Nine idlers

Chapter 691

Chapter 690 Mustard Seed Sanctuary

Xu Changqing's act of revealing the Duobao Pagoda made the atmosphere in the hall a bit abnormal. The Wan Gu Wisdom Buddha and others were surprised, but they didn't ask any more questions, although their faces were full of doubts. Previously in the treasury of the Taishang Qingjingtian Dynasty, he tried many times to suppress his cultivation and enter into the treasury under disguise of identity, intending to subdue this treasure, but unfortunately he was unable to do so. 【|】Originally they thought that the multi-treasure pagoda would be left forever in the treasure house with the last closure of the treasure house of the Taishang Qingjing Heavenly Dynasty, but they never thought that this treasure had been subdued.If they knew that even the entire treasure house of the Taishang Qingjing Heavenly Dynasty had been taken over by someone, their surprised expressions would probably stay on their faces for a longer time.

"His Majesty Baoguang is really unexpected! I often feel that I am already very familiar with him, but soon you overturned our cognition again, I don't know how many secrets he has hidden in it?" Eternal Wisdom The Buddha gave Xu Changqing a deep look, and asked a half-self-deprecating, half-doubting question, and without waiting for Xu Changqing's answer, he walked directly into the seemingly unstable passage between the two worlds.

Master Compassionate and Venerable Suffering followed closely behind, without looking at Xu Changqing, as if they didn't care about Duobao Pagoda.It's just that Xu Changqing, through the map of the beautiful mountains and rivers in the Buddhist world, felt that there was a little more power of the law of heaven in the Buddhist world from just now, and this power was hidden silently and extremely secretly. , I am afraid that Xu Changqing will find it difficult to detect its existence.

Xu Changqing did not cast spells to disperse the power of the law of heaven. Instead, he completely stripped the power of the law of heaven through the painting of splendid mountains and rivers in the Buddhist world, and then placed it in the picture as it was for future use.

Although everyone else had entered the passage of the two worlds, Xu Changqing did not follow, but stood quietly at the entrance, waiting for the monk Jiurou to completely subdue the golden flame and the Bodhi seat, and so many people had already entered it, Jiurou Monk Rou didn't seem to be in a hurry at all, he was still very calmly refining the golden flames in his body to illuminate the Bodhi seat.

About half an hour later, the hua pattern formation on the ground began to operate according to the new formation again, and the silver-white passage between the two worlds also dissipated, and the two people who had completely escaped the control of Xu Changqing and Jiurou monk The power of the world regrouped again and turned into a black vortex-shaped entrance.

"We can leave now." Monk Jiurou restrained all his mana at this moment, stood up, and said calmly.

Xu Changqing questioned: "The two two-world passages just now...?"

"They all lead to the Mustard Seed Spirit Mountain, but they are not in the same place." Monk Jiu Rou replied perfunctorily, as if unwilling to say anything more about this matter, he walked to the front of the passage between the two worlds, and said: " Follow me, if we end up in different places..." As he spoke, he raised his hand and handed Xu Changqing a financial alms bowl, saying, "You can use this alms bowl to find me."

After finishing speaking, he walked into the entrance of the passage between the two worlds without hesitation, and Xu Changqing looked down at the alms bowl, with a sneer on his face, he didn't take the alms bowl into the world of heaven and earth, and walked in directly holding the alms bowl In the passage between the two realms.

At the moment when Xu Changqing stepped into the passage between the two worlds, he felt that his body seemed to be stretched infinitely, and then restored instantly. The whole process was very short. Can't feel anything either.

However, when Xu Changqing woke up from the weird elongated feeling, he found that he did not appear near the wine monk, but appeared in a desert densely packed with countless stone monuments, in the sky above his head It was pitch black, as if entering the void of chaos, with only a few light spots looming in the darkness.

The first thing Xu Changqing felt abnormal was not the surrounding scenery, but the invisible pressure around him. This kind of pressure is like an ordinary person sinking into the water, and it is still deep water. He can't breathe, and his whole internal organs will be squeezed Press it out.This kind of pressure is very similar to Chaos Void, but there is a huge difference between the two. This kind of pressure is formed in the chaotic void because it contains endless chaotic energy. This kind of pressure comes from power, but the pressure here comes from no power.That is to say, there is no trace of power here, no matter whether it is in the sky or on the ground, there is no aura, no turbidity, no air, etc., any power that can be used by people. There is an almost absolute sense of emptiness here, and this is it This kind of absolute emptiness forms a shadowless and invisible pressure instead.

"Empty Buddha World! I didn't expect such a place to exist in the Buddha World." Xu Changqing looked around, thought for a while, and soon understood what it was.

The Kongji Buddha Realm was a mysterious place even in ancient times, and even Zhen Yuanzi, who claimed to have traveled all over the wilderness, only heard its name, but didn't know where it was.According to legend, this empty and lonely Buddha world is the place where the gods and Buddhas closed their lives in ancient times. It is said that as long as you can understand the true meaning of empty and lonely here, you can truly transcend the shackles of heaven and earth, and achieve the state of the great enlightened golden fairy.It’s just that the legend is beautiful, but the reality is cruel. As far as Zhen Yuanzi knows, there are only a handful of people who have truly passed through the empty Buddha world and cultivated to the realm of the great enlightened golden immortal, and more people died sitting in the empty Buddhist world. middle.Moreover, even if one achieves the realm of the Great Enlightenment Golden Immortal, it is only an incomplete Great Enlightenment Golden Immortal, more like a half-step Great Enlightenment.People in this realm are far from being able to say that they are in harmony with the world and immortal, at least judging from the current situation in the Buddhist world, those Dajue Jinxians in the Buddhist world have all fallen in the catastrophe of shattering.

In this empty Buddha world, the unique pressure of emptiness formed around is not the most dangerous force here, the most dangerous force here is the special environment without a trace of spiritual energy around.This kind of environment is even worse than the turbid atmosphere in the world for the kind of immortals, demons, Buddhas and demons who are born and bred in the Kunlun Three Realms.These Kunlun Three Realms immortals, demons, Buddhas and demons breathed out all kinds of aura contained in the Kunlun Three Realms from the moment they were born. Their blood, flesh, meridians and even souls have all been accustomed to this aura-filled environment. This is like the secular world. Like those smokers who have been smoking opium all year round, they can no longer live without this aura-filled environment.

If the immortals, demons, Buddhas and demons from the Three Realms of Kunlun fell here, the first thing that would make them feel uncomfortable was not the pressure of the surrounding emptiness, but the strong instinct of their bodies, spirits and souls relying on aura.This kind of dependent instinct will torture their bodies and souls all the time. This kind of torture is enough to make even the most determined ascetics fear it, and it can definitely make anyone go crazy before they can get rid of this torture.However, it is conceivable that if someone can survive this kind of torture from himself, his state of mind will definitely be greatly improved, and it is not impossible to even get rid of the shackles of the body, mind and soul, and reach the state of great enlightenment that is truly extraordinary and sanctified.It's just that judging from the densely packed various steles here, it is obvious that not everyone can do this.

It's a pity that the environment here doesn't have that much effect on Xu Changqing, not to mention that this is just an incarnation with the Duobao Pagoda as its origin, the required spiritual energy can be supplied through the body, and the external demand is extremely rare, even if it is Xu Changqing's body came here, and he, who came from the secular world, could easily get rid of the dependence of his body, spirit and soul on aura.

"It seems that I have acted too much, which made Monk Jiurou feel worried, so he couldn't help but start ahead of time." After Xu Changqing got used to the abnormal environment around him, he looked down at the damaged bowl in his hand again, calmly said to himself.

The reason why Xu Changqing came to this empty Buddhist world was not because there was a problem with the channel between the two worlds, but because of the influence of the mana contained in the bowl given to him by the monk Jiu Rou, which directed the direction of the channel between the two worlds to Mustard Seed Spirit Mountain another place.Perhaps even Monk Jiurou didn't know that he would send Xu Changqing to this empty Buddha world, he just wanted to send Xu Changqing far away, and get rid of someone who might become his assistant, but who was more likely to rob him of the Buddha's robbery Danger exists.

Before entering the passage between the two worlds, Xu Changqing had already guessed what the Jiurou monk was thinking. He did not resist, but let the mana in the bowl affect the two realms passage, because the way the wine monk did was exactly what he wanted.Even if Monk Jiurou doesn't do this, when he arrives at Jieziling Mountain, he will find a way to separate from Monk Jiurou, only in this way can he act secretly.

Xu Changqing did not throw away the alms bowl in his hand, but instead drew out a stream of purified glazed Buddha flames to melt the alms bowl into the aura of gold and iron, leaving only a trace of the alcoholic monk's mana attached to it, and then took out a piece from the universe in his sleeve Bronze mirror, inject that trace of mana into it, turning it into a spiritual needle, manifested on the mirror surface.

After the spirit needle emerged, the tip of the needle immediately pointed in one direction. This is a person-finding mirror made by Xu Changqing using some witchcraft and Taoism. find where it is.

After confirming the location of Monk Jiurou, Xu Changqing slightly lifted his foot and stomped down, leaving a golden footprint on the ground, and then triggered a golden fairy spirit in his body, directly breaking through the pressure of the surrounding emptiness, breaking through To the sky above.

Although the empty Buddhist world is a good place for Xu Changqing to cultivate his state of mind, but the timing is not right now, Xu Changqing has already left a mark of mana, and he will come back to take advantage of the special environment here to temper his mind when he has a chance in the future.

When Xu Changqing's divine sense broke through the heavy pressure of emptiness in the sky, he immediately felt a sense of relief, and then the domineering Golden Immortal divine sense instantly spread in all directions like ripples in the water, and quickly filled it up. The whole world.

The reason why Xu Changqing used so wildly the Golden Immortal Mind, which is enough to cause the Kunlun Three Realms Heavenly Dao and Heavenly Punishment, was because he could not feel any trace of the Kunlun Three Realm Heavenly Dao Law here, and his Buddhist World Splendid Mountains and Rivers Map showed that he was still In the Buddhist world, it is still in the Sumeru Spirit Mountain.Although he doesn't know how the great powers of the ancient Buddhist world created this weird world, he can vaguely feel that this method is not within the three thousand avenues of the prehistoric, otherwise the prehistoric and desolate would be broken, the avenue would not exist, and this world would not exist. should exist until now.


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