Nine idlers

Chapter 648

Chapter 640 Eight Demon Realm Emperor Seal

This weird door connecting the two worlds of water and mirror is the last one among the four indestructible things in Xuanyuan Demon Mansion that cannot be opened no matter what method is used.Xu Changqing knew from the memory of Boy Bliss that this door leads to the treasure house of the Devil Emperor of Myriad Tribulations. In that treasury there are not only all kinds of treasures of the devil world collected by the Devil Emperor back then, but also the seal of the Devil Emperor of Myriad Tribulations. It's here, waiting for the resurrection to make a comeback in the future.As for the way to open this door, it is to combine the Innate Great Self-Free Heavenly Demon, the Immortal Demon Fire, and the Immortal Demon Body with the Demon Seed of Myriad Tribulations into one, and then the person who is united can open the door.

It's just that this method of opening the door is only the method in the memory of the boy of bliss. As for whether it is useful and to what extent, it is still open to discussion. At least Xu Changqing thinks that this method is true and false.After all, if you act according to the memory of the Bliss Boy, I am afraid that before he can fuse the immortal demon body, he may have died in the hands of the Myriad Tribulation Devil Emperor who occupies the Innate Great Freedom Heavenly Demon. It has nothing to do with him, and it is difficult to distinguish the authenticity of this method.

In Xu Changqing's view, the entrance to the treasure house mentioned in this method and the fact that the entrance can only be opened by the existence of the Innate Great Freedom Heavenly Demon, the Immortal Demon Tribulation Fire and the Immortal Demon Body, should be true. As for the method of opening It will never be as simple as the Bliss Boy remembers.

Xu Changqing didn't rush to push the seemingly lonely door, but circled around a few times, carefully inspecting the inside and outside of the door.The style of the gate is very simple, without too many decorations, and there is no sense of magic power from the gate. The only thing that stands out is the Tai Chi picture on the gate.There is only half of this Taiji diagram. It is located at the bottom center of the gate, and it is combined with the half Taiji diagram at the same position as the half gate opposite the water mirror to form a complete Taiji diagram.It's just that the change of yin and yang in this Taiji diagram has become a little chaotic due to the change of the two instruments of the water and mirror, but in the chaos, Xu Changqing feels that there seems to be a great truth in it.

Xu Changqing stood quietly in front of the door, carefully deducing various methods to open the door in the realm of Dao Xin.Although he knew from the memory of the Blissful Boy that there was no danger in opening the door, but from the dim light that appeared when the Blissful Boy pushed the door for the first time in his memory, he faintly felt that everyone might only have one chance to open the door If he missed this opportunity, even if the method of opening the door is correct, it may be difficult to open the door again, so he has to be cautious.

Xu Changqing stood in front of this door for more than an hour, when suddenly his solemn expression loosened a little, the corners of his mouth turned up slightly, and he showed a confident smile, which seemed to have been deduced in his Dao Xin realm. The way to open this door.I saw him standing in front of the gate controlling the demon's physical body, facing the half of the Taiji diagram, and then saw the demon's body lying flat under his control, sinking slowly, and soon touched the bottom The water mirror barrier, and then the water mirror barrier rippled like a real water surface, and the demon's body easily penetrated through Xu Changqing's physical strength, and then The other side emerges.

When half of the demon's body passed through the water mirror barrier and reached the other side of the demon mansion, Xu Changqing ordered him to stop, and then put the four innate demons, the ten thousand calamities demon seeds, the immortal demon robbery fire and the immortal demon body The forces of the two are mixed together, so that they can maintain a strange state of being neither combined nor separated.It's just that when the mixed power was transferred to the palms of both hands, the arrangement changed under the control of Xu Changqing's divine sense, and the arrangement directions of the two forces were just opposite.

After doing all this, Xu Changqing drove the devil's hands to press down on the half of the Tai Chi diagrams at both ends of the gate at the same time.After he pressed this, the entire Taiji Diagram immediately burst into a burst of purple-black light, and at the same time, the entire gate seemed to turn into a vortex in the ocean, wantonly absorbing all the evolved demon heads in the Demon Mansion, And when it was transmitted to the Tai Chi diagram on the gate, it quickly transformed into that kind of dim light.

Seeing this kind of image, Xu Changqing knew that the method he deduced to open the door had been successful, but just when he thought the door should be able to open, the purple-black light on the Taiji diagram seemed to reach its peak, and then disappeared abruptly. And the door in front of him was still the tightly closed door, without any change.At the same time, the gate seemed to have drained the power of the entire Demon Mansion at that moment just now, and the Demon Mansion could no longer maintain its original appearance in the chaotic void. It began to collapse from the outermost periphery, and the chaotic wind began to invade.

At this moment, Xu Changqing was a little stunned when he saw that the door in front of him had not been opened, with a puzzled look on his face.From the reaction of the gate just now and the collapse of the Demon Mansion, he absolutely believed that the way he opened the gate just now was correct, but the final result was completely unexpected, which made him a little confused.

It's just that the current situation in the Demon Mansion does not allow Xu Changqing to stop and think about it. Although he is not afraid of the chaotic wind, even if he is trapped in the chaotic void, he can still stay in the Immortal Palace, the Demon Realm, the Buddha Realm, and the inner and outer gates. All kinds of coordinates, open the passage between the two worlds to return to these places.It's just that opening the two-world passage in the chaotic void is a hundred times more difficult than opening the two-world passage in the god's domain, and it is possible to encounter the turbulent flow caused by the chaotic wind and move it to other places, so he has to Before the Demon Mansion disappears completely, open the passage between the two realms and leave here.

I saw that Xu Changqing immediately used his physical strength to absorb the demon, the gate and the power of the surrounding water mirrors together, and then put them together into the universe world, borrowing the power of heaven and earth from the universe world to keep him at all times. Now this state.Afterwards, he borrowed the power of the two worlds emanating from the barrier of the water mirror when he destroyed the two worlds of the water mirror just now, and forcibly opened a temporary two-world passage according to the coordinates he left in the fairy palace. walked in.Not long after he left, the entire Demon Mansion completely collapsed, and was torn apart by the chaotic wind, turning into fine dust in the void.

Just like the passage between the two realms opened by sending Gong Liangjue to Lingshan, the inner gate, Xu Changqing still used the faith of Kuyaotang as the coordinate of the other end this time.There are so many items that can be used to indicate where the two worlds are, such as magic weapons or arrays that contain Xu Changqing's natal mana breath, a spiritual mountain with special aura somewhere, etc., and the reason why Xu Changqing always chooses the bitter medicine hall It is also because of convenience that Faith is the coordinate. This is a benefit that he did not expect when he asked Li Yongfeng to establish the Kuyaotang.

Among the many forces that can be used as the coordinates of the two realms, Kuyaotang's faith is very strong. After all, the power of incense and fire in the three realms of Kunlun is very rare. Shallow.The faith of Kuyaotang is not pure incense faith, it can only be regarded as a kind of reverence with gratitude, but because the people who have this kind of mind are special, most of them are because Ordinary people who practice the Taoism on the Kuyao stele and embark on the road of practice, so their thoughts are also very large, and finally formed the special faith in the Kuyao Hall.

Xu Changqing appeared directly in the main hall of the Kuyao Hall in the War Demon City. Except for some people who would be there during the daily lectures, the rest of the time was empty, so his appearance did not cause too much trouble. Multiple ideas.Although there were no people in the main hall, there were quite a few casual cultivators gathered outside the hall. They were mainly talking about the battle between Gong Liangjue and Tai Shuwang outside Yuxu Mountain. From their tone of voice, we could feel that the battle was very serious. , causing the people in War Devil City to feel a little anxious.After all, when the "tide" of turbid beasts attacked the city, they were killing each other internally. It was a bit ignorant. This also made many small sect families and casual cultivators feel a little bit of dissatisfaction with the upper echelons of the Allied Forces against the Demon Cliff.

The changes in the things in War Devil City were all within Xu Changqing's expectation. He now knows very well that the Supreme Lord and others are now in a difficult situation.If they give up besieging the family of Yuxu III, their prestige will inevitably be damaged, and the lower-level immortals, Buddhas, and demons will gradually turn their backs on them. Before it can be eliminated, take down the family of the third family of Yuxu.As for the Yuxu III family, it is even more impossible to compromise. Now the power of its mountain protection array has been greatly reduced. If the god-grade elixir is handed over, although it can cause internal chaos in the other party to a certain extent, it will eventually go up. The enemy rises and we disappear, so the best choice for the Yuxu III family who has lost their protective barrier now is to use the divine elixir to recreate a Xeon Immortal to deter the heroes.

Xu Changqing is not going to make any more moves to stir up the chaos in War Demon City. He can see very clearly that the current situation is just right, and if he lets it go on, he will surely achieve his ultimate goal. Too late.So he directly used the teleportation method in the main hall of the Kuyao Hall, and moved to the edge of the defensive magic circle of War Demon City.Because the range of the magic circle is too large, and the size of the magic circle inside is too chaotic, in order to avoid causing abnormal reactions of the magic circle, he did not use the teleportation method to directly penetrate the magic circle.He just hid his figure, restrained his breath, and relying on his grasp and understanding of the defensive magic circle, he quickly passed through the small magic circles controlled by various forces, big and small. It took half an hour before he left War Demon City.

After leaving War Devil City, Xu Changqing took out a flying book, wrote down his method of receiving the alchemy association, and then triggered the flying book to fly to Chaoyin to prepare for the alchemy association.As for him himself, he came to a remote mountain range outside the city, where he set up a magic circle that could open the passage to the two realms of Lingshan, the inner door, and placed all the two realm stones on his body that were enough to maintain the passage between the two realms for twelve hours, and then Use the law to activate the jade talisman handed over to Wanhou Jinwo, and engrave the location of the magic circle and the method of mobilizing the magic circle in the jade talisman. As long as Wanhou Jinwo uses the jade talisman, all these contents will be passed on to him.

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