Nine idlers

Chapter 676 Small Merit Pool

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Chapter 670 Small Merit Pool

When I saw the small merit pool for the first time, Xu Changqing felt that it was quiet here. This kind of quietness is not the kind of absolute quiet. When you are by the pool, your mind will enter a peaceful and lonely state under the reflection of the turquoise lake like a round mirror, and you can't help but want to stay here forever. 【 】

At this time, there is a kind of power of heaven and earth contained in the small merit pool itself. If the visitor cannot resist this power, then he will be completely silent in this state of mind, and will never be able to break free. In the end, he will die and turn into the edge of the pool. pile of dead bones.Judging from the nearly one hundred corpses piled up by the pool, there should be quite a few people who have been tricked here, and their bones have been transformed into another kind of spiritual material after staying here for many years after being refined by the aura of this place.

The surrounding area of ​​the small merit pool was invaded by the cold air of the pool water, and the surface was covered with a layer of cyan ice crystals. The cold air contained in the ice crystals was almost the same as that of general mysterious Yin stones and other spiritual objects, but it was a pity that the dark air in them The gas is miscellaneous and impure, and cannot be absorbed and utilized by humans at all.It's just that this spiritual thing that can't be intentional for people's practice is a good thing for making magic weapons and magic weapons. There are seven or eight magic weapons made of this spiritual thing around the pool, which are placed in the form of a very secret formation. Around, while suppressing the Yin Qi in the pool as much as possible, they also used the Yin Qi to form a small magic circle that could pose a threat to the Xeon Immortal.

Due to the suppression of the surrounding magic circle, the special cold aura emanating from the small merit pool cannot fully expand outward, so it accumulates on the lake surface, gradually condensing into beautiful ice flowers, suspended in the air, embellishing the lake surface as A beautiful illusion.If someone relaxes his vigilance because of the beauty of this ice flower, what awaits him will be an unexpected death.Because this ice flower looks beautiful, but it is mixed with a lot of unstable yin and cold aura, and it is extremely yin to cold. As long as there is a little yang energy to guide it, these ice crystals will detonate immediately, and the yin energy inside is completely released in an instant , its power can be expected, even if Xu Changqing encounters it, there will be a lot of trouble.

After Xu Changqing arrived at the small merit pool, he did not show up immediately. Instead, he cast a spell in the ghost forest beside the pool to attract some ghosts and ghosts, surrounded him, and completely concealed his figure in it.

Although Xu Changqing feels that the relationship between the wine and meat monk and various sects in the Buddhist world is not very good, he will not frame himself, at least until he achieves his goal, but he must be on guard against others. Before he fully understands the other party's purpose and Before becoming a human being, Xu Changqing would not have any trust in him.

In this way, Xu Changqing hid himself in the forest of ghosts and monsters, looked at the small merit pool in front of him, and let go of his mind to feel the changes in the surrounding aura.

About a quarter of an hour passed.Just when Xu Changqing had a preliminary grasp of the formation of the ghosts and spirits around him, the yin energy in the ghost forest suddenly changed slightly.Xu Changqing felt a small sign of flow in the dead yin energy around him, as if the yin energy suddenly disappeared somewhere in the ghost forest, and the surrounding yin energy filled in on its own.Not long after, I heard the sound of clothes being blown by the wind, and the protruding figure of the wine and meat monk emerged from the dark ghost forest, passing through the forest like a nimble bird, and finally turned into a feather It landed lightly next to the small merit pool, and the place where it stood happened to be where the eyes of those magic weapon formations were.

Although the Buddha's light appeared on the wine and meat monk's body at this moment, and the Buddha's energy lingered around him, it was extremely strange that there was no Yin energy. The surrounding ghosts and ghosts and the abnormal movement of the cold ice crystals on the lake, these forces that are extremely sensitive to the Buddha's energy and even Yang energy seem to be blind. As if he didn't exist at all.

Although the wine and meat monk arrived, and there was no tail behind him, Xu Changqing, seeing this strange situation, temporarily gave up his plan to show up, but quietly stayed aside to watch what the wine and meat monk would do next.

After arriving at the pool, Monk Jiurou didn't see Xu Changqing's figure, so he didn't seem to be surprised. Then he saw the cassock on his body for a while, emitting a faint ring-shaped Buddha element, spreading towards the surroundings, and soon It swept across Xu Changqing and the surrounding ghosts.Since Xu Changqing's body was full of the mana of the Yin God of the Underworld, the circle of Buddha's light seemed to regard him as a ghost, and there was no abnormality after sweeping it over.

The wine and meat monk seemed to be very confident in his Dharma. After seeing that there was no abnormality around him, he sat cross-legged at the eye of the array, and then cast a few times of magic power in the magic weapon in the surrounding hidden place to activate the array, and at the same time took off the magic weapon behind him. Big black wine gourd, unplug the gourd.Under the guidance of the formation, the cold ice crystals suspended around were gathered together and turned into a galaxy-like horse, which circled the lake and rotated orderly with each other. They were separated from the queue and put into the big wine gourd.The color of the wine gourd gradually changes as the number of ice crystals stored increases, from pitch black to cyan-black, cyan-purple, cyan-blue, cyan-green, and finally pure cyan, and the ice crystals suspended on the surface of the small merit pool There is not much left.

After putting the last few ice crystals into the wine gourd, the wine and meat monk immediately blocked the gourd, but he didn't dare to touch the gourd. It was born in the Buddha Kingdom, and spit out a ball of flames from the Buddha Kingdom, wrapped the wine gourd, and refined the cold ice crystals in it.

"Six Paths of Reincarnation, Ksitigarbha Ghost Fire!" Xu Changqing felt a little familiar when Monk Jiurou first cast the spell, but now after seeing his natal Buddha country and the natal spiritual fire he used, he immediately recognized its origin.

I saw that the Buddhist kingdom behind the monk's head is clearly a complete six realms of reincarnation, and its completeness even exceeds Sun Xianzhi's Ksitigarbha Buddhist kingdom. Perhaps only the Ksitigarbha Dharma Lord in the world of heaven and earth can compare with it, and the entire six realms of reincarnation The changes in the Buddha Kingdom coincided with the six reincarnations of the ancient Buddhist world hidden in Mount Sumeru, and it felt like they should be the same thing.In addition, the Ksitigarbha Netherfire he used is the most core secret method in the Ksitigarbha Dharma, and it cannot be practiced without anyone who has taught the Ksitigarbha. Its spiritual fire is not as strong as Sun Xianzhi's Ksitigarbha Nether Fire Difference.

However, Xu Changqing can also see that whether it is the Six Paths of Reincarnation Buddha Kingdom or the Nether Fire of Earth Store, these are obviously not cultivated by wine and meat monks, but should be obtained from some kind of inheritance, even the big wine gourd is the same.In addition, he can also see that besides the wine and meat monk who has completely refined the big wine gourd, the rest of the Six Paths of Reincarnation Buddha Kingdom and the Ksitigarbha Nether Fire seem to have only mastered part of the power, otherwise the wine and meat monk's strength has at least reached Half a step into the realm of a celestial being, instead of just wandering between Tathagata and Prajna masters like now.

As the wine and meat monk melted all the cold ice crystals in the big wine gourd, the color of the surface of the gourd turned black again. At this time, he took the Ksitigarbha Netherfire back into the Buddha Kingdom, and suddenly pointed the mouth of the big wine gourd at the mouth of the big wine gourd. In a forest beside the small merit pool, he cast a spell to unplug the gourd.The moment the gourd was opened, a white light rushed out of the gourd, cutting through any object in front like a sharp blade, leaving only an ugly groove mark.

When the white light rushed hundreds of feet away, it was suddenly blocked by an invisible force, and then the white light exploded without warning, as if it wanted to destroy everything around it.However, that invisible force still exists, enveloping the erupting white light. At that time, under the impact of the white light, that invisible force also revealed its form and turned into a white lotus. Lianzi absorbed every ounce of power from the white light, and quickly eliminated it invisible.

"Avalokitesvara, since when did you like to follow people?" Monk Jiurou was not surprised that the white light would be disintegrated quickly. Carefully re-corked the bottle, mocking the white lotus.

"I'm just curious. Today is not the time for your wine and meat monk to come to the small merit pool for the first ice crystal. Why did you suddenly come out?" The white lotus flower seemed to be blown away by the wind, and all the petals scattered, and then gathered together and melted Made Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva.

The moment Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva appeared, the Buddha essence and blood energy on his body were like bright lights, attracting the surrounding ghosts to pounce on him, but facing these ghosts, Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva didn't care, and a figure appeared behind him. The huge Buddha Kingdom of Compassion covers the whole body, and all the ghosts and ghosts who intruded have been washed and tempered by the Buddha Light of Compassion before they can show their power, and they have transformed into benevolent Buddhist Dharma protectors and gods. King Ming and so on.

Seeing Guanshiyin Bodhisattva casting spells, although Monk Jiurou showed a hint of approval in his eyes, he still showed disdain on his face, snorted coldly, and said: "It's not your turn to take care of my affairs, although this Xumi The Lingshan Mountain is occupied by you Bodhisattva Vehicle, but don’t forget that you are not the masters of the Sumeru Lingshan Mountain, and you, the guest, can’t wait to jump out before the master speaks, it’s really ridiculous!”

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva did not show any anger, and said calmly: "It is a troubled time in the Buddhist world right now. Before the matter of the spiritual pulse of Xumi Lingshan is completely resolved, I hope that the master will not make any more troubles."

"Hmph! Before you talk about others, look at yourself first." Monk Jiurou casually took out a golden-roasted leg of lamb from the sleeve of his cassock, took a big bite, and said with a sneer, "I know exactly what you are doing. I'm not interested in paying attention to your affairs, and I hope you don't care about my affairs, we will do our own thing."

As soon as Monk Jiurou said this, Guanyin Bodhisattva's expression immediately became solemn, and the surrounding atmosphere became tense, as if the two of them were about to make a move at any time.But after a while, Guanyin Bodhisattva's expression suddenly softened, and he smiled slightly at the wine and meat monk, and without saying a word, he quickly retreated and disappeared into the ghost forest.

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