Nine idlers

Chapter 687 The strong gather

Full Text No Ads Chapter 680 Seven Strong Gather

Fahai, if you are a practitioner from the secular world, you will definitely be familiar with this name. 【 】Among the characters in the past, there are two people who are most closely related to this name. One is the ruthless Jinshan Temple Fahai in the secular opera novel The Legend of the White Snake, and the other is the secular Buddhist Zen sixth patriarch Huineng. His disciple Fa Hai.

In terms of reputation, Fahai of Jinshan Temple is naturally far beyond. Almost everyone in the secular China knows the evil monk Fahai who beat mandarin ducks with a club and caused the white lady to flood Jinshan.However, in the world of secular practice, Fa Hai, a disciple of the Sixth Patriarch of Zen, is more famous, because this Chan Master Fahai recorded the words and deeds of the Sixth Patriarch of Zen Huineng in his own hand, and the descendants of Zen finally compiled the The only Buddhist scripture in China recognized by all Buddhist sects is the Sixth Patriarch Altar Sutra.

According to the records of Buddhist classics in the field of practice, the aptitude of this Zen master Fahai is not outstanding among the many disciples of the sixth patriarch Huineng, and it can even be said to be mediocre. It is even more incomparable.However, because the text he wrote finally became the Six Patriarch Altar Sutra, which added merit to his body, he accounted for half of the luck of the Zen lineage, and he became an arhat.Afterwards, he practiced bitterly in Jinshan Temple for hundreds of years to consolidate his realm, and it was not until the Southern Song Dynasty that he broke through the sky and soared.

From this point, it is not difficult to see that the two Fahais are actually one person, but the image of one Fahai has been distorted after the folk tales spread in later generations, and the latter Fahai is the real eminent monk Fahai.Today, in the Arhat Vehicle of the Buddhist world, there is also a legend named Fa Hai. According to the records of the Vajrapani Bodhisattva in the Bodhisattva Vehicle, this Zen Master Fa Hai is the disciple of the Sixth Patriarch Huineng. Or it can be said to be the reincarnation of that Zen Master Fahai.

Fahai's identity is also a big secret in the Buddhist world. Not many people know about it. Most people only know that there is such a legend behind Arhat Cheng, and only the masters of each sect know his identity.Every reincarnation of Fa Hai is a big event for the masters of Bodhisattva Vehicle and Arhat Vehicle. Each time, the two masters personally preside over the reincarnation ceremony for him, and the two masters go to receive and guide him. When he entered the Tao, the former Vajrapani Bodhisattva also knew the true identity of Fa Hai when the Bodhisattva took the lead of the former Zongcheng Master to lead Zen Master Fa Hai, and collected all the relevant materials and compiled his travel books. middle.

Xu Changqing was also very surprised after knowing the existence of Zen Master Fahai. After all, a historical figure from more than 1000 years ago suddenly appeared beside him, which always makes people feel a little strange.Full text without advertisements. The existence of Zen Master Fahai is different from Sanqing Supreme, Zhenyuanzi, and Nuwa. After all, those are characters in legends and myths. Even if Xu Changqing really knows their existence and has seen them personally, But there is still a feeling of unreality. Although the shock is there, it is not as big as imagined.However, Zen Master Fahai is a real person recorded in history, which gave Xu Changqing a more real feeling, and also made him feel a stronger spiritual shock.

For the time being, Xu Changqing still doesn't know the strength of this Fahai, but he knows a little bit from the picture of the splendid mountains and rivers in the Buddhist world. This Fahai is the one who has the deepest understanding of the Three Realms among all the great achievers, and is also the most alienated from the Buddhist world. One of them, the connection between the two is inseparable and may be broken at any time.In other words, his Dao realm is the highest in the Buddhist world, and he can take that step into the realm of immortals at any time, and that step is not a small step.According to his understanding of the Great Dao of the Three Realms and his own fortune estimation, if the restrictions of the Heavenly Dao of the Three Realms of Kunlun disappear, his cultivation base will definitely be able to step into the realm of the Xuantian and the Celestial Immortal, and it is only one step away from the realm of the Golden Immortal.

Fortunately, the deeper Fahai's cultivation base, the stronger the restrictions of the heavenly law. Now he is afraid that it will be difficult for him to move, let alone go out of the mountain to hinder Xu Changqing's layout.But then again, Xu Changqing's layout in the Buddhist world is absolutely beneficial to Zen Master Fahai and has no harm. The most obvious benefit is that it can help him escape the suppression of the Buddhist world.Therefore, after reading his information, Xu Changqing is also considering whether to find a time to meet this god and Buddha who can be said to be the longest-lived god in the three realms of Kunlun, and see if there is any possibility of cooperation between the two. If he can get his help, What Xu Changqing did in the Buddhist world will definitely get twice the result with half the effort.

Among the travel notes written by Vajrapani Bodhisattva, the four people that Xu Changqing paid the most attention to are the Buddha of Eternal Wisdom, who is still an enemy and friend, and the monk, king, and man, the Supreme Supreme Being, who has joined the spiritual veins of Mount Sumeru. Although Zen Master Fahai has extraordinary strength, he has the same purpose as Xu Changqing, so he may be able to become a companion, but only the miserable Venerable is the most troublesome.

The origin of this miserable venerable is the most mysterious. He is not one of the orthodox lineages of the gods and Buddhas in the Buddhist world, but his inheritance is extremely long. After the prehistoric era was broken, the first batch of people who cultivated to reach the realm of great achievements appeared in the Buddhist world Among them, there is the Venerable Misery, and his Dharma is different from other people who accept the orthodoxy of the ancient Buddhist world, and it is completely self-created.

Among the various books written by the great achievers of the Buddhist world, there are the most records about this miserable venerable, but most of the content is what the miserable venerables did in the Buddhist world in different periods. but very little.The only thing mentioned in all the records is that this Bodhisattva of Suffering can perfectly imitate the supernatural powers of the natal avenue that any gods and Buddhas who have cultivated above a great attainment level have comprehended from the Buddhist realm of heaven.And the Vajrapani Bodhisattva of the previous generation who had fought against the Venerable Misery has recorded one more point, that is, he is different from the ordinary gods and Buddhas in the eighteen levels of the Buddha's kingdom.

According to these various records, Xu Changqing easily found this Venerable Miserable through the Splendid Mountains and Rivers Map of the Buddhist World, and this Venerable Miserable is currently in the Arhat Cheng dojo on Mount Sumeru.

Judging from the various records in the past, the strength of this miserable venerable is not particularly outstanding. It is roughly equivalent to that between the Tathagata and Prajna masters, who have never reached the top level of the Buddhist world.If Venerable Misery was just like this, Xu Changqing would not have paid too much attention to him, at most he would be classified as King Peacock Ming, who is somewhat troublesome but does not affect the overall situation.

However, when Xu Changqing found Venerable Misery through the Splendid Mountains and Rivers Map of the Buddhist World, he found that this legendary existence with the longest inheritance is actually the one among all the gods and Buddhas above the great achiever who is most closely related to the way of heaven.His mana aura is almost completely consistent with the way of heaven in the Buddhist world, and it is completely two extremes with Zen Master Fahai. It is no different from the picture of the beautiful mountains and rivers in the Buddhist world. Even when Xu Changqing observed him through the picture of the beautiful mountains and rivers in the Buddhist world , He also seemed to feel the existence of the Splendid Mountains and Rivers Map in the Buddhist world, which had never happened to other gods and Buddhas.

Xu Changqing can't help but think of such a miserable venerable, the soul emperor of the secular world, and the punishment of the underworld. Although the miserable venerable does not have the aura of dominating the world, the overall feeling is very similar to these two supreme beings of the first world. .

Looking at the deeds of this miserable venerable in the Buddhist world, they seem to be casual and casual, and the relationship with various sects is only weak, but if you analyze carefully, you can still find that there is a commonality in everything he does. characteristic, that is to create a balance.

From all the records related to it, it is not difficult to see that in the Buddhist world in the past, as long as there was a certain dominant force or a great achiever, the Venerable Misery would appear, doing some seemingly unrelated things, and these things eventually The result was strangely implicated in the dominant power and the great achiever.Either make it decline, or make it die, all in all, the final result will always be to restore the heavens of the Buddhist world to a state of balance.When the Buddhist world was split into four major vehicles, he was one of them, and the disappearance of the vajrayana master who was almost the only one in the Vajrayana seems to be related to it. Now that the four major vehicles are divided into six major vehicles, he may also be involved. Participation, and a few other things too numerous to mention.

It's just that this miserable venerable hides extremely deeply. If Xu Changqing didn't have the extraordinary power of deduction, and he could easily summarize all the related records through the splendid mountains and rivers of the Buddhist world, and before and after his appearance If the major events in the Buddhist world are sorted out, perhaps Xu Changqing will not be able to find that the deeds of this miserable venerable can play such a big role.

Although Xu Changqing is not yet [-]% sure, but he has been able to vaguely judge that this miserable venerable should have a deep relationship with the Buddha world and the heavenly way, and may even be an incarnation of the Buddha's heavenly way walking in the world, for the purpose of Get rid of any uneasy factors that will affect the safety of the Buddhist world. This uneasy factor may be individuals or sectarian forces.

Perhaps because of the matter of the spiritual veins of the Buddhist world and the matter of the Mustard Seed Lingshan, the Venerable Misery has not noticed Xu Changqing for the time being, but when Xu Changqing left in the mortal city-state the 36th grade of Duobao Prajna Sutra of Duobao Prajna spread and played its role After the effect, Venerable Misery will definitely focus on this matter.If, if he is really the incarnation of heaven in the Buddha world, then the existence of Duobao's avatar will be invisible. At that time, he will definitely take action to make Xu Changqing fall in the same way as the powerful and powerful man who disrupted the balance of the Buddha world before.

Although on the surface, with Xu Changqing's current strength of Duobao Tathagata Karma Golden Body, coupled with the many treasures on his body and the supernatural powers of the Three Realms, it doesn't take much effort to destroy the Miserable Venerable.But behind Venerable Misery, there is a Buddhist world after all. Who knows whether this transcendent existence that has intervened in the affairs of the Buddhist world more than once will use the power of the world to deal with Venerable Misery after his accident.At that time, even if there is the body of the Golden Immortal who is far away in the chaotic void to protect the dharma, I am afraid that his multi-treasure avatar will not escape the fate of leaving the Buddhist world.Losing a Xeon avatar at that time is a small thing, but destroying his layout in the Buddhist world is a big deal.

"Never let him notice me!" So Xu Changqing had this thought in his mind after he listed the humble Venerable Misery as the first object to beware of.Originally, when he was still thinking about what to do, the wine and meat monk came to inform him of the time to enter the Mustard Seed Spirit Mountain, and this immediately solved the problem he was facing.

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