This stone...?" Xu Changqing looked at this seemingly ordinary stone with some surprise, then pointed at it, and asked, "Can I take a closer look?"

"Please!" Empress Tianshi immediately nodded in agreement, but there was a teasing smile on her face, as if she was waiting to see Xu Changqing's joke.

Xu Changqing felt from the expression of Empress Tianshi that this stone was by no means as simple as it appeared on the surface, so when she reached out to take the stone, she seemed a lot more careful.It's just that when he clamped the stone between his fingers and was about to lift it up, he found that no matter how hard he tried, he still couldn't lift the stone halfway from Empress Tianshi's hand, as if the stone had already taken root in Empress Tianshi's palm. .

"What a heavy stone!" Xu Changqing raised his eyebrows, looking at the stone in surprise.He knew very well that Empress Tianshi didn't cast any spells just now, and he couldn't pick up the stone because of the weight of the stone itself.Although this stone looks only a little bigger than a walnut, its weight is like a mountain, even heavier than a mountain.If Xu Changqing's Daluo Jinxian body can take it, maybe it can be done, but now it's just Zhu Yan's avatar whose mana has reached the small heaven, obviously it is impossible to take this stone with the current strength and mana alone.

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