Nine idlers

Chapter 688 Bodhisattva Dojo

Full text without advertisements Chapter 680 Eighth Bodhisattva Dojo

The Zongcheng Dojo of the Vajrayana in Sumering Mountain gives people the feeling of grandeur, and people can’t help but feel a sense of awe when they are in it, while the Zongcheng Dojo of the Bodhisattva Vehicle makes people who see it at the first sight feel extremely mysterious. , because its dojo was built on a suspended Lingshui lake. 【 】 (full-text e-book free download)

The gods and Buddhas of the ancient Buddhist world used their physical power to extract four spiritual veins from the ancestral roots of the spiritual veins of Mount Sumeru that should have extended to the Buddhist world and turned them into the Great Spirit Mountain of the Buddhist world, and used ancient magical powers to fix them in Sumeru In the void next to Lingshan.Over time, it became a huge suspended lake composed of spiritual water, and its name also took its shape and sound, called Xuankong Lake.

Since there are four spiritual veins gathered here, the spiritual energy here is far superior to other places, and it is not bad compared with the Daotong Daling Mountain in the Buddhism sect. As far as the Buddhist world is concerned, the Daling Mountain is far from being comparable to it.In Xuankong Lake, every drop of water is equivalent to a lower-grade spirit pill. If the water drop is condensed into spiritual liquid, it can be compared with the lower-grade spirit pill, and the lake water will condense into several water spirit beads every year. Water spirit beads can be used to refine magic weapons, and can also be taken as middle-grade panacea.The entire Xuankong Lake can be described as an inexhaustible treasure.

When Buddhism occupied Xumi Ling Mountain, it also tried to build a dojo in this lake.It's a pity that an innate spirit beast had been naturally bred in Xuankong Lake at that time, and this spirit beast's strength was extraordinary, comparable to that of a Prajna great achiever, and because of its geographical advantage, it was even able to continue to play the role of a small celestial being. The power of the Buddha will not be punished by the Heavenly Dao of the Buddha Realm in the slightest.Because of the disturbance of this innate spirit beast, the Buddhist temple failed to be built in this lake in the end.

Afterwards, the Bodhisattva Vehicle began to dominate the Buddhist world and suppressed the Buddhist Vehicle, occupying most of the Buddhist world. At this time, the Bodhisattva Vehicle also began to want to build a Zongcheng Dojo on Xuankong Lake to show its power. .Compared with the Buddha vehicle, the Bodhisattva vehicle is much more cautious. They did not start to build it at the beginning, but kept putting some aquatic spirit beasts from the Buddhist world into the lake, and gradually let the powerful creatures in the Xuankong Lake Get used to the existence of these spirit beasts.Afterwards, they drove the Heavenly Dragon Clan from the Eight Divisions of the Buddhist World into Xuankong Lake, and gradually allowed them to settle down in Xuankong Lake.

The creatures in the lake are too powerful, so powerful that they are almost defiant. They regard the Tianlong clan as ants and playthings, and think that they can destroy them at will.So it didn't have any precautions against it at all, even if it knew that the Tianlong clan secretly arranged killers around the place where it lived, it ignored it, and just regarded it as a game.But it never imagined that the trump card arranged by the Tianlong clan is actually an extremely precious innate treasure of the ancient gods and Buddhas.

So when the creature in the lake, which is comparable to the little heavenly fairy, reacted, it was too late. The innate treasures of the ancient gods and Buddhas failed to make it completely suppressed and became a bodhisattva. The cornerstone used to build the Dojo.And the person who set up this shocking situation back then is now reincarnated as the Bodhisattva of Desiring Heaven and the Bodhisattva of All Satisfaction.

Although the creature in the lake was suppressed, it did not die, it was still alive, but it was very painful.Not only let the bodhisattva build a dojo on the body, but the body essence and blood also become the raw materials for the bodhisattva to refine the elixir, and the sea of ​​consciousness and soul also become the place for the bodhisattva to improve the original mind of the Tao.Being treated like this by a group of people who regard them as ants, the creatures in the lake can be said to be living rather than dying, so their resentment is also very strong, but what he didn't expect was that even its resentment was used by the Bodhisattva. The secret method uses its resentment to condense the natal Buddha kingdom.

Although Xu Changqing had already known every detail of this dojo from various books before going to the Bodhisattva Riding Dojo, and he was prepared in his heart, but when he saw the real thing, he still couldn't help but let out a sigh of admiration, and this Compared with the dojo, all the buildings he had seen before were like a thatched cottage.

Crystal Palace, this is the first feeling that Xu Changqing got from Bodhisattva Riding the Dojo.Because the material used by Bodhisattva to build the ashram back then was a kind of crystalline spiritual mine that had been exhausted in the spiritual mountain of the inner gate. The buildings built from this spiritual mine were crystal clear, and would condense the surrounding spiritual energy by themselves to form a spiritual gathering array. effect.After the aura gathered and refined by the spirit ore is transformed into the magic circle on the surface of the building, it turns into auras of aura containing the power of consonance, which shuttles and merges between buildings, making people in the dojo be in a kind of state all the time. In the state of epiphany, which has a clear understanding, this is of great benefit to improving the cultivation base.

Feeling the magnificent queen of this crystal palace-like dojo, Xu Changqing also felt the innate creature with a huge aura of physical strength and the ancient treasure that imprisoned the body and soul of the dojo under this dojo.

"Skylock!" Xu Changqing quickly recognized the origin of this ancient treasure from Zhen Yuanzi's memory, and a strange smile appeared on his face.

Although this treasure is offered as a treasure by the Buddhist world, in the memory of Zhen Yuanzi, this treasure was really a common treasure in ancient times, just like the communication talisman that most practitioners in the three realms of Kunlun now have. The same as the magic device.This treasure is a magic weapon specially used by the law enforcement immortals of ancient sects and forces to arrest people. Since the magic weapon contains a trace of the power of heaven and earth to ban and punish the Dao, it is the best to use to imprison the mana of the physical body or the soul of the sea.It's just that because of its limited power, it can only be useful to the gods who were very common in ancient times. This is similar to the rope that binds the immortals in the Lingshan Xianlu Hall of the Outer Gate.

When the prehistoric world was shattered, the treasures that relied on the power of the ancient prehistoric heaven and earth forbidden and punished way were also destroyed.Xu Changqing didn't expect that there would still be a treasure left in the Buddhist world, which was thrown on the side of the road and no one would bend down to pick it up, but now it has become the supreme treasure of the Dingding Heaven and Earth of a world sect. It's really ridiculous And lamentable.

Although the heavenly lock of the Bodhisattva Vehicle is somewhat damaged, it is enough to deal with people in the realm of small heavenly ranks and immortals, and it also has a certain suppressing effect on Xuantian ranks of immortals.But now this innate creature is just a tyrannical person with a physical body. The cultivation base of the Dao has always stayed in the realm of the strongest because of the suppression of the law of heaven. Locked in the suppression of the power of the Three Realms and the Great Dao of Forbidden Punishment.

When Xu Changqing transferred his divine sense to this innate creature, he was a little surprised to find that the appearance of this innate creature turned out to be an ancient barren dragon Baxia.The Pangzhi Baxia clan of the ancient prehistoric dragon clan is different from the Baxia dragon clan in the three realms of Kunlun today. The Baxia clan in ancient times had eight legs and two heads. The moon absorbs the stars, and its power is no less than that of the direct lineage of the ancient wild dragon.What's more important is that the ancient Baxia was able to open up a world in the chaotic void. If someone can gather the way of heaven in this world with great power, he can make him form a realm of gods.

The reason why Xu Changqing just thinks that the innate creatures in Xuankong Lake are only similar in appearance is not only because their strength is completely inconsistent with that of the ancient Baxia, but also because Xu Changqing, who has a relatively complete bloodline of the ancient wild dragon, cannot get from the innate creatures. I can feel any trace of the ancient wild dragon's breath on my body, not even the ancient prehistoric power.That is to say, this innate creature does not have the blood of the ancient wild dragon at all, so naturally it cannot be the ancient Baxia.

Although this innate creature that looks like Baxia should be regarded as the strongest creature in the Kunlun Three Realms, it has been imprisoned by the sky lock and cannot exert any power at all. Even if it escapes from the trap, it will only vent its anger on Bodhisattva , has no effect on Xu Changqing's plan, so he doesn't care about its existence.What's more, the treasure that imprisoned it is the sky lock. When it comes to the usage of the sky lock, who can compare with Xu Changqing who knows a lot of ancient secrets, and Xu Changqing also masters the heaven and earth prohibition road that constitutes the original power of the sky lock. Therefore, it is not difficult for him to seize control of Tiansuo from Bodhisattva Cheng.

Just now Xu Changqing was thinking that if something unexpected happened and his various plans were completely exposed to the public, he might be able to loosen the confinement of this innate creature and let it out to make trouble, so as to bring the entire Buddha into trouble. The power of the upper layer of the world is all dragged in the Xumi Lingshan to achieve the purpose of remediation.

Just when Xu Changqing was calculating the Bodhisattva Vehicle in his heart, and under the guidance of the disciples of Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva, he followed the crowd to the Qianping Square of the Bodhisattva Vehicle Dojo, suddenly a surprised expression appeared on his face, which was always smiling calmly. And his undisguised expression, even the wine and meat monk beside him can clearly see it.

"Great Master Baoguang, what's the matter? Is there something wrong?" King Peacock Ming at the side asked first.Perhaps because of some unknown reasons, King Peacock Ming always felt that Xu Changqing was very friendly, so his indifferent attitude was much softer on Xu Changqing.

Xu Changqing quickly calmed down, smiled and nodded at King Peacock Ming, and said, "It's nothing, I just feel that there are such powerful creatures in the world now, I'm really a little envious!"

Hearing Xu Changqing's answer, everyone around also smiled in relief. When they first came to this Zongcheng Dojo, they were never amazed and envious of the power of the innate creatures in Xuankong Lake.

"Hmph! I don't know much!" Yutian Bodhisattva, who had been humiliated by Xu Changqing, glanced at Xu Changqing with disdain, and said in a low voice.

"Don't talk nonsense." The All Satisfied Bodhisattva next to him was obviously dissatisfied with the performance of this former Taoist companion, and whispered a lesson, but the expression of Wang Yutian Bodhisattva obviously didn't take her words seriously.

"Master Jingtan, where's the great master?" Monk Jiurou ignored the small frictions in the improvised small team beside him, and asked in a deep voice as he looked at the people who came to greet him.

"The World Honored One is waiting for you all at the Dharma Altar." The Venerable Jingtan replied calmly, and then led the crowd along the avenue leading to the center of the ashram.

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