Nine idlers

Chapter 690

Fee Chapter (12 points)

Chapter 690

"What a ruthless monk of wine and meat." Xu Changqing felt that the aura of the two treasures was gradually decreasing, and was touched in his heart. He couldn't help but look at the monk of wine and meat, and made a secret evaluation. 【 】

Xu Changqing was almost sure that even if those hermits didn't touch the two treasures, the wine and meat monk would definitely find a way to let others touch them.Only by venting the strongest power among the treasures, can he possess the magic method of the Great Sun Tathagata he has practiced, temporarily control the treasure, and open the passage to the Mustard Seed Spirit Mountain hidden in the four spiritual veins.

Just now, Xu Changqing already felt that although the power in this hall is compatible with the mana of the congenital spirit beast, it is self-contained, and the divine sense that Xu Changqing can freely integrate into the congenital spirit beast can't penetrate the surrounding aura barrier .It wasn't until those hidden cultivators mobilized the power of the two treasures to bite them back and took away most of the spiritual energy here that there was a slight flaw in this natural spiritual energy protection, allowing Xu Changqing to understand all the secrets in it.

The patterns emerging from the horny floor of the entire hall are all naturally formed, and the reason for their appearance is the power of the two worlds hidden in the four spiritual veins.Although at the beginning, the power of the two worlds pointing to the Jiezi Lingshan might have been forcibly penetrated by external forces, but as time went by, the power of the two worlds had been completely integrated into the four spirit veins. The movement of the spiritual veins finally formed this pattern-shaped natural two-world channel magic circle.

Although Xu Changqing still doesn't know why these four spiritual veins will gather on this innate spirit beast and form this two-world channel formation, whether all this is deliberately manipulated by some powerful people, but he knows one thing, that is, Before the two Buddhist treasures are placed here, this two-world channel formation should be able to allow people to travel to the Mustard Seed Spirit Mountain at will.It's just that later people placed these two ancient Buddhist treasures here, and borrowed the power of the two Buddhist treasures to suppress the spiritual veins of this place and the two-world passage magic circle, making the magic circle change from innate to acquired.Over time, it merged with the two Buddha treasures, and finally formed the current two-world channel magic circle that can only be opened by using a special method. These two Buddhist treasures.

Nowadays, the Taoism of the two lines of Buddhism, Duobao and Dari, has been almost completely lost, but the Buddhist treasures of the two lines of Taoism are placed here. The refining and subjugation of a piece of Buddha treasure eventually made the only way to enter the Jiezi Lingshan always covered in dust.This two-world channel formation has always been under the eyes of Bodhisattva Chan, and it has been turned a blind eye by him for so many years. If the monk of wine and meat did not disclose this secret this time, I am afraid that this two-world channel formation will remain hidden forever.

After learning about the general situation of the two-world channel magic circle, Xu Changqing couldn't help but wonder how the wine and meat monk planned to open the magic circle and open the passage to Mustard Spirit Mountain.

After all, if you want to open this two-world channel magic circle, you must subdue these two Buddha treasures, use the power of Buddha treasures to push this natural magic circle, and arouse the power of the two realms, and if you want to subdue Buddha treasures, you must master the two Buddha treasures. The orthodox Buddhism, but this orthodox Buddhism has been lost to the outside world, and the most authentic ones are among the two Buddhist treasures that must be subdued.In this way, the whole thing has become an endless loop that cannot be untied.

Although the core lineages of Duobao and Dari have been lost, there are still many branches of these two lines of Buddhism still circulating in the Buddhist world, but judging from the fact that the Bodhisattva Vehicle has not subdued these two Buddhist treasures for so many years, it is obvious that None of these branches have any effect.

Although the wine and meat monk has not practiced many treasures and does not know the real situation of Xu Changqing, he still has eyesight.Judging from the Dharma practiced by Xu Changqing before, some of the many treasures performed by his pseudonym Baoguang Best Tathagata are far more in line with the Tao of Many Treasures than those of the many treasures. That's why the wine and meat monk will value Xu Changqing. And put the last hope on Xu Changqing.

Xu Changqing is also very clear about this point, but what he doubts is where the wine and meat monk will find someone who practices the authentic Dari Tathagata Dharma door to subdue the golden flame universal illumination Bodhi seat.Because he also understands part of the Great Sun Tathagata Dharma Gate, and possesses the Golden Crow Divine Fire. From his eyesight, it is not difficult to see that only a few of the people present have practiced the Great Sun Tathagata Dharma Door, and they also practice it concurrently or as a minor, and no one majors in it. This method.Among these few people, only the Great Sun Tathagata Buddha Yuan practiced by the wine and meat monk is the most pure, and even condensed into the Great Sun Buddha Flame, but this kind of purity is only relatively speaking, compared with the real Great Sun Tathagata Dharma door, Obviously, the wine and meat monk is still a lot worse.

At this moment, Monk Jiurou sacrificed two Buddha treasures and let them fall on the Wanbao Guanghua Tree and the Golden Flame Universal Illumination Bodhi Seat respectively, causing the two ancient Buddha treasures to backfire with force. Under the impact of powerful mana, the two top-grade Buddha treasures Bao did not make any resistance at all and immediately shattered.The wine and meat monk was also shocked by the backlash from the Buddha treasure, and the other people around him were also affected by the aftermath of the backlash from the Buddha treasure, so they had to cast spells to stabilize their figure.

Monk Jiurou's probing with two Buddhist treasures was actually completely unnecessary for him. The reason why he did this was to show Xu Changqing, in order to let Xu Changqing know that the counterattack power of these two Buddhist treasures had weakened. .Although the backlash of the two Buddha treasures just now gave people the impression that they were powerful, but in front of discerning people, it is not difficult to find that this backlash leaking out to the surroundings may seem more powerful, but when it comes to real power The size of the body is obviously far inferior to the power that crushed several Tathagatas in the first place.

Now the backlash power of the two Buddha treasures is maintained at the level of a titled great achiever. Although the power can be endless due to the support of the spiritual veins, it is already within the acceptable range for a person like Xu Changqing. within.

Although he suffered a big loss and lost two Buddhist treasures, Monk Jiurou showed a happy smile on his face, as if he was not worried at all by the powerful power exerted by the two ancient Buddhist treasures.After returning to normal, he saw Monk Jiurou turned his head and said to Xu Changqing: "The time has come. Lord Baoguang, please."

After speaking, without waiting for Xu Changqing to make a move, he flew up first and landed on the bodhi seat under the surprised gaze of everyone.

I saw that just as the ass of the wine and meat monk touched the golden flames, the Bodhi seat immediately looked like a hedgehog that has been raging all the time, and all the golden flames around it turned into sharp swords formed by condensed flames. , Like a tornado, it stabbed towards the wine and meat monk from all directions.

However, the wine and meat monk who had been prepared for a long time patted the wine gourd behind him in a hurry, and then a big sun Buddha flame that looked like the Golden Crow Divine Fire erupted from the gourd, turning into a wall of flames and killing all the golden flames. The sharp sword blocked the outside.When the Buddha flame condensed for thousands of years by the Great Sun Method and the golden flame condensed by the great wish karma collided together, there was no violent conflict reaction as everyone thought, but they canceled each other out. Blending with each other, gradually formed an unknown white spiritual fire.

Seeing the appearance of this spiritual fire, Monk Jiurou immediately burst into uncontrollable ecstasy, while among the others, Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva and Eternal Wisdom Buddha hidden in the crowd all changed their expressions slightly, and there was a trace of ecstasy in their eyes. Envy and jealousy.

"The big day is really hot!" Seeing this scene, Xu Changqing was slightly stunned and said softly.


Although it is best to use the Golden Crow Divine Fire for the natal spiritual fire of the Great Sun Tathagata Dharma Gate, it was difficult to obtain the Golden Crow Divine Fire even in ancient times, so the ancient Great Sun Tathagata came up with an alternative method, which is to use the great fire condensed by his own Dharma. The Sun Buddha Flame fused with other innate spiritual fires to form the Great Sun True Fire, second only to the Golden Crow Divine Fire.Although this Great Sun True Fire is an acquired fire, according to records, its power is not much worse than the Xiantian Spirit Fire. Even if it has not been included in the list of the nine great spiritual fires of heaven and earth, it is also called the True Fire of Morality and the Glazed Buddha Flame of the World. It is the three acquired spiritual fires.

Now is an extremely critical time for the wine and meat monk. If he can completely suppress and refine this great sun fire with his cultivation base, then he is almost equivalent to subduing the golden flame universal illumination Bodhi seat. Ri Tathagata's orthodoxy was also logically inherited by him.Even if he enters the Mustard Seed Lingshan and finds nothing, just getting this Taoism and Buddhist treasures is already a worthwhile trip.But if he can't suppress the power of this spiritual fire, then his physical body and soul will inevitably be burned to ashes, and his thousand-year cultivation base will be wiped out.

For the wine and meat monk, this was a big gamble of life and death, so he quickly became awe-inspiring despite his ecstasy.I saw him running the Great Sun Tathagata who had been practicing for many years, fearing the light of the world, trying to integrate the small group of Great Sun True Fire into his own Buddha flame.But the golden flame shining on the Bodhi seat seemed unwilling to let him subdue it like this. A ray of light radiated from the Bodhi seat as if adding fuel to the fire, making the originally calm Da Ri Zhenhuo violent. A mass of flames turned into a huge fireball and devoured towards the wine and meat monk.

"Zhen" saw the blazing real fire enveloping him, and the wine and meat monk became calmer, and untied the hole cards he had prepared long ago.After hearing his voice, six black banners with broken flagpoles and flags like rags flew out from behind his head, suspended above his head. What is surprising is that at the moment the banners appeared, the original Da Ri Zhenhuo, who had become violent, was actually a lot more honest, and under the guidance of the wine and meat monk, he gradually merged into his Buddha flame.

Seeing these six broken flags and streamers, many people around showed more greed and jealousy than seeing these two Buddha treasures just now, and each of them expressed that they wished to take them for themselves immediately.These six banners are the evidence that the wine and meat monk can cross the Buddhist world in the realm of the Tathagata. The gods and Buddhas present did not know these six broken banners that looked ordinary and did not emit any mana or vision What is the origin, they just know that when the monk of wine and meat uses it with all his strength, he can exert the power of a fairy similar to those who killed those Tathagatas just now. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to Qidian to subscribe and give a reward. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

Chapter 690

Chapter 690 Fu Bao enters the mountain (on, arrive at the address)

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