Nine idlers

Chapter 659 Wood Spirit Transformation

Chapter 650 Nine Wood Spirit Transformation

Jingyuan is located on the west side of Wen Aoguang's mansion. It is completely built according to the small courtyard of Zhiyuantang's study. This is also where Yan Jing's library is located. The courtyard is close to the outer city wall. It is very secluded. You can go directly to the outside of the city by climbing over the wall. , Yan Jing's arrangement of Xu Changqing in such a place also has deep meaning.

After Xu Changqing arrived at the place, he did not live in the attic that Wen Ao Zhongda arranged for him, but chose to stay temporarily in the study in the courtyard, and then ordered Wen Ao Zhongda to transfer all the servants in the courtyard and not let anyone come bother yourself.Wen Ao Zhongda thought that Xu Changqing wanted to practice some secret method, so he didn't think too much, and followed Xu Changqing's instructions, and left the yard after Xu Changqing was settled.

In the room, Xu Changqing leisurely flipped through the various books in the study. Most of these books were introductions to the history, geography, race, and system of the Holy Ruins, which facilitated Xu Changqing's comprehensive understanding of the Holy Ruins. situation within.The core system of the Holy Ruins is not recorded in detail. On the whole, it looks like a complex of ancient Greece, ancient Rome, and ancient Egypt. The highest rulers of the Holy Ruins are naturally the four names. They are not allowed to use words, and they can only be called Supreme. Holy Most High.Next is the Senate, the King’s Government and the Altar of Gods. The Senate is mainly composed of some pure-blooded true gods of the Holy Market, and the King’s Government is the powerhouse of mixed races and turbid orcs. The God’s Altar is mainly under the rule of the Supreme God. .

Then the power of the Holy Ruins will leave the core of the Holy Ruins and enter the outer star field. The system here will become extremely chaotic. It's like the chaos of the Western Middle Ages.Generally speaking, the peripheral power is divided into three layers. The people of Shengxu call it the three-star ring. Among them, the ancient god star and the temple star closest to the core of the holy market are the first star ring. The elders in the world, the strong who the god king wants to contend with, and the weak who have not even ignited the divine fire.There are three stars in the second star ring, which are inhabited by orcs, pure-blooded people and mixed-race people. They are all people with high talents among various races. Generally, they must ignite the magic fire before the age of 30 to be in this three-star star ring. Otherwise, they will be sent to the third star ring, and every year there are still many three types of people selected from the third star ring by the altar of the gods and sent to the three stars of the second star ring.

The third star ring is where Xu Changqing is now. There are fourteen stars in total, and three types of people live here. Although the number of people is more than a thousand times that of the other two star rings combined, the overall strength is also the weakest. It is the most fringe area of ​​the entire Saint Ruins, nicknamed the Mortal Star Ring and the Exile Star Ring.

This three-star ring needs a lot of power, but these powers are nothing more than ants to Xu Changqing. The master, the great lord of the nine peaks of the second star ring and the Taoist earth immortal, etc.The only thing that Xu Changqing noticed was the four top god kings of the first star ring mentioned in the mansion newspaper. According to their records of challenging the core supreme god of the holy market and retreating unscathed, their strength is at least They are all among the most powerful immortals, including Wen Aomian, the patriarch of the Thunder Dragon Clan, and the Sun God Lord of the Sun God Sect.

"As expected of a place of heaven and earth, the power of the Holy Ruins on the bright side is not much worse than the power on the bright side of the Immortal Palace, and there may be a lot of power behind it. If it is attacked by external force as previously thought, only It will injure the enemy one thousand, and self-injury five hundred, so the gain outweighs the loss." Xu Changqing put down a mansion report describing the size and strength of Shengxu in his hand, closed his eyes slightly, and said while thinking: "However, Wen Aoguang and his wife 'The two are right, their current strength alone is not enough to shake the Holy Ruins, it seems that I will stay here for a few more days to remove some obstacles."

At this moment, Xu Changqing's mind was filled with targets that needed to be dealt with, and he also began to think about the plan to support Wen Aoguang and his wife. As for whether Wen Aoguang's family would agree to the deal with him, he was not worried at all.Because from the fact that Wen Aoguang and Yan Jing didn't reject him outright, but kept him in their mansion, it is enough to show that they are already tempted.Although the so-called position of Emperor of Heaven is useful, it is not necessarily useful to the vast majority of people. If someone who is not destined to be the Emperor of Heaven sits in this position, there will be disadvantages rather than benefits. Yan Jing who knows some numerology should also be very clear Even if they set up a heavenly court in the Holy Ruins, they would never be able to sit in that position.Instead of fighting for an illusory name whose success or failure is unknown, it is better to exchange this name for something more real. I believe Yan Jing will know how to choose.

The reason why Xu Changqing wanted the position of Emperor of Heaven was not for Li Yongfeng, who possessed the fate of Emperor of Heaven, but for the sake of the God King and Emperor of Heaven who would appear in the universe in the future.The Emperor of Heaven is the lord of a realm, and his affiliation is naturally related to the affiliation of one of the gods. Xu Changqing originally wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to establish a heavenly court in Xiaoyuntian after he unified Xiaoyuntian, and then hand over the position of this heavenly court to the world of Qiankun. The Emperor of Heaven, let his fate coincide with the three realms of Kunlun, so that the world of Qiankun and the three realms of Kunlun coincide and finally achieve the goal of becoming one realm.It's just that both the Qiankun World and the Kunlun Three Realms can be regarded as a relatively complete world. The more complete their world avenues are, the more difficult it is to overlap them. Even Xu Changqing himself is not sure that he can achieve the final desired effect.

Now that there is a holy market between the world of Qiankun and the Three Realms of Kunlun, which is not complete, but gradually merges with the Three Realms of Kunlun, things have become a little easier.Xu Changqing wanted the Heavenly Emperor of the Qiankun World to sit on the throne of the Heavenly Emperor of the Holy Ruins, so as to connect the Qiankun World with the Holy Ruins, and use the Holy Ruins as a springboard to integrate with the three worlds of Kunlun.The biggest advantage of doing this is that it alleviates the conflict on the Great Dao caused by the direct convergence of the Qiankun World and the Kunlun Three Realms. Even if such a conflict occurs, it will only be concentrated in the Holy Ruins.To put it simply, this foreign holy market should be the scapegoat, and the doom of the Houtiandi catastrophe will surely fall in this holy market. This is the best for the Kunlun Three Realms and the Qiankun world.

Xu Changqing doesn't think there's anything wrong with putting blame on others. After all, this foreign holy market is a heretic, and what he does is to do justice for the heavens.And judging from the Holy Ruins almanac that Xu Changqing read in his study, the supreme beings of the Holy Ruins probably also have plans to abandon the Holy Ruins and move to Kunlun, but the people who will move will only be those at the core of the Holy Ruins. People with three-star rings are not necessarily among them.

Regarding Shengxu's plan, Xu Changqing believed that Yan Jing was also aware of it, so Yan Jing's cooperation with him was unstoppable.What Xu Changqing has to do now is to wait for them to ask for the forces they can use, and to ask for more specific support conditions and requirements.But this is not something that can be decided in a day or two. Xu Changqing will at least stay here for a few more days, and he just takes this opportunity to solve the matter of Bodhi Wood Spirit.

After Xu Changqing put down the book in his hand, he set up a circle of sealing magic circle in the quiet garden, and then stood a seven-section dragon's blood tree at the gate of the courtyard, sealing a chaotic thunder into it.If Wen Aoguang killed the true god of the Moluo family today and attracted more powerful enemies, relying on the power of chaotic sky thunder in this seven-section dragon blood tree, it can also help him deal with powerful enemies. As for Xu Changqing , It will not be shot unless it is a last resort.

After the arrangements were made, Xu Changqing lay on his side on the low couch in the study with Chen Tuan's dragon stinging method, the breath was internally refined, naturalized and invisible, and the law was infinite, like the way of death.Through this method, Xu Changqing concentrated all the energy and spirit of the avatar in the soul, and then transferred it to the eight-treasure glazed ginseng fruit tree primordial spirit through the connection with the main body, and condensed into a red-faced avatar with a pale back and a violent ape .

At this moment, the bodhi wood spirit is still sitting quietly under the ginseng fruit tree. The vines wrapped around the ginseng fruit tree have completely disappeared, turning into a small sapling, floating on the bodhi wood spirit's heart.The moment Zhu Yan's dharma form appeared, a bloody aura formed by his conquest and killing aura immediately radiated out, awakening the bodhi wood spirit from the state of trance.The bodhi wood spirit seems to dislike this blood evil spirit very much. Although he has already felt that Zhu Yan is Xu Changqing's avatar, his face still showed disgust involuntarily until Xu Changqing wiped all the blood evil Only when the Qi is withdrawn will it return to normal.

The reason why Xu Changqing transferred all the energy and spirit of Zhu Yan's avatar to the main body is that he wanted to use the power of the avatar as the main force and supplemented by the power of the main body to help the bodhi wood spirit transform into form. The burden of the Yan avatar is very heavy, and it will even shake the foundation of the Zhuyan avatar, but its benefits can be used for two purposes without affecting the fusion of the main body with the fragments of the God's Domain.

"How is your decision?" Xu Changqing asked directly, but said tactfully: "If you haven't, I will give you some time as a teacher."

Although it was only more than ten hours for the Bodhi wood spirit, she seemed to have fully thought about the gains and losses of the transformation, and her eyes became very calm. She stood up, walked in front of Xu Changqing, and walked towards Xu Changqing. Gift, and send out a Divine Sense containing the answer.

Xu Changqing nodded slightly, then took out the bodhi tree seed, put it in front of the bodhi wood spirit, and said, "Then let's go in without delay!"

The bodhi wood spirit didn't show any hesitation, its body turned into a blue light, and penetrated into the seed. The seed that seemed a little lifeless immediately burst into a soft blue light, and the seed also turned into a glazed shape. Crystal clear, extremely extraordinary.The aura on the surface of the seed has also become mixed. Since there is the aura of the ancient prehistoric and the aura of the heaven and earth avenue, and when the bodhi wood spirit and the seed are combined into one, an extremely thick karma has already entangled come up.The strength of this karma was something Xu Changqing had never seen before. Just being by his side already gave him a sense of oppressive pressure, and the storm was about to come. It seemed that it had become a small world composed of karma.If this was not the sea of ​​knowledge in Xu Changqing's Zifu, I am afraid that this karma alone would have already caused the chaotic sky thunder to fall from the outside world, forming an endless thunder calamity.

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