Nine idlers

Chapter 652

Chapter 650 Two Great Gains

"Hmph!" Priest Anglius knew that he had been kidnapped, and all the methods he had thought of before had lost their meaning, so he could only help the three of them obtain the Kingdom of God according to the original plan.After glancing at the three of them coldly, he turned around and walked to a stone pillar next to the open space in the center of the hall, then looked up and down on the stone pillar carefully, and finally put his palm together with the one in his hand. The tokens were placed together on an inconspicuous pattern at the bottom of the stone pillar, and a series of mouth-wrenching mantras were chanted in his mouth.

As the sound of the incantation changed from chanting to chanting, Anglius's body emitted bursts of light, and the light finally converged into his hand, and passed through the token to the pattern of the stone pillar that was close to it.Soon these rays of light slowly extended out along with the patterns, as if the rays of light were extremely spiritual, they generally chose a pattern corresponding to it among the messy patterns, and soon formed a pattern around the open space in the middle of the hall. A gorgeous wreath.

At the moment when the garland was formed, the open space in the middle of the hall erupted with dazzling light. If it weren't for the fact that the surrounding area of ​​the hall was blocked by walls without gaps, perhaps such a strong light would have already penetrated to the outside.Just when the intensity of the light reached its peak, the light suddenly retracted, and the flat ground disappeared along with the light, replaced by a bottomless deep hole, surrounded by a narrow staircase It spiraled downwards and disappeared into the darkness at the end of the deep hole.

The moment the deep hole appeared, Xu Changqing felt an astonishing vitality mixed with the most primitive faith erupting from the black hole, which agitated the patterns in the entire room to flicker, forming an invisible wave. The shield blocked the force ejected from the deep hole.This force surged back and forth, forming a tremendous coercion, pressing the four people in the hall room to the floor, until the entire force fluctuation completely disappeared.

Compared with Priest Anglius, who had known such an event for a long time, the other three didn't know about it. They didn't notice it for a while, and they all suffered a dark loss. Although they were protected by this kind of golden armor, they He also suffered a little bit of injury, and his image became embarrassing.

"Sorry! I forgot to open the altar, and there will be a little accident in the mother nest of the kingdom of God. I hope the three of you will not be offended!" Anglius stood up from the ground as if nothing had happened, patted the dust on his body, and looked at the three of them in feigned surprise. Said.

"I didn't know beforehand, but you can hide so quickly, lying on the ground without resisting! This bunch of pure-blooded bastards born from close relatives are so fucking insidious!" The leader suffered from being dumb, and it was not good Opening his mouth to refute, he could only stare at the other party fiercely, cursed a few words in his heart, and then said coldly: "Let's lead the way quickly! If the movement here disturbs others, it will be bad for everyone!"

"Don't worry! No matter how loud the movement here is, it's impossible to alarm the people outside." Anglius smiled confidently, and walked towards the spiral staircase leading to the bottom of the deep cave.

"It seems that there are indeed other members of the Sun God Cult in this altar, and this person is still a great figure who can control the power of the altar." The three followed closely, and the leader deliberately opened his mouth to test.

Anglius ignored the other party, looked at the other party indifferently, stepped on the stairs, and walked down quickly, and the others also knew that some things should not be said too much, too much is not good for anyone, so they all He closed his mouth and stepped forward to follow.

Xu Changqing, who was in the leader's shadow, had taken out the incomplete Helios bow without anyone noticing it when the deep hole was opened and caused chaos just now, and put it into the Qiankun world, leaving an empty box give him.Although the weight changed slightly, after a period of confusion, the opponent's mind was no longer on the items on his body, so he didn't notice anything.

When the deep hole was opened just now, Xu Changqing felt that the deep hole, or the miraculous patterns around the inside and outside of the deep hole, should be the lifeblood of the entire altar of gods.The faith generated by all the people in the ancient city after praying will flow here, and then inject it into the heart of the altar of the gods at the bottom of the cave, or the origin of the altar, through the pattern of blood vessels.However, his greatest achievement was not to 'feel out' the lifeline of the altar of the gods, but when the priest Anglius used divine power to stimulate the pattern and the power of the lifeline of the altar to stimulate the power of other patterns in the room, he He vaguely felt a little bit of the mystery of this pattern, and believed that in time, with more contact, he would be able to master this strange pattern with the magic of formation.

The entire spiral staircase was very long, and the four of them trotted all the way for half an hour before they could barely see the bottom.I saw that the bottom is very simple, it is a circled flat ground, and ten small altars are erected around the flat ground and near the edge of the wall. Fine, if you don't look at it with the microscopic method of God's purpose, it may be difficult to see the details of the patterns on it.

Xu Changqing found that the bottom was not the real bottom of the deep hole. This flat land should be able to be opened just like the top flat, and the whole deep hole can be extended downwards, possibly extending to the center of the entire spherical continent.In addition, some parts in the middle of this spiral staircase are not simple. Xu Changqing felt the vague power of the two worlds on the stone wall patterns beside the stairs in more than a dozen places, and there was also a very obvious aura of War Demon Cliff mixed in it. The power of these two worlds is transmitted to these stone wall patterns together, and then injected into the small altar at the bottom.

"There is actually a passage between the two worlds with Zhan Moya? Presumably that side should be the lair of the turbid beast." Xu Changqing guessed the origin of the power of the two worlds mixed with Zhan Moya's aura, and couldn't help but move in his heart, secretly said: "Although the passages of these two realms are very small and can only transfer some aura, but if I can take some time to find the two realms marks of its source, I should be able to open a two realms passage directly leading to the "lair" of the beast's lair .”

Although Xu Changqing really wants to unlock the way these patterns transmit the power of the two worlds, but now is not the time.After arriving at the destination, the priest Anglius also became a little nervous, and ordered the three people to stand on the steps not to come down, then carefully selected some patterns on the ground to step on, and came to a small altar.Afterwards, he took out the token that opened the deep hole, and carefully searched for the patterns he needed around the small altar. After finding it, he stuck the token on it and poured divine power into it.

The small altar vibrated slightly, and then the top of the altar was divided into four with diagonal lines as sides, and slowly opened like a big box.At the same time as the altar was opened, an extremely pure and pure faith emanated from the box, forming a fantasy world in the sky above, and its source was a ball of light the size of an egg.

At the moment when this belief appeared, all four people present felt their god seeds vibrate uncontrollably, and an irresistible heat surrounded the god seeds, making them feel that as long as the ball of light Introduce it into the divine spirit seed, and immediately ignite the divine fire.Xu Changqing had a slightly different feeling from those four people. Although it was comparable to Zen Master Tianyin's strong faith in the Buddha Kingdom, Xu Changqing was surprised, but what surprised him even more was that his faith was condensed with other methods. There is actually a strong aura of Zhanmoya in Wuzhu Divine Kingdom, and this aura even faintly forms a Kunlun heavenly aura.It is not difficult for him to speculate that if the kingdom of God is fully condensed and formed, the foreign gods who receive the kingdom of God and ignite the divine fire may have the ability to walk on Zhanmoya and even the three realms of Kunlun while opening up their own innate supernatural powers, just like Luna Beth et al.

"Don't move!" Anglius's God Fire Seed was also attracted by this divine light ball, but his will was also very firm, and he quickly got rid of this feeling. Seeing the three people standing on the stairs seemed to be I couldn't help but want to come down, and quickly shouted: "As soon as you step in here, the guards of the altar will be alarmed, and none of us will be able to leave."

Anglius' yell woke them up. Although they hadn't heard of any altar guards, they knew that it was definitely not something simple by looking at Anglius' frightened expression.They quickly retracted the steps they were about to take, and then walked back a few more steps, for fear that they would accidentally walk down, and then urged Anglius to continue to open other altars that conceived the kingdom of God.

Anglius ignored the urging voices of the three, but took a few deep breaths, stabilized his mind, took out a small box from his arms, and took a ball of light that looked similar to the Kingdom of God from the small box, and then Carefully replace the two.After that, he used the same method to replace the other two Divine Kingdoms. The whole process was slow and steady. In Xu Changqing's eyes, he couldn't help secretly praising him for his steady heart, which is a good talent.

After doing all this, Anglius didn't touch the other kingdoms of God, turned around and walked back to the steps by the same route, then looked at the three people in front of him coldly, and said, "Should we be able to trade now?"

"Don't worry, it's better for us to leave here first and then make a deal." Although the leader wished to hold the three Divine Kingdoms in his hands now, he was extremely cautious and suppressed the impulse to trade in his heart, pretending to be calm.

Seeing the other party like this, Anglius couldn't help frowning, and a little gloomy expression appeared on his face, but he couldn't do anything about it, nodded, and walked up quickly, looking at him Wanted to close the deal more than anyone else.

The way up is more difficult than going down. This is not only because of the gradient of the up and down, but more importantly, when this spiral staircase walks up, the spiritual energy guided in from the outside and the three realms of Kunlun will form an invisible pressure. The strength required to walk has more than doubled.Therefore, they were already out of breath when they walked all the way, and it took several times longer, at least more than two hours.

Just as the four of them were lying on the ground exhausted and recovering their strength, Xu Changqing shot again, and his figure instantly moved from the shadow of the leader to the shadow of Anglius.Then, taking advantage of the other party's ignorance, he took away the three boxes containing the Kingdom of God, and then instantly moved to the shadow of the pillar closest to the exit of the room, quietly waiting for the situation to change.

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