Nine idlers

Chapter 678

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Chapter 670

Xu Changqing returned to the temporary residence all the way from the Little Merit Pond. On the way, he also visited the ashram of the Four Great Buddha Light Bodhisattvas, and found that Puyanguang Venerable did not seem to have left, and he could judge from some gadgets arranged around him before. It turns out that during this period of time, many people have entered this dojo. 【 】

Perhaps because of the increase in personnel, the defense around the dojo has also become tighter at this moment, and the magic circles around the entire dojo have also been activated to integrate with the surrounding spiritual veins to protect the dojo.Even with the power of Xu Changqing, it is difficult to find loopholes in such a magic circle in a short time, so he did not continue to explore inwards, but arranged some slightly different powders at the exits of the surrounding magic circles, so as to be in harmony with the magic circle. The medicine powder used on Ganlu Zizai Wang before was distinguished, so as to distinguish the current division of strength in Xumi Lingshan.

After returning to the temporary residence, Xu Changqing took away his mahogany double, and then checked the surrounding situation.He noticed that the magic circle around him had changed, apparently someone was spying on him through the magic circle.In addition, among the mahogany people, there are three magic powers that Jinxian himself entered in person, and these three magic powers are equivalent to a blow from a small heaven, and now only two of the three magic powers are left. The attack intention was counterattacked by it.

"Who is it?" Xu Changqing followed the passing decree that merged with the courtyard magic circle to probe out, and quickly found the place of fighting skills in a bamboo forest on the edge of the courtyard through the slightly damaged trajectory of the formation. There is still some mana breath and a faint smell of blood left there.

From the traces around him, Xu Changqing easily judged that the man was wounded by his little celestial immortal mana.It's just that the man's cultivation is really good, he was able to completely withstand this blow, and the aftermath of the fight didn't spread out of the bamboo forest, and he only suffered a little injury.Judging in turn, the cultivation base of the visitor has definitely reached the level of a prajna master who is equivalent to the peak of the strongest, and has even half-stepped into the realm of a celestial being.

In the Buddhist world, there are only a handful of legends who can step into the half-step heavenly realm. In Xu Changqing's guess, there will never be more than five people. It's just that the whereabouts of these people are mysterious. Apart from knowing that there is such a legend behind Luo Hancheng The whereabouts of the rest of the people can't be ascertained except for being in the town.However, from the conversation with the wine and meat monk just now, Xu Changqing can know that there is at least such a half-step fairy legend in Xumi Lingshan, but the existence of this legend seems to be controlled by the wine and meat monk's trump card. Leave, so the person who came here to test should not exist in this legend.In this way, there are at least two or more half-step celestial legends hiding here in Xumi Lingshan, which may bring a little trouble to Xu Changqing.

Not long after Xu Changqing came back, King Ganlu Zizai also hurried back from the outside. When he was controlling some hidden magic circles, he also felt a sign that something was wrong, and he quickly found the bamboo forest and saw the master of fighting skills. trace.Although the mana aura involved here is nothing to Xu Changqing, but to King Ganlu Zizai, it was enough to shock him, especially when he searched for the root and found out that Xu Changqing did it, the expression on his face became complicated .Afterwards, he purposely helped Xu Changqing to dispel the remaining mana breath in the bamboo forest, and then by virtue of his control over the magic circle, smoothed out some traces of fighting skills in the magic circle, and then returned to the courtyard where he lived.

After half an hour, Venerable Pu Yanguang also returned to the temporary residence. When he controlled the magic circle, because King Ganlu Zizai intentionally covered it up, he did not find any traces of fighting skills.It's just that he didn't go back to his own courtyard immediately after he came back, but went directly to the courtyard of King Ganlu Zizai. After a while, he came out of it happily, and went to several people who had achieved great achievements in cultivation and strength. The Buddhist hermit residence in the Realm of the Realm, except that he didn't go to Xu Changqing's courtyard, seemed to have concerns about Xu Changqing.

In the early morning of the second day, Bodhisattva sent disciples to inform Xu Changqing and others of the time to go to the altar for the Dharma conference.In addition, he also informed Xu Changqing and others of another thing, that is, the Sumi Lingshan Tripitaka Pavilion, which was originally closed to the public, is also open to the public, and they can go in and read the practice notes of the gods and Buddhas with the passing decree.Each of these gods and Buddhas has the realm of the Tathagata. Their practice experience is like a treasure that cannot be desired for the gods and Buddhas in the Buddhist world, especially for the casual practitioners in the Buddhist world.So after hearing the news, the casual practitioners in the Buddhist world who felt that it was too early to participate in the Dharma conference decided to go to the Buddhist scripture pavilion to have a look before going to the Dharma conference.

I don't know whether it is to avoid attracting the attention of others and follow the crowd on purpose, or because I am also interested in the cultivation experience of these powerful Buddhists. King Ganlu Zizai and Venerable Pu Yanguang both made the same decision by coincidence. Go to the Sutra Pavilion with everyone.However, Xu Changqing did not follow the trend, instead, he went to the altar where the Dharma meeting was held alone, and this move fell into the eyes of those who thought about it. The most guess is that Xu Changqing himself has obtained a lineage of ancient Buddhist powers. Therefore, he did not pay any attention to these training experiences.

Xu Changqing went to Falingtai alone. Along the way, he met many Lingshan Dharma Masters of the six great sects. They already knew Xu Changqing's strength, and they all took the initiative to salute him.Among these people, many of them were covered with the medicinal powder that had been applied to King Ganlu Zizai. Obviously, they had met with King Ganlu Zizai last night.

The Lingtai of Xumi Lingshan is very eye-catching. It is located in the middle part from the mountainside to the top of the mountain, next to the chaotic cloud of aura mixed with various auras that emanates from the top of the mountain.Different from Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva's spiritual altar in the Acropolis of Compassion, this altar is a gigantic towering tree, its branches stretch out for more than a hundred miles, the top of the tree is like a canopy, the roots are like a dense forest, and its trunk is even more Condensed a large amount of aura, showing the shape of burning glazed glass.

This big tree was apparently cultivated from the branches of the bodhi tree at the top of Mount Sumeru. Although it cannot be regarded as the spiritual root of heaven and earth, it can still be called a sacred tree.It’s just that a lot of effort was put into cultivating this sacred tree. The whole branch was planted in a spiritual acupoint where the spiritual energy is the most vigorous in Xumi Lingshan, and it was formed by mixing the spiritual fluid of the eight treasures merit pool and the spiritual energy. The stream gathers at its root to form a pool, nourishing it day and night, and finally it can grow into a useful person.

The dense branches of the sacred tree are entangled with each other, forming long branches like vines, and then entangled in a spiral shape in the gaps between the branches, turning into natural futons one by one.The biggest advantage of these sacred wood futons is that they can provide extremely stable and strong spiritual energy, and because they are transformed from the branches of bodhi wood, they can keep the mind of the person sitting on them in the state of the four Zen days.

In addition, these sacred wood futons can also be connected with each other through the branches, so that people sitting on them can connect with each other's Buddha hearts, and use each other's enlightenment to achieve the goal of convenient methods and become Buddhas.This is somewhat similar to Ten Thousand Laws Returning to the Sect*, but compared to fellow practitioners who cannot disconnect the Buddha's heart at will, and must completely open the Buddha's heart, it is obviously much better to connect the Buddha's heart with this spiritual altar tree.People who use the sacred wood futon to connect each other's Buddha hearts can disconnect the connection of the Buddha heart at will, and there is no need to completely open the way of one's own life and Buddha heart to outsiders, but to spread the state of mind formed by one's own perception of the great way of heaven and earth with the sacred wood futon Going out can also achieve the same effect.

It can be said that the Buddhist vehicle has worked hard to cultivate this sacred tree, but it is a pity that the ultimate beneficiary is not the Buddhist vehicle, but the Bodhisattva vehicle that rose later.Even though due to various reasons, the Bodhisattva Vehicle has not been able to completely take over Mount Sumering, and the main part of Mount Sumering is still in the hands of the masters of the Buddhist scriptures of the past, but for this sacred tree, which is considered a masterpiece even in Kunlun Wonderland, they But from the very beginning, he was determined to win, and after thousands of years, he firmly grasped it, and did not relax at all.With the efficacy of this sacred tree, the disciples of the Bodhisattva Vehicle can be said to have achieved rapid progress, which also laid a solid foundation for the Bodhisattva Vehicle to respect the Buddha realm.

The magical function of this sacred wood altar is no secret among many disciples of the sect. Although there are not many people who can step into Mount Sumeru because of the obstruction of the Bodhisattva, the great achievers of each sect are still there every year. I will bring many disciples to this retreat.After they came to Sumering Mountain, they would not choose the temporary residence arranged by the Bodhisattva Vehicle, but gathered here to practice.Here, the disciples of the six major sects all open up their perceptions of the Dao to each other, and the atmosphere is harmonious, which is completely different from the battles of the external sects.

Perhaps it was also because of this rare and harmonious scene, which made people feel a lot, so the Bodhisattva Vehicle who took over the real power of Xumi Lingshan later also began to follow the original practice of the Buddha Vehicle, and relaxed the restrictions on those who came here to meditate.Every year, the Bodhisattva Vehicle allows each sect to arrange some people to enter the Sumeru Mountain during the period when the spiritual energy of the Mount Sumeru is the thinnest, and use the bodhi wood to communicate with each other.

When Xu Changqing arrived at the Lingtai, there were already many disciples of Bodhisattvas and other masters of the sect who practiced meditation here. They consciously sat on the sacred wood futons of different positions according to their own cultivation level, and put them on the ground. Open up your own perception of the Dao, and at the same time experience other people's perception of the Dao.

The stones from other mountains can be drilled into jade. Although some disciples of the Bodhisattva Vehicle have mediocre cultivation, they are all elite disciples of the Bodhisattva Vehicle who can enter this place. Enlighten some great achievers who have reached a bottleneck in their practice of this sect of Buddhism, so that they can break through the bottleneck.

As for those disciples of the Bodhisattva Vehicle, the harvest is even greater. After all, the practice and enlightenment of those great achievers, titled great achievers, and even Tathagata great achievers are definitely no less than the treasures of practice that are no less than top-grade elixir. Integrating the mind and spirit into this kind of perception can enhance their Buddha-mind realm.It's just that this kind of convenient method also has a lot of trouble. Immersing the Buddha's mind in this kind of realization for a long time, and experiencing the realization of the realm far beyond one's own cultivation, is like smoking opium, which makes people addicted. Get out of this state, and finally walk into the road of no return.

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