Nine idlers

Chapter 679 The Secret of the Spirit Vein

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Chapter 670 The Secret of the Ninth Spirit Vein

"In this case, shall we..." Hearing the conjecture of the Great Supreme Being, when Dawei Guang Fande Shengle Buddha was about to propose to go to the Falun Dafa Lingtai to find out, the Bodhi tree suddenly calmed down and quickly returned to its original state, as if something happened Nothing happened in general. 【 】

"It's too late! The other party has already noticed that the Bodhi tree is abnormal." The Great Supreme frowned, and then drew a ray of Buddha Yuan to hit the three huge golden lotus bones in the Eight Treasures Merit Pool in front of him.

There are not many people who have actually seen the Eight Treasures Merit Pond in the Buddhist world, but every time they see this treasure of heaven and earth that supports the Buddhist orthodoxy for the first time, they are stunned and dazed.All those who have heard of the reputation of the Eight Treasures Merit Pool will involuntarily imagine that the Eight Treasures Merit Pool must be dazzling golden light, infinitely magical, and at worst it should be lingering with aura, like clouds and fog.

But the real Eight Treasures Merit Pond is far from being as miraculous as they imagined. On the contrary, it is very ordinary, so ordinary that it is no different from an ordinary pond. That pool of black water like mercury and the nine golden lotuses growing on it.These nine golden lotuses look a little weird, three of them have formed lotus pods, but there are no lotus seeds in the lotus pods, the surface is golden and dull, the skin and flesh are withered, and the vitality is gone. The other three golden lotuses are fully grown, and the lotus leaves are fat and plump , the golden light is dazzling, but the lotus in the middle is weak and thin, as if it will fall off at any time, as for the last three golden lotuses are still in the shape of bones, but the shape is ten times larger than the other six golden lotuses, and the body is empty and not solid, The golden light is like silk, surrounded by green and black air, which feels a little sick.

When a ray of Buddha Yuan from the Great Supreme hit the three golden lotus bones, the golden lotus bones immediately bloomed in all directions, turning into three huge lotus flowers, and there was no lotus pod in the center of the lotus, but There are three Sumeru statues sitting cross-legged.If Xu Changqing saw the form of the three Sumeru statues here, he would immediately recognize that these three statues were the bodies of Yin gods, and they were also golden lotus bodies transformed from the golden lotus pod, which is also easily reminiscent of the secular world. Nezha is the incarnation of the lotus in the romance novel.

Although Nezha is a fictitious person, in ancient times, many people placed their souls on innate spiritual objects in order to achieve the goal of endless life and escape from reincarnation.But such a method is generally only used as a last resort, because if it is entrusted with spiritual objects, then its cultivation will be completely restricted, and it will be extremely difficult to improve, and if the entrusted spiritual objects are damaged, It will inevitably lose its soul, and it cannot even be reincarnated.However, this last resort, which was used to save lives in ancient times, is a very convenient method in the current Kunlun Three Realms. After all, compared with the average lifespan of all practitioners in the Three Realms, which is less than a thousand years, it can be as good as an innate spirit. It is already a great achievement to have a long lifespan like a thing.

"Having seen the Great Supreme Being, *Xu Mi's three bodies were completely condensed, and then he bowed to the three people under the tree.

"Did the bodhi tree change just now affect the pool?" The Great Supreme Master raised his hand in return, and then heard directly.

"It doesn't matter." Sumi Buddha replied immediately.

Huijue Bodhisattva then asked, "Where can you find out where the power that influences the Bodhi tree comes from?"

Xumi Sanzun didn't seem to like Huijue Bodhisattva, so he didn't answer his question immediately, but turned his head to look at Dawei Guang Brahma De Shengle Buddha, until the Lord of Buddha and Vessel nodded in agreement, he continued: " Although we can feel that power, we don't know the source of that power, we just know that that power didn't enter the forbidden area along the spiritual vein."

I don't know if it's because of the attitude of the three monks, or because of what the three monks said. In short, Bodhisattva Huijue's face darkened slightly, and soon returned to normal. , asked: "My lord, what should I do now? Do I need to pass down a decree to let the Bodhisattva disciples thoroughly investigate this matter?"

"There is no need to make extra troubles. Since the other party has already noticed something, we will not let us search it again. It is useless to investigate. Our top priority now is to find a way to stop the deterioration of the spiritual vein." The Great Supreme seems unwilling to intervene About the Bodhi tree, he said something vaguely, and then wanted to turn the words back.

It's just that when he focused on Huijue Bodhisattva, Shengle Buddha on the side also had the same thought as Huijue Bodhisattva, saying: "The bodhi tree is very important, so it's better to find out, especially in this kind of tree. In troubled times, don't be careless about any turmoil." While speaking, he seemed to have thought of something, paused, and said, "Could this matter be related to the most victorious Tathagata of Baoguang?"

As soon as Shengle Buddha said this, everyone's eyes fell on the Great Supreme Being.From their point of view, among the six people present, only Da Zhizun had fought against Baoguang Best Tathagata, and he was also injured. He should be the one who knows Baoguang Best Tathagata best among them.It's just that they didn't know that the three Sumi had also had a small confrontation with Xu Changqing's divine sense.

Da Zhizun naturally knows what everyone thinks, but he really has nothing to say.This time the confrontation came really suddenly, and it was a bit inexplicable. Originally, he just wanted to meet this powerful existence who had mastered such supernatural powers, and to ask for advice on Buddhist supernatural powers.But when he used the hidden magic circle to test the opponent, he was attacked by the opponent as nothing, and immediately counterattacked, and the power of the counterattack was so powerful that it was comparable to those legends who stayed in the cave all the year round. over it.If he hadn't had Xumi Lingshan as his backing, his injury would not have been so light.

"Impossible!" The Supreme Being shook his head and said, "Even if his cultivation base is increased by ten times or a hundred times, it is impossible to cause such a change in the Bodhi tree." He frowned slightly and said, "And There seems to be a Taoist magic power contained in the magic power of that Baoguang Supreme Tathagata."

"What? Taoist mana?" Everyone screamed in unison.

"The words of the Great Supreme Being are true? I heard Guan Yin mentioned that his cultivation of Buddhism is unfathomable, so how can he have Taoist magic power?" Bodhisattva Huijue confirmed again in a deep voice.

"I can't be so sure about other mana powers, but Taoist mana power!" The Great Supreme Being was not annoyed by Huijue Bodhisattva's questioning, but just pointed to the precious bronze mirror on his forehead in a nonchalant manner.

Seeing the action of the Great Supreme, everyone seemed to remember the power of the bronze mirror, and any doubts in their hearts disappeared immediately.

"If this person's magic power contains Taoist magic power, then this person must come from one of the two sects of the inner school Lingshan like the wine and meat monk." Huijue Bodhisattva quickly deduced the conclusion, and said: "I don't remember If it is wrong, the wine and meat monk forcibly seized the authority to lead Baoguang Zuisheng Tathagata and other casual practitioners to the temporary residence yesterday, and had a conversation with that Baoguang Zuisheng Tathagata, would he be the same as the wine and meat monk? The legendary mustard mountain treasure?"

"It is indeed possible." Shengle Buddha suddenly took the words of Huijue Bodhisattva, and said: "The secret of Mustard Seed Mountain has always been grasped by Leiyin Temple and Xiaoling Mountain in Lingshan, the inner door. We used to think that what they grasped was Where is the secret entrance of Mustard Mountain, but what if they can master the power of Mustard Mountain? Great Supreme, don’t forget that his power to injure you has obviously exceeded the limit of heaven, but he has not caused disaster. Obviously, that power is not It doesn’t necessarily belong to him completely, what if he borrowed this power from the Mustard Seed Mountain? If the power of the Mustard Seed Mountain is concerned, can it affect the Bodhi Tree?”

The Supreme Being didn't think much about it, so he nodded and said, "It can indeed affect the Bodhi tree."

A series of questions from Shenglefo put everyone present into a self-righteous misunderstanding, and in their view, this misunderstanding may be the truth, because only in this way can they explain everything.

"It seems that we need to meet that Master Baoguang formally, and also warn that monk of wine and meat, don't let them think that with a little strength, they can rampage on Xumi Lingshan. This is the Buddhist world, not the inner sect Lingshan." Xu Mi Jingang snorted coldly and said in a deep voice.

"The three of you want to sit in the Eight Treasures Merit Pool, and you can't leave." The Great Supreme One shook his head and denied Sumeru Vajra's proposal, then looked at the two sect masters beside him, and said: "We The three of them also have to sit on the spiritual veins, and they cannot be shaken, otherwise it will inevitably affect the safety of the spiritual veins. My previous lesson is enough, and I should not repeat it. It seems that I still need to trouble my colleagues in the Bodhisattva Vehicle and Buddha Vehicle."

"The disciples of my Bodhisattva at Mount Sumeru need to preside over the Dharma meeting, and we cannot spare any man." Huijue Bodhisattva immediately vetoed, "If I recruit people from the Great Bodhi Miaojue Lingshan, I am afraid it will be too late. The Mount Sumeru is the Buddhist vehicle Lingshan, the Buddha's vehicle is naturally duty-bound."

Now that the two realms of the Buddhist realm and the Kunlun Wonderland are cut off, people in the Buddhist realm can no longer go to the other two realms. There are legends about the realm of the gods, and they can also use the mana that has reached half-step heaven. Such a strong Huijue Bodhisattva is too late, so how can he be willing to offend at will?

Although everyone present knew the true thoughts of Huijue Bodhisattva, but the reason he said was irrefutable, so everyone's eyes turned to Shengle Buddha again.

Shengle Buddha looked at Huijue Bodhisattva indifferently, and said calmly: "The Buddha of Eternal Wisdom will meet with him, and let the Buddha of Eternal Wisdom decide what to do."

"En! It's good to leave it to the Buddha of Wisdom." Hearing the proposal, everyone nodded in agreement, obviously trusting the Buddha's ability.

At this time, Xumi Arhat, who had been silent since just now, suddenly opened his mouth and said: "It is said that the other half of the plan of the Buddha of Eternal Wisdom has appeared, and has a close relationship with this precious light, the most superior Tathagata, and has become one of its names." Followers, what do you think?"

Everyone was stunned and fell silent, as if they also felt that this question was a bit tricky.They knew very well how long it took Wan Gu Wisdom Buddha to set up the plan, how much energy and financial resources they spent, and they would never allow anything to happen. If the other party grasped this point of Wan Gu Wisdom Buddha, it was likely to make Wan Gu Wisdom Buddha a neutral object.

"Don't worry, it's not just the Buddha of Ancient Wisdom who has plans and preparations. My plan for the Bodhisattva Vehicle has been going on for thousands of years, and now it's coming to an end. I believe it will be effective by then." Hui Hui Jue Bodhisattva said confidently, "Eternal Wisdom Buddha's plan is just wishful thinking. Even if it disappears, don't worry."

Although everyone felt that it was inappropriate to say this, they did not refute. They just looked at each other calmly, with a hint of worry in their eyes. They didn't know whether they were worried about Baoguang's victory over Tathagata, or worried about all the plans.

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