Nine idlers

Chapter 654 Bodhi Spiritual Root

Chapter 650 The Fourth Bodhi Root

In the altar, the startled priest stared blankly at Anglius who had awakened and was being treated, and asked in a deep voice, "What happened here?"

Anglius moved his mind very quickly, and immediately thought of some words, regardless of whether the other party believed it or not, he said, "A few people from the Kunlun Society have mixed in among the candidate priests summoned this time. He hijacked me here, stole three Divine Kingdom coins, somehow alarmed the Divine Guard when he left, and finally died in the hands of the Divine Guard, and the Divine Kingdom was also destroyed in the battle."

The officiant was silent for a long time, and the surrounding atmosphere became tense, and beads of sweat appeared on Anglius's head.Finally, when he was about to be unable to bear it, the chief priest said: "Your injuries are serious, and you cannot be cured if you stay here. I will send you back to the temple star."

After speaking, regardless of whether Anglius agreed or not, he waved to the altar guards to take Anglius away.

"My lord, Anglius is weird, this is probably him..." Just after Anglius left, the acolyte who had conflicted with Anglius before walked out of the crowd, and he seemed to be in harmony with this The altar priest's relationship was extraordinary, and he approached him very closely, reminding him in a low voice.

"I know all about this." The chief priest glanced at the assistant priest indifferently, and said, "This is the person behind Anglius who asked him to exchange the kingdom of God here with the people from the Temple of the Night in exchange for He who was recently excavated by the Temple of the Night." The Bow of Lios, it’s just that the two clashed at the end of the transaction, and that’s what made it so.”

"Since you know so clearly why Fang Anglius left, if you let the higher-ups know about the loss of the Kingdom of God, I am afraid that you will be affected, too." The deacon looked at the priest with great worry. , obviously his backer is the priest of the altar, if the priest suffers, he will not have good fruit to eat.

"It doesn't matter, this is a high-level transaction, otherwise, do you think that Anglius' ability can lead people into the altar and take away the three kingdoms of God? These things are actually acquiesced, but the result There are some sources, but no matter whether the transaction is successful or not, I can't blame it on me." The chief priest didn't show any panic, looked around, and said: "Compared to the details of those people's transactions, At that time, I was very curious who was in the way and destroyed this transaction. This person's strength is really amazing, I am afraid that he can be compared to the true god officiate of the temple star. Abducted an altar guard."

"Didn't the guard of the altar be damaged in the battle?"

"Do you know why you haven't been promoted to the officiant priest for so many years? It's because you don't like to use your brain. If you have something to think about before you speak." The officiant stared rather resentfully The other party glanced at him, sighed again, pointed to the surroundings and said: "The surrounding thunder power is neither very strong nor very weak. It is obviously caused by the armor made of Thor's power. This level of thunder power It is enough to turn you into ashes, but not enough to destroy the god guard. Besides, even if the god guard is destroyed, there should still be wreckage left. Now there is no wreckage, obviously someone is messing around At that moment, he forcibly imprisoned a divine guard and brought it out of the altar. This person's strength is really amazing, and I am afraid that the entire Saturnian gods may not necessarily be his opponent."

"So strong!" The assistant priest also showed a horrified expression, and soon he seemed to think of something, and said: "I heard that people from the Yuan family of the God of War City appeared in the city today, could it be them... ..."

"Impossible! The Yuan family does things straight. If they want to play tricks, they will come in directly from the outside. They will never do such small tricks." The priest shook his head, as if he had no interest in guessing further, and ordered the guards and assistants who came here After offering sacrifices, he turned around and left the room, and said to the acolyte who was following him, "Anglius will definitely transfer back to the temple star, and there will be a vacant priest for the officiant priest. I will recommend you to be the priest." Temporary officiant priest, you must perform better in this blood sacrifice ceremony and strive to become the official officiant priest."

"Your subordinate will definitely not let you down!" After hearing the officiant's words, the acolyte 'showed' a surprised smile, but soon he calmed down and said firmly.

Just when the two were about to reach the hall, the healing priest who had followed Anglius walked over quickly in a panic, and after saluting to the priest, he handed a sealed letter to the priest. Said: "Priest Anglius left suddenly with injuries just now, and asked his subordinates to hand over this letter to the lord. The subordinates saw that he was flustered, and something might happen, so they didn't dare to neglect, and came over immediately."

The priest frowned in confusion. Obviously, in his opinion, although the transaction failed, Anglius would be severely punished by the Sun God Sect, but with his status, even if he was severely punished, it would not be too heavy. Leaving on the Internet really makes people feel a little unusual.Filled with doubts, he took the letter, erased the forbidden divine power on the seal, took out the note inside, opened it and looked at it, his face suddenly changed, and he was full of anger in addition to horror He tore the letter into pieces in two or three strokes, and cursed loudly, regardless of his image: "This damned pig, he lost the order of the Supreme God, and he still has the face to ask me to find it. He died just now!" Why isn’t he the one who belonged to you!” As he spoke, he realized that it was not the time to curse, and he immediately ordered: “Immediately send an order to the city lord to let him destroy the whole city, and send the altar guards to local Anglius, and he must be brought back alive .”

Following the roar of the priest of the altar, one order after another was issued immediately, and the tense atmosphere that was originally confined to the altar instantly spread to the whole city.At this moment, Xu Changqing has come to an empty wooden building next to Wen Aoguang's house, and is checking all kinds of things from the altar, without realizing the value and significance of the token he took from Anglius Far more expensive than other things.

Xu Changqing has no plans to take out the token for research now, because the token is a bit weird, and he doesn't understand the meaning of the patterns on it. In case someone else's mark is left on the token, after taking it out, others can find it. If the trace is summoned, it is asking for trouble.Xu Changqing's vigilance is indeed a bit crooked. There is indeed a mark of the gods on the token. The altar priest in the ancient city can feel the existence of the mark by virtue of the characteristics of the altar of the gods. Within the perception range of the altar.Because of this, the vigilance and chaos in the outside world did not last long before it relaxed, and the tense atmosphere also weakened a lot. The only thing that remained unchanged was that there were more orcs patrolling.Apparently the priest of the altar had sensed the whereabouts of the token through the altar of the gods, but he must have felt that the token had been transferred out of the city without any feedback.

The first thing Xu Changqing took out were those light balls of the Kingdom of God. Due to the rejection of heaven and earth in the world of heaven and earth, the Kingdom of God was eroded a little in a short period of time, and the surface became darker, but from a certain point of view, its interior However, his confidence has been solidified a lot, and it feels a bit more back to basics.Xu Changqing doesn't know much about this kind of divine kingdom of foreign gods, but he knows very well about the Buddhist kingdom in the palm of the Buddhist world. Although the powers of the two are fundamentally different, they lead to the same goal by different routes, and we can learn from circumstantial evidence.

As far as Xu Changqing knows, when the Buddhist kingdom in the palm is practiced to the extreme, it can achieve the great supernatural power of one sand and one world. Every world is a complete world, which can lead believers to cross the sea of ​​suffering and enter the path of bliss. The world will last forever, the world will never die, and the Buddha will live forever.Even if an ordinary mortal enters this Buddhaland in the sand, he can achieve the fruit of Arhatship in an instant, and obtain a body without dirt and dust, and all kinds of karmic rewards are not as good as his body.Although the divine kingdom of the foreign gods is not as wonderful as the Buddha kingdom in the palm, its fundamental purpose of existence is the same as the Buddha kingdom, and the ultimate state they want to reach is exactly the same. Comparing the various realms of the Buddha kingdom in the palm, Xu Changqing can see The three Divine Kingdoms that came out of my hands are just unfinished defective products.It can be said that the Kingdom of God is a condensed body of faith. It has not formed a world, and its role is very small. It may be used to help the foreigners here to ignite the divine fire and form the prototype of the Kingdom of God.

Although this kingdom of God is of no use to Xu Changqing, the pure faith in the kingdom of God that has been repeatedly refined by the altar of the gods is a rare good thing.With the power of these three Divine Kingdoms, it is enough for a person who cultivates Buddhism to condense into a Buddha Kingdom in his palm, and this object can also be used as a reference to add another divine way method to the Taoism stele in front of the Ku'yao Hall .

After careful inspection, Xu Changqing did not immediately include the Kingdom of God in the world of heaven and earth, but casually found a large bluestone near the small building, cut the stone into three stone boxes, and carved an isolation circle around it, Putting the Kingdom of God into it, while bringing it into the world of Qiankun, also activated the magic circle on the box to isolate the kingdom of God from being eroded by the power of the heavens outside.

After that, Xu Changqing took out the bow of Helios and put it on the ground in front of him. It was different from the feeling when looking at it from a distance during the day. Only by putting this thing in front of his eyes and touching it with his own hands can he feel it. contained power.Of course, the bowstring made of Helios, the real sun god among the gods of Olympus, is not to mention, and its seemingly bad bow body is also extraordinary.Although the entire bow body looks like gold and iron on the outside and is severely corroded, it is actually real wood inside, and it still contains a huge vitality. cycle.What surprised Xu Changqing the most was that when he touched the bow body and tried to guide the imitated divine power into it, a cool air flowed out from the bow body and injected into his body. For a moment, his Dao heart became clearer than ever before, and some places in the Dao that he hadn't comprehended before seemed to be a matter of course, and suddenly became clear, which made him feel that his cultivation of the Dao had taken a big step forward in an instant.

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