Nine idlers

Chapter 675

Chapter 670 The fifth wine 'meat' monk

The series of actions of the wine 'meat' monk completely annoyed the entire Buddhist world, and the four sects at that time joined forces to hunt him down, in order to beat him out of his wits. 【 】However, contrary to expectations, no matter what traps the four sects lay down, what kind of Dharma they perform, or even send out most of the Tathagata masters of each sect, they are still unable to cause fatal damage to them, and they cannot even be captured. arrive.

When the entire Buddhist world lost its face, a legendary existence in the Buddhist world did not hesitate to punish him by the way of heaven. , Let him swear with his natal Buddha heart not to leave here for half a step.Since then, King Gan'lu Zizai has almost disappeared from the Buddhist world, and he is rarely seen even in Xumi Lingshan. In recent decades, there has not even been any news about him, and many people doubt it. He had already passed away, but he didn't expect to appear now, and he seemed to be a welcoming monk.

According to the rumors in the past, the wine monk has never fought with others, and when he encounters an enemy, he will often cast spells to escape, and his escape method is unmatched by anyone in the Buddhist world. If the country sets up an ambush, it may be difficult to catch him.Even so, no one would think that he is only good at escaping, because whether it is hunting the mounts of gods and Buddhas in the sky, or entering the forbidden area to steal elixir, it requires extremely strong strength to do so.

Now such a wine monk who turned the Buddhist world upside down and was regarded as a legend by most of the rogue cultivators present went out to greet them in person and lead the way for them. This sense of honor immediately dispelled all the previous complaints. There was still a trace of resentment in his heart, and he didn't dare to express it. After all, no one wanted to erect such a strong man who was so strong that he was almost unmatched.

"I've met the great lord." Under the leadership of King Gan'lu Zizai, all the casual cultivators went forward to salute.

However, Xu Changqing didn't go through, instead he stood there, looking at the monk with great interest, as if looking at something rare.

Just like Xu Changqing, the wine monk seems to be very interested in Xu Changqing.I saw that after he walked over, he ignored those who greeted him at all, but stopped for a while in front of King Gan'lu Zizai, and nodded slightly.Then the other side saw him walking in front of Xu Changqing, took off the wine gourd on his back, took a sip of the wine, bit another piece of dog meat, wiped his mouth with his sleeve, raised his head towards Xu Changqing, and asked : "I heard that you beat up the bear demon in the Acropolis of Mercy?"

Xu Changqing smiled, and said in a provocative tone: "Why is that bear a relative of your monk? Want to avenge it?"

"Bah bah! Your relative is a bear!" Monk Jiu'rou, with a disgusted expression as if he had encountered something jealous and disgusting, retorted repeatedly, and then glared at Xu Changqing viciously. The green skin of the beach is 'mixed' and 'mixed'.

Seeing such a person with a strong worldly atmosphere, Xu Changqing felt a little more intimacy out of thin air, and said indifferently: "You are an interesting person."

"You are also an interesting person!" Monk Jiu'rou replied with a deep meaning, returned to normal, and said with a smile: "I wanted to beat that demon bear a long time ago, but it's a pity that that guy is skinny." The meat' is too thick, before it hurts, I hurt it first. Now that you have suppressed that guy, it is a relief for me, and I owe you a favor." As he spoke, he saw that he would The wine gourd was carried on the back again, and then he took out a fruit in his arms, handed it to Xu Changqing, and said: "This thing is useless to me, I give it to you as a thank you for letting me out. "

Xu Changqing did not reach out to pick up the fruit, but looked at it with a slight frown, then sighed, and said: "Sumeru Lingshan is indeed the root of the spiritual veins of the Buddhist world. I didn't expect this bodhi seed to become so cheap. , you can give it to someone at any time.”

Hearing Xu Changqing's words, the people around couldn't help but gasped, their eyes were full of greed and they stared at the fruit of Monk Jiurou, wishing to grab it immediately.

Bodhi seeds, as the name suggests, are the seeds of bodhi wood, but because the bodhi wood itself is a residual root, not a complete spiritual root of heaven and earth, and the tree is almost old, the seeds it bears cannot take root and germinate. dead species.Originally, when this kind of seed falls, it will touch the fossils on the ground and become a useless thing, but the bodhi wood in Sumering Mountain is born with the pool of eight treasures, and when the seeds fall, it will fall into the eight treasures. In the Merit Pond, after being purified by the pool water, the seeds will regenerate a miraculous effect.And this effect is almost exactly the same as the Dajue Shendan, which is invisible to enhance the user, or it can be said that the Dajue Shendan is a kind of magical elixir created by imitating the bodhi seed.

Although the efficacy of bodhi seeds is almost the same as that of Dajue Shendan, there is a huge gap between the two, which also makes the value of the two a little different, because the "medicine" effect of bodhi seeds can be superimposed, while Dajue The magic pill will be effective when you take the first pill, but the effect will be greatly reduced when you take the second pill, just like ordinary Qingxin pills.It is precisely because of this miraculous effect of bodhi seeds that the bodhi seeds that drop every year are strictly controlled by the top existence of the Buddhist world, not to mention casual cultivators outside the Zongcheng, even the gods and Buddhas in the Zongcheng However, before the cultivation base reaches the realm of the Tathagata, I am afraid that I will not even have the chance to see the Bodhisattva.

Perhaps in the past, when the Dajue Divine Pill was created, the spiritual materials in the Buddhist world were still very sufficient, and a large amount of pills could be refined.It's just that now, the number of the Great Enlightenment God Pill has become as rare as the bodhi seeds, even rarer than the bodhi seeds. At least one or two bodhi seeds will fall from the bodhi tree every year, but every ten years the Buddha world It may not be possible to refine a Great Enlightenment Pill, so even if you know that this bodhi seed is controlled by a powerful giant in the Buddhist world, no matter whether you are a member of the sect or a casual practitioner outside the sect, you will put your mind on Bodhi. son.

Perhaps it is to appease the grievances of the underground people, or it may be for other purposes. Every once in a while, Sumeru Lingshan will release a bodhi seed, which will be thrown around the Buddhist world at will, so that people from the "door" of the sect or outside the sect Loose cultivators fight for the ownership of this thing by themselves.At the beginning, when Xu Changqing heard about this, he immediately thought of feeding the dog. In a sense, the two are indeed the same, but the purpose of those powerful giants in the Buddhist world is definitely not so simple. For the deeper purpose, Xu Changqing can't speculate for the time being.

"Although for Buddhism, comprehension of 'nature' comes first, and mana comes second, but it should be clear that comprehension of 'nature' won't be of much use when you reach the level you and I have cultivated." The monk smiled, and without saying much, he forced the bodhi seed into Xu Changqing's hand, then turned to other casual cultivators with different expressions, and said, "Come with me! Lu Ke, don't fall behind or You have gone the wrong way, this is not the Paradise of Bliss that you all think of, if something happens, I am afraid that even I will not be able to save you."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for the other party's response, he rode the auspicious cloud, jumped up, and flew towards the depths of Xumi Lingshan.Seeing this situation, other people reluctantly moved their eyes away from the bodhi seed in Xu Changqing's hand, and followed each other, while Xu Changqing showed a trace of contemplation, and then took the bodhi seed that he was not going to collect originally. The bodhizi entered the world of heaven and earth, looked thoughtfully at the back of the monk of wine and meat, performed ghosts and spirits, stepped on the void, followed the crowd, and moved forward.

Xu Changqing, who was originally not prepared to accept the Bodhi Seed, changed his mind mainly because when the Bodhi Seed was placed in his hands, the Bodhi Wood Spirit that was transforming into the body of the Golden Immortal conveyed an extremely urgent desire to him .So after Xu Changqing's multi-treasure avatar took the bodhi seeds back to the world of Qiankun, Xu Changqing's golden fairy body took out the bodhi seeds and put them into the nine-day breath soil that envelops the bodhi wood spirit.The moment the bodhi seed entered the Nine Heavens Breathing Soil, it immediately turned into a puff of fresh air, and injected it into the bodhi wood spirit in the core area along the meridians that had been formed in the breath soil.Although this did not allow the bodhi wood spirit to be conceived immediately, the speed of its conceiving has been greatly improved with the help of bodhi seed Qingqi.

In addition to the desire of the Bodhi Wood Spirit, Xu Changqing's bodhi seed is because a line of very small characters was carved on the surface of the bodhi seed, and the content of the word is 24 small merit pools. Obviously, this is as mysterious as the origin Wine 'meat' monk related.

Xumi Lingshan is said to have 570 eight spiritual 'acupoints' and exposed 'exposed' spiritual veins, but less than one-tenth of them can be used. The remaining more than 500 spiritual 'points' and exposed 'exposed' spiritual veins are The "chaos" of spiritual energy means that it is polluted by the chaotic air that has not been fully refined, and cannot be used by people at all. The small merit pool is one of them.

Calling it the Small Merit Pool is not because of any relationship between this pool and the Eight Treasures Merit Pool. No one knows why such a dreamy name was chosen. Everyone just knows that it is called the Small Merit Pool. Whoever spread the word Yes, I don't know who started it, it's just because it's a habit, and I can't change it even if I want to.

The water in the Small Merit Pond is a special kind of pool water formed by the fusion of turbid air that cannot be refined, the air of conquest and killing of heaven and earth, and the air of the nether world. This water is extremely cold and can ignore others Mana can directly harm the soul of the primordial spirit, even the most powerful immortal.Fortunately, if the pool of water leaves the pool, its effectiveness will be weakened, and it will soon be similar to ordinary water, so people in the Buddhist world cannot use the water for other things.

In addition, because of the special power contained in this pool of water, Chi Zikong formed an invisible cohesion, concentrating all the evil spirits of the entire Sumering Mountain here.Because of the erosion of the 'Yin' evil spirit, the forest around the pool turned into a piece of ghosts, and because of the 'Yin' evil spirit formed by the 'Yin' evil spirit, ghosts are entrenched in this generation, making this place a restricted area .

Although there are countless disadvantages inside and outside this small merit pool, things often have two sides, and many advantages are hidden in the disadvantages.For example, the water in the small merit pool can hurt people's soul, but if it can resist the damage, the soul and soul can make great progress. This is also a good thing for refining relics.Secondly, if the "yin" soul in the ghosts and creatures by the pool is a natural thing, transforming it into one's own Buddhist kingdom is no less than transforming an ordinary Arhat or King Kong, and there is no karma.Therefore, the Bodhisattva Vehicle also regards it as a special resource and protects it. In the Bodhisattva Vehicle, the amalgamation of the four Buddha-light Bodhisattvas, namely Moonlight Bodhisattva, Sunlight Bodhisattva, Light Bodhisattva, and Wisdom Light Bodhisattva, is set up outside the ghosts.

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