Nine idlers

Chapter 661 Steady Growth

Chapter 660 Steady Growth

Although Xu Changqing has returned to the Demon God Temple, there are not many people who know that he has returned, only three or two. Nine Flame Demon Lord, She Chen, and Chao Yin are still presiding over the face.

In the past few days since he came back, Xu Changqing has refined some various grades of elixir, avenue pill and Tongtian pill through the Duobao avatar who has gone to the Buddhist world.Among them, some middle-to-high-grade and divine-grade elixir, together with some exquisite Dao methods, were handed over to the three people including Jiuyan Demon Lord.These things are not only used to improve the strength of the three of them, especially She Chen and Chao Yin, but also serve as rewards for the members of the Demon God Hall to fight against the turbid beast.The remaining small part of the god-grade elixir, Dao Dan and Tongtian Dan were secretly sent by Chao Yin to the War Demon City and the Three Realms Lair, and handed over to Old Man Yao, Wanhou Jinwo, and Qianhun Patriarch respectively. Waiting for others, in order to increase the cultivation of them and their subordinates, he is already preparing to speed up the pace of attacking the magic cliff.

During the month or so of siege by the turbid beasts, the Demon Temple was completely isolated from the War Demon City, without any contact. When they arrived at the Demon God's Temple, while being sheltered, they began to reluctantly wait for the Demon God's Temple to dispatch them.The entire Demon Temple, including the Forbidden Forest and the Forbidden Forest Town, can be regarded as all the people are soldiers, and the three principals, including the Nine Flame Demon Lord, also began to absorb a large number of talents from these fleeing immortals under Xu Changqing's orders.Because they did not use strong recruitment methods, but instead used some irresistible panacea and exercises as a guide to let these low-level demons, demons, buddhas and demons of War Demon City make their own decisions, so the expansion of the Demon Temple's recruitment did not happen. Arouse any resentment and resistance, and the structure of the Demon Temple doubled in a short period of time.

In the fight with the turbid beasts, although many immortals, demons, Buddhas and demons fell, many talents also emerged, such as the ten soul cultivators from Blood Valley of War Demon City, the loose cultivator Iron Sword Immortal, and the Hutoumen. Liehu Xiaosheng and so on.After seeing the overall strength of the Demon God Temple and the extremely fair reward and punishment system, most of these people were called into the Demon God Temple. Others who did not join were only because of the reason of the sect, but most of them expressed their willingness to join the Demon God Temple. Under the command of the temple, it has become a vassal sect just like the Heavenly Gate of the Immortal Palace.

Among the many talents who belonged to him, Xu Changqing paid a lot of attention to some of them, who were not high in cultivation but had outstanding talents. test.Counting these people, they are all related to the secular schools of thought in the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Periods, but just like the schools of thought in the secular world, the schools of thought in Kunlun Wonderland were either absorbed by Confucianism or merged into Taoism. There are very few people who can adhere to the orthodox inheritance, and the few people Xu Changqing tested are all orthodox heirs of various schools of thought.

Han Yue, a native of Yinxian City, a descendant of an orthodox military family, has learned the way of killing in the army and has a deep understanding of Zhengqi warfare. As far as a commander is concerned, he is more suitable than the Nine Flames Demon Lord.Although his cultivation level is not high, he only has the realm of returning to the void, but his method is very special. As long as he leads the army, the higher the cultivation base and the more people under his command, the faster his strength will increase, and he can even reach the level of nine. The point where the flame demon lord can compete with each other.It's just that this method also has a big flaw. The improvement of its strength depends entirely on the morale of the sergeants under its command. If the sergeant's morale is weak, no matter how many people there are, it will not help them improve their strength, but will hinder their strength.So after he passed Xu Changqing's test, Xu Changqing didn't promote him immediately, but assigned him to the Nine Flames Demon Lord, and let him improve step by step with his military exploits.

Tian Jiubian, a native of Peicheng, Fengshan, Lingshan, the outer sect, is the heir of the Zongheng family.It is not entirely correct to say that he is the descendant of the Zongheng family. Tian Jiubian first practiced Confucian awe-inspiring spirit. He once practiced in a nearly deserted Confucian school in Lingshan, Outer Gate. Later, he accidentally found a copy of it in the stone wall of the main hall of the school. The incomplete classics of the strategist, from which he learned the way of the strategist's tongue discrimination and the ability to follow the words.

When recruiting Tian Jiubian to his subordinates, Xu Changqing once asked him to use the supernatural power of speaking and speaking. Although he could not fully display this supernatural power with his current cultivation base of returning to the void, it was enough for Xu Changqing See clearly the power and details of this magical power.Unlike Confucianism, which is formed by the fusion of Confucianism, law, yin and yang, vertical and horizontal, etc., the Confucian speech method is different from the supernatural power. This supernatural power does not have high requirements for practitioners, but its power is really extraordinary.When Tian Jiubian cast a spell to say "stop" to Xu Changdao, Xu Changqing obviously felt a kind of power of the Great Dao imprisoning his body, which can only be broken by using the power of the peak of the Hedao Earth Immortal.Although this supernatural power is very powerful, it is not suitable for Xu Changqing, so he did not ask Tian Jiubian to offer this method, but instead gave Tian Jiubian some classics of the political strategist he collected and a magic elixir to improve his cultivation. And arrange him to work under She Chen's command.

The last one is called Wang San, which sounds very rustic, and his appearance is also very rustic, with homespun clothes, bare feet and unkempt hair, ropes woven from grain tassels are tied around his waist, and an iron hoe is carried on his shoulders. Looks like an old farmer.Wang San is actually a farmer. He comes from the Dandao Divine Pavilion in Lingshan, Neimen. A wooden box was dug out, and in the wooden box were the cultivation methods of the peasants from hundreds of schools.Later, due to some accidents, he killed the son of the general manager of the outer door of the alchemy pavilion, and was forced to escape from the inner door Lingshan. Spiritual 'medicine'.When the "tide" of turbid beasts happened, he happened to be looking for a special rice seed in the depths of Zhanmoya. Although he escaped the chasing and killing of turbid beasts, he was also trapped in the Demon Temple. In the end, Xu Changqing received it under his command in advance.

The farming method practiced by this person is very similar to an ancient witchcraft, which is completely different from the world's Taoism. What he wants to do is to integrate the five elements of heaven and earth into one body, to achieve the realm of immortal body and eternal spirit.Because the Dharma Gate he cultivated is very complete, his cultivation base is also the highest among the three.It's just that because of the special nature of the method he cultivated, his physical body is extremely tyrannical, almost comparable to the physical body of the most powerful immortal, and he is very good at hand-to-hand combat, but the disadvantage is that his spells and supernatural powers are not very good, and he is only good at one A method of escape.

What really attracted Xu Changqing's attention was not Wang San's cultivation level and the peasant's body he cultivated, but the unremarkable tassel belt around his waist, because Xu Changqing felt the aura of the Daoist weapon on this belt.It's just that Wang San didn't realize that the thing around his waist turned out to be a treasure that was developing in the direction of the Daozhen. He just followed the instructions in the practice book and planted the five-grain spiritual rice planted for the first time with the farm method. Weaving it into a belt and wearing it around his body, he felt that it might be more like a sect keepsake than a treasure that changed with his cultivation.

Although there are many treasures on Xu Changqing's body, he felt moved when he saw this kind of avenue treasure, and he also faintly felt that this avenue treasure might be a Sheji treasure, which is related to the heaven he will build in the future .Therefore, he was also very careful about the arrangement of Wang San, the descendant of the farm family. Instead of arranging Wang San to practice in the front, he set up another farm hall, let him be the master of the hall, recruited people, and divided a wasteland for him. Lead your subordinates to do their old business, and at the same time let them pass on the farming method.

Everyone has no objection to Xu Changqing's arrangement. After all, such an arrangement will not weaken the power in everyone's hands.With the gradual improvement of the Demon God Temple, Nine Flames Demon Lord and others have gradually felt the benefits of taking important positions here. Needless to say, a large number of monthly training and offerings and various superb immortal methods, the most let them Surprisingly, with the improvement of their status and power, the effect of their practice of various Taoism methods is also increasing. It seems that when they practice, Kunlun Tiandi will have various differences due to their positions. The power of assisting them to improve their cultivation.

As the status of these immortals, demons, Buddhas and demons serving in the Demon God's Temple became more and more stable and higher, the effect of this invisible external force assisted training became more and more obvious, and the most notable ones were She Chen and Chaoyin.These two fairy demons who were only in the realm of returning to the virtual world half a year ago, have now reached the peak of the heaven and earth respectively. They are only waiting to realize their own Dao of heaven and earth, and then they can take the medicine that Xu Changqing bestowed on them. Pills have entered the realm of the strongest in one fell swoop.This level of training speed can be compared with those disciples of the Immortal Saint Clan in Immortal Hunyuantian.After feeling the mystery of it, more and more people began to be keen to make achievements in the battle with the turbid beasts and ascend to the high position of power in the Demon Temple. Because of this heat, the siege of the turbid beasts gradually changed from the last At the beginning, look at the resistance, and now the offensive and defensive balance has begun.

But this kind of balance is only a superficial phenomenon, because Xu Changqing, who has been to the Holy Ruins, knows how powerful the hidden power behind these turbid beasts is. , even Xiao Yuntian, I am afraid it will be difficult to resist.Even if the hidden powers of the Holy Ruins did not stand out, the true gods who ignited the divine fire and the intangible beasts with strong physical strength in the beast's lair alone would be enough to make the current Demon God's Temple exhausted .

More than half a month after Xu Changqing returned to the Demon God Palace, when Xu Changqing was about to leave the Demon God Palace again and go to the Black Wind Valley to check on the movement of the turbid beasts, news suddenly came from the Alchemy Society that they decided to officially leave the War Demon City, and Xu Changqing needed to help him. Collision.Xu Changqing was a little surprised that Dan Dao would leave War Demon City at this time, it was much earlier than he had expected, and it was still when the turbid beasts were besieging. Knowing that this is not a good time, but seeing this and they still want to do this, it must be that some unforeseen things happened in War Devil City, so the old man "medicine" and old man poison had to act in advance.For this reason, Xu Changqing became extremely cautious, not only asked Nine Flame Demon Lord to mobilize the elite of the Demon Temple to support him, but also asked Qianhun Patriarch and others to support him in the city. As for himself, he went there himself to guard him.After all, Dan Daohui is one of the most important pieces in his entire fairy palace layout, so he cannot be careless.

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