Nine idlers

Chapter 668 Delusion and Suspicion

"Master, there is one thing I don't understand." After sending the Four Noble Buddhas out of the lake loft, Kalachakra Bodhisattva who held the Three Realms returned to the top of the building and stood respectfully in front of the Eternal Wisdom Buddha who was meditating with his eyes closed.

Although the Kalachakra Bodhisattva who holds the Three Realms holds a very high status in the Buddhist world, he is not lower than most of the spiritual masters of Lingshan, but in front of the Buddha of Wisdom, he is still as humble and persistent as an ordinary disciple. present.This is not only because he has admiration from the bottom of his heart for the Buddha of Eternal Wisdom, but also because he is more aware of the strength and ability of Buddha of Eternal Wisdom than others.If we judge the full strength of Eternal Wisdom Buddha only based on the situation known to the outside world, it will definitely make those who try to oppose him suffer a lot, and even die because of it.

In his opinion, whether it is the Bodhisattva Vehicle's leader Huijue Bodhisattva, Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva who is the head of all heavenly Bodhisattvas, or Vajrayana's guiding Vajra Wisdom Tathagata, or even the mysterious compassionate master of the True Zen Buddhism, etc. No matter in terms of intelligence or strength, the strongest person with the highest achievement in the world cannot be compared with the Buddha of Wisdom through the ages. The only person who may be slightly better than the Buddha of Wisdom through the ages is the powerful existence who has been living in seclusion in the Arhat Vehicle.

Hearing the question from his most proud disciple, Wan Gu Wisdom Buddha recovered from his contemplation. His great way of wisdom made him instantly understand what Kalachakra Bodhisattva wanted to ask, so he asked back: "Why do you want to ask?" Why would the master be willing to waste the power of supernatural powers once empowered to explore the few unremarkable natal Dharma practiced by the Four Noble Buddhas and others?"

"Yes." It has become a habit for one's own thoughts to be seen through. The Kalachakra Bodhisattva who holds the Three Realms does not think that he or anyone can keep any secrets in front of the Buddha of Eternal Wisdom, so he said bluntly: "In the eyes of my disciples, that Although the Buddha Dharma practiced by the Four Noble Buddhas and other people in the Ancient Buddha Hall of Lingshan on the other side is also the Dharma of the Vehicle, compared with the Dharma of the Dharma that directly points to the Dao, it is obvious that the effectiveness of these Dharma can only be at the bottom. The few people who have cultivated to such a state are more likely to be blessed by a large amount of external force, so their state is like a castle in the air, which may be overturned at any time. Even if their cultivation base can be stabilized, it is still due to excessive use of external force. Practicing, their Dharma realm has reached the limit of their Buddha-mind cultivation. If there is no accident, it is difficult for their cultivation to improve. Such a few mediocre talents are so valued by you, Master, which really makes the disciple feel very puzzled untie?"

"Well, if you can inherit the way of wisdom as a teacher, why would you have such doubts?" Buddha Wan Gu Wisdom valued himself as a proud disciple very much, and was very pleased that he could realize his own way of time, but he would still It is a pity that the Kalachakra Bodhisattva who holds the Three Realms failed to inherit his own lineage.After sighing, he answered for him: "It is not the Four Noble Buddhas and other people that the teacher values. On the contrary, he is a person who makes the teacher feel deeply scruples. Back then, the teacher was able to become the real master of the Buddhist vehicle in one fell swoop, but it was because of the obstruction of the other side that he failed, and this was the only time the teacher miscalculated."

The Kalachakra Bodhisattva holding the Three Realms disagreed, and said: "But the ancient Buddha on the other side has passed away, so it is impossible for him to pose a threat to you, Master..."

Before the disciple could finish speaking, Wan Gu Wisdom Buddha seemed to be asking himself as well as the disciple, and said in a deep voice, "Has the other shore really passed away?"

"Huh?" The Kalachakra Bodhisattva who held the Three Realms was unable to answer for a while, but he was able to cultivate to such a level, which showed that he was not a dull person, and soon understood the meaning of the Buddha of Wisdom through the Ages, and said: "Master always thinks that the former Bian Didn’t the ancient Buddha pass away? But hasn’t the mother of the Buddha’s karma proved that the ancient Buddha on the other side has indeed fallen into reincarnation?”

"For a long time, although I have doubts as a teacher, I still think that the other side has passed away." The wisdom Buddha said, and then looked at the Buddha Mother of All Wisdom, Karma and Predestination, who was always motionless like a statue, and sighed slightly. In a low tone, he said: "It wasn't until the appearance of the hermit powerhouse named Baoguang Most Victorious Tathagata in the past two days that my teacher suspected that Bi An was not dead at all."

"Master, do you suspect that the most superior Tathagata of Baoguang is the ancient Buddha of the other shore?" The Kalachakra Bodhisattva who held the Three Realms showed surprise, but soon realized something, and muttered to himself: "But now, it seems true. There is a possibility."

Wan Gu Wisdom Buddha closed his eyes slightly, sorting out all the clues about the ancient Buddha of the other side in his mind, and said: "Bi An suddenly accepted Sun Qian, who had just returned to him, as a disciple of the lineage, and the next year he took the position of the ancient Buddha of the other side. Passed it to Sun Qian, and he passed away suddenly. He didn't even hold some rituals for passing away, and he didn't even build a dharmakaya stupa. There was always a hint of weirdness. High and deep, not much worse than me, such a strong person can't disappear silently. In addition, that Sun Qianming just arrived in the Ming Dynasty and has a shallow foundation in the Bi'an Lingshan, but after the Bi'an passed away, he actually cleaned up the disciples of the Bi'an Lingshan in a short time You have to be submissive, which is really quite different from Sun Qian’s performance in the Bodhisattva Vehicle. Now it seems that if there is no death on the other side, but a secret method is used to cut off all karma and karma of oneself, creating the illusion of death, but still secretly Presiding over the overall situation of Lingshan on the other side. Then it makes sense to choose a few mediocre talents such as Four Noble Truths as assistants and many other things."

The Kalachakra Bodhisattva, who holds the Three Realms, also nodded in agreement, but still asked with some doubts: "But why did the ancient Buddha of the other shore do this? If it is said that he is doing it for himself to expand his power in the sect, it seems a bit absurd." It is unnecessary, after all, Bian Lingshan has always been a detached posture in the Zongcheng and the entire Buddhist world, and rarely intervened in the competition for Zongcheng forces."

"Perhaps Bi'an just wants to change this attitude, so he feigned death to get away, and changed his new identity as Baoguang's best Tathagata, and he can continue to control Bi'an Lingshan through Sun Qian. The information that Wan Gu Wisdom Buddha referred to was too little, plus all kinds of coincidences and suspicious points before and after, which made him take it for granted to guess the intentions of the so-called ancient Buddha on the other side.Although there is a huge gap between this guess and the facts, there is one point that the two completely overlap, that is, this Baoguang Supreme Tathagata is a strong opponent.

The Kalachakra Bodhisattva who holds the Three Realms also followed his master's speculation and analyzed: "Look at what this precious light is most superior to what the Tathagata has done after he appeared. The world, condensed into the golden body of the great wish, and so on, are all big events that can cause a sensation in the entire Buddhist world. These things made the name of the precious light resound throughout the entire Buddhist world in a short time, producing an extraordinary influence. No matter which sect he ultimately belongs to, he can rely on this influence and means to establish a powerful force capable of controlling all sects in the Buddhist world in a short period of time. If this precious light is really the ancient Buddha of the other shore, Then this person's means and wisdom are probably not much worse than yours, Master."

"That's true. People who can be regarded as opponents by teachers are naturally not simple people." Wan Gu Wisdom Buddha also nodded in agreement, but then he seemed to deny all the previous inferences, saying: "It's just a teacher I still have some reservations about the fact that Baoguang's most successful Tathagata is the other side, it can only be regarded as a guess."

"Master, why are you like this..." The Kalachakra Bodhisattva who held the Three Realms was stunned. He knew that the Buddha of Wisdom through the ages had never shown such hesitation in his views on a matter.

"Although there are all kinds of signs that the Tathagata with the most precious light is likely to be the new identity after the resurrection of the other shore, but there is one doubtful point that is enough to refute all the previous signs." Wan Gu Wisdom Buddha said, closing his eyes slightly, in his mind Then a halo full of Sanskrit mantras appeared, and in the middle of the halo appeared scenes of light and shadow phantoms, and this phantom was exactly what the Four Noble Buddhas and others described just now.Except that everyone's face is very blurred, the whole illusion is exactly the same as that experienced by the Four Noble Buddhas and others. It was also displayed perfectly, as if the Buddha of Wisdom through the ages had experienced it personally at that time.

Seeing the Eternal Wisdom Buddha suddenly perform this method of returning to light, Kalachakra Bodhisattva who holds the Three Realms did not quite understand its intention at first, but then when he saw the scene of Xu Changqing performing the Dharma in the illusion of light and shadow, his face suddenly showed a look of surprise , Surprised: "Dharma? This Buddha's Dharma, which is the most superior to the Tathagata, is not the Dharma of the Lingshan on the other side at all."

"That's right." The Eternal Wisdom Buddha smiled and nodded, and then asked again: "Then, what kind of Dharma is this?"

The Eternal Wisdom Buddha repeatedly evolved those scenes, and each time became clearer, and soon even the figure in the phantom became more solid, and the blurred face also became clear, but the face of Xu Changqing, the most precious Buddha But it is the old face of the previous ancient Buddha on the other side.

"The Dharma practiced by this Precious Light Tathagata resembles the Dharma Gate of the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss, but its Dharma appearance is somewhat similar to the Dharma Gate of Many Treasures Tathagata. In addition, there are some shadows of the Ksitigarbha Dharma Gate of the Bodhisattva Vehicle and the Guiding Dharma Gate of the Vajrayana. I feel that the Dharma practiced by this person is a new vehicle of Dharma formed by the fusion of all Dharma." Kalachakra Bodhisattva holding the Three Realms looked at the illusion of light and shadow, muttered to himself, and finally stopped abruptly, his face revealed With an inconceivable look, he looked at the Buddha of Wisdom through the ages with complicated eyes, and said, "His Dharma is somewhat similar to the way of returning all dharmas to the ancestors and the one thought of the heavens that you have realized in recent years, Master."

"Very good, very good, you can see this so quickly, and you are worthy of being a teacher for many days." The performance of Kalachakra Bodhisattva holding the three realms made the Buddha of Wisdom through the ages very happy, and then he took back the illusion Dharma, and his expression returned to seriousness , said: "A person's appearance and temperament can be changed through many means, but the Dao of natal life that one cultivates can never be changed by external force alone. The natal Dharma of Baoguang Tathagata is completely different from the Dharma of the other shore. As a teacher, I still have doubts about whether the other side is the reason for the precious light Tathagata. As the saying goes, seeing is believing, and hearing is false. Before the Lord, go and meet this Tathagata in person." As he spoke, he turned his head and looked at the Buddha Mother of Omniscient Wisdom and Predestination, and said, "Mother Buddha, what about you? Do you want to go with me? ?”

The Buddha Mother of All Wisdom Karma did not answer immediately, she was silent for a while, and then nodded slightly to express her agreement.

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