Nine idlers

Chapter 651 God Altar

Chapter 650 God Altar

"It's a bit weird!" When Xu Changqing heard those pure-blooded people from other lands talk about all the people from the Holy Market participating in the gladiatorial contest for the Kingdom of God, and that the Holy Market would send new gods to participate in commanding the "tide" of the beasts against the Demon Cliff , I couldn't help but feel a strange feeling in my heart, feeling that these two things were definitely not as simple as they sounded on the surface.

First of all, it is a bit wrong to let all the people of Shengxu participate in the battle for the Kingdom of God, because before the fire of God is ignited, the source of power of these people of Shengxu mainly comes from the flesh.Although they can use the seeds of the gods to exert some supernatural powers, they can't play much role in the battle, so no matter how the gladiatorial competition is carried out, the innate advantages will always be those who are physically powerful.Secondly, among the Kunlun mixed-race people here, there are many people from the Kunlun society hidden, and there are many strong people among them. If these people get the kingdom of God, it will not be worth the loss.The last thing is to let these foreign gods who have just ignited the fire to participate in the battle. This is simply an act of counterproductive.Even if these people from the Holy Ruins ignited the divine fire, their strength was at most equivalent to the Golden Core Realm, and there were countless turbid beasts stronger than them in the War Demon Cliff.For the fairies, demons, Buddhas and demons of Zhanmoya, these new foreign gods are not even a dish compared to those powerful beasts, and their participation in command battles is simply death.

Xu Changqing doesn't believe that there are all such unwise people in the Holy Ruins, it is impossible not to see such obvious disadvantages in these things, otherwise they would not have existed for so long.There must be follow-up arrangements for these foreign gods, such as how to distinguish people from the Kunlun Society, and how to limit the power of the orcs, etc. What interests Xu Changqing most is that they may already have a way to quickly improve the strength of the new gods.

Thinking of this, Xu Changqing felt that if he wanted to thoroughly 'understand' the details of these foreign gods, it was necessary to go to the temple star, and even participate in the gladiatorial competition to become a member of these new gods.It's just that Xu Changqing also knows that although his ten thousand incarnations can perfectly imitate the supernatural powers and divine powers of foreign gods and auras through the way of foreign gods and supernatural powers in Jiuliu Dao, even this world can't identify the authenticity, but No matter how powerful this method is, it is impossible to conjure a perfect god seed out of thin air.Without the seeds of the gods, it is impossible to contain the kingdom of God and ignite the fire of the gods, and it will eventually 'expose' its flaws.Although his current Zhuyan avatar is not afraid of the supreme gods in the Holy Ruins, and can escape from this world at any time even if he cannot win, but if he loses this opportunity, he will want to find out the people in the Holy Ruins next time. The real situation is a bit difficult, so before taking action, he must think of a surefire plan.Fortunately, the gladiatorial competition will not be held until half a month later, so he has enough time to find a god seed that can perfectly combine with his gods and supernatural powers.

At this time, Xu Changqing suddenly thought of something, looked up at the top of the altar, and said to himself: "Since there is an unowned sacred fire on this altar, there must be one on other altars in ancient cities. I just need to find one." I can collect a divine fire that matches my supernatural powers, then collect it, condense it into a divine seed, and then collect it intact, which is much better than seizing the divine seed from someone else's body."

As time passed, the sky gradually dimmed, and all the braziers set up around the square were lit, illuminating the inside and outside of the square. Under the reflection of countless fire lights, the towering altar in the middle also looked like a cloud. It is extraordinarily majestic, and after seeing it, people feel a kind of inexplicable respect in their hearts.This is the gods believers in the ancient city flocked to the square and the cross road that runs through the whole city, knelt down one by one, silently praying to the gods, Xu Changqing on the viewing platform could feel the sound of their prayers Wisps of faith flew out from the souls of these people, poured into the altar, was absorbed and guided by the patterns on the altar, and soon disappeared without a trace.

After no new faith was born, the priest who presided over the evening class prayer on the altar announced the end of the evening class, and also announced the blood sacrifice ceremony tomorrow.Regarding the blood sacrifice ceremony, the attitudes of the three types of people are different. The pure-blooded people from other lands are very excited, and there are bursts of cheers in the square they occupy. He showed a very angry expression, but he suppressed the true feelings in his heart and didn't say much.As for the Kunlun mixed-race people, they all seemed extremely numb, as if this matter had nothing to do with them, they didn't even show angry expressions, and appeared extremely calm.However, Xu Changqing could feel the extreme hatred hidden under this tranquility, and when this hatred accumulates to the limit, the power it generates when it explodes may be enough to shake the entire Holy Market.With such a foundation, it is no wonder that the foreign gods in the Holy Ruins cannot eliminate the Kunlun Society no matter what, and the only way to completely eliminate the Kunlun Society is to eliminate the entire Kunlun mixed race group.

With the end of evening class prayers, the crowds gathered on the square and the avenue also left one after another, and there were a lot more people on the viewing platform, but most of these people were servants of some pure-blooded families. She is occupying a seat for her master and preparing for tomorrow's blood sacrifice ceremony.Although there were a lot of people, Xu Changqing's side didn't seem too crowded. In order to avoid unnecessary troubles, he deliberately let out a little of his disguised Apollo's divine power, even this was enough to deter those with dirty hearts.

"Are you from the Imilius family? Why haven't I seen you before?" Just as Xu Changqing was observing the movement of the altar, someone beside him suddenly asked.

Xu Changqing opened his eyes and looked at the people beside him.I saw that this person was a little fat man with an obvious oriental appearance. He was not very old, about twenty years old, with a rich face and a very friendly smile, but he was wearing gold and silver all over his body, and was covered with clothes. A rich man dressed in various jewelry and jewelry, people can't help but feel happy when they see it.

It's just that Xu Changqing didn't care about this person's appearance like everyone else, but cared more about this person's inner strength.Although this person looks harmless, there is a violent evil spirit condensed in the blood in his body. He is obviously a turbid orc, and he is also a turbid orc who transforms himself.But he is not the god who ignites the fire. His situation is very similar to that of the thunder dragon clan. All of them have blood power far greater than the power of gods. There is no need to use god seeds. The god seeds in their bodies are more like a holy market. The issued ultimatum allows them to live here safely.

But this little fat man who has completely transformed into a human form is very different from the Thunder Dragon family, because the blood power of the Thunder Dragon family is too strong, making it difficult for them to transform into a human, unless they give up all their blood power.But this little fat man has completely transformed into a human being while still retaining his bloodline's demonic aura. Apart from his own strong bloodline power, it may also contain some kind of secret method of transformation that others don't know about.

"No! I'm just a wanderer." At other times, Xu Changqing intended to make friends with this person. Judging from his clothes and behavior, this person's status here and even in the Holy Ruins may be unusual. It's a pity that he is now My thoughts are in this altar, so I can only minimize some troubles before that.

"Wanderer?" The little fat man was stunned for a moment, and then laughed, "Those guys in the Holy Ruins actually let someone like you, who has the potential to become a true god, become a wanderer. They really have no eyes!"

Vagabonds are a special existence in the Holy Ruins. They are neither sects nor forces. They are just derivatives of ideas.Wanderers believe in freedom and knowledge, and they think that when their knowledge accumulates to the limit, they can find true freedom.That's why they wander around, learning all kinds of knowledge in various ancient cities, and some wanderers have even entered the War Demon City without a sound, where they learned the knowledge of the Kunlun Three Realms. As for how they avoid Kunlun The limitation of the way of heaven is unknown.The god seeds in their bodies are just a kind of restraint for them, so even if they face death, they will never use any power of the god seeds, so their own power is not very strong, more like some scholar.

At this time, the little fat man suddenly said very seriously: "I don't know why? I always feel that you are like a friend worthy of deep friendship. I have never felt this way before. It is really strange. Can you tell me why?"

Xu Changqing glanced at him lightly, and soon understood the reason, because the blood of the monster in the little fat man's body came from a powerful monster in the three realms of Kunlun, second only to the gods, called Zhantian Ancient Ape.This Zhantian Ape is very famous in the three realms of Kunlun, known as the number one under the beasts. If their strength is fully exerted, it may be difficult for the beasts to compete. Although their number is rare, there are groups in the three realms of Kunlun, and even They are also revered as a guardian Buddha in the Buddhist world.The reason why these monsters are so powerful is because they are the descendants of the ancient monster apes who possessed the supernatural powers of grasping the sun, the moon and defying the stars in the ancient times. In addition, part of their bodies are the blood of the wild beast Zhuyan.

Xu Changqing's avatar is the pure desolate beast Zhu Yan. Although the little fat man with part of Zhan Tianpi's blood is very thin, he still has to surrender to the mysterious feeling of blood connection, and it is still a kind of Feelings of admiration for superiors.

Xu Changqing smiled lightly and said: "The relationship between people is so wonderful. Some people will hate each other and become enemies as soon as they meet, while some people will become close to each other and become friends as soon as they meet."

"You homeless people always talk like this. I'm not used to it, but I think you're not bad. It seems that you can be friends." The little fat man said, regardless of Xu Changqing's willingness or not, he put a Zhang put a token made of unknown metal into Xu Changqing's hand, and said, "If you wandered to the Temple Star that day, you can go to the God of War City to find me. I am Yuan Yuan from the Yuan family of the God of War."

After finishing speaking, I saw him looking under the viewing platform in a panic, and then his fat body was as nimble as a fox, quickly slipped through the crowd, and soon disappeared into the darkness .Not long after the little fat man left, he saw an orc woman with a monkey tail and carrying an iron rod quickly boarded the viewing platform, came to Xu Changqing and sniffed, puzzled. After taking a look at Xu Changqing, he quickly chased the little fat man along the escape route.

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