Nine idlers

Chapter 647

Chapter 640 The Devil Emperor of Myriad Tribulations

There are nine innate Dao spirit fires in heaven and earth. These nine spirit fires are not only infinitely useful and powerful, but also contain a kind of Dao law.Six of the nine innate spiritual fires are clearly recorded in various classics, namely Tushita Heavenly Fire, Golden Crow Divine Fire, Phoenix Holy Flame, Heavenly Tribulation Thunder Fire, Moral True Fire and Jingshi Glazed Buddha Flame. Spirit fire is also well known, and there are three other innate Dao spirit fires, all of which are just legendary spirit fires, without any written records.The Immortal Demon Tribulation Fire is one of them, and the other two are Samsara Wusheng Flame and Good Fortune Primordial Fire.However, compared to the latter two innate spiritual fires, the immortal fire is more widely spread. Most of the demon cultivators in the entire demon world have heard similar rumors, but no one has seen it with their own eyes, let alone this kind of innate fire. How powerful the spirit fire is and how it is sacrificed, this is also the reason why no one has recognized the immortal fire that has been kept here for many years.

Bliss boy is from Xuanyuan blood demon's inheritance, he knows the existence of this immortal fire, and he also knows how to collect this immortal fire.Among all the heavenly demons, only the innate heavenly demons ranked in the top five can absorb the fire of the immortal demon without self-destruction. The biggest purpose of the blissful boy to use this small garden to cultivate the innate great freedom heavenly demon is for this immortal flower. Demon robbery fire.

The main reason why this small garden can contain innate demons is because the natal demon seed of the Demon Emperor of Myriad Tribulations is buried under this small garden. Called treasure.If an ordinary demon cultivator obtains this demon seed, he will be able to ascend to the sky in one step, cultivate an indestructible demon body, achieve the lineage of the demon venerable, and finally reach the supreme demon path.It's a pity that the Demon Emperor of Myriad Tribulations died suddenly, and his demon seeds were directly sent to this demon mansion, and were not well preserved. After tens of thousands of years of evolution, most of the magic effects of the demon seeds have faded, and now they can accumulate Raising a congenital and self-possessed demon has reached its limit. I am afraid that when Xuanyuan Demon Mansion is opened next time, all the strange flowers in this small garden will wither due to the disappearance of the demon seeds.

Xu Changqing has already felt that the strange power suppressing the divine thoughts in the small garden is fading rapidly, and it will disappear completely in a short time. Although the flowers transformed by those demon seeds of a thousand calamities will not disappear, their power no longer exists.Xu Changqing used the method he learned from the memory of the Bliss Boy to arouse the power of the little flower, but there was no response, which can explain this point.

Although the power of the Myriad Tribulation Demon Seed has been used to ferment the Innate Great Freedom Demon, the current Myriad Tribulation Demon Seed is just an empty shell, a dead thing, which has no effect on others, but to Xu Changqing In other words, this thing still has many wonderful uses.

"Get up!" Xu Changqing made a magic seal with his hand, pointed at the garden with his sword, and then lifted it slightly, and saw that the dozens of dragon blood trees originally buried under the garden all flew up, and the imprisonment formed by the dragon blood trees did not Dissipate, but trap the entire garden.Immediately afterwards, Xu Changqing clasped his hands together, and the force of the confinement array continued to squeeze towards the center. The entire garden collapsed and disappeared at an extremely fast speed, leaving only more than a hundred flowers, but these flowers did not last long. The powerful force quickly crushed them back into the natal demon energy of the Myriad Tribulation Demon Seed, and gradually made it solidify, gradually turning into a purple bead the size of a thumbnail.

Xu Changqing untied the magic circle, took the dragon blood wood back into his body, and then took the Myriad Calamity Demon Seed, which exudes a mysterious aura but has no power, in his hand. His divine sense swept across it, feeling the aura contained in the Demon Seed. With the true meaning of the magic way, a smile appeared on his face.Afterwards, Xu Changqing sacrificed to his Great Self-Zaitian Demon, and asked him to absorb the Myriad Tribulation Demon Seed into his body, and refine it with the Vientiane Senluo Demon Transformation Art, making it the natal demon seed of the Vientiane Senluo Demon Transformation Art.

Generally, as long as the monks of the magic way practice to the state of golden core, the magic skills they practice will use their own demonic energy to turn them into demon seeds. The quality will also be better, and the chance of cultivating the supreme magic way will be greater.The magic seed is the core of the magic power. If you lose the magic power, as long as the magic seed is still there, you can recover. But if you lose the magic seed, let alone the magic power, it is very difficult to keep your life. The Chinese are very careful about the coagulation and protection of the demon seed. Even if they get a treasure like the demon seed of ten thousand calamities, they dare not destroy their own demon seed and replace it with the demon seed of ten thousand calamity.

Xu Changqing's situation is completely opposite to these demon cultivators, although his real martial arts 'dang' demon sword primordial spirit clone has already practiced the Vientiane Senluo Demon Transformation Art to the level of Dacheng, and can incarnate all heavenly demons.It's a pity that the sword energy of Dasha is too strong. Every time the magic power condenses into a demon seed, it will trigger a sword energy to destroy it. So far, there is no natal demon seed in Vientiane Senluo Bian, which also caused Xu Changqing's nine-tier The magic way in the avenue is incomplete.Now this Demon Seed of Myriad Tribulations can be said to be a timely help, which just complements Xu Changqing's lack of magic way. What's even more rare is that the power in this Demon Seed has completely disappeared, which is an ownerless thing, which also saves some things such as exorcism. The trouble of the remaining aura of the demon seed makes it possible for the demon seed of Myriad Tribulations to be perfectly integrated with the Vientiane Senluo Demon Transformation Art.

In addition, the Demon Seed of Myriad Tribulations also has a supernatural power that can be called heaven-defying and tasteless, that is, as long as the person who possesses the Demon Seed of Myriad Tribulations does not do anything against the sky, he will not be involved in karma. Broken license.It's just that anyone with a little brain knows that this kind of supernatural power is unreliable, what is meant by not being able to go against the sky, this range can be said to be small, but it can also be said to be large.If a person carrying a demon seed of ten thousand calamities accidentally kills a person on the road, and this person is indeed a key person who acts on behalf of the heavens, then this matter is against the heavens, so in the end, if this gifted supernatural power exists, it will Equal to nothing.

If the Demon Seed of Myriad Tribulations still has the natal Qi of the Demon Emperor of Myriad Tribulations, it may take Xu Changqing ten days and a half months to completely refine it. Instill all the true meaning of the magic way of his Vientiane Senluo Demon Transformation Art into it, and then protrude a mouthful of natal magic energy to connect with this ten thousand calamity demon seed.At the moment when the Myriad Tribulation Demon Seed transformed into the Myriad Tribulation Demon Seed, Zhenwu'dang' Demon Sword Primordial Spirit rushed out another sword aura, hit it on the Myriad Tribulation Demon Seed, and instantly struck it However, just as Xu Changqing expected, the collapsed Myriad Calamity Demon Seeds soon gathered together and returned to normal, and at this time, Zhenwu'Dang' Demon Sword Primordial Spirit Clone also recognized its existence, and no longer used the sword gas.

After feeling that the Myriad Tribulation Demon Seed had completely stabilized, Xu Changqing set off for the place where the Immortal Demon Tribulation Fire was located, and he wanted to hit the iron hot and collect all the hidden treasures in the Demon Mansion at once.

The Immortal Demon Tribulation Fire is located on the altar about ten miles away from the side of the small garden. The shape of the altar is very simple, just like ordinary mortal altars, and there are no talismans or spells on it, except for the very eye-catching magic fire. , other places are very ordinary.

Xu Changqing landed directly on the top of the altar, looking at the purple-black flame the size of a watermelon in front of him, and tried to test it with his divine sense, but the result he got made him a little puzzled.Speaking of which, Xu Changqing also possessed several kinds of innate Dao spirit fires. No matter how strange the appearance of the innate Dao spirit fires, or how powerful they are, they all have a law of heaven and earth at their root.But Xu Changqing not only didn't feel any power in this group of flames, he didn't even feel the law of the Dao, as if the group of flames didn't exist at all, it was just an illusion.

Xu Changqing was not in a hurry to drive the Dazizai Heavenly Demon to devour the demonic fire. Instead, he just walked around the demonic fire twice, as if he was observing something.In the memory of Boy Bliss, there are not many memories about this group of immortal fire. He just knows that this group of magic fire can be subdued by using the Great Zizai Heavenly Demon. and.

"This thing is said to be able to burn any dead thing, so we can use this method to try to induce its power to see what is the source of its power?" Xu Changqing suddenly stood still, looked at the flame, and said to himself.

As he spoke, he took out a previously refined ordinary magic weapon from Qiankun World, and threw it into the flames.Sure enough, as rumored, the magic weapon was quickly ignited by the flames, and it burned violently as if it had been poured with oil. In the blink of an eye, a rare middle-grade magic weapon completely turned into a ball of red gas The fog dissipated quickly, and the flame returned to its normal state.

"Huh!" Xu Changqing seemed to sense something from the flames, but he was not sure, so he took out dozens of magic weapons that were previously refined or obtained from other places, including several high-grade magic weapons , Then I saw him throwing these magic weapons into the flame one by one, and all the magic weapons were burned the moment they touched the flame, without exception.Seeing so many magic weapons disappearing in front of him, the smile on Xu Changqing's face became more and more obvious. When he threw the last magic weapon into the fire of immortality, he suddenly aroused a group of souls from the Eight Treasure Glazed Ginseng Fruit Tree Primordial Spirit. The power of the world-cleaning glazed Buddha flame formed a Buddha flame on the top of the head.

The moment the Buddha Flame appeared, the entire Demon Mansion vibrated violently like an earthquake, and the surrounding demon energy seemed to have life, and fled to the surroundings rapidly, trying to avoid the power range of the Buddha Flame far away. The magic cloud also burned completely as if it had been ignited, turning into a cloud of fire, and the ashes of the cloud of fire were golden lotuses falling to the ground, floating away.At the same time, the Immortal Demon Tribulation Fire in front of Xu Changqing seemed to be inspired by the Buddha flame. The power that even Xu Changqing's divine sense could not feel was temporarily released from it. The flame disappeared instantly, and the place where the flame was originally was turned into A pitch-black hole, all the power approaching the hole will be completely sucked in and become invisible.

"I didn't expect that the Dao of Disillusionment and Guiyuan hidden in the fire of immortality!" Xu Changqing couldn't help but gasped when he saw the black hole, and exclaimed in surprise.

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