Nine idlers

Chapter 658 Collusion in the Holy Ruins

Chapter 650 Conspiracy in the Holy Ruins

A true god fell in this ancient city. This was the first time he encountered it after the completion of the ancient city. The whole city was stunned by what happened. After a long time, he did not recover. In addition to feeling sad for the true god whose name was not known until his death, he was more afraid of Wen Aoguang, a strong god-killer.

Although the two sides have not fought for a long time, if someone intervenes, it is not without chance.However, no matter whether it is the pure-blooded family of the Holy Ruins as the master of the city, or the altar of the gods as the protector of the city, after seeing the power displayed by the two sides in the battle, they all chose to stand by, including even The true god who was killed invited to come and sit at the altar of the ancient city to officiate.Although the strength of both of them is only in the realm of Hedao Earth Immortal, but this kind of strength has already stood on the peak of this city, and even on this spherical continent, there are only one or two people who can compete with it , Under such a fight, not only those weak Kunlun hybrids are ants, even those purebloods with eyes above the top are also ants.

"Master Priest, what shall we do now? We invited Lord Dies, and now he has died in the hands of Wen Aoguang. Will the Moro family, who inherited the Hermes God Seed, take this matter to the next level?" Blame it on me... you, Master Priest?"

The second priest, who was next to the priest of the altar of gods, looked worriedly at the dissipating thunder in the distance, while expressing his worries to the priest, and carefully separated himself from this matter, so as not to be affected by disaster.Perhaps in his opinion, the future of the officiant in front of him is likely to be in jeopardy. A family of true gods with the lineage of the main gods and spirits will definitely not show their anger by simply cursing.Moreover, the status of the person who died this time in the Moro family is also extraordinary. Obviously, when the Moro family knows about this incident, not only Shenlong Altar and Wen Aoguang will bear the anger of the Moro family, perhaps the entire ancient city will be affected.

The altar priest who was able to climb up from an ordinary attendant step by step to the current position has already learned how to use the words and senses proficiently. Although the actions and expressions of the second priest are not obvious, his intentions are still seen by the altar priest.For this subordinate who always wanted to take his place, the priest of the altar just responded with a sneer in his heart. In his opinion, just as the second priest said, a true god of the Morrow family who owned the kingdom of God died here. The inviter will inevitably be held accountable.It's just that he knew a little about the grievances between Wen Aoguang and the Mo Luo family in advance, so when he invited the true god of the Mo Luo family to come here, he also left a mind, and used the name of the second priest. On the one hand, the second priest can be said to be dead.

For a dying person, the priest of the altar did not care about it. He looked indifferently at the sky where the true god disappeared, and seemed to be thinking about countermeasures. Master Ao Guang has recovered his strength, as long as he lives in this city for a day, he will take on the important task of protecting the city." He said, beckoning to the attendants of the priest, and then took out the A palm-sized scepter was handed to the attendant, and said: "Go and hand over the scepter that controls the guards in the city to Mr. Wen Aoguang, and tell him what I just said."

"Yes, Lord Officiant." The attendant of the officiant, who was obviously a pure-blooded man, froze for a moment, then restrained the strange look on his face, took the scepter respectfully, turned and left.

"Master Priest, I'm afraid this is inappropriate!" The second priest didn't speak until the attendant left, and after the attendant left, the second priest pretended to be worried and persuaded: "Although Wen Aoguang comes from the powerful Thunder Dragon clan, But after all, he is a transformed orc, and the members of his family are either mixed races or orcs. There is not even a pure-blooded person. Even his wife is said to be a Kunlun immortal monk. If such a person controls I'm afraid..."

"Do you think we can stop him if he wants to seize control of the whole city without the guards?" The priest looked at his subordinate with a slightly impatient look, and said, "I have already made a decision. If those people don't want to, let them tell Master Wen Aoguang by themselves."

After finishing speaking, he ignored the second officiant, turned around and left the viewing platform of the altar.Seeing the figure of the officiant leaving, the second officiant showed a sinister look in his eyes, followed by a smug smile on his face, muttered a few words, then turned and left the platform.

Leaving aside the change of power at the altar of the gods due to Wen Aoguang's act of killing gods, in the urban areas where purebloods live, the families of purebloods, large and small, also feel a little bit of anxiety because of Wen Aoguang's sudden rise. Panic 'chaotic'.For the vast majority of pure-blooded families who have never left this city in their entire lives, they do not know what kind of existence the Morrow family is, but judging from the fact that the Morrow family has a true god, their family is definitely not theirs. These small families can be compared.However, there are still a small number of families who know how powerful the Moro family is, so when they learned that the true god of the Moro family had fallen, everyone felt extremely panicked.It's just that they calmed down quickly and began to calculate the pros and cons of this matter for them. A small group of people hoped to use this matter to get in touch with the Moro family, while others had other plans, including There is a small family living temporarily in Loon.

"Go back and tell the master of your family, I will help him to speak to Mr. Wen Aoguang. As for whether he will get what he wants, it depends on Mr. Wen Aoguang's intention." Luo Ang looked at the bag in his hand. A note, said something to a soldier wearing a certain family crest, and then walked towards Wen Aoguang's mansion.

At this moment, Luo Ang was very excited, not because he saw the power of the true gods, but because he saw the power of Confucianism's magic for the first time.Although the power condensed into the ritual crown suppressor is not the Qi of Wenjuan he cultivated, but since the Qi of Wenjuan and the Qi of Haoran can be called the foundation of Confucianism, it is absolutely necessary to cultivate the Qi of Wenjuan if he is successful. It will not be much worse than the Liguan suppressor that can easily suppress even the true god.Thinking of this, he couldn't help but want to cry from the bottom of his heart. At the beginning, he gave up cultivating family power, even giving up his family status, and came to this small town to follow Yan Jing to study Kunlun Confucian classics. On the road, the pressure he has to bear is far beyond the imagination of others.Now in the midst of confusion, he sees a bright future, thinking that when he returns to his hometown with success in cultivation, he will unload all the humiliation that was imposed on him, and he will be able to maintain a calm mood.

In Wen Aoguang's mansion, everything remained calm, and there was no change because of Wen Aoguang's act of killing the gods, but the faces of the servants working here were more confident and proud.They just think that killing gods has never been heard of or seen since they can remember, and now their master can do this, which is enough to make them feel that they have become inexplicably powerful, and only a few people see it. In addition to the excitement, there is also a little worry about the crisis contained in it.

At the same time, Xian Yanjing, a Confucian woman from Kunlun who assisted her husband in killing the gods, was also worried. She was staying in the study with her son and husband at the moment, discussing countermeasures.

"Didn't I tell you to capture him before? Why did you suddenly change your mind and kill him! You should be very clear that killing him will do us no good. Only by keeping him alive can we have the value of negotiating." " Yan Jing looked solemnly, looked at her husband with extreme displeasure, and complained.

Wen Aoguang scratched his forehead in embarrassment, laughed twice, and explained: "I'm sorry! I just saw him insulting you like that at that time, and I really felt very angry. In addition, he provoked me so I didn't dare to kill him. When I got angry for a while, I didn't stop."

"Hey! It's too late to say anything now!" Yan Jing sighed, frowned and said, "I've used up all the grandeur that I've accumulated over the years this time, and you've almost used up the power of thunder on your body. If the Mo Luo family sends it again A true god who is in the realm of the earth and fairyland, our family may have no choice but to catch him without a fight."

Wen Aoguang's son, Wen Ao Zhongda, said in a low voice: "Won't that person from the mysterious force appear again? We can..."

"Never place your hope on others." Yan Jing taught his son a lesson, sighed, and said, "That man's background is mysterious and his friends and enemies are unknown. Humans are still your enemy, and their strength is exactly equal to yours and my current strength, we killed him, and the strength is almost exhausted, so it's hard not to make people wonder if anyone among them is playing tricks!"

"You mean..." Wen Aoguang hesitated for a moment, shook his head slightly, and said, "Probably not! That person just blessed me with a thunderbolt casually, allowing my strength to rise in a short period of time. Sixty to seventy percent has recovered, if he wants to harm us, even if you and I are in our heyday, it is impossible to compete with him."

"I also think that mysterious person will not be harmful to us." Wen Ao Zhongda suddenly said very firmly: "On the contrary, I feel that the appearance of people from the Mo Luo family may be related to yesterday's altar priest who suddenly declared martial law in the whole city and sent guards to fight against him." It is related to the random search of outsiders."

"That's right! If I want to be unfavorable to you, I can do it directly! It doesn't take so much effort at all." At this moment, a strange voice suddenly sounded in the room, and then I saw that there were only three Suddenly there was an extra person in the personal room.I saw this person wearing a green shirt, black hair and black eyes, dressed like a Kunlun Chinese, and under the surprised eyes of everyone, he cupped his fists at the three of them and said: "Xu Changqing, I have met the three of you."

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