Nine idlers

Chapter 653 Emperor Shi's Ambition

Chapter 650 The Third Emperor's Ambition

In Xu Changqing's view, it is enough to get Hanpu and Jayala for this teaching. Originally, Xu Changqing thought that he would need to go to some more city-states to meet a suitable teaching. Now it seems that things are better than expected. much better.

There are more than a hundred mortal countries in the entire Buddhist world, each of which is closely attached to the surroundings of Liucheng Lingshan. There are tens of thousands of autonomous city-states in the rest of the world. Such as cow 'hair'.If Xu Changqing wanted to go down one by one city-state, it would only be a waste of time, so he chose the Gaya Desert, which borders the areas controlled by the six Buddhist schools, as the place to teach the Dharma.

The Gaya Desert is not the largest of the many deserts in the Buddhist world, but it is indeed the one with the largest concentration of city-states. There are more than 100 city-states gathered in this desert. Due to its special geographical environment, it is also the sixth largest city-state in the Buddhist world. Take control of the country, the city-state's most important commodity, cargo and personnel flow hub.Although the importance of 'nature' here is self-evident, neither the first four vehicles of the Buddhist world nor the current six vehicles of the Buddhist world have thought of bringing this desert under their own control, because they know very well , Whoever controls this place will face the siege of other sects.

Because of this, the beliefs of various city-states in the Gaya Desert are extremely chaotic. Almost all religious beliefs can be found here, and there are not a few people with several beliefs in a city-state. This is why Xu Changqing chose to spread the treasures here. The main reason for the 36th grade of Wisdom to save the world.To teach the Dharma here, as long as you don’t take some actions to win over the believers, such as deliberately showing supernatural powers when preaching, etc., under normal circumstances, the disciples of the sects stationed in these city-states will not prevent others from teaching the Dharma, so Xu Changqing approached him one after another. None of the ten city-states encountered any obstacles.

Originally, according to Xu Changqing's estimate, he might still need to go to [-] or [-] city-states to find a suitable preacher, but now he unexpectedly got two suitable candidates, Hanpu and Jayala, and these two candidates are even more important. Crying in the sky and being reborn in the rain of blood, I have to say that the number of days has its own arrangements.Now he has taught the two of them the most basic method in the multi-treasure method. As for how the two use this method to create a sect, it is their own business.However, Xu Changqing believes that based on what he has learned about these two people these days, this matter is not difficult for them.And what he has to do is to let this scripture take root and sprout among mortals smoothly, instead of waiting for the act of spreading the Dharma to show a little sign, it will be stifled by others.As for the best escorts, the barefoot Buddha and the wheel-turning king Sun Xianzhi, who have already established a firm foothold in the Buddhist scriptures and already possessed a certain influence, are naturally the best escorts.

Barefoot Buddha himself is one of the [-] great achievers of the Buddhist vehicle, but in terms of his cultivation strength, he is a bit misnamed as a great achiever, which also made him always travel outside the center of power in the Buddhist vehicle in the past , let alone hold real power.

However, this situation has changed since the Barefoot Buddha returned to the treasure house of the Taishang Qingjing Heavenly Dynasty.First of all, after returning to the Buddhist world, his cultivation has been increasing day by day, and finally reached the realm of seeing "nature" clearly, and his strength has jumped into the middle of the eighteen great achievers, and he has justifiably inherited the teachings of his master. Lingshan.

After that, he played a good show with Sun Xianzhi, the wheel-turning king who seized Sun Qian's divine body, and drew Sun Xianzhi into the Buddhist vehicle. The luck of the ride has made great achievements for the Buddha ride.Under his strong recommendation, Sun Xianzhi worshiped under the ancient Buddha of the Buddha Vessel, and became his only disciple. Now he has inherited the position of the ancient Buddha of the Paradise, and became the leader of the Paradise Heaven World, and he has won the Buddha for himself in the Buddha Vessel. A vital arm.

As a result, the Buddhist vehicle had to strengthen the use of the barefoot Buddha who had made great achievements. Among the sixteen spiritual mountains under the control of the Buddhist vehicle, he was in charge of two, and four of the eighteen great achievers took refuge in it. Under its spiritual mountain, the current power is second only to the current Buddha multiplier and the eternal wisdom Buddha who is known as the great prajna achiever.

Although Sun Xianzhi, the wheel-turning king, is not as powerful as the Barefoot Buddha, he is not far behind. When he was in the Bodhisattva Vehicle, he attracted a group of people. After that, he joined the Buddha Vehicle and became the sole heir of the ancient Buddha on the other side. .

The ancient Buddha on the other side is a special existence of the Buddha Vehicle. Although the Buddha claims to be immortal, as long as he is still under the heaven, his life will end one day.For this reason, the powerful man of the Buddha Vehicle has come up with a way to allow the ancient Buddha of Nirvana to be reborn in another form, that is, to gather the power of great faith to open up a Buddhist world, and before the ancient Buddha Nirvana, the ancient Buddha will be reborn. The spirit is sent into the heaven and earth of this Buddhist kingdom, and it will live forever in the world in a state similar to the sentient beings of the Buddhist kingdom.It's just that to maintain the Buddhist kingdom, one needs a Buddha with the ability of great enlightenment, and also needs to master the Ksitigarbha method to maintain the immortality of the true spirit. It is the most suitable candidate.

Although the ancient Buddha Hall does not have much real power on the surface of the Buddha Riding Spirit Mountain, it has an important relationship. Its status is similar to that of the Dharma Hall of the inner sect Lingshan, and even more important than the Dharma Hall, so its hidden 'Sex' power can definitely be ranked among the top ten Buddhist powers.

A few years ago, the Bodhisattva Vehicle and the Buddha Vehicle made peace in order to fight against the menacing True Zen Buddhism Vehicle and the Brahma Pure World Vehicle, and the Bodhisattva Vehicle also returned the Sun family who had been detained to Sun Xianzhi, making Sun Xianzhi even more powerful Raised, and monopolized a spiritual mountain, faintly became the fourth person in the Buddha's vehicle.

Back then in the Taishang Qingjingtian Dynasty, Xu Changqing asked the two of them to be the pioneers to enter the Buddhist world, and he did not expect that the two of them could sit so perfectly, which far exceeded his expectations.

In the past few days, Xu Changqing has already learned from the disciples stationed in the Six Vehicles of the Buddhist School in some city-states that Sun Xianzhi has gone to the Void Lingshan Shanjian City of the Buddhist Vehicle to teach the disciples and believers of the Mahayana Samadhi Kongguan Xuanfa.Judging from the current time, he should already be in the Void Spirit Mountain, and he is likely to discuss countermeasures with the Buddhist disciples who gathered on the Spirit Mountain because of the blood rain.

Among the sixteen spiritual mountains of the Buddha, the Lingshan Mountain is the closest to the Gaya Desert. It governs 23 countries and 430 seven large and small city-states, of which six countries are within the range of the Lingshan Mountain, and the remaining seventeen countries are ordinary mortal countries. .The Shanjian City that Xu Changqing went to is located at the foot of the Kongkongling Mountain. It is the capital of the Peacock Kingdom. In the Buddhist world, there is not only one Peacock Kingdom or Shanjian City. I figured it out, and the titles of their lords are all the same as Indra.

Although the names are all Indra, their status is completely different in each school. Among them, Indra has the highest status in the Brahma Pure World Vehicle. In the Arhat Vehicle, Di Shitian has the lowest status, and is only one of the guardian heavens, which is equivalent to the general guard chief of the outer hall.

Although Di Shitian of the Buddhist vehicle is also one of the Dharma protectors, his status is indeed the head of the Dharma protectors, and he is also the co-lord of the 190 Three Kingdoms of the Buddha. His status is even higher than that of Indra of the Brahma Pure World Vehicle, but in the Buddhist Vehicle, his status is only in the middle.

The reason why Sun Xianzhi left the ancient Buddha Hall of Wanmiao Mountain where he was, and came to this Kongkonglingshan to preach, was mainly to win over the master of Xukong Lingshan, one of the eighteen great achievers, Xukongzang Wuyi Buddha, and the co-lord of the Buddha Kingdom Release day.

In the ancient world of Buddhism, the Hollow Spirit Mountain was originally the Dharma field of the Bodhisattva Bodhisattva, but after the Bodhisattva became independent, the Buddha took the Hollow Spirit Mountain and replaced it with a Buddha of the Hollow Vault. Here is the Master of Lingshan.Although the Bodhisattva became very powerful later and almost completely suppressed the Buddha, he still failed to recover the Lingshan Mountain. Every time he invaded, he was repelled by the Wukong Zang Wuyi Buddha and the Buddha Emperor Shitian. Spread the word.

In the Buddhist scriptures, Kongkongzang Wuobstacle Buddha and Di Shitian never participated in the internal battles of the Buddhist scriptures. They always stood in a neutral position. No matter who became the Dharma Lord of the Buddhist realm, it had nothing to do with them, and no one could win them over.In this regard, the ancient Buddhist temple and the relic pagoda forest were the same as them, but since Sun Xianzhi officially replaced the ancient Buddha on the other side who had fallen into five declines as the master of the ancient Buddhist temple, this neutral state has been broken, and he has already contacted secretly. The relic pagoda forest of the Buddha of Wisdom through the ages has also stood up and joined him. Two of the three largest neutral forces have already made their choices, and the third one cannot remain alone forever. Forces came to win them over one after another.

Including this trip to Shanjian City to give a lecture, this is the third time for Sun Xianzhi to come to Hollow Spirit Mountain, and the Barefoot Buddha also came four times.Perhaps it was a kind of tacit understanding. In the act of attracting Void Lingshan, the major forces did not fight, but each sent people according to their own abilities, staggered the time, and went to lobby. Kalachakra Bodhisattva has just left.Regarding the practice of various Buddhist forces, Kongkongzang Wuyifo and Buddhayan Di Shitian did not express any objections, nor did they express any intention to belong to a certain force, and they seem to be considering it.

Sun Xianzhi came to Xukong Lingshan three times, and did not mention half a sentence to persuade Xukongzang Wuyi Buddha and Di Shitian to return to him three times. Three times, he was like a person of the same way, saying and discussing the Dharma.Since he received the inheritance of the ancient Buddha on the other side, his practice of Buddhism and Buddhism has become more and more profound, and he has become more and more knowledgeable. Even Xu Changqing is not as good as him.

The Dharma that Sun Xianzhi came to Shanjian City this time is the Mahayana Vajra Realm Samadhi Dharma. In the Buddhist language, it is the true Dharma of becoming a Buddha on the spot. Because the previous two teachings were very successful, not only the Dharma around the Void Lingling Mountain The disciples came here to listen to the Dharma, and even the practitioners of the Bodhisattva Vehicle and Arhat Vehicle from afar also came to listen to the Dharma, which can be regarded as a grand event of the Dharma Conference.However, no one would have thought that just as the Dharma was being preached, the spiritual veins of the Lingshan Mountain vibrated, followed by a rain of tears and blood, and the entire City of Good Views, from Buddhas and Bodhisattvas to ordinary believers, was enveloped in fear and panic.

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