Nine idlers

Chapter 657

Chapter 650

"Why did you choose those two people?" Xu Changqing looked at the two people who were selected by the altar of the gods and let the altar priest take them away. The power of the great light god's eyes could easily see through the situation in the two people's bodies, but no matter how he looked, he couldn't see through them. Find out what's so special about these two.

"Once these mixed-race people ignite their divine fire, their divine fire will improve faster than us purebloods." Just as Xu Changqing finished speaking, a person suddenly interjected behind him and said, "If we need It takes 50 years for the divine fire to condense into the true God Kingdom, and they, the hybrids, only need 20 years, which takes only half of our time. In the whole process of condensing the True God Kingdom, except for the final moment when the Kingdom of God is formed, they will suffer from the thunder of the beginning Apart from training, there are no obstacles or bottlenecks in the rest of the time, and even if they become true gods, they can go to Kunlun without any restrictions. There is no love for no reason in this world, and there is no hatred for no reason. The reason why we hate them so much is not because of their outstanding talents."

Xu Changqing turned his head and looked at the person who spoke. This person was the blond man with a hint of Confucian immortality on his body. The faces of the others became a little pale due to the loss of the blood sacrifice ceremony, but this person However, he was not injured at all. Obviously, during the blood sacrifice ceremony just now, he did not integrate his soul into the whirling world created by the altar of the gods.

"Are you talking to me?" Xu Changqing asked knowingly.

The blond man smiled and said: "Of course, besides me, you are the only one who didn't integrate your soul into the glorious heaven created by the altar of the gods just now. It can be seen that you are also a smart person, and I like dealing with smart people." As he said that, he leaned slightly towards Xu Changqing, and introduced himself: "Luo Ang, from the Imilius family, has seen a wanderer who has mastered the door of knowledge and understood the true meaning of knowledge."

"You know me?" Xu Changqing frowned slightly, remembering that the self-proclaimed wanderer was just a perfunctory word from the Yuan family of the God of War City yesterday. If a person does not specifically monitor himself, then this person must have many eyes and ears in this ancient city.

The blond man is very smart. Seeing Xu Changqing's expression, he immediately guessed what he was thinking, and explained: "Yesterday, when the wise man was talking to the members of the Yuan family in the God of War City, one of my servants was helping me occupy the viewing platform. Because I always like to make friends with wise men, he paid special attention to it and reported it to me afterwards. At first, I felt that I missed meeting with wise men, but I didn’t expect to meet again today. This is like Kunlun As a kind of thinking in the Buddhist world often says, we are really destined!"

"A member of the Imilius family?" Xu Changqing looked at the blond man with an expression of respect, recalling the man's introduction to himself, couldn't help but move in his heart, and used his bright eyes to look inside the man past.The difference from just now is that Xu Changqing became more focused on his observation this time, and soon he found that he had indeed underestimated this person's strength just now, or that this person's disguise of his own strength was really very clever.It's just that this camouflage quickly disintegrated and disappeared after he concentrated his attention and exerted the power of the great light, and the power of his true self was also fully revealed in front of his eyes.

The Confucian immortal energy and divine power that Xu Changqing first saw from this blond man named Luo Ang were just its outermost disguise, wrapped up by these two kinds of power, two kinds that are not weaker than the top grade return to the void The mighty power of the Immortal Realm.Among these two kinds of power, one is his natal divine fire. This divine fire has an aura of power similar to that of the Golden Crow Divine Fire. It is not much worse than those so-called true gods who condense into the kingdom of gods. As for the other kind of power, it is the power of authentic Confucianism and immortality.

Although there are many Confucian immortal sects, the immortal methods they cultivate roughly come from two families, and these two families are also the fundamental principles of Confucianism.Among these two families, the word Tao is good at attacking, based on awe-inspiring aura, and most of the immortal methods they cultivate are transformed from Buddhism and Taoism and other outlandish methods. When they reach the state of great accomplishment, they can become a Dao suppressor. The physical body, the suppressor is immortal, and the noble spirit lasts forever.Another school of Lizi is good at keeping words, and with the spirit of scrolls, it cultivates the most fundamental splendid articles of Confucianism. Mountains and rivers, in their state of great achievement, can even turn the spirit of the scroll into the universe, and reach the state of great supernatural powers, where one energy forms one realm, the heaven and the earth will last forever, and the arts and science will never die.

Although the two families of Confucianism have two kinds of Confucian avenues, they are not separated. There are not a few people who practice both of them. Most of them hope to make their own papers turn into beautiful mountains and rivers, and then use the avenue suppressor to suppress them , so as to achieve the power of a world.It's just that the idea is good, but the reality is cruel. So far, no one in Confucianism has been able to perfectly integrate these two Dao methods.

The idea of ​​Confucianism and Law of the blond man Luo Ang is also similar to that of Confucianism and Immortal who also practiced Principles and Laws. The only difference is that he did not practice the awe-inspiring aura that is the foundation of the Dao suppressor, but wants to make the scrolls aura To be a Splendid Mountain and River, and then let this Confucian Splendid Mountain and River become the divine kingdom of his natal god and fire.

"What a good idea!" Xu Changqing admired from the bottom of his heart after seeing the strength in Luo Ang's body.He can know without deduction that if Luo Ang has cultivated this kind of power, he, a pure-blooded man of the Holy Ruins, is likely to be active in the three realms of Kunlun like all other mixed races who ignite the fire, even if he is suppressed by the Kunlun Heavenly Dao Nor will it be fatal.

Luo Ang's idea is indeed very good. If it succeeds, it will definitely solve the biggest problem that Shengxu has encountered in trying to integrate into the Kunlun Three Realms, and from him, it can also be seen that the spirit of Confucian scrolls is inclusive and tolerant Momentum, even the descendants of foreign gods can practice smoothly as long as they follow the word principle, which is very suitable for promotion to the entire holy market.

It's just that this kind of thinking is just an idea. After all, cultivating the Qi of Wenjuan is far from being as simple as practicing the Taoism of the Immortal Family. Just read it once, you have to thoroughly understand ten thousand volumes of books before you can generate the spirit of the volume.Now everyone in the Holy Ruins has the seeds of gods, and everyone can use more convenient powers. As long as the gods are lit, they will have innate powerful power. It is human nature to give up the difficult and take the easy. It is not someone like Luo Ang who is extremely obsessed with Confucianism. I am afraid that no one will abandon a bright road and choose a thorny path.

Seeing Xu Changqing look him up and down rudely, Luo Ang did not 'show' any angry expression, but lowered his figure, and asked: "Your Majesty's divine power is very similar to my family's unique divine fire divine power, dare you Are you a member of my Imilius family?"

Although Xu Changqing is now using the divine power imitated by the Nine Flames Divine Arrow Divine Ability, and the Nine Flame Divine Arrow Divine Ability is derived from the original power of the sun god Apollo, but the power aura he imitates from this divine power is derived from Hors, the Egyptian sun god.The Imilius family of the Holy Ruins and the Apollo family of the Sun God Cult are the two major sun families in the Holy Ruins, but the original divine power of each family is different. The source of the divine power of the Imilius family is the Holy Ruins. The origin of the divine power of the Egyptian sun god Hors contained in the origin.The divine power of Hors imitated by Xu Changqing is the most authentic divine power of the Egyptian sun god. With the effect of the Golden Crow Divine Fire, it is reasonable for Luo Ang to think that he belongs to his own family.Then again, if the Apollo family of the sun god master had seen Xu Changqing, they might also think that he was from the Apollo family because of the aura of the Nine Flame God Arrow on him.

"I'm just a wanderer." Xu Changqing neither denied nor admitted, and gave a confusing answer. Before Luo Ang could fully understand, he asked again: "I'm curious. Why did members of the Imilius family who are qualified to become true gods come to this place? And why did they go to practice the Confucian power in the Kunlun world?"

When he heard the first question, Luo Ang didn't show any abnormality. In his opinion, his disguise can hide the general powerhouses in the Holy Ruins, but in front of the real powerhouses, his disguise is absolutely indisputable. may play a role.But when he heard the second question, his face could not help but change slightly. It is not difficult to judge that this power comes from outside the holy market through the breath of power, but the difficulty lies in front of him This is the first time he was recognized by people after he practiced the Confucian immortal method.

However, Luo Ang's mentality was also very good. After being surprised, he quickly calmed down and said with great respect: "As expected of a wise man, he can see the source of my strength so easily. I am here because I have always They are all studying Confucian classics from a master who is proficient in the Kunlun Confucian immortal law. As for the reason for practicing the power of the Kunlun world, I say it is just because of interest, do you believe it?"

"The Confucian fairy art master you are talking about is Wen Aoguang's wife Kunlun Confucianism Xianyan Jing?" Xu Changqing asked again, hoping to get an answer from Luo Ang that confirmed his earlier guess.

Luo Ang showed surprise again, and said, "It's Mr. Yan. Could it be that the wise know Mr. Yan?"

"Only hear its name but not its person!" Xu Changqing dragged out a sentence in Huaxia, and said, "It's really good that you can think of integrating the Confucianism that is inclusive of all rivers into your own gods and gods, although the process is full of dangers. Even You need to open up a path by yourself, but in the end you will be able to create a sect, so maybe you will also become the ancestor saint of the Confucian lineage in this holy market."

"Thank you! Praise from the wise man." Luo Ang is also a very confident person, and what Xu Changqing said is also his great ambition when he gave up his own spiritual power and studied Confucian classics, although the words of praise are a bit exaggerated , but he still accepted it with resentment.Just when he was about to invite this homeless man with mysterious knowledge to exchange knowledge in his mansion, the figure of the homeless man suddenly disappeared in front of him in a flash, and then a message was heard over the mixed-race residential area. There were bursts of lightning and thunder, and there were two silhouettes passing through the thunder and lightning, fighting fiercely.

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