Nine idlers

Chapter 670 Kalachakra Karma

Chapter 670 Kalachakra Karma

"It's him, it's all because of him..." After the Bodhisattva of Enlightenment escaped from the shock of the Pure Land Buddha, he couldn't help turning his head to look down, and finally landed on Xu Changqing and others who were sitting in a pile of ruins. 【 】At the same time, the person whose attention is also on Xu Changqing below is also the Buddha Mother of All Wisdom Karma.

"This is not suitable for fighting, let's go to the top." The Pure Land Buddha, who had raised his aura to the extreme, punched seemingly casually, shaking off the inner and outer time Brahma wheel that was suppressing on his head, and then took the initiative to ask for a fight without waiting. Kalachakra Bodhisattva, who holds the Three Realms, replied, and then turned into a ray of light and flew straight into the sky and flew above the spiritual cloud.

"It's been a long time since anyone dared to talk to me like this." The Kalachakra Bodhisattva who held the Three Realms also showed excitement, his eyes were full of fighting spirit, and he took the time Brahma Wheel back into his eyes without asking the mother of all wisdom, karma, and behind him. The Kalachakra Buddha Kingdom emerged and chased after it.

It didn't take long before I heard thunderous sounds coming from the sky, accompanied by rays of light and waves of Buddha's power, stirring up the thick spiritual clouds in the sky, like waves.

"Today's affairs, I will report to the Lord, no matter what, the Buddha Mother and the Wisdom Buddha must give me an explanation, otherwise... Humph" Seeing the Pure Land Buddha go from being passively recruited to actively provoking, the Enlightenment Bodhisattva will not There is a lot to say, and he still doesn't know what Xu Changqing's real identity is. If Xu Changqing's identity is a Buddhist, if he intervenes, he will be a different person inside and out.So in the end, he just said a scene to show his attitude, then pressed the cloud head, landed in the already dilapidated school, walked forward, and saluted Xu Changqing: "Education failed to fulfill the friendship of the landlord, On the contrary, I let others disturb the Great Master's meditation, I am very sorry, so I am here to apologize."

"It's okay." Xu Changqing responded casually, as if he really didn't take this matter to heart.

Seeing this, the enlightening bodhisattva who didn't notice anything unusual about Xu Changqing felt relieved. After all, Xu Changqing was the key to his breakthrough in cultivation, and Xu Changqing's attitude was directly related to his future.Before, he had some doubts about whether Xu Changqing could really solve the problem of his stagnant cultivation, but now that he saw the astonishing performance of the Pure Land Buddha, he felt that he was completely overwhelmed.Since even a person with no potential like Pure Land Buddha can be promoted to such a level, it is a breeze to solve his problem.

In fact, part of Xu Changqing's mind has been put on the Pure Land Buddha at this moment, and through the Pure Land Buddha to observe the Dharma performed by the Kalachakra Bodhisattva, this is why Xu Changqing let the Pure Land Buddha take action.Although he still focuses on other things, the Kalachakra Dharma is very complicated, and it can definitely be regarded as one of the most complicated Dharma in the Buddhist world, and there are also the great truths created or understood by Kalachakra Bodhisattva himself. Reason, if you want to steal all these secrets when you are fighting, you will not be able to concentrate.

Although Xu Changqing's mastery of the Dao of Heaven, Earth and Time is far beyond that of the Kalachakra Bodhisattva who holds the Three Realms, but using this Dao to fight is far inferior to it. The Dao of Heaven and Earth has always been used as a panacea to promote birth The use of auxiliary methods.Kalachakra Bodhisattva has mastered this supernatural power that is close to the Dao of Time for more than 100 years, and he has completely focused on this Dao and one method. Therefore, after more than a hundred years of evolution, his use of this supernatural power has far surpassed the Dao of Time. Comprehension is already close to the edge of Tao.If one can master Kalachakra Bodhisattva's supernatural powers, Xu Changqing can save a lot of time.

After the Enlightenment Bodhisattva fell down, the Buddha Mother of All Wisdom Karma did not fall down immediately, as if she had some concerns, she stayed in the air for a while before she moved.She suddenly raised her hand as if she was holding something, aiming at Xu Changqing and the others. Except for Xu Changqing, everyone in the academy could only feel a very mysterious and powerful aura gathering in her hands, but But I couldn't see what she was holding.

Xu Changqing, who understood the "way of cause and effect in heaven and earth", muttered in surprise.

Although when Xu Changqing first heard the name of the Buddha Mother of All Wisdom, Karma and Predestination, Xu Changqing guessed that this most mysterious and inherited Buddha Mother must have mastered a little bit of the law of cause and effect in the world, but after seeing it, I still let him Feel a little surprised.

I saw that the cloud of spiritual energy held in the hands of Karma Buddha Mother is actually a round mirror condensed with the power of karma from heaven and earth. These causal lines plus some calculation methods are enough for this karmic Buddha mother to calculate anyone's footsteps.However, in the face of such Buddhism, Xu Changqing did not use the great law of karma to stop him, but deliberately used the great law of karma to condense some disguised karma lines on himself and Sun Xianzhi, and these karma lines were enough to lead the mother of Karma to Xu Changqing's desire. She knows what to follow.

"It's not over, is it really easy to bully me?".However, Sun Xianzhi, who didn't know why, saw that Karma Buddha Mother seemed to be casting a spell, his face immediately became ugly, and he scolded from embarrassment.

Although Sun Xianzhi seldom left Lingshan on the other side since he joined Buddhism, and had little relationship with most of the other disciples of Buddhism, he thought that the etiquette was done. Every time the Buddha's birthday and the day of enlightenment of the ancient Buddhas, he would take the initiative to send some Gifts, and so is Omniscient Karma, whose power is mysterious and unpredictable.But now it seems obvious that his gift was given for nothing, and they didn't give him any face at all. They suppressed it as soon as they came, and after the means were broken, they didn't stop and continued to provoke. No matter how much Sun Xianzhi wanted to keep a low profile, he didn't want to continue bear with it.Sun Xianzhi took a step forward, shook his head slightly, and a lifeless gray light flew out from the back of his head like a broom, sweeping towards all the Buddha Mothers of Wisdom, Karma and Predestination in the air.

Seeing Sun Xianzhi make a move, Maitreya Bodhisattva and others who were also planning to make a move also stopped. After all, this is an internal matter of the Buddhist scriptures, and it is not appropriate for them to intervene.In addition, they also focused on Sun Xianzhi and the Buddha Mother of All Wisdom and Karma, because Sun Xianzhi had never made a move since he became the ancient Buddha of the other shore. Although everyone knew that his cultivation had greatly increased, they did not know that to what extent.As for the strength of the Buddha Mother of All Wisdom Karma, it is even more mysterious and unknown to outsiders. Now Maitreya Bodhisattva and others can just use the two to fight to find out.

At the moment Sun Xianzhi made a move, the Buddha Mother of All Wisdom, Karma and Predestination also made a corresponding counterattack. Seven colored lights appeared from the back of her head, forming the appearance of a big glazed tree, instantly freezing the surrounding people All the spiritual energy also stabilized the fan-shaped gray light that swept over.

"Huh..." After seeing the Dharma performed by the Buddha Mother of All Wisdom, Karma, Xu Changqing, who had been expressionless all the time, showed a look of surprise that he had never seen before.

The reason why Xu Changqing lost his composure was entirely because the Buddhist magical power used by the mother of all wisdom and karma to resist Sun Xianzhi's extradition of the Buddha's light from the other side was a magical power he was very familiar with, called the Seven Treasures Wonderful Tree.

Anyone who has read the secular romance novel Fengshenyanyi knows that this wonderful tree of the seven treasures is the natal spiritual treasure of the Taoist Zhunti of the Western religion, and it is infinitely powerful.Although this Zhunti Taoist is the Zhunti Buddha's mother in the Buddhist world, this wonderful tree of seven treasures is not the Dharma of Zhunti's mother.Among the dozens of quasi-teaching methods in the Buddhist world, none of them mentioned the wonderful tree of the seven treasures. On the contrary, both the Pure Land method and the Zhuanlun Mingwang method have a method called the seven treasures.Now the Seven Treasures Wonderful Tree Dharma performed by All Wisdom, Karma, and Buddha Mother is not a Buddhist practice at all, but a kind of Buddhist supernatural power created by Xu Changqing based on the description in the novel Fengshen Yanyi. The time when this Dharma was created is still When in the secular world.

When he was in the secular world, Huang Juan, a disciple of Xu Changqing, obtained a Dharma door of Zhunti Damingmiao Buddha from the three-body Buddha in Jiuhua Mountain, which directly proves the supreme Buddhahood.Afterwards, Huang Juan gave this method to Xu Changqing, and Xu Changqing spent nearly half a year in Taohua Mountain to fully analyze the whole method and pass it on to Huang Juan.While analyzing the method, he also used the description of the wonderful tree of the seven treasures in the romance novel, based on the seven treasures method in the Infinite Life Sutra, the seven treasures pagoda method in the Lotus Sutra and the seven treasures Bodhisattva method in the wheel-turning holy king, and integrated the Zhunti method , Created this wonderful tree of seven treasures.

Xu Changqing can be sure that besides himself, only Huang Juan knows how to practice this method among the three realms of heaven and earth.But now the most mysterious Buddha Mother of All Wisdom Karma in this Buddhist vehicle also knows this method, and it seems that she has practiced it successfully, so there is only one possibility, that is, the mother of Karma in front of her has a very close relationship with Huang Juan. If it is close, it is likely to be Huang Juan herself.It's just that Xu Changqing thought that at this moment, Huang Juan should be her supreme master of knowledge and knowledge at Xiaoling Mountain, Lingshan, Lingshan, Neimen. How could she come to this Buddha world and become the mother of Buddha, all wisdom, karma and predestined relationship?Could it be that the Buddha Mother of Karma is also the same as Xu Changqing's current situation, a clone?It's just that he thought that such a doppelganger with the state of Tathagata could not be refined by Huang Juan.

"Enough." Regardless of whether the other party has a relationship with Huang Juan or not, it's inappropriate to fight with him now, so Xu Changqing made a direct move and shouted softly.

As his voice radiated, Sun Xianzhi's Biandu Duduo Buddha light and Karma Buddha's mother's Seven Treasure Tree Buddha light were instantly shattered like boats in two huge guns, and the two scattered forces had not had time to spread out. After raging around, it was instantly refined into ordinary aura by an invisible force and dissipated between heaven and earth.

Seeing Xu Changqing's shot, Maitreya Bodhisattva and others were already numb to his strength, so they didn't seem too surprised, but showed a trace of envy, but it was the first time for Jiaohua Bodhisattva to see Xu Changqing cast a spell. The astonishment completely appeared on his face, which could not fade away for a long time.After all, judging from the magical powers of Dharma that Sun Xianzhi and Karma Buddha's mother just displayed, none of them can be dealt with by him, but such a powerful force disappears invisible just between Xu Changqing's words, such a great supernatural power , Great power, so that the ancient gods and Buddhas described in the ancient books can't help appearing in his mind.

Chapter 670 Kalachakra Karma

Chapter 670 Kalachakra Karma (Part [-], Arrival Address)

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