Nine idlers

Chapter 642 Inside Story of the Holy Ruins

Chapter 640 Second Stories of the Holy Ruins

Compared with the Nine Meridian Lingshi that will be given away sooner or later, the Anzi arranged by Xuan Qingsu in the Immortal Palace is what Xu Changqing wants most.Now Xu Changqing's eyes and ears are only distributed in Xiaoyuntian, and in terms of control power, it is only within the range of Zhanmoya. As for other places in Xiaoyuntian, Chaoyin has just built a framework through the extensive rat clan.But Xuan Qingsu is different. He has been laying out the fairy palace for many years. Although Xu Changqing is not clear about its specific scope, it is certain that it has definitely spread throughout the fairy palace.Just judging from the names given by Xuan Qingsu, Xu Changqing knew that his guess was correct, because these names were all high-ranking people in the Immortal Palace, and absolutely no one would have thought that they would be Xuan Qingsu The unstoppable shadow manager.

"It's too childish to be able to control powerful people like them who hold real power with just four words." Although Xuan Qingsu gave the names very simply, Xu Changqing was dissatisfied with the method of controlling these people, and he frowned. Frowning, he said, "It's better for you to tell the real way to control them, so that even if I can use them, I'm worried that one day you will take them back, and I don't feel at ease using them."

Xuan Qingsu pretended to be mysterious and explained, "Don't worry, these four words are the way to control them. You just need to say these four words in front of them, and you will naturally understand what's going on."

Seeing what Xuan Qingsu said, Xu Changqing did not delve into it any further. After writing down the name, he stretched out his hand to erase the name, and then said: "Secondly, I want to know the complete method of the Lord of the Seven Emotions and Six Desires that you cultivated."

"What? You want this method?" Xuan Qingsu froze for a moment, smiled, and said, "It's not that this method cannot be taught to you, but it may be harmful to you if you learn it."

"How do you say that?" Xu Changqing asked with a frown.

"Presumably you should also know that the Seven Emotions Underworld Master Dharma Gate comes from the Xiaodaowen Heart Sutra of the Lingbao Sect. Although the Six Desire Underworld Master Dharma Gate was created by me according to the Seven Emotions Underworld Master Dharma Gate, there are other people who perfected this Dharma door." Xuan Qing Su explained in detail: "Although these two methods have the same origin, they are incompatible. The reason why I practiced it successfully is because of some other special reasons, and my own Dao is compatible with it. .Everyone's natal avenue is different. My natal avenue can accommodate the master of the seven emotions and six desires, but it doesn't mean that you can. There is incompatibility in the sea, I am afraid that you have to allocate mana to suppress the conflict between the two, and your strength will definitely be greatly reduced because of this."

Xu Changqing said calmly: "Whether it is useful to me is up to me, whether to pass it on or not is up to you."

"Until the Yellow River, the heart will not die, it really has a temper!" Xuan Qingsu was not angry because of his tone, but rather appreciated it, and then explained the master method of the seven emotions and six desires that he had deduced.

Xu Changqing frowned slightly after hearing this, not because this method is incomplete, but because this method is just like what Xuan Qingsu said, it is suitable for him to practice alone, even if other people practice this method, they will force seven It is impossible for the master of love and darkness to merge with the master of six desires, and it is impossible to achieve a humane orthodoxy. At best, it is just a rather strong clone.

"How is it? I didn't lie to you, did I?" Xuan Qingsu smiled after seeing Xu Changqing's slightly frowned brows.

Xu Changqing suddenly asked: "Where did you get your Lord of Seven Emotions and Lord of Six Desires? You probably didn't cultivate them yourself."

"Hehe! Since you already guessed it, why bother to ask me again. Yes, my Master of Seven Emotions and Six Desires is from Xinglong Prison just like you. I'll set the bait." Xuan Qingsu showed a rather smug smile, and seeing Xu Changqing's expression of wanting to speak, he seemed to guess what he wanted to ask again, so he said first: "As for cause and effect Karma, although troublesome, but there are ways to deal with it, and the supernatural talent of listening to the remnant soul of the beast is just one of them. I alone know three methods that can eliminate karma, although these methods are very troublesome , but it can be done very thoroughly, and will not leave a root like listening to the remnant soul of the beast."

Xu Changqing said: "It seems that you can also feel that the karma in Gong Liangjue's body is only temporarily suppressed."

"I didn't feel it, I guessed it!" Xuan Qingsu said indifferently: "I was frustrated to the point of being severely injured when I was born, and I also met you. If it wasn't for the karma of karma, how could it be so unlucky." Said Then, he looked at Xu Changqing with deep meaning, and said: "Speaking of which, you have a good vision. This Gong Liangjue has a firm mind and first-class aptitude. He has experienced the ups and downs of life, and his heart is compatible with the master of seven emotions. The Master of the Seven Emotions is also much stronger than the average one. If I hadn’t cultivated the method of the Master of the Seven Emotions and Six Desires, I might have taken down his Master of the Seven Emotions and taken it for my own use. It’s just that the God of Truth Listening The Master of the Six Desires trained by the soul 'manipulating' the puppet is much worse, if you really want to cultivate the human way, you'd better practice the Master of the Six Desires again."

"You don't need to worry about this, you have your way, and I have mine." Although Xuan Qingsu's reminder was very reasonable, Xu Changqing didn't care.As Xuan Qingsu said before, everyone may be the same at the beginning of practicing the main method of the seven emotions and six desires, but the results are different.From Xuan Qingsu's method, Xu Changqing can see that what he wants to practice is a clone of the Dao, so the foundation must be perfect, and what Xu Changqing needs is only the foundation of the Dao of the master method of the Seven Emotions and Six Desires, that is, the way of the Seven Emotions and Six Desires contained in it, to make up for it. The human orthodoxy of the Quanjiuliu Avenue has the same beginning as the two, but they diverge in two ends, which is not the same.

Xu Changqing then asked again: "You have also traveled in War Demon Cliff, so you must have explored the beast's lair, the forbidden area of ​​War Demon Cliff, and the Holy Ruins, right?"

Xuan Qingsu said in a teasing tone: "With your ability, it shouldn't be difficult to explore these places. Why ask? If you know the result in advance, wouldn't it be a lot less fun?"

"Fun?" Xu Changqing snorted softly and said, "For me, this is just trouble, not fun. Since there are ways to reduce trouble, why bother?"

"That being the case, I can only tell you what I know. Those places in the Forbidden Area of ​​War Demon Cliff are too evil. I only checked some of the outer areas, and I haven't entered the central area. The turbid beast lair has been explored very well. It’s clear, but that happened more than 300 years ago, and I don’t know if it has changed now. As for the holy ruins of the remnants of the alien gods, why should you look far away, just ask Tianshi.”

Xuan Qingsu briefly said some general things he knew, and seeing that Xu Changqing still wanted to listen, he told everything he knew in great detail.Although these contents may not be compatible with the current situation, at least they can give Xu Changqing some reference value, so that he can have a bottom line in mind when he goes to these places.

"Do you have any other conditions? I'm running out of time if I raise it once." Xuan Qingsu frowned suddenly after talking about the situation in the turbid beast's lair, as if feeling a little uncomfortable. Hastily said.

"No more! These are enough." Xu Changqing knew that enough was enough, and he didn't make things difficult for Xuan Qingsu anymore. Instead, he let go of his natal Dao Heart, aroused the Qi of his real name in his Dao Heart, and grabbed at the Nine-veined Spirit Stone .The situation is completely different from the situation just now, this time the weight on the stone seems to have completely disappeared, and he was easily grabbed by him, and the nine innate spirit veins contained in the spirit stone were also attracted by Xu Changqing's real name at the same time Come out, forming nine brilliant rays of light.As if it was the mutual attraction of magnets, the seven-color divine light on Xu Changqing's body also emerged because of the power of these nine innate spiritual veins, and condensed on the top of Xu Changqing's head, forming seven phantom shadows of phoenix feathers. Moisturized by the energy of the spirit veins, he gazed more and more, and at the same time, two new divine lights were derived, making up the extreme number of nine 'color' divine lights.

"Phoenix Nine Lings, the god's face!" Seeing Xu Changqing's supernatural powers, Xuan Qingsu couldn't help showing a look of shock, and then turned to Xu Changqing meaningfully, saying: "Back then, there were rumors that the great powers of the Three Realms, the immortals The lord of the palace, Kong Daomiao, reincarnated into the world with the method of the divine phoenix's nirvana, experienced the joys and sorrows of life, and learned humanity from it. Now it seems that the thing is true, but I'm afraid those people didn't expect that she would keep you as a hand. Said It seems that your status is also very special, if people from the Phoenix Clan of Asgard Palace see you like this, I am afraid they will worship you as their ancestors, and taking the power of Asgard Palace is just a matter of effort."

"I don't like your words." Xu Changqing's face turned cold slightly, he gave Xuan Qingsu a look, and then withdrew the divine light from the back of his head.However, when he was about to bring the Nine Meridians Lingshi into the world of Qiankun, he found that the three worlds of Kunlun had formed a powerful pulling force, and Qiankun Tiandao also formed a repulsive force, which stopped Xu Changqing's move.Seeing this situation, Xu Changqing understood that the nine-veined spirit stone was a gift from the Kunlun Heavenly Dao, and only the emperors under the Kunlun Heavenly Dao could enjoy it, and bringing it into other heavens and earths would only 'disrupt' the heavens and earths of other heavens and earths.Therefore, Xu Changqing could only temporarily make a bracelet, inlaid this stone on it, restrained it with the energy of life, and temporarily carried it on his hand.

At the same time when Xu Changqing took away the Nine Meridians Lingshi, Xuan Qingsu's half-distinct aura of heaven and man's five decays also weakened a lot, and it was gradually fading away, and Xuan Qingsu's face also 'revealed' a smile. An extremely relaxed and comfortable look.

"Our deal has been completed!" Xu Changqing felt that the aura in Xuan Qingsu's divine sense had changed, and knew that his current crisis had been resolved, so he said: "You can leave now, I still have something to ask Tian Shidao friend."

"Anyway, I'm also an elder of your sect, so why be so rude!" Xuan Qingsu smiled and said, "Don't you want to know the situation of your disciple Li Yongfeng?"

Xu Changqing said calmly: "There is no need to know. I have already taught him what I should teach him. The rest is up to him. He always needs someone to take care of him. It is impossible to grow up."

"You are really cruel!" Xuan Qingsu raised his eyebrows and said, "However, that disciple of yours is really extraordinary. Just a few days ago, he slaughtered Tian Qingzi, the great elder of the Wuji Hall. This guy is a supreme immortal, and he is also the first supreme immortal to be killed in the Outer Sect Lingshan in the past thousand years."

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