Nine idlers

Chapter 698 Cat and Mouse Game

Full Text No Ads Chapter 690 Chapter [-] Cat and Mouse Game

However, what Xu Changqing didn't expect was that the other party's reaction came so fast and violently, the entire third star ring was blocked that day, and all the star gates and spaces of the third star ring were sealed off with special treasures. 【 | 】In this way, unless Xu Changqing exposed his traces, it would be difficult for him to move back and forth on various star continents arbitrarily through the teleportation method, and he could only be temporarily trapped on No.13 star.

It is no wonder that the Holy Market is so aggressive. Since the establishment of the Holy Market, there has never been a senior member of the Senate who was beaten to pieces and returned to the altar. Moreover, the strength of this senior is still at the level of a god king. It's something earth-shattering.When the gods and god kings in the Holy Ruins heard the news, they thought it was a joke without exception, but after confirming it was the truth, they were immediately shocked, even terrified, and sealed off the entire third star ring, martial law The big moves such as the second star ring and so on became a matter of course.

Since Anglulius's father was beaten and disabled, and his soul was on the verge of collapse, the memories of Xu Changqing's attack remained in his soul, and they were incomplete. The picture of the splendid mountains and rivers in the world triggers the image of catastrophe.Before the Holy Ruins Core Senate sent the incomplete soul back to the Holy Ruins Altar for cultivation, this memory image was extracted and displayed in front of everyone.

The foreign gods valued the opponent's own strength, while Huijue Bodhisattva and others who stayed in the holy ruins paid more attention to the appearance of the painting of the splendid mountains and rivers in the Buddhist world, and they were all excited after seeing the power of the painting of the beautiful mountains and rivers.Although the reason why Xu Changqing was able to injure the elder from the afterimages is suspected of being a coincidence, but the picture of the splendid mountains and rivers in the Buddhist world was able to trigger the destruction of a foreign god king who was half-step Tathagata. , which in itself proves that the power contained in this thing will definitely not be much smaller than the power of that day's calamity.It would be fine if this treasure was a treasure without an owner at the beginning, but this treasure has always been in the hands of the Bodhisattva, but it has never been discovered. Now the treasure has shown its power, which allows the Bodhisattva to ride on everyone, including the state of mind. The Bodhisattva Huijue with the highest cultivation level couldn't help feeling remorse and resentment, and made up his mind to take this treasure back.

Therefore, the Bodhisattva rushed to the eighth star together with the two foreign gods sent by the Senate and the Wangzhengyuan, and carried out a carpet-like search of the entire Star Continent.

The two foreign gods who are the main team leaders are named Jing and Shang. They are not noble, and they come from two small mixed-race families of the second star ring.Although their identities are not high, their status is earned by hard work. The two of them are only in the realm of low-rank to strong immortals, but when it comes to actual combat power, I am afraid that even the masters of the four major god families may not be able to fight. Win them all.The two of them have always been responsible for guarding the gods in the Senate and the King's Government. They have a lot of power in their hands, and each of them has a hundred guards composed of true gods and gods with the strength of the gods and gods. Sending them out also shows that they attach importance to this matter.

After reaching the eighth star, Jing and Shang began to clean up all the orcs who practiced Buddhism on the eighth star.The reason why they focused entirely on the eighth star was because judging from the residual image, the person who made the attack was a turbid orc, and the power of the shot was exactly the same as that of the turbid orc who had practiced Buddhism, but it was enhanced by several hundred. times, and, at the end of the video, there is a scene where the star gate is shattered.

Although, as long as the divine fire is ignited, the foreign gods can use their own power to break away from the shackles of the stars and go to other star continents, but the distance between the two stars seems to be short, but in fact they are close to each other. , even if it is a god king, it may take a day or two to go there.That's why the Holy Ruins placed simple space treasures like star gates between the stars, shortening the time to go back and forth to the stars to an instant.From the perspective of the two guardian gods, since the star gate was broken during the fight, the attacker must have stayed on the eighth star. If the attacker forcibly leaves the eighth star, the gods of the Holy Ruins altar will use the artifact to seal the first star. When the three-star ring space, you will already find his existence.

It's a pity that no matter how the foreign gods consider various factors, they would never have thought that Xu Changqing could open the passage between the two worlds at will and move between the stars. Even if it is not as simple as a star gate, it is not far behind .I don't know if Bodhisattva Huijue did it on purpose. He didn't tell the specific purpose of coming to the holy market, nor did he tell the holy man that the person who holds the map of the beautiful mountains and rivers in the Buddhist world can move between the two worlds. Otherwise, the foreign gods of the Holy Ruins would never make wrong judgments like they are doing now.

The eighth star is not very big. The two guardian spirits of the Holy Ruins Senate and the Wangzhengyuan have searched the inside and outside of the eighth star within two hours after arriving. Everyone has passed the altar of the gods. Confirmed, without a doubt.

"Is there anything missing?" Jing from the Wangzhengyuan seemed to be more proactive. He was the supervisor of the trip, so after hearing the investigation results reported by the subordinates of the Senate, he still asked unceremoniously.

Although there will always be conflicts between the Senate and the Royal Government, the chief guardian gods of the two houses are best friends. They worked hard together from the bottom and experienced a lot of life and death hardships. The depth of friendship is almost indistinguishable from each other.The people under the two were also aware of the relationship between the two, so they were not surprised by the question of the other party's transcendence, but quickly replied with great respect, saying: "There is nothing missing."

"Shang, what do you think?" Jing frowned, then turned to ask his friend.

"You should know that these searches are inaccurate." Shang, who was dressed as an oriental literati, shook the feather fan in his hand and said, "We can only rely on the suppression of the gods by the upper gods to detect the situation in the disciples' bodies. It is useless at all, as long as the other party deliberately hides their cultivation, it will be difficult for us to find them out. The only way is to ignite the god fire and compile them into the altar god book. Find the mouse in here."

"Impossible, the old monsters at the altar of the gods can't agree to do this." Jing frowned, and said: "Before coming, the old monsters came to me and asked me to capture the mouse alive. Then A single mouse was able to beat the elder Lord Lord until his spirits were almost gone, making those old monsters think that the attempt on the seventh and eighth planets had been successful, but they still didn't know the reason for the success. Find it clearly. This trip is really troublesome for us. If we use too much force and kill that mouse, I am afraid that even if the Senate and the Royal Government Council support it, I am afraid that those old monsters in the altar of the gods will not make it easier for us. But if we don't do something, the old fellows of the Royal Government and the Senate will also not let us go. These two gangs of immortals..."

"Jing!" Seeing that his friend's mood was a little off, he quickly reminded the other party, and then signaled his subordinates who were still waiting for a response in the hall to retreat, and screened away the attendants around him, and then said solemnly: "You speak!" You still have to be careful. Although this is not a holy market, it is still easy to be caught. You should know how long the outstanding children of the gods' family have been coveting our position. If you don't want to go back to your previous life, some words you It's best to just say it in your heart."

"You are too careful! Those old guys and old monsters don't know what we think of them, but they still let us hold important positions. Apart from looking down on us and thinking that we can't make any troubles, it is also to balance the Holy Market Otherwise, no matter how strong we are, we will not be able to sit in our current position. As long as we don't make any real moves and curse a few words, those old guys won't care." Although Jing covered by the golden armor likes to be straightforward, it doesn't mean that he has no brains. On the contrary, he puts himself in the position of a bystander, and he can see some people's minds more clearly.

"Maybe you're right, but it's always right to be careful." Shang also knew that what his friend said was true, but he, who was always cautious, persuaded him.

"Okay! Alright! I'll pay attention." Jing didn't want to continue arguing with his friend on this matter, so he turned the topic back to the original point and said, "What should we do next?"

"The best way is to let all the orcs on the eighth star ignite the divine fire. In this way, the mouse will have nowhere to hide, but the altar will not allow us to do this." Shang shook the feather fan in his hand, Walking back and forth in the hall dug out of huge stones, he suddenly thought of something and said, "Do you think that those bald men from the Buddhist world came suddenly this time, and for no apparent reason they wanted to come to the eighth star with us? The reason is to check the results of the cooperation between the two parties, which seems a bit far-fetched. I remember that the last time they sent people was ten years ago, but the previous rule has always been to send people once every 20 years, and they only send Dharma in rotation. Instructor. In addition, the leader of the team this time seems to have a lot of background. With my strength, I can't see the bottom line of his cultivation. It's too weird for such a big man to come here at this time."

"Yes! When the old guy let those bald people walk with us, I also felt a little strange." Jing also frowned, tapped his fingers on the smooth jade tabletop habitually, and said, "Do you think these bald people come here?" Could it be related to the treasure that the rat used to injure Lord Lord?"

"Ten chances are yes." Shang sneered, and said, "It was only a moment from the appearance of the treasure to its disappearance. Even the elder Lord Lord didn't see what it looked like, but it was this moment that attracted With such a powerful power of heavenly tribulation, this treasure is probably extraordinary. I have heard a rumor before that my holy ruins originated from a hidden place in the Buddhist world. When the Supreme God created the holy ruins, he brought I took away some ancient treasures from the Buddhist world. At first, I thought that this was just a deliberate spread of rumors by people in the Buddhist world, so as to establish a relationship with my holy market, but now it seems that there is a little possibility."

Jing hesitated for a moment, then asked, "You are responsible for entertaining those bald men, what will they do after they come?"

"It's so fast, there's no movement, just chanting scriptures every day." Shang said with a puzzled look on his face.

While the two were talking, one of Shang's right-hand assistants came in from the outside, and after bowing to the two of them, he said, "My lord, Bodhisattva Huijue of the Buddha Realm would like to see you."

Shang and Jing glanced at each other and said silently, "What a coincidence!"

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