Nine idlers

Chapter 655 Accepting Bodhi

Chapter 650

Seeing the power displayed by the bow of Helios, Xu Changqing couldn't help taking a breath.This is not the full power of this bow. If the power of this bow is fully activated, Xu Changqing believes that even a piece of land as big as Zhanmoya can be broken with one blow.It's just that in that case, the bow will be greatly damaged, or even completely abolished.

"Since this treasure has been re-refined by me, it is obviously inappropriate to call it the Bow of Helios." Xu Changqing, who likes this treasure, looked at the long bow in his hand repeatedly and said, "Since you are here for those foreign lands The one who appeared from the gods was ordered by the heavens to kill the alien gods, so I will call you the Heavenly Killing Bow!"

Perhaps it was the Divine Bow Yunling. When Xu Changqing changed his name, the longbow emitted a burst of black light, and emitted bursts of killing power like sharp blades.It took a long time for this out-of-control killing power to calm down, and the extraordinary aura of the bow body was completely restrained, and even the bowstring refined by the body of the foreign god changed accordingly, as if it had become an ordinary longbow .When the Tiansha bow becomes common, a layer of extremely fine and exquisite patterns and patterns will appear on the surface of the bow body, and the inside of the bow body will be filled with a chilling ferocity, as long as the mind is a little weak People who encounter this thing will probably be robbed of their minds and become a person who only knows how to kill.

After Xu Changqing fondled the bow twice, he took it back to the world of Qiankun, and then continued to fuse the fragments of God's Domain with his heart, and the holes that were blasted around were gradually filled by the chaotic wind, and everything returned to calm .

On the spherical continent of the Holy Ruins, Xu Changqing's Zhuyan avatar couldn't wait to take out the Heavenly Killing Bow to play with.After all, the meaning of obtaining a treasure of heaven and earth is completely different from refining a treasure of heaven and earth. For this treasure of killing that he personally forged, he felt a little more intimacy in his heart, as if it should belong to him in the first place. generally.

When Tiansha bow was taken out and held in Xu Changqing's hands, Zhu Yan's avatar who now has the power to move mountains actually felt a little strenuous, and this heavy force was not just a feeling, but a real existence.The power from the bow was transmitted along the body of Zhu Yan's avatar to its feet, making the solid ground under his feet solidified by foreign gods and unshakable by even the Titans as if it had turned into a swamp. The body has sunk into the ground.If Xu Changqing hadn't seen the opportunity quickly, cast a spell to prop up his body, suspend it in mid-air, and use his own magic power to resist the pressure, perhaps his whole body would have been completely crushed to the ground.

"What a domineering guy!" Although the main body has already felt the power of this treasure, the feeling of the big Luo Jinxian realm with the main body is completely different from the feeling of the small heavenly fairy realm of Zhu Yan's avatar now, not to mention the current Zhu Yan. The overall cultivation level of the tired avatar is still only the strongest level, which is not enough to fully control this treasure.The weight of the treasure itself is second to none, the most important thing is that the ferocious aura contained in the bow body affects the mind of Zhu Yan's avatar all the time, making the blood of wild beasts in Zhu Yan's body boil, making him want to The urge to fight.

After calming down, Xu Changqing tried to use the power of Zhu Yan's avatar to pull the bow. Although the bow was extremely hard and required all his strength to pull it, the process went smoothly. The bow has been fully drawn.However, what is different from the bow being fully drawn by the main body before is that this time the chaotic wind contained in the bow body did not flow out to condense into arrows, but instead, a wave of energy gushed out from the body of Helios as the bowstring. The flame comparable to the real fire of samadhi condensed in his hand, forming a rather dazzling fire arrow.

"It seems that this is the real arrow formed by the condensed magic bow. The previous arrow is another new arrow after I changed its root." Xu Changqing looked at the eye-catching fire arrow and said with a smile: "Let's not talk about its power, just the appearance is too eye-catching."

As Xu Changqing can see now, the light of this arrow is too dazzling, just like a small sun, it seems to be afraid that others will not know its power, if Xu Changqing hadn't used the supernatural power of thousands of thunders around him in advance A forbidden law world has been arranged, and perhaps the whole city and even the entire holy ruins have seen this vision at this moment.

Xu Changqing, who was going to try the power of this divine bow, had to give up temporarily and remove the power from the bow. Now the arrow is so eye-catching before it is shot. After it is shot, everyone will know The Bow of Helios has been fixed.Xu Changqing took the divine bow back into the world of Qiankun, and decided not to use the bow until the phenomenon after using the bow was eliminated, or the necessary camouflage was not carried out.However, if you want to use this bow to do some mischief, it is a good way to use it. After all, such a striking vision, no matter who sees it, they will think that the person who uses this bow is from some sun god or who may have Egypt. The Imilius family of the god-seed of the sun god Hors.

"Hey! It's a little weird." After Xu Changqing put away all his things, he was about to settle down and enter the Dao Heart realm, and deduce the mystery of this exotic pattern through what he gained today.However, when he calmed down, he suddenly felt that his mind had easily entered the state of clear comprehension that he had entered when he received the influence of bodhi wood earlier.Although the level of this kind of enlightenment is not high, according to the level of enlightenment of Buddhism, it can only be regarded as the state of initial awakening, but even this kind of state is rarely accessible to practitioners, and even some Practitioners have never been in contact with this kind of enlightenment state, and it is unheard of for Xu Changqing to enter this kind of enlightenment state naturally as soon as he calms down.

Just after entering this state of enlightenment for a while, Xu Changqing has already realized the law and effect of one or two combinations of patterns among the thousands of patterns.It is conceivable that Xu Changqing, who has reached this state of enlightenment, enters the state of Dao Xin and deduces Taoism in this state. Sex', in order to achieve the miraculous effect of one law through all laws.

Xu Changqing walked back and forth in the room quite excitedly, guessing the reason for the change of mood in his heart, and said to himself: "Bodhi wood! This should be the magical effect of Bodhi wood. It must be the eight-treasure glazed ginseng fruit tree primordial spirit The natal qi brought out the power of the bodhi wood that originally belonged to the world tree from the divine bow."

Xu Changqing returned his mind to his body, and looked at the Eight Treasure Glazed Ginseng Fruit Tree Primordial Spirit.I saw that the Eight Treasure Glazed Ginseng Fruit Tree didn't show obvious changes, but some blue vines were wrapped around the trunk. These blue vines were very weak, but they covered all the branches like roots, and Babao glazed ginseng fruit trees form a symbiotic state.

Seeing this scene, Xu Changqing's expression turned from displeasure to anger, and he even smiled angrily. He turned towards the green vines attached to the trunk of the eight-treasure glazed ginseng fruit tree in a very mocking tone, and said, "It is indeed the first-class world in the world. Linggen, at this point, you can still survive so tenaciously. If I wasn't the one you parasitized, I might as well applaud and help you! It's a pity that you chose the wrong parasite, and you are destined to disappear here world."

Perhaps it was the bodhi wood green vines transformed from the remnant of the world tree that had spiritual wisdom. After hearing Xu Changqing's words and feeling Xu Changqing's anger, the branches, leaves and vines trembled as if they were extremely frightened, and the leaves that had been fully opened also shrank. When he got up, a divine sense of begging for mercy emanated from the ivy and spread to Xu Changqing.

"It really gave birth to spiritual wisdom?" Xu Changqing was also a little surprised that this green vine could produce spiritual wisdom. Originally, he thought that the spiritual roots of this world only had the survival instinct of ordinary creatures, and he never thought that he would have spiritual wisdom and be able to discern strength. Weak, divided into good and evil, understand bad luck.What is different from ordinary monsters giving birth to spiritual wisdom is that if this type of heaven and earth spirits give birth to spiritual wisdom, it means that they have been recognized by the Heaven and Earth Dao and are protected by the Heaven and Earth Dao. If they are killed at will, they will be killed by the Dao. punished.Thinking of this, he couldn't help but frowned slightly, looked at Qingteng, and said tentatively: "Since you already have spiritual intelligence, you must be able to transform into a human form, you should transform into a human form first, and then we will talk. "

Just as Xu Changqing's spiritual thoughts passed, a burst of strong blue light came out from the vines, condensed into a blue light ball, and fell under the ginseng fruit tree.When the blue light receded, a little girl with green hair and carved jade was squatting under the tree, looking at Xu Changqing timidly, her eyes full of awe and worry.

Seeing the little girl transformed by bodhi wood, Xu Changqing couldn't help being taken aback for a moment, with a strange look on his face, then smiled again, and said: "You are quite good at avoiding evil, but you know how to use my daughter's Appearance, win my favor."

It turned out that the little girl transformed by the bodhi wood looked exactly like when Xu Changqing met his daughter Dong Guanqing for the first time in Tianjin, but the worried expression was exactly the same. When he saw her, Xu Changqing couldn't help feeling Back to the illusion of the year.Although he knew that the other party was suspected of being flattering, and Xu Changqing also knew that the person in front of him was a fake, but when he saw the little girl with the same appearance as his daughter, he still couldn't help but feel a little more cordial in his heart.

Perhaps feeling the intimacy from Xu Changqing, the little girl also became a lot bolder. She stood up, walked to Xu Changqing's manifestation with some hesitation, stretched out her hand and gently grabbed Xu Changqing's hem, raised her head and stared wide He closed his eyes and looked at Xu Changqing, with a begging expression on his face.

"You don't have to be like this. If I am determined to kill you, no matter how much you change your appearance, it is impossible to change my mind." Xu Changqing took a breath, suppressed the abnormal emotions in his heart, and stretched out his hand towards the bodhi tree. Ling's head 'touched' the past.The bodhi wood spirit froze for a moment, hesitating a bit, but he didn't evade, quietly letting Xu Changqing put his hand on his head.

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