Nine idlers

Chapter 662 Supreme God

Chapter 660 Second Supreme God

If Xu Changqing hadn't taken a trip to the Holy Ruins, he probably wouldn't have been able to recognize its function so quickly after seeing the layout around the Cold Lone Peak.Although the appearance of the dozens of god statues is different from the altar of the gods that Xu Changqing saw in the Holy Ruins, but their functions are not noticed at all. Xu Changqing can clearly feel that the bloody aura contains the gods of the day The power of the blood and soul extracted from the sacrifices after the blood sacrifice on the altar, and the power of the blood and soul extracted from the more than ten god statues are more mixed, but also thicker.

All the power gathered in the valley, condensing into a vitality that even the poisonous old man could feel.After the residual power emanating from this vitality is fused with the Kunlun heaven and earth aura of Hangu Peak's spiritual veins and the power of the original fragments of the alien gods, a demon god form is formed, and the breath on this demon god figure is the same as that forbidden that day. The aura of the Dharma form that appeared after Savina, the lord of the forest, exerted all her strength was very similar.

"What a great handwriting! They actually used the entire turbid beasts of Zhamoya as a blood sacrifice. No wonder they didn't use all their strength." Xu Changqing looked at the looming magic image of the demon god in the sky, and turned to the poisonous old man and asked: "You used to Have you seen this thing here?"

"The old man has never been so deep into this place before. It was not until I got this thing a few years ago that I could resist the erosion of this weird spiritual energy in the forbidden area of ​​War Demon Cliff. At that time, I could enter the depths of the forbidden areas. What happened not long ago." The poisonous old man was talking, rolled up his sleeves, and saw a bracelet-shaped magic weapon on his wrist, and some pattern-like characters were engraved on the magic weapon.

Xu Changqing took a look at this magic weapon, frowned slightly, followed by performing the supernatural power of thousands of incarnations, transforming his own mana into the divine power of foreign gods, and concentrated the divine power on his fingertips, and tapped on this magic weapon.As this divine power was poured into the magic weapon, the patterned text engraved on the surface of the magic weapon also shone slightly, and it seemed to be floating in the air as if it was about to break free from the shackles of the bracelet, constantly changing its shape.

"What's going on here? How did you do it?" The poisonous old man also looked at the transformed magic weapon in his hand in surprise, and asked curiously: "I have obtained this thing for many years, but I still can't understand its function. It seems Your Majesty seems to know the origin of this thing?"

"This object is not an item from our world, but a magic weapon left by a god from another world. The text on it is a kind of divine words from another world, which has special magic power just like the mantra of the Buddhist world." Xu Changqing withdrew his magic power. , to restore the bracelet to its original state, but the text on the bracelet has changed and rearranged into new text.Through the spellcasting just now, Xu Changqing has read the origin of this treasure directly from the will of the gods remaining on this magic weapon, so he said: "This treasure is a treasure of life, and its original owner's identity is from another world. One of the twelve main gods of a certain god domain, the name is Hermes. This treasure has many functions, such as the flying power similar to escapism, the invisibility power that can hide the body shape, and the ability to disguise as anyone and Mana’s camouflage divine power, etc., but most of these divine powers have disappeared with the damage of the treasures, leaving only incomplete camouflage and protective divine power, so you can freely enter and exit various forbidden places. It’s just that you don’t know how to control this Object, so this object will always exude a special power breath, which is invisible to people in other places, and only the survivors of the same foreign land can feel it. But I have already put the above Part of the divine script has been erased and a little change has been made, so you should be able to use it with confidence now."

The poisonous old man didn't understand what Xu Changqing did from the beginning to the end, but after all, this treasure has been with him for many years. He is very familiar with the mana breath on the treasure. When the bracelet returned to normal, he felt that the bracelet seemed to have changed.So he tried to use the method of driving the magic weapon to inject his own immortal essence into the magic weapon. There was no abnormality on the surface of the magic weapon as before, but a force gushed out from the magic weapon, wrapping the poisonous old man, and the poisonous old man The whole person immediately disappeared in front of Xu Changqing, and even the breath of mana completely disappeared.

Seeing the results of the old man's experiment, Xu Changqing smiled with satisfaction.Just now, he recognized the origin of this treasure immediately after seeing the divine words on it. Speaking of which, he recognized the origin of this treasure so quickly and knew how to change the divine words of this treasure, all because of Wen Ao Light.

That day, the family of the true god killed by Wen Aoguang belonged to the Moro family who inherited the divine power of Hermes. This family had a deep enmity with Wen Aoguang. After arriving at the ninth star of the third star ring, the Mo Luo family tried every means to arrange their own clansmen on the ninth star as the star master, hoping to take the opportunity to kill Wen Aoguang.If Yan Jing hadn't been astute and made Wen Aoguang do everything without leaving any excuses for the other party, otherwise their family would have died long ago.However, even so, their family inevitably received some unbearable humiliation, so when Wen Aoguang regained his strength, he couldn't wait to kill the true god of the Mo Luo family to avenge the hatred in his heart.Since Wen Aoguang and Yan Jing knew that they and the Mo Luo family had an undying enmity, they had previously secretly collected a lot of information about the Mo Luo family, including some powerful Inheriting secret treasures, this bracelet is one of them.

It is recorded in the ancient books of the Holy Ruins that this bracelet is called Hermes' Trick. It is a natal secret treasure that appears together with Hermes' natal fire. It is said that this treasure contains all of Hermes' divine power.After the fall of all the gods of Olympus, this object also shattered with the death of Hermes, leaving only a part of the fragments in the Moreau family. Similar to the divine power of the teleportation method and other methods of using divine power, it can be said that this treasure is the foundation of the Morrow family.It's just that no one may have thought that this exotic treasure would fall on Zhanmoya, and was picked up by the poisonous old man, which is almost equivalent to falling into Xu Changqing's hands.

Under Xu Changqing's inspection just now, he found that most of the various powers contained in this treasure have disappeared, and even the power that has not disappeared has become slightly different from before because of the incomplete divine script representing the source of power.However, among the powers under him, Xu Changqing discovered a disguised supernatural power similar to the magical transformation of thousands of incarnations. This kind of supernatural power is also the root cause of the poisonous old man being able to freely enter and exit various forbidden places.

Compared with thousands of incarnations, this kind of disguised divine power seems to be more thorough. It can completely transform the owner's power into the power of the god's domain, not just imitate it. It is an incarnation created by Hermes using this divine power.It's a pity that the divine words representing this kind of divine power are very incomplete, and the remaining divine words are not powerful enough to make this disguise perfect, so even if the poisonous old man can enter the forbidden area, his power will still be subject to many restrictions.However, this kind of divine language is very useful to Xu Changqing, because he feels that this kind of divine language is a kind of almost infinitely tolerant way of the Three Realms. If it can complete the complete text and form the law of heaven in the universe, maybe When it merges with the Kunlun Three Realms in the future, it will also save a lot of trouble.

The poisonous old man also stopped injecting mana into the bracelet at this time, and returned to normal, with a satisfied look on his face, but he said: "This thing is really good, after using it, it can completely hide your body shape." Breath, as long as you don't take the initiative to cast spells, I'm afraid it will be difficult for others to find the old man's whereabouts. The only shortcoming is that you can't refine it into your body like my Kunlun fairy family magic weapon, and you can only use it like a magic weapon, which is a bit vulgar. But The old man feels that this thing is really a bit weird, like a magic weapon specially prepared for that kind of thief."

Xu Changqing chuckled lightly, and said, "That Hermes was regarded as the patron saint of thieves, thieves, and homeless in the Alien God's Domain."

After hearing this, the poisonous old man was a little dumbfounded, and after a while he uttered a sentence, saying: "What a weird god!" Although he was curious about why Xu Changqing knew how to send the treasures of other world gods to rush there, he didn't have too much to say. Inquiring, turned to ask: "What should we do now?"

"What should we do? Since we have encountered it, there is no reason to let it go." Xu Changqing smiled coldly, pondered for a while, and said, "We are divided into two groups. You use the power of this bracelet to hide yourself, and then separate them in those few places. Arrange some magic weapons or magic circles around the god statues that can instantly destroy the god statues, and when I get a signal, the magic weapons will be triggered immediately to destroy those god statues. As for me, I will go to that valley to find out their details."

After listening to Xu Changqing's instructions, the poisonous old man nodded without saying much, and directly poured mana into the bracelet, concealed his body and breath, and moved towards the nearest statue on the top of the mountain.Xu Changqing looked around, and his eyes finally fell on a kind of turbid beast seven-tailed pheasant flying in the sky with seven long black feathers and six pairs of short wings of illusion. Made a quick reorganization like a ball of ooze, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into a seven-tailed colorful-winged pheasant. With its six wings spread out, it flew into the air in an instant, and merged into the pheasant group hovering in the blood evil spirit. .

Xu Changqing's ten thousand incarnation supernatural powers are extremely clever, not only can change the mana breath, but even the bones of the flesh can be faked.Although Xu Changqing, the colorful-winged pheasant who suddenly appeared in his community, was a pheasant king who had already ignited the divine fire in the center, developed spiritual intelligence, and was close to the peak of the Hedao Earth Immortal, but because of his breath and The surrounding colorful-winged pheasants were the same, and soon mixed together, no longer attracting attention, and the pheasant king also lost his vigilance to him, and his attention was refocused on the original fire of the foreign gods floating on the top of an altar in the middle of the deep valley.The pheasant king is not the only one who is staring up and down around the deep valley at this moment, there are more than ten kinds of turbid beast herd kings whose strength is not much worse than it, and several people whose strength has reached the peak of Hedao Dixian Relics of alien gods.

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