Nine idlers

Chapter 686 Control the overall situation

Full text without advertisements Chapter 680 Control the overall situation

Xu Changqing, who went to the scripture building, found a random corner and sat down, followed the spiritual thoughts to spread around, without touching the magic circle in the scripture building, extended the spiritual thoughts to every book that could be read. Perceive the Dharma they practice directly from the spirit of the gods and Buddhas left on the notes. 【 】At the same time, the aura on his body is completely integrated with the aura of the magic circle in the scripture building, as if it has turned into a part of the scripture building, so that anyone who sees him will feel inconspicuous. It will always involuntarily move from him to other places.

The reason why Xu Changqing left the Shenmu Lingtai in such a hurry and came to the Lingshan scripture building was entirely for the purpose of suppressing and refining the picture of the beautiful mountains and rivers of the Buddhist world in his body.

The movement after the birth of this picture of the splendid mountains and rivers in the Buddhist world is too great, and it is deeply involved with the heavenly way of the Buddhist world. They can all rely on their perception of the way of heaven to perceive its location.So at that time, the purpose of the generalized avatar was firstly to avoid the entanglement of Master Hei, so as not to be surrounded by the gods and Buddhas of the Bodhisattva Vehicle, and secondly, to refine this treasure of the Buddhist world with peace of mind, so he simply broke through the two worlds and returned to the holy market , ready to be used after being refined in the Holy Ruins.

However, what Xu Changqing didn't expect was that this treasure of the Buddhist world would have such a strong repulsion to other heaven and earth. Just after the Puhua avatar entered the holy market, the map of the splendid mountains and rivers of the Buddhist world in his hand collided fiercely with the heavenly way of the holy market.

This kind of conflict at the level of the law of heaven caused the earth to shake and the sky to fall, which is not bad.The real disaster lies entirely in the originally incomplete law of heaven in the holy market, because it collides with the relatively complete law of heaven in the Buddhist world of Jinxiu Mountain and River Map, making it appear to be about to break, and the newly refined Buddhist world of Jinxiu There are also traces of scars that are critical to the law of heaven in the Buddhist world inside and outside the map of mountains and rivers.If it weren't for the fact that this picture of Jinxiu Mountains and Rivers contains three Buddhist heaven and earth luck suppressors similar to the Confucian truth suppressors, which suppressed the entire treasure, otherwise it is very likely that this newly refined treasure has been destroyed by two strands. The forces of heaven collided with each other.It's just that this kind of confrontation-like balance can't last for a long time. When one of the two shows a downturn, the power condensed because of the confrontation will burst out in an instant, destroying everything around it.

Seeing that this treasure and the Holy Ruins were about to be destroyed due to the conflict, and when all the foreign gods of the Holy Ruins were attracted by it, Xu Changqing quickly figured out what the problem was. (Free download of the full-text e-book) So he guided the destructive force formed after the confrontation between the two into the chaotic void, and on the other hand, he immediately transferred the treasure of the Buddha world to the world of Qiankun. Before the conflict, Duobao's avatar was asked to take it out instantly in the Buddhist world, and sent it back to the Buddhist world, where it was hidden in the body of Duobao's avatar, and was suppressed by the Duobao pagoda.

As the saying goes, one drink, one peck, one's own will, although the conflict with the heavenly law of the foreign holy market has caused some signs of damage to the picturesque mountains and rivers in the Buddhist world, but it is also because of this that the strong color of this Buddha treasure was born. The aura has weakened to the extreme, and the mana of the entire Buddha treasure is contained in the treasure, repairing every trace of scars on the treasure by itself.In this case, the connection between the treasure and the law of heaven in the Buddhist world was also hidden. Coupled with the suppression of the Duobao Pagoda, others could no longer find the whereabouts of the treasure through the law of heaven in the Buddhist world.

In addition, the greater advantage is that the difficulty for Xu Changqing to refine this treasure has also been greatly reduced.After he arrived at the sutra tower, he had already mastered the basic power of this Buddha treasure in less than half a day. Although he hadn't completely refined its core, it would only take more than ten days to complete it.While mastering this Buddha treasure, Xu Changqing also had a general understanding of the injuries left after the conflict between this treasure and the Holy Ruins of Heaven. He found that the injuries suffered by the Buddha treasure were much more troublesome than he had imagined.

As far as the scars on the surface of the Buddha Treasure are concerned, the self-healing ability of the Heaven and Earth Spirit Treasure can be easily repaired, but the internal wounds caused by the conflict of the laws of the heavens need to be slowly cultivated to recover, and The way to cultivate is through Confucian culture.When refining this treasure, although Xu Changqing mixed with the Buddhist method, but it is basically the Confucian method that the gas of the scroll turns the beautiful mountains and rivers, so the restoration of this treasure still needs the gas of the scroll, and the entire Sumering Mountain is the only one who has Wenjuan. The place where the volume of Qi is located is the Lingshan Jinglou.

If you want to talk about the preciousness of the books stored in the scripture building, the scripture building in Xumi Lingshan can definitely be called the top of the Buddhist world, and perhaps only the Buddhist scripture hall of the Bodhisattva Vehicle can compare with it.In this scripture building, not only the lifetime practice experience of the Tathagata and Prajna masters in the Buddhist world are stored, but also countless secret methods of the Buddhist Taoism, among which the secret method of the Buddha Vehicle is the most.Compared with the scripture building in the Acropolis of Mercy, it is simply a world of difference, there is no comparison at all.

However, if it comes to the spirit of the manuscript, then the relationship between the two will be reversed.The scrolls in the Sutra Library of the Acropolis of Mercy are all the painstaking works of casual cultivators in the Buddhist world or those who have not been valued in sects. They can also operate on their own and transform into a picture of the splendid mountains and rivers in the Buddhist world.

However, most of the books in the Xumiling Mountain scripture building are notes written by these Buddhist experts at will. They are basically like journals. Even though they contain Buddhist principles, the spirit of the scrolls is very little. Only some of the ancient books with the will of the gods and Buddhas in ancient times contain a lot of the spirit of the scrolls.Although it is impossible to condense a new picture of the splendid mountains and rivers from these scrolls, it is most suitable for repairing the scars of the beautiful pictures of the beautiful mountains and rivers in the Buddhist world.What's more, Xu Changqing can also take this opportunity to read the Buddhist classics here, and complete the rest of the Renli Tiangong array.

Just like that, a few more days passed. During this time, because the Bodhisattva left, the Dharma Assembly was not held again. Everyone just took advantage of this rare opportunity to feel the aura of the Dao and improve their cultivation.

Since Xu Changqing deliberately overlapped with the aura of the magic circle in the whole scripture building, and then used secret methods to hide his figure, those who wanted to ask Xu Changqing to answer their questions were in vain.Only a small number of titled great achievers received Xu Changqing's guidance because they clearly expressed their willingness to submit to their subordinates with the Dao Oath at Baojian Arhat and others. .With the guidance of Xu Changqing and the assistance of elixir, some of them have improved their cultivation to a higher level in a short period of time.As for those who went through the Outer Nine Vehicles with Xu Changqing and Sword Arhat, their cultivation has stabilized in the realm of true titled great achievers, and even among the many titled great achievers, their strength is definitely among the top few.

These days, the reason for the sudden departure of the Bodhisattva Vehicle has also gradually spread to Mount Sumering, and the movement on the day around the city has naturally been made public. Now the Bodhisattva Vehicle is under the leadership of Huijue Bodhisattva, using secret methods to find the world that has been taken away by others. Air luck ballast.In this regard, other sects gloated a little, thinking that the bodhisattva vehicle suffered a great loss this time, and it was more or less beneficial to them.However, while chatting, they were also guessing who was so bold, who dared to take food from the tiger's mouth, and succeeded, but they couldn't guess that that person was among them.

Perhaps because of the removal of the three stone statues that were originally used as the treasurers of the bodhisattva's fortune, the fortune of the bodhisattva also plummeted by [-]-[-]% in a short period of time, and some hidden dangers hidden in the bodhisattva were also exposed come out.The most sensational thing among them is that Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva was deprived of all his powers in the Bodhisattva Vehicle, and his dojo, Lingshan, was temporarily entrusted to others. If he had no important matters, he was not allowed to leave the range of Xumi Lingshan, which was equivalent to being locked up. , but the person who took over all the functions and powers of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva has always been at odds with Vajrapani Bodhisattva.

Everyone originally thought that Guanshiyin Bodhisattva would resist no matter what at this time, but what was unexpected was that he completely accepted the arrangement of Zongcheng, and returned to Xumi Lingshan that day without seeing anyone, and directly entered the Bodhisattva Cheng's resident dojo did not come out.Because of this decision of Huijue Bodhisattva, people in the Bodhisattva Vehicle were panicked, especially the people of Guanshiyin Bodhisattva's lineage were extremely disgusted with the above decision, and had no intention of obeying it, and secretly united to fight Vajrapani Bodhisattva's next move action.

The sudden change of power in the Bodhisattva Vehicle not only affects the Bodhisattva Vehicle, but other schools did not expect such a change, and did not know how to adjust their relationship with the Bodhisattva Vehicle for a while.After all, many people in various sects have a deep friendship with Guanyin Bodhisattva, so naturally they are dissatisfied with how the Bodhisattva vehicle treats Guanyin Bodhisattva.Although none of the sects have fully sorted out these sudden changes, they are well aware that the bodhisattva vehicle is in big trouble.

They can predict that if Vajrapani cannot take over the power released by Avalokitesvara as soon as possible, then the Bodhisattva Vehicle will probably be split.However, if the Vajrapani Bodhisattva uses thunderous means to cut through the mess quickly, quickly quell the civil strife with a strong posture, and seize power, then the Bodhisattva Vehicle will also be greatly injured.No matter what the result is, it will be beneficial to other sects in the Buddhist world without any harm. Many people have begun to secretly contact the gods and Buddhas of the Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva sect who may be suppressed, hoping to win over some useful people. people.

As some spiritual masters of Bodhisattva vehicles returned to Sumeru Lingshan one after another, news about the whereabouts of the heaven and earth luck suppressor began to gradually spread among the spiritual masters of various sects.Just as Xu Changqing estimated in advance, Bodhisattva Cheng really positioned the person who seized the luck suppressor as a foreign god of the Holy Market. Except for Xu Changqing who made the Puhua avatar appear in the appearance of a Shengxu person, the Puhua avatar after casting the spell The remaining breath of divine power also pointed directly at the foreign gods, not to mention there was a remnant trace pointing to a very obvious passage between the two worlds.

What made Xu Changqing interesting was Huijue Bodhisattva's attitude towards this matter. He didn't seem to have any plans to pursue it any further. He quickly dismissed all the people, and then led the remaining Lingshan Dharma masters back to Sumeru Lingshan. , continue the previous discussion on the restoration of the Lingshan Spirit Vein as if nothing happened.

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