Nine idlers

Chapter 671 Time and Space

Chapter 670 Time and Space

When Maitreya Bodhisattva and others were still amazed that Xu Changqing easily resolved the Dharma of Sun Xianzhi and All Wisdom Karma Buddha Mother, Xu Changqing seemed to have no intention of stopping. 【 】I saw him raise his hand seemingly casually, grab it in the air, and before everyone understood what was going on, he spread his hands clenched into fists, showing them in everyone's eyes.

"Crop..." After seeing what appeared in Xu Changqing's hands, everyone, including all the Buddha Mothers of Wisdom Karma who were still in the sky, couldn't help but sucked in a breath of cold air.

The moment Xu Changqing opened his palm, a cloud of spiritual energy that had been compressed to the extreme was suspended in his palm, forming pieces of small spiritual clouds. In the spiritual clouds, two people the size of ants performed various Buddhist methods Killing each other, all kinds of brilliance burst out around them, looking extremely gorgeous.One drives two small wheels around the opponent's body, forming a kind of great power to crush him. Although the other is passively defending, he is well-founded in offense and defense, but the Buddha cassock on his body has been corroded and faded. , looking a little embarrassed.

After seeing these two familiar figures, everyone couldn't help but look up again.I saw that the place where the Pure Land Buddha and the Kalachakra Bodhisattva of the Three Realms used to fight, I don’t know when a large area was vacated, and the two great achievers of the Buddhist world and the surrounding spiritual clouds all disappeared. It's like a rice cake that has been hollowed out.

Everyone present could no longer doubt that the two ant-like villains caught in Xu Changqing's palms were the Pure Land Buddha and the Kalachakra Bodhisattva.Maitreya Bodhisattva and the others are no longer aware of how to treat Xu Changqing, the most powerful Tathagata of the precious light that suddenly appeared. The supernatural powers are actually able to absorb the aura of heaven and earth enough to cover a range of hundreds of miles into one palm, and the two titled great achievers who were also absorbed into the palms were even unaware of this.

Among the people around, Maitreya Bodhisattva, Sun Xianzhi, and All Wisdom Karma Buddha Mother have the most extensive knowledge and the highest vision. They all feel that this supernatural power is not just a Buddhist supernatural power, but also a very complete one. The Way of Heaven and Earth.Although this method is neither earth-shattering nor shocking after its use, its hidden power makes everyone present feel that if they are absorbed by this method, it may be difficult to resist.

The power of the universe in this palm was completely beyond Xu Changqing's expectations, and he also did not expect that after integrating the great power of the Pure Land Buddha into the palm of the golden body of the great wish, it would be able to make this magical power touch the heaven and the earth The power of the avenue with the same name as the avenue of time, the avenue of heaven, earth and space.

After the universe in the palm was displayed before, a small world was formed in the palm of the hand with supernatural powers and Buddha power, and then the object was absorbed into the palm of the hand.Although this method is also powerful, there are always traces to be found, it is easy to see through the false and the real, and it can only be performed through the golden body of great vows.If the object trapped by this supernatural power is lower than Xu Changqing, then it can be easily banned, but if the cultivation level is equal to or even higher than it, it can also be easily escaped, and those who feel the power of the heaven and earth More people are more likely to cause this supernatural power to backfire, which makes this supernatural power just an accumulation of supernatural powers and Dharma.

But now Xu Changqing is directly using the Duobao avatar to perform this supernatural power, and there is no sign of stagnation or other bad signs.After exercising this supernatural power, instead of forming a small world with supernatural powers and Buddha powers, it is like picking an apple and directly taking a part of the world in your hands.There is no difference between the world in the palm and the outside world, and there is even a Dao of heaven and earth, but the world in the palm is under the control of the caster.

Although the supernatural power of this dharma is infinite, and even the strongest in the most powerful realm can be imprisoned and suppressed silently, this dharma also has the same inevitable fatal flaw as other powerful dharma, that is, to use this dharma The mana required by Buddhism is so great that it is far beyond what the current sentence of Duobao clone can bear.Perhaps only by using Xu Changqing's prehistoric body and Jinxian body to perform this great way of Buddhism can he be able to do it with ease, and to perform this method with the karma golden body of Duobao Tathagata, which is only close to the peak of the strongest, but it made him feel helpless for a moment. The feeling of continuing.When the supernatural power in the palm of the hand loosened, the spiritual energy compressed in the palm immediately overflowed, forming a whirlwind of spiritual energy that went straight to the sky, quickly filling the vacant part of the spiritual cloud in the sky.

Subtle changes have taken place in the small world in the palm of your hand, so naturally you can no longer hide it from the Pure Land Buddha and Kalachakra Bodhisattva who are taken into this small world.The two stopped fighting almost at the same time, stunned for a moment, and then used their own methods in an extremely tacit understanding to try to break through the restrictions of the surrounding avenues.

I saw Kalachakra Bodhisattva originally used to suppress the Pure Land Buddha's internal and external time Brahma wheel, which was recalled by him, followed by the two Brahma wheels being pushed forward and reversed by him, and there was an extremely fast and extremely fast sound from the two Brahma wheels. The slow two kinds of powers of the great way of time merged into one like a Taoist Taiji diagram, and mixed into a new powerful force, which instantly tore apart the power of the great way in the palm of your hand, and escaped from it.The Pure Land Buddha was a little slower, but the Dharma he performed was really not simple. I saw that he instantly shrunk the great power of the Pure Land Duer, and it was still infinitely reduced. When it reached the limit, an instant appeared in front of him. The black spot exuded terrifying devouring power, and a hole was pierced by the black spot in the entire universe in the palm of his hand. Although the hole was not big, it was enough for him to penetrate through it.

Maitreya Bodhisattva and others are outside the small universe in their palms, so they cannot feel the power of the supernatural powers of the Pure Land Buddha and Kalachakra Bodhisattva just now, but Xu Changqing can feel that the two Buddhist teachings just now have obviously touched the edge of the Dao. The avenue is the real avenue of heaven and earth.What makes Xu Changqing even more coincidental is that the avenues of heaven and earth that the two of them touched turned out to be the highest avenues that can be ranked in the top ten of the three thousand avenues of heaven and earth. One is the avenue of time and the other is the avenue of space.It's just that Kalachakra Bodhisattva's time avenue is obviously more proficient. Obviously, he didn't use all his strength to fight against Pure Land Buddha before.The space avenue of the Pure Land Buddha, in addition to the meaning of this avenue contained in his own great power of saving evil in the pure land, is also because Xu Changqing also added a trace of the avenue of the heaven and earth supernatural powers in his palm when he empowered him. Feel a trace of heaven and earth avenue.

Although both of them have touched a little bit of the edge of the Dao of Heaven and Earth, and the Dao they have touched is so powerful against the sky, after all, they still only know a little bit.Even if he used the power of the Great Dao to break through the small universe in his palm, if Xu Changqing insisted on keeping them in that small world, they would be suppressed before they cast spells.Fortunately, Xu Changqing already knew what he wanted to know, especially the supernatural power of the Kalachakra Bodhisattva at the end, which contained the power of the Dao of Time, which allowed Xu Changqing to fully understand the Kalachakra Dharma door he practiced.In the future, it is only necessary to deduce the method of deciphering it, and then pass it on to Sun Xianzhi, Barefoot Buddha and Pure Land Buddha. Then when he fights with Kalachakra Bodhisattva again, he will experience what it means to be passively beaten.

After the two broke through the small universe in their palms, Xu Changqing did not cast spells to bind the aura in the small world, and spread the power of the great way above.At this moment, an extremely thick spiritual energy erupted from his hands, forming a spiritual cloud that enveloped the entire Enlightenment Acropolis, making the concentration of spiritual energy in the city much higher than those in the center of the spiritual veins of the Lingshan Mountain. Turned this enlightened acropolis into a blessed place for practice similar to a small cave.

"In the past two days, there has been a lot of disturbance in the Acropolis of Jiaohua, and it has caused a lot of trouble. This should be regarded as my apology. The aura here can last for about two years before it declines, and it takes ten years to return to its previous state." Xu Changqing used The way of mutual generation between heaven and earth guides the spiritual veins of this place to connect with several surrounding spiritual veins, and integrates the spiritual energy with the spiritual veins to form a temporary small cycle of spiritual energy. Then he calculated the time when this small cycle decayed and finally disappeared, saying Listen to the Enlightenment Bodhisattva on the side.

"Thank you, great lord." The Enlightenment Bodhisattva was not polite. After all, Xu Changqing had caused too much trouble in the Enlightenment Acropolis in the past two days, and it was not too much to ask for some compensation.Although Jiaohua Bodhisattva wanted to talk to Xu Changqing about his stagnant cultivation, but this was not a good time to talk, so he didn't say anything in the end.

After the Pure Land Buddha and the Kalachakra Bodhisattva escaped, they suddenly found that they were actually in the scripture courtyard of the Jiaohua Weicheng, not on the spiritual cloud of the Sumeru Lingshan, and they couldn't help being stunned.At this time, the Buddha Mother of All Wisdom Karma also fell from the sky and came to the side of Kalachakra Bodhisattva. She seemed to tell him what happened just now through the secret method of sound transmission. Perhaps it was because Xu Changqing imprisoned him and the Pure Land Buddha. Between the palms of his fingers, his face changed drastically, and the eyes he looked at Xu Changqing were full of horror and doubt.The Pure Land Buddha also knew what happened just now from Sun Xianzhi. Although he was terrified in his heart, he already understood Xu Changqing's strength, so he seemed calm on the surface.

"The two of you are here to provoke this deity, aren't you?" Although Xu Changqing has already determined that the Buddha Mother of All Wisdom Karma must have a deep relationship with his own disciple Huang Juan, but because he doesn't know what the relationship is, he doesn't To clarify the matter, instead directly questioning the two people's intentions as if they were in the same situation.

Kalachakra Bodhisattva, who holds the Three Realms, stood up and prepared to answer, but suddenly realized that he was not the one in charge, so he took another step back and looked at the Buddha Mother of All Wisdom Karma.

"This time, I and Kalachakra Bodhisattva came here mainly to welcome the ancient Buddha from the other side to the Jingyuan Garden at the end of Jialuo, so as to avoid any accidents to the ancient Buddha. This time the ancient Buddha is one of the gods in the heavens, so safety is extremely important At this time, a neutral voice that was neither male nor female sounded in the ears of everyone around, and the Buddha Mother of Omniscient Karma looked at Sun Xianzhi, then shifted her gaze to Xu Changqing, and said: "Secondly, we are also He came here for Baoguang's most powerful Tathagata, and now the monk king has fallen, and the spiritual veins of the Buddhist world have been damaged, and in this eventful autumn, suddenly a Tathagata, who has never been heard of or seen before, suddenly appears, which is really unreliable."

Chapter 670 Time and Space

Chapter 670 Time Space (on, address

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