Nine idlers

Chapter 663

Chapter 660

"Oh! What a bunch of stupid things!" Just after Xu Changqing used the method of Buddhist Sanskrit to attract the strong beasts and foreign gods around the altar, a long sigh suddenly came from the top of the altar of the gods. The Huaxia language, which seemed extremely pure in the Kunlun Three Realms, said a disdainful remark.

Accompanied by the sound, a blue light erupted from the top of the altar, and the ground it swept was instantly frozen.The few strong beasts who rushed to the front were the first to encounter the attack. Before he could react, he used his natal magical power to protect himself, and his body and spirit completely froze, turning into an ice sculpture, and the divine fire in their bodies was also like A gorgeous epiphyllum bloomed instantly, bursting out with great power and dazzling brilliance, but it quickly went out and disappeared completely.

What happened to the powerful turbid beasts did not calm down these foreign gods and turbid beasts who were bewitched to the point of losing their minds. On the contrary, it weakened the power of the blue light because of the blooming of the divine fire in the body of the strong turbid beasts in front of them before they died. , and also gave time for the people behind to cast spells to resist.

I saw a few strong beasts who seemed to be born with fire spirits. They concentrated all the surrounding fire spirits in their bodies in an instant, and then burst out through the eyes, mouth and even the pores of the whole body, forming a kind of fire spirit. The powerful flames, whose power is close to that of the innate spiritual fire, block the blue light from the outside, making it particularly easy.

Although other strong beasts and foreign gods were not as relaxed as these strong beasts, at least they did not die in vain like the previous strong beasts. They all relied on their own magical powers to resist the blue light's attack Shock, especially the one-eyed giant's coping method is the most prominent.Because the Cyclops didn't even use any supernatural powers to resist, and completely blocked the blue light from his body with the power of flesh and blood. Whenever thick layers of ice formed on his body, he could easily block the blue light. The ice that could freeze even the soul was shattered, and the scene of the shattered ice falling from his body gave people the feeling that he was shaking off the dust on his body.

In the sky, the originally blood-colored demon god's aura also turned blue due to the diffusion of blue light, and those birds and beasts in the sky who wanted to absorb the remaining blood evil spirit became innocent victims of the battle on the ground. By.Countless birds and beasts were instantly frozen, and then fell from the air like raindrops, hit the ground, and shattered into fine powder.What makes Xu Changqing feel strange is that under the attack of the blue light, even among the other birds and beasts, even the strong beasts who also have the peak strength of the Hedao Earth Immortal, have been eroded by the blue light, and they are either dead or injured, but only None of the seven-tailed pheasants were frozen by the blue light, as if they all had the power to restrain the blue light, but Xu Changqing couldn't find any traces of this power from their bodies.

Just when Xu Changqing was puzzled, the strong beasts and foreign gods below had already rushed to the top of the altar, and the Cyclops, who had received the least amount of blue-ray images, arrived first, and was the first to rush to the top platform of the altar.After rushing up, he didn't even look at the Ice Flame monster in the hole in the center of the top, but directly stretched out his hand to grab the divine fire.

"Dare!" The ice flame monster roared again, perhaps because of anger, the ice flame covering the entire head turned into a dark blue flame that soared into the sky, and filled the entire top of the altar with the breath of divine fire. A hole was opened, and his face that had been covered by the flames was also 'revealed'.

"Kunlun people?" After seeing the face of this ice flame monster, Xu Changqing couldn't help being stunned, because the face he saw was a very pure appearance of a Chinese Kunlun person. They are of different races, regardless of facial features or temperament, they are all pure Chinese people.Moreover, on his head was a unique Chinese hair bun and a Taoist jade crown. It was only then that Xu Changqing realized that the robe on the Ice Flame Monster was clearly a feathered cloak representing the identity of a Taoist real person. Taoist robe,

Seeing this scene, Xu Changqing was at a loss for a while. Just now he guessed that this ice flame monster was the supreme god of the Holy Ruins, but in a blink of an eye this person turned into a pure real person of the Huaxia Immortal Family, the only one The difference is that one is to use the immortal essence, and the other is to use the power of different gods.

At this time, the angry Ice Flame Monster had already made a move. What he used was not the innate supernatural power of a foreign god, but an object similar to a magic weapon.I saw him raise his hand, and more than a dozen crystal clear blue pillars drilled out of the flames above his head. Each bamboo was covered with exotic divine inscriptions, and at the two ends and the middle of the pillars, they respectively A ring of ice and flames appeared in front of him.After the blue pillar flew out, it instantly became larger or smaller, and changed into the physical size of the dozen or so strong beasts and otherworldly gods, then disappeared suddenly, and appeared on the altar roof almost at the same time. Behind the person, the three ice flame rings on the pillar are like three extremely strong ropes that bind the target in front and firmly fix it on the pillar.

Those trapped strong beasts and alien gods still wanted to resist, but the continuous freezing power from the ice flames easily suppressed their power and froze them one by one.Among all the people, only Cyclops was still not sealed by the ice flames. His constantly struggling body smashed the condensed ice layer on his body time and time again, and his only eye also burst into dazzling light, as if he was preparing to Some kind of power that can win with one blow.

"Dragon escape pile? This is the real dragon escape pile!" Xu Changqing was once again overwhelmed by surprise when he saw this magic weapon cast, because the magic weapon cast by the Ice Flame Monster is different from the power and runes that make up the magic weapon. The effect and power of it are exactly the same as the ancient treasure of Yuxu Palace, the Dunlong Pile.

"Evil barrier! How dare you resist!" Seeing that the Cyclops' attack was about to shoot out from his eyes, the Ice Flame Monster also showed a little nervousness, as if he was interested in the Cyclops' attack. This kind of attack is very worrying.Then I saw him raise his hand and a seal appeared out of thin air in his hand, and he raised the seal towards the Cyclops and hit it.This seal grew when it saw the wind, and it grew to the size of a mountain in the blink of an eye. It fell on the head of the Cyclops, not only interrupting the spellcasting of the Cyclops, but also suppressing it under the seal. Lock it up completely together.

"Tiantian Seal!" Xu Changqing was already numb to the endless abnormalities on this ice flame monster. When this strange man cast the Sky Shaking Seal, he still couldn't help but feel startled.

Among the Kunlun Three Realms, no one can compare with Xu Changqing in understanding and mastering the Yuqing Supreme Treasure Fantian Seal.The Fantian Seal refining method he mastered is a complete method taught by the Supreme Master of the Sanqing, which is much more complete than the two incomplete methods stored in the inner sect Lingshan Yuxu Palace and Qingyang Palace.The moment the Ice Flame Stranger sacrificed the seal, Xu Changqing recognized that the seal was the Fantian Seal.Moreover, he also found that although the refining technique of this Heaven-shattering Seal is very crude, and this treasure is therefore a defective product, the method used by the Ice Flame Monster to use the Heaven-shaking Seal is extremely complete, and he can use this technique to exert the power of this seal. To ten to ten.

A defective Magic Treasure of Shattering Heaven was used by a person from the St. Ruins of the Other World, perhaps because he accidentally picked up this magic weapon left on Zhanmoya, but the method of driving the magic weapon was from Qingyang Palace and Yuxu Palace. There is only one answer that can explain the secret that has not been passed on to this person, that is, this ice flame monster has a deep relationship with Qingyang Palace or Yuxu Palace, so deep that he can directly practice the secret methods of the two sects .

"Since you're here, fellow daoist, why hide anymore? Can you talk about dedicating yourself?" After lightly solving the surrounding troubles, the ice flames that wrapped the gods and gods' fire gradually retracted, and soon returned to normal, and then he heard him as if Talking to himself, it seems to be speaking with a purpose.

Xu Changqing, who was still hovering in the air, did not fall because of this, but continued to circle in the air with the group of colorful-winged pheasants.

"It seems that Fellow Daoist thought that I was trying to deceive you. Little did you know that the moment you appeared, you had already exposed your figure, and then you played the Buddhist Sanskrit without any scruples, bewitching those fools My soul, it’s hard for me not to know your existence.” After failing to get the desired result, the Ice Flame Monster smiled again and joked.At the same time, he saw another purple gourd fly out from the flame above his head, the gourd plug was pulled out by itself, and a suction force shot up into the sky.Faced with this suction, the group of seven-tailed pheasants in the air did not make any resistance, and rushed towards the mouth of the gourd under the leadership of the pheasant king. They were absorbed into the gourd in the blink of an eye, and a seven-tailed pheasant appeared on the surface of the gourd. The pattern of the colorful-winged pheasant, and the seven-tailed colorful-winged pheasant incarnated by Xu Changqing in the sky is now standing there alone, which is particularly abrupt.

Seeing that Xingzang was exposed, Xu Changqing didn't pretend anymore, and his figure fell on the altar, and soon returned to his original appearance. At the same time, he also stopped his eyes on the ice flame monster and sized it up carefully. .If it is said that the ice flame monster gave Xu Changqing the feeling of a layer of veil before, and he could not see clearly, then now Xu Changqing has completely lifted that layer of veil, and he can see clearly The situation of the person in front of him.

Leaving aside his figure and appearance, Xu Changqing was startled by the situation in his body alone. Just now when he saw those foreign gods and strong beasts attacking, the Ice Flame Monster had been sitting there without moving, thinking it was Because the opponent has full confidence to deal with those powerful existences who can also act as a star master in the Holy Ruins.But now after seeing the situation of the Ice Flame Monster, he understands that it's not that the other party doesn't want to stand up and move around, but because he can't get up at all, because the divine power in his body has condensed to a limit, becoming strands It is as hard and solid as any natural treasure.In simple words, he was turned into a stone by his own power.

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