Nine idlers

Chapter 650 Faith God Kingdom

Chapter 650 Faith God Kingdom

Although Xu Changqing disappeared, he didn't leave immediately. Although Wen Aoguang had sympathy for the Kunlun mixed-race people here, this kind of sympathy and compassion seemed to be too much, making people feel like himself Just like Kunlun hybrids.From Beth, Tianshi and others, Xu Changqing knew that although the Thunder Dragon Clan was small in number and they were a group of turbid beasts, their status in the Holy Ruins was not low because of their own physical strength.With Wen Aoguang's current strength and the status of the Thunder Dragon clan, he is fully capable of becoming the city lord of this ancient city, and he will not be bullied by those young people who don't even have the strength of the Jindan Dao like now.

"The reason why he is like this seems to have something to do with his care and compassion for these mixed-race human races." Xu Changqing guessed in his heart.

Soon Wen Aoguang became familiar with how to borrow this chaotic sky thunder from his unicorn. Although this power is only temporary, before the power of chaotic sky thunder is exhausted, his strength has at least Restored to about [-]% of the previous level.This kind of strength is not to mention a small ancient city, even in this spherical continent, there are only a handful of people who can compete with him.Tonight, he just followed up on the sacrificial offering to show his prestige, and let those young people be honest for a while before they 'find out' his details. As long as he survives this period of time, he will have the confidence to recover his strength, and he will be able to restore his previous strength. Prestige.This is not only confidence in himself, but also confidence in Xu Changqing, because the chaotic thunder that Xu Changqing injected into the unicorn made him feel that besides strength, there is unprecedented hope.

Wen Aoguang, whose mood has become difficult for himself, can't wait to tell his current situation to the closest people. He walked out of the hall quickly, followed the porch on the right, and entered a small garden with Tangyuan style. Walking through a small path between flowers, we came to a small courtyard in the side yard.When he reached the gate of the courtyard, he sent away the servants who were following him, arranged his clothes, and then opened the door and walked in.

"Father is here, and mother mentioned you just now." Wen Aoguang stepped into the small courtyard, when a slightly childish voice came, and then he saw a young man wearing a Hanfu gown with curly hair and a crown Walked out, a very formal salute.

Although the Kunlun mixed-race people here are mainly Chinese culture under the deliberate arrangement of Shengxu, but because of their dominance, most of this Chinese culture has changed, and more people from other worlds and gods are mixed in. Style, both in architecture and in dress, reflects this.The reason why Wen Aoguang immediately thought that Xu Changqing was a member of the Kunlun Society was not only that he used the very clever Kunlun Taoism, but also because his clothes and demeanor had an extremely pure Chinese aura.However, the young man walking over now is also like Xu Changqing. His behavior, temperament, and clothes all have a strong Chinese atmosphere. People who come here will think that he is a member of the Kunlun Three Realms.

"Didn't I say it many times? We father and son should not be so polite." Wen Aoguang obviously disliked his son's behavior very much, frowned, and then carefully looked at the man not far away. Little attic, asked: "Is your mother free now?"

Wen Aoguang's son has long been accustomed to his father's behavior, nodded, and said: "Mother knows that father is coming, so she ordered someone to prepare the food and drink, father, go over there!"

After finishing speaking, he walked out of the small courtyard with a book in his hand, closed the courtyard door again, and then sat in a small pavilion not far from the courtyard, reading the book quietly.

After his son left, Wen Aoguang showed a gratified smile on his face, looked at the small attic in front of him with happiness in his eyes, sighed again, and said to himself: "If she didn't How wonderful it would be to set up this banquet for those mixed-race people, but only for me!"

After sighing, Wen Aoguang immediately cleared up his emotions again, the depressed look on his face was replaced by a happy smile, and he strode towards the small attic with big strides.

Xu Changqing did not go to the small attic with Wen Aoguang, but went out of the small courtyard, came to the side of the small pavilion, stood beside Wen Aoguang's son, opened his eyes, and looked carefully at Wen Aoguang The condition of the son's body.Xu Changqing found that the power in this person's body was extremely complicated, including the seeds of foreign gods, and the blood power of thunder beasts and dragons, and the power of the Kunlun gods and beasts was not integrated like his father Wen Aoguang, but completely separate of.In addition to these three forces, there is another force in his body that should not appear in this world, and this force is also the strongest force in his body, which is the awe-inspiring righteousness of Confucianism.

The awe-inspiring righteousness in this young man's body is very strong, almost equal to the sum of the other three forces, suppressing the other forces firmly below.If you look at the realm of Confucianism, you should have reached the peak of cultivation without confusion, which is equivalent to the peak of Jindan. If you reach the realm of knowing the destiny in one step, you will become a master of Confucianism .Now in Kunlun, there are not many people who have such a superb Confucian cultivation. The vast majority of Confucian monks also practice Taoism, Buddhism and even the way of evil spirits, and there is only Zhiyuan who specializes in Confucianism and Taoism like the young man in front of him. There are a few Confucian immortals in the hall.

At this time, Xu Changqing's gaze shifted to the book held in the young man's hand. The book was just bound, and the ink on the paper still had a strong fragrance of pine ink. It should have been written not long ago.This book is a book written by a Confucian immortal in Kunlun more than 200 years ago. It is called Wenxinlu, and it has never been circulated in the world. Now this young man is holding this book in his hand, which is a bit strange.Because this book was written more than 200 years ago, and the person who wrote the book disappeared mysteriously after the book was completed. Because this book is not a book on Taoism, it is rarely circulated outside. Except for a few libraries, Only Confucian sects like Zhiyuantang collect this book, and logically it shouldn't appear here.

"The handwriting in lower script is beautiful, and the writing is feminine. It seems to be written by a woman." Xu Changqing looked at the handwriting on the book, guessed in his heart, and soon realized that the person who wrote this book was also a fairy, and Speaking of which, the female fairy has some relationship with Xu Changqing.When Xu Changqing checked Guan Zheng's past and recent situation, he knew that after entering Zhiyuan Hall, Guan Zheng had studied Kunlun Confucianism under the tutelage of an elder. We should call this female Confucian fairy Shigu.In addition, this female Confucian fairy is also somewhat related to the Nine Flames Demon Lord. Before she disappeared, she and the Nine Flames Demon Lord fought against a thunder dragon that came out of the turbid beast's lair, and she seemed to have a relationship with the Nine Flames Demon Lord. Had an emotional entanglement.

After connecting the thoughts in his heart, Xu Changqing turned his head to look at the attic in the small courtyard with a strange expression, and murmured in his heart: "Could it be her? Could it be such a coincidence?"

Feeling that he had already guessed the answer, Xu Changqing entered the small yard again and walked towards the attic to confirm the answer.When approaching the attic, Xu Changqing, who didn't do anything deliberately, heard the conversation between the two coming from the house.

A clear female voice said: "Husband, are you saying that that person just injected a thunder force into your horn, and your strength recovered by more than [-]%?"

Wen Aoguang's voice also explained: "This [-]% is still a conservative estimate. If you are not afraid of the weakening of the thunder force and exert your full strength, you can at least have about [-]% of the strength."

The room was immediately quiet for a while, and soon the female voice said again: "This person can restore [-]% of your strength with just one finger. How high will this person's strength be? Even in the Holy Ruins, apart from Apart from those few old monsters, I am afraid that no one else can compare with it. Although the Kunlun Society is mysterious, it seems that there is no such a strong person inside, otherwise, how could it have been suppressed so that it dare not stand up. This person calls himself Kunlun Those who do, are really weird."

"You mean that she is from Shengxu?" Wen Aoguang's voice became gloomy.

"Probably not. The Holy Market is too powerful here, with absolute dominance. They don't bother and don't need to use any conspiracy. From my own point of view, this person is definitely not from the Holy Market." The woman The voice analyzed: "In addition to the Kunlun Society, there are many other forces here, plus some divine religions, there are at least seven or eight possibilities for this person's origin. From the perspective of my concubine, the reason why this person found her husband is probably because He came here for the Thunder Dragon Clan, but it's a pity that he doesn't know that Husband's current status can no longer be considered as Thunder Dragon Clan, I'm afraid this person will be in vain if he wants to fetch water from a bamboo basket."

"So, in your opinion, how should a husband deal with it?" Wen Aoguang seemed to trust his wife's idea very much, and asked.

"Since someone has sent benefits to my husband, why should my husband be polite? You should accept what you should accept, and learn what you should learn. Just don't arbitrarily agree to any conditions of the other party, and make a decision after finding out the purpose." The woman's voice He came up with a relatively safe solution, and then said: "However, according to my own opinion, this person may have something to do with this Earth Titan attack on the city, otherwise why is his appearance so coincidental."

Hearing this, Xu Changqing couldn't help but nodded approvingly, feeling that this woman is not simple, she can deduce so many details from just a few words, it can be seen that this person is very thoughtful, resourceful and decisive, which is true It is somewhat similar to what Nine Flames Demon Lord said when he described the female Confucian fairy.Xu Changqing didn't go in any further, but outside the attic, he opened his big bright eyes and looked into the attic.I saw Wen Aoguang and a woman sitting beside a table with several refined side dishes.Regardless of her clothing, temperament, or manner, this woman is a standard Chinese woman. Her appearance is not beautiful, she can only be regarded as elegant, but her temperament is very good. There is an inexplicable The charm makes people can't help but look at it more.

Xu Changqing didn't stay long on the woman's appearance, but used his eyes to penetrate her body and directly saw what was going on inside her.However, the result made him a little disappointed. He frowned slightly, and said to himself: "She actually has the seed of a god. Could it be that this woman is not the female Confucian fairy, but just a Kunlun hybrid who admires Kunlun Confucianism?"

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