Nine idlers

Chapter 697

Chapter 690 The seventh chapter of luck swallowing

Feeling the Sanskrit singing performed by the three of them, Xu Changqing swayed left and right, and the fur around his body vibrated slightly according to the power of Yuanmagnetism he had realized before, and an indestructible golden thunderbolt Yuanmagnetism came from Generated from him, it shattered the invisible force formed by the three ascetics casting spells. 【*】It's just that although Xu Changqing solved the opponent's demonstration with ease, he still had a look of surprise in his eyes, and looked at the three ascetics again.

"The surrounding environment did not cause any obstacles to their spellcasting, but instead increased their spellcasting power. It's really weird!" Xu Changqing muttered in his heart at this moment, but soon he thought of the reason, and then turned his head to look at the hidden magic spells. On the other side of Jiezi Lingshan, the empty Buddhist world.

The three ascetics just use the ordinary Buddha-sanskrit method to exert a power that is only slightly inferior to my supernatural powers, which is obviously extremely unreasonable. Even if the three of them work together, the effect is too much, so the only one The only explanation is that they rely entirely on external forces.It's just that the three ascetics are famously poor in the Buddhist world's hermit practice. They only have a cassock and robes refined from the Buddhist treasures left by their previous opponents. Apart from this, there are no other Buddhist treasures.Since the external power to increase the Dharma does not come from the treasures on their bodies, it can only come from the surrounding environment, so Xu Changqing immediately thought of the empty Buddhist world, which is somewhat similar to the three people's asceticism. The only place in the world that can do this is the empty Buddha realm that is closely connected with this absolute void.

The three ascetics didn't know that their situation was caused by the blessing of external forces. Their cultivation base was originally just half-step Tathagata as guessed by their fellow Buddhists.Originally, the three of them just wanted to try their luck and see what treasures they could get from the second star ring, but when they were disturbed by Xu Changqing's magnetic force and the consumption of traveling, their mana was exhausted, and they had no choice but to Don't stop to restore mana.However, what they didn't expect was that they thought it would take a long time for their mana to recover, but in fact it only took less than a quarter of an hour, and the speed of mana recovery was dozens of times faster than that in Xumi Lingshan .And what surprised them even more was that after their mana was fully recovered, they discovered that all the realm barriers in their bodies had disappeared, and their cultivation had inexplicably entered the half-step Prajna realm they had dreamed of.

This inexplicable improvement of the state made the three ascetics think that this trip to the Mustard Seed Lingshan is their opportunity to achieve greatness. At the same time, the sudden increase in strength and the disappearance of the pressure of survival also doubled their confidence.So they spared no effort to fly to the second star ring. It happened that Xu Changqing's position was the closest to the position of the three of them following the rotation of the Star Continent. So the three of them came directly to the vicinity of Xu Changqing, which caused great commotion. The target was naturally That unnecessary birth treasure.

The realm of cultivation that Xu Changqing exhibited in Mount Sumi is the realm of the Tathagata. The three ascetics are only slightly worse than him. So they are not afraid of Xu Changqing.It's just that Xu Changqing's various supernatural powers and his mastery of Mahayana Buddhism made them feel a little respectful and scruples about Xu Changqing when he preached on Xumi Lingshan.

It's just that the cultivation base of the three of them has reached the half-step Prajna realm, and they don't seem to have to worry about mana consumption here, so they don't have any scruples about Xu Changqing, but they have a bit more superiority. arrogance.At this moment, the state of mind cultivation that they had gained through years of asceticism seemed to have lost their effect at this moment, allowing them to make some judgments and decisions that they would never have had before.For example, when I saw Xu Changqing now, I wanted to find an excuse to take Xu Changqing down and ask him for more superior Buddhist teachings. As for the spiritual treasure that may have fallen into Xu Changqing's hands, it became an add-on.

Xu Changqing gave the three of them a good excuse when they saluted without returning the salute, and the three of them said at the same time: "Hmph! Master Baoguang actually looks down on me and the three of you, just as I wait for the three of you I also have some questions about the Dharma, so I would like to take this opportunity to ask His Holiness for advice."

After finishing speaking, regardless of whether Xu Changqing agreed or not, he shot directly, seemingly casually punching Xu Changqing at the same time with a very simple punch.There was really no trace of any strength in this punch, it was soundless and light, as if a gust of wind could blow the fist away.

The three ascetics are from the lowest level of casual cultivators. The ascetic Dharma they practice has been in closed doors all year round. The Golden Body Dharma Door of War Protectors, so they simply discarded all Buddhist treasures and specially tempered their bodies to practice this Golden Body Dharma Door.So far, there is no definite answer from all the sects in the Buddhist world. To know how strong the bodies of the three of them are, we can only know from the Buddha treasures held by the opponents who died in their hands that their bodies can at least be comparable to those of the ancients. The Buddha treasure is comparable to the top-grade killing Buddha treasure.

Xu Changqing, who had heard about the strength of the three of them, did not cast spells to avoid the opponent's attack, nor did he underestimate the opponent's strength. Instead, he retracted the golden body of the wish very carefully into his body, forming a seemingly thin protective layer. The golden light of the body protected the whole body, but was still hit by the opponent's fist.

"What a domineering power!" When the fists of the three hit Xu Changqing's body, he immediately felt three strands of power that were not weaker than Zhu Yan's avatar hit the golden light on his body with a full blow from Dinghaishen's needle iron, hitting him hard. This layer of golden light armor composed of the golden body of the Great Wish kept shaking, as if it would dissipate at any time.These three punches did not disappear after they failed to break through the golden light protecting the body. Instead, they gathered together to produce a force that was even stronger, comparable to the power of the Void Breaking Sword, and it was about to tear apart the golden light protecting the body abruptly. mouth.

"Zhen!" Seeing this situation, Xu Changqing took his time and used his golden body to display the golden thunderbolt magnetic method that he had realized from the way of heaven and earth magnetism.In just one breath, the entire golden body of great wish vibrated no less than [-] times, and the resulting golden thunderbolt magnetism instantly dispersed the fist force, and the golden light formed by the golden body of great wish also closed .

Seeing that Xu Changqing couldn't even move Xu Changqing's body when he saw his attack, not only did the three ascetics not feel scruples and fears, but inexplicably aroused a burst of anger, their hands turned into two streamers, and they did not hesitate to condense their mana into one. The tyrannical fist attacked Xu Changqing frantically.The power of this series of attacks was so strong that even the space around Xu Changqing was torn open with cracks, and the unique spiritual energy of Xumi Lingshan emanated from the cracks, and quickly dissipated as the cracks were filled. .

The strength of the punches of the three even reached to the Star Continent below Xu Changqing. With them as the center, the floating sand with a radius of a hundred miles was all shaken up by the punches, creating a huge deep pit. Xu Changqing He was directly knocked down to the bottom of the pit, and with the power of punches and punches, he continued to sink, and soon fell into the star iron rock thousands of miles below the ground.

Although on the surface, Xu Changqing seems to be beaten so hard that he can't even fight back, but if someone with a discerning eye looks at him, he will find that none of the overbearing punches of the three ascetics can break Xu Changqing's gold blessing. The great wish of the power of thunderbolt magnetism, the golden body protects the golden light.No matter how you look at it, Xu Changqing is not incapable of making a move, but disdain to make a move, and even looking at the three ascetics through a layer of golden light is almost pity.

It's not that Xu Changqing can't fight back. Although the opponent's fists are extremely domineering, and his gestures have the tyrannical aura of shattering stars, in Xu Changqing's eyes, they are domineering and unruly. The brute force method of Li Jiang Shihui.Although this method is simple and direct, it can only be used on people who are weaker than them. Once they encounter people whose overall strength is stronger than them, the disadvantages will continue to expand, such as the attack cannot last and so on.

Although the three ascetics were occupied by abnormal emotions, they also felt that their own disadvantages were gradually magnifying, and the mana that was surging at the beginning was also rapidly weakening under the constant squandering. If they couldn't find a way to suppress Xu Changqing, they would undoubtedly lose .However, their methods of fighting against the enemy are far from comparable to those with sect inheritance. Most of their methods are discovered by themselves, and they all seem simple and direct, without any flexibility.Since the one power drop ten will be in their previous experience, they are completely convinced of this method, so they have no intention to learn other fighting Buddhism, and even the Buddha treasure is just for decoration. cassock.

The three knew that continuing like this would not cause any harm to Xu Changqing, so they discussed a decision through mutual understanding of the Buddha's heart, and made the final blow. If it was not successful, they would immediately activate the power of the two realms in their bodies and leave here.

Just after the three ascetics made their decision, a nine-level Buddhist kingdom appeared behind the heads of the three hermits who were only emitting a faint golden light. Each level of the Buddhist kingdom did not have a single true spirit believer, but was full of endless thoughts. The devils, and these devils are in great pain like being in a frying pan in the Buddhist kingdom full of Buddha's light, and they continue to let out mournful wailing.At this time, the two of the three deities suddenly became weak physically and mentally. In the blink of an eye, they turned into two rays of Buddha light, and plunged into the Buddha kingdom of the remaining companion. Pour into, bless in that person's body.At this moment, there were countless cracks in the man's body, each crack was filled with endless miserable devil energy, and the mana breath emanating from this devil energy was extremely pure Buddhist mana power.

"Feeding demons with your body!" Xu Changqing felt that the other party's magic power was constantly rising, and soon reached a half-step angel, and even surpassed Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva. Panicked, but more compassionate, as if the three ascetics who were integrated into one body were a dead thing in his eyes, and even took back the golden light on his body.

Seeing that Xu Changqing despised him so much, and also felt that his strength had reached an unprecedented limit, and he could no longer maintain it, so he concentrated all his strength in one punch without hesitation, and punched Xu Changqing. ...q! .

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