Nine idlers

Chapter 641 The Secret of Kunlun

Chapter 640 Secrets of Kunlun

After arriving in Kunlun Wonderland, Xu Changqing knew that Xuan Qingsu was still alive, and had some thoughts about meeting each other, but he couldn't go to Tianji Valley due to various reasons.When he was laying out the world, although everything was going very smoothly, he always had a feeling that there was still a game in the game that was affecting his plan, and this feeling was even stronger after the fairy palace and the devil's cliff, and he It can also be seen from some clues that there are nine tricks in this game-in-game.Apart from himself, the only person who possessed such techniques in the entire Kunlun Three Realms was Xuan Qingsu, the old man of Tianji.

Xu Changqing once asked Chao Yin to secretly pursue some clues that might be related to it, but unfortunately they found nothing in the end, as if there was no trace of the other party's plan.It wasn't until the appearance of Gong Liangjue that Xu Changqing vaguely felt some connection, so he lured the Zhanmoya coalition forces to release Gong Liangjue to deal with the Yuxu III family according to his own thoughts, and then went to Xinglong Prison to find the missing Du Chengen. And because of Gong Liangjue, he came to Xiaomo Mountain in the town of Ruomo, and finally met Empress Tianshi.It wasn't until Empress Tianshi was about to give him the treasure of the Nine Meridians Lingshi that he was almost sure of the weirdness in it and that he had fallen into a certain situation in the world.

The appearance of Xuan Qingsu now made Xu Changqing completely affirmed his own thoughts. After he came to Zhanmoya, he had already fallen into the game set by Xuan Qingsu. The only thing that surprised Xuan Qingsu was that Xu Changqing's strength surpassed the opponent's It is estimated that his bureau can only slightly affect Xu Changqing's plan, and cannot influence Xu Changqing's decision.Perhaps because of this, Xuan Qingsu had to stand up in person to meet Xu Changqing, which was also a performance of admitting defeat, because if a planner stood up and appeared in front of the players in the game, either the plan was successful or the plan failed. Clearly the current situation is far from successful.

"Xu Changqing, a nine-liu idler, has seen Senior Tianji." Xu Changqing quickly calmed down, his expression returned to normal, and he cupped his fists to salute the Tianshi Empress who was possessed by Xuan Qingsu in front of him, but her title did not use the previous generation nine. An idler, but using the current identity of Xuan Qingsu as the old man of Tianji.

The old man Tianji is so wise, how can he not understand that Xu Changqing's move is undoubtedly to show himself that his past identities will not bring any benefits to the next conversation. My fellow Kunlun Taoist.Regarding this, Xuan Qingsu didn't show any dissatisfaction, but just smiled and said: "You know that when I was still in the world, I had already predicted all of today's events."

"Avenue map." Xu Changqing frowned slightly and said.

"That's right! It's the road map." Xuan Qingsu's face showed nostalgia, and he turned around and sat casually on a black rock that had been blown by the wind all year round. With a wave of his hand, a disc flew into the air, emitting an invisible Power, to isolate all the wind from the sky from the top of the mountain, followed him and continued: "When I got the Dao Tu, I just thought it was just an ordinary magic weapon, but the more I delved into its mystery, the more I felt it. This treasure is incomparably miraculous, and I can even use the technique of inquiring about the secrets of heaven that I have realized from this thing to deduce the way of heaven and change my fate." As he spoke, he 'showed' a mysterious smile again, and said: "When I When I used this thing to build the Golden Core Dao, I inadvertently glimpsed a glimpse of the sky, and saw many interesting things from it, the most interesting of which is you."

"Most interesting?" Xu Changqing raised his eyebrows after hearing this, turned around and landed on the stone opposite Xuan Qingsu, and said, "If it's said that being spied on all my life, I'm afraid it's not an interesting thing for me! "

"Looking at the whole life? Haha!" Xuan Qingsu was stunned for a while, then laughed, and said: "You are also a master of fortune, do you think that by cultivating fortune to the extreme and grasping the lifeline of the world, you can completely detect other people's life ?A person's lifeline is not one, but countless. Any thought and decision may generate a new lifeline. What our life masters can do is to find the most likely lifeline and find out the fate of several of them. The turning point is like you created the bitter medicine hall, like you appeared in Little Devil Mountain."

Xu Changqing said with a calm face: "It is indeed my handwriting to create the Hall of Bitter Medicine, but the reason why I appear in Little Devil Mountain is not because you are secretly around?"

"Based on your cultivation, I think it is impossible for the three realms of Kunlun, even the Great Destroyer Demon Lord, to 'control' your thoughts, let alone me?" Xuan Qingsu looked at Xu Changqing appreciatively, and said: " All I have done is lay out some chess pieces in advance, as for whether you will use these chess pieces, it can only be left to fate."

"Arouse the yin and death energy to seal the Xinglong Dharma Tomb, trap Gong Liangjue in the Xinglong Prison, draw out the remnant soul of Di Ting Divine Beast, and hand over the Nine Meridian Spirit Stone to Empress Tianshi! These chess pieces of yours are really unconstrained, if Until the end, I am afraid that it will be difficult for people in the chess game to see what the role of these chess pieces is, and if they see the role of these chess pieces, they may be trapped in the chess game and cannot be recovered." Xu Changqing's face was calm, and Xuan Qingsu arranged The chess pieces were disassembled one by one, and then he said solemnly: "If my guess is not wrong, I am afraid that the Master of Six Desires is also created by you, right?"

"It's a pity that I couldn't do my best, and didn't combine the Seven Emotions and the Six Desires into one." Xuan Qingsu didn't mean to deny it, but said regretfully.

Seeing Xuan Qingsu like this, Xu Changqing was silent for a while, seemed to think of something, and quickly said in a deep voice: "Have you practiced these two methods?"

Xuan Qingsu nodded, and said with quite a sense of satisfaction: "You should also see that this is the law of the humane orthodox system. With my generation's 'nature', there is no reason not to cultivate it."

"You have already cultivated." Seeing Xuan Qingsu's expression, Xu Changqing couldn't help frowning, and asked, "You have already made up for the lack of the Lord of the Six Desires, and combined the two methods into one?"

"That's right! I have combined the Lord of the Seven Emotions and the Lord of the Six Desires into one, cultivated the Tao of the Seven Emotions and Six Desires, and achieved the humane orthodoxy." Xuan Qingsu admitted Xu Changqing's guess, then looked at Xu Changqing, and said: "Speaking of it, I also want to thank you. If it weren’t for your bitter medicine stele, I’m afraid I wouldn’t be able to master these two methods. But in this way, I owe you a karma. Your karma can be a fatal thing, so I came here today to repay your karma, lest this karma will snowball in the future."

Xu Changqing was stunned for a moment, then slightly surprised: "Could it be that when you were in the secular world, you have already counted today's affairs and made arrangements?"

"How is this possible? These chess pieces are just some idle chess pieces, in order to attract you to meet me, even if there is no such karma, I will meet you once again." He took out the stone, handed it to Xu Changqing, and said: "This spirit stone is just a thing to end cause and effect, you can accept it with confidence, there will be no problem!"

"What the hell is this spirit stone? It stands to reason that its value is much higher than that of the Seven Emotions and Six Desires method. It may be too much to use it to repay this karma!" Xu Changqing knew very well that his patriarch was scheming. He didn't show any trace, even if he felt that his attitude was sincere and his words were true, he still seemed extra careful not to overstep the threshold.

"Suspicious, careful every step of the way, it really is my descendant of nine streams, and he has three tastes!" Xuan Qingsu smiled, looked at Xu Changqing with more and more admiration, and then said: "It seems that I don't talk about it." Tell me everything about this spirit stone, to remove your doubts, you won’t receive it.” Then, he tidied up his words and asked, “Do you know the five-year-old stone that Nuwa left behind after mending the sky? Color' stone?"

"Five-color stone?" Xu Changqing was stunned, and said with a smile: "You mean the five-color stone of Monkey Sun? Or the five-color stone of Jia Baoyu?"

Xuan Qingsu nodded with a smile, and said: "Both are both, but that is just a name imagined by ordinary people. The real origin of this stone is deeper than the legend, because the five'color'stone is the last three realms of heaven and earth. The broken relic." As he spoke, he saw Xu Changqing still looking calm, and said, "You don't seem surprised by this? It seems that you know more than I imagined. "

"Let's talk about this spirit stone!" Xu Changqing didn't reveal to Xuan Qingsu what he was thinking about his hole cards, and turned the topic back to the main topic.

"Since you already know a lot of things, let me just say it straight! This spirit stone is also a kind of five-color stone, but this spirit stone has been integrated with this world, and has absorbed nine The congenital spirit veins are fermented to become dragons. This treasure is second to none in helping people practice, and its real power is to stabilize the fortune, achieve the ninety-nine ways, and create the fortune of the eternal." Xuan Qingsu said with a rather excited expression.

"The way of ninety-nine? Unlock the fortune of all ages?" Xu Changqing vaguely sensed something, pondered for a while, his face was suddenly shocked, pointed to this walnut-sized stone, and said in surprise: "This spirit stone Could it be a Heavenly Emperor Seal?"

"Haha! How surprised are you?" Xuan Qingsu couldn't help smiling when he saw Xu Changqing's face turned pale with shock, and said, "When I got this seal back then, I had the same expression as you. Now the Three Realms It's already 'chaotic', people who have the fate of the emperor of heaven have surfaced one after another, ready to fight for the world and establish the heavenly court, but no matter how strong and powerful they are, if there is no such seal, their name as the heavenly court will not be justified , so they all died down, waiting for this seal to be born."

Xu Changqing frowned and said, "You actually took this curse as a cause and effect? ​​Aren't you afraid that the cause and effect will get deeper and deeper?"

Xuan Qingsu explained: "For others, this object may be the source of trouble and disaster, but for you it is not. No matter you give this object to anyone who has the destiny of the Emperor of Heaven, you will eventually be able to get a The luck of heaven, what this means to you, I think you should know better than me."

Xu Changqing stared at Xuan Qingsu, and asked: "Why don't you use this thing? It stands to reason that the fate of the Heavenly Court is also very important to you."

"This thing is too precious to me, so expensive that I can't bear it. If I hold this thing, the end result is to be robbed and die." Xuan Qingsu smiled bitterly, and said: "So after I got this thing, I Immediately hand it over to Tianshi for temporary storage, and wait for this opportunity to hand it over to you."

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