Nine idlers

Chapter 672

Chapter 670 Two Compassionate Acropolis

Although the Acropolis of Mercy is not the largest of the 72 Acropolises around the city surrounded by the Dharma Protectors, its aura is definitely the strongest. 【 】The entire Acropolis is carved out of a conical high mountain. The high mountain is originally an extension of Xumi Lingshan. It was refined like a beautiful jade.The whole city was cut into 99 floors by force, it looks like a huge pagoda, the top of the pagoda is directly inserted into the spiritual cloud, and a huge platform-like altar is suspended above it, shining like a moon The pure white light illuminates the whole city, which also makes it an extremely eye-catching landmark.

The inner nine vehicles around Xumi Lingshan are full of Bodhisattva dojos. In each dojo, there is a Bodhisattva of great achievement. Reached the realm of Hedao Dixian.These bodhisattvas will not leave the ashram at ordinary times. They all concentrate on their cultivation, and they will supply Buddha Dan and Dharma one by one. They will not come out of the mountain until the Bodhisattva is in crisis.This is the true hidden power of the Bodhisattva Vehicle, and there are three other places like this on the bright side, and it is unknown how many places are hidden in the dark. Scruples, dare not act rashly.

The Nine Vehicles in Mount Sumeru are connected to each other, forming a huge mandala circle of the heavens, completely enveloping the entire Mount Sumeru. It is called protection, but it is actually a prison.Any outsider who wants to enter Sumering Mountain must obtain a magic weapon in the Acropolis of Mercy to pass through from the inner nine vehicles. Otherwise, if he steps into it without authorization, he will be attacked by the magic circle.

Because this magic circle is connected to the spiritual vein of Xumi Lingshan, although it is only a side branch of the spiritual vein of Lingshan, it also contains the power of heaven and earth in the Buddhist world.In the past many years, it is not that no one can't understand the domineering behavior of the Bodhisattva Vehicle. They also forcibly broke into the inner nine vehicles and tried to break through the magic circle, but in the end they all failed, and countless people fell into the magic circle. Among them, the person with the highest cultivation level is even the great power of the Buddha world in the realm of Tathagata.

Although the Acropolis of Compassion is the best place to practice around Sumering Mountain, not everyone can live or enter here. The only condition to enter the Acropolis of Compassion is a great achiever.

Generally speaking, a great achiever refers to a buddhist cultivator whose cultivation base is equivalent to that of the immortal world, but this standard is not absolute, just like the title of a great achiever, there are many exceptions .Among the various sects in the Buddhist world, there are many disciples who have made great contributions to the sect, or have made outstanding contributions to the Buddhist scriptures and laws. environment, so in order to win over the hearts and minds of these people, they were given the title of Great Achievers.

Such great achievers who have not cultivated to the level of the Daoist immortal account for nearly [-]% of the great achievers in the entire Buddhist world, and the lifespan of these people cannot be compared with the real great achievers, so these people They will all come to the Acropolis of Compassion when they feel that their lifespan will be exhausted, waiting for the opportunity to enter Xumi Lingshan.These false great achievers have not condensed the complete Buddhist kingdom, and cannot use the power of faith and vows to complete the rituals of the bardo of reincarnation, so they need to borrow the Eight Treasures Merit Pool of Sumeru Lingshan to help them reincarnate, so as to ensure their Buddha heart and true spirit Without being eroded by the power of reincarnation, even the cultivation base can be preserved.

It's a pity that reincarnation like this consumes a lot of divine power from the Eight Treasures Merit Pool, and it is only used once every ten years. The number of reincarnations per reincarnation is extremely limited, never exceeding five people, and at least three of them are for those who have cultivated A great achiever who has truly reached the level of immortality.In this way, there will be fewer places for those false mahasiddhas to be distinguished. Every year, countless false mahasiddhas pass away in the Acropolis of Compassion because they cannot wait for the quota. These passed away people will build Dharmakaya Buddhas on the spot The pagoda, and then the relics of the body are sent to the Lingshan Mountain on the other side for burial, so it is also jokingly called the Little Bian, or the city of Tallinn.

"What a city of Tallinn." Xu Changqing, who had just stepped into the Acropolis of Mercy, couldn't help sighing when he saw the exquisite buildings in front of him.Exquisite buildings, pagodas, and niches are arranged in a well-organized manner on the trapezoidal mountain, extending into the spiritual cloud. The sunlight penetrates through their gaps, making the entire Bodhisattva Acropolis a bit more sacred atmosphere.Maybe it's because he has seen too many Chinese wooden buildings, but Xu Changqing still feels inexplicable when he sees this kind of building with an obvious exotic style.

"When the Acropolis was first built, Bodhisattva invited the most outstanding craftsmen in the Buddhist world to build it." The Pure Land Buddha, who knows the Acropolis of Compassion very well, walked to Xu Changqing and introduced it, saying: "Until now, the Acropolis of Compassion There are also seven families of master craftsmen living in the city, and their main function now is to build Dharmakaya pagodas for those mahasiddhas who passed away here."

"This city of Tallinn is not simple." Xu Changqing walked slowly on the wide streets in the city, looking at the buildings on both sides.Although there are many pseudo-mahasiddhas living here, they seldom go out, and most of them practice or interpret spirituality in their own houses.Other people who come here will also go directly to the top of the Acropolis, where the aura is the strongest, and few people will stroll the streets leisurely like Xu Changqing.So the streets here seem empty, which makes people feel less angry.

"It's really not simple." Sun Xianzhi also followed Xu Changqing's line of sight, scanning the surrounding buildings, and said: "The mandalas of the heavens are carved on all the houses, pagodas and niches. If these When all the magic circles are mobilized, I am afraid that its power will not be much worse than the magic circle of the inner nine times."

"That's not what I meant when I said that the Acropolis of Mercy is not simple." Xu Changqing smiled, turned to look at Sun Xianzhi, then pointed to several places, and said, "Have you not seen this place with your eyesight?" Weird?".

Hearing what Xu Changqing said, Sun Xianzhi followed where his eyes were pointing.Pure Land Buddha also felt a little curious, looked around, but couldn't see anything unusual here.

"Chu..." At this moment, he heard Sun Xianzhi gasp suddenly, and then listened to him say: "It's such a big handwriting that the entire city of compassion has been refined into a Buddha treasure."

"What? This is a Buddhist treasure"

As soon as Sun Xianzhi said this, not only the Pure Land Buddha was extremely surprised, but even the Sword Arhat and others were also surprised. They looked around one after another, and even let go of their spiritual thoughts a little presumptuously to check the surrounding situation, but they still couldn't see that there was anyone around them. What would make Sun Xianzhi think that the entire Acropolis of Mercy is a Buddhist treasure.The reason why they are like this is because none of them have been to the treasure house of the Taishang Qingjing Heavenly Dynasty. If they have been to the treasure house of the Dynasty, it is not difficult for them to see the method of refining the world and transforming the treasure.

In some respects, the refining details of this Acropolis of Mercy are very similar to Xu Changqing's Duobao Pagoda, the only difference is the power.Now that Xu Changqing is the Golden Body of Many Treasures Tathagata Karma, how can he not see the secrets in it, and Sun Xianzhi was also the wheel-running king of the Taishang Qingjingtian Dynasty, so he has seen many pagodas and even played with them, although he doesn't know the details , but the similarities between the two can still be felt.

"The Bodhisattva Vehicle must have obtained some kind of refining method of ancient Buddhist treasures," Sun Xianzhi used a secret method to integrate his spiritual thoughts into the surrounding mandala circle, and was immediately blocked by an unrivaled force. Although he was not injured, it made him feel dizzy. After recovering, he said angrily: "The power of this treasure may have reached the level of the ancient innate Buddha treasure. If it is induced, I may not even be able to hit it with a single blow." bear."

When Sun Xianzhi inadvertently triggered the magic circle in the city of compassion to fight back, the spiritual thoughts of the Pure Land Buddha and others were also ejected. Fortunately, they were not as deep as Sun Xianzhi, and they were all affected very little. After hearing what Sun Xianzhi said Finally, they recalled the tyrannical force that was unrivaled, and they couldn't help but nodded in agreement.

"It's a pity that this refining method is incomplete, otherwise its power would definitely not be so powerful." Xu Changqing is different from Sun Xianzhi. His current avatar body is the Duobao Pagoda, and the method of refining the Acropolis of Compassion is somewhat similar to that of the Duobao Pagoda. So he quickly found the outermost formation eyes of this treasure, and he was not worried about its counterattack power. Instead, he also found out the reality of the Acropolis of Mercy through the operation of the magic circle.

Xu Changqing found that in terms of refining techniques alone, the refining techniques of the Acropolis of Compassion and the Duobao Pagoda are comparable. If the Acropolis of Compassion is completely refined successfully, it will definitely not be much worse than the Duobao Pagoda in the heyday of ancient times.It's a pity that the refining method of the Acropolis of Mercy has some mistakes and omissions from the outermost periphery.It’s okay if it’s just a little mistake, but imagine that the entire Acropolis of Compassion has 99 floors, each floor has many mistakes, and the more you go to the center, the more mistakes and mistakes will become, and finally a Buddha treasure is refined into A mandala circle, the stupas and altars of the mahasiddhas that were originally used to increase the power of the magic weapon, have now become a stone to suppress the unstable forces in the Acropolis of Compassion.

Although the Acropolis of Mercy has been refined so badly, it does not mean that this Buddha treasure cannot be used. On the contrary, even if this Buddha treasure has a lot of problems, if it is just sacrificed to defend against the enemy, it will not be able to use it. There is no problem, and the power exerted is definitely beyond that of ordinary innate spirit treasures. Even the most powerful immortals may not be able to resist its full blow.It's just that because of the incomplete refining technique, the owner of this treasure needs to spend dozens or even hundreds of times of mana to drive this treasure. Presumably this is also the permanent residence of Guanyin Bodhisattva and his 21 Tara. The main reason is the Acropolis of Compassion, not their Dojo Lingshan.

For others, the Mercy Acropolis has absolute deterrent and oppressive power, but for Xu Changqing, it doesn't pose much threat.Based on Xu Changqing's mastery of the Duobao Pagoda and his own knowledge of the magic circle, he can draw inferences from one instance and easily find the flaws in the Acropolis of Compassion, which is also made from the ancient Buddhist treasure refining method. Even if the power of this treasure is fully aroused, he It can also enter the formation and remain invincible.If he wanted to, he could even seize control of the Acropolis of Mercy, but the power consumed in that way is by no means what Duobao's avatar can bear now. Perhaps only Jinxian himself can take the entire Acropolis of Mercy away.

Chapter 670 Two Compassionate Acropolis

Chapter 670 The Acropolis of Mercy ([-]st, Arrival Address)

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