Nine idlers

Chapter 699 The City of Smelting

Full text of Baishuwu Chapter 690 Chapter [-] Smelting City

"Master, it must be because of the treasure in the hands of the Zhuo Beastman that the mobilization of teachers and crowds came here?" After Huijue Bodhisattva and Bodhisattva entered the Star Lord's main hall, the guardian god Lingshang exchanged greetings with them, and then asked straightforwardly. 【 】Baishuwu full text without advertisement

Seeing that the other party was so straightforward, Bodhisattva Huijue couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and then recovered his normal color, without making any cover, nodded and said: "That's right! That treasure is my Bodhisattva's most precious treasure. This time I am here, it is In order to retrieve this treasure."

"My God is very curious, why the treasures of the Buddha world have fallen into the hands of a turbid beastman in my holy ruins?" He was so deep and introverted, his state of mind has obviously deteriorated a lot, and the expression of surprise all surfaced on his face.

"That turbid beastman broke into my Buddhist holy land not long ago and stole this treasure." Bodhisattva Huijue briefly answered the other party's doubts.

"Not long ago? That turbid orc entered the Buddhist realm? Impossible!" Shang's expression changed suddenly, his expression solemn, he turned his head to look at his good friend Jing, who was in charge of this trip but not good at words, and asked in a deep voice: "Jing , I remember that your brother-in-law has been in charge of the star gate of the Buddha Realm for the past ten years, have you ever heard him mention that he opened the star gate recently?"

"No! Absolutely not!" Jing Ye denied the questioning with a serious face, then gave Huijue Bodhisattva a vicious look, as if blaming Huijue Bodhisattva for talking nonsense, and said to his friend: "Shang, you should also It is very clear that opening the star gate of the Buddhist world requires the joint efforts of the four true gods, and the approval document signed by the king's government, the senate, and the altar of the gods is required to open the star gate." Then, he turned his head and stared at Huijue Bodhisattva fiercely , as if talking to him, said: "Let's not talk about an unidentified turbid orc, even if the true gods of the four major god families want to open the Buddha World Star Gate, they must follow the rules completely, and it is impossible to appear Any exceptions. Master, why are you talking nonsense like this?"

"Hmph! Did the Lord say that the turbid beast man entered my Buddha Realm through the Star Gate of the Buddha Realm? Your Excellency, you can't even listen to the words, and you can be the master of the matter. Could it be that no one in the Holy Ruins can use it?" Is it?" Dawei Virtuous and Evil Bodhisattva was extremely dissatisfied with Jing's vicious words against Huijue Bodhisattva, he snorted coldly, and at the same time as he countered with cynicism, his momentum suddenly rose, turning into an invisible huge wave The scene was shot.

The Dharma practiced by the Bodhisattva of Great Mighty Virtue and Fear of Evil is very special. It is not the heavenly body of the Bodhisattva Vehicle, but the original Dharma created by an unknown sect that has disappeared, called the Vajra Body of Relic.Baishuwu (full-text e-book free download) This method is a very special method that combines the Buddha's Vajra Indestructible Body, the Demonic Way of Forging the Body and the Taoist Starlight Guarding Technique. Buddhism, Daoism and Demonism are all extremely low-level methods, but this does not mean that the power of this method is very poor. On the contrary, the power of this method can be called high-grade Buddhism, and it is not inferior to some ancient Buddhist methods.

The relic vajra body method is to use the Taoist starlight guarding technique to open up the acupoints of the whole body, and then use the vajra indestructible body method to condense a vajra relic in each acupoint. .When this method is practiced to the highest level, the physical body can become an eternal vajra demon body, and the relics in the body can be transformed into small Zhoutian stars. off.Although the Bodhisattva of Great Mighty Virtue and Fear of Evil has not yet practiced this method to the highest level, opening the acupoints all over his body and planting a vajra relic in the acupoints to become a Buddha, star, and celestial circle is considered a great achievement. realm.It is precisely because of his special method that even though he was suppressed in Shengxu and his cultivation level dropped several levels, his actual combat power did not suffer much loss. This is why Huijue Bodhisattva will bring him s reason.

Facing the mighty coercion of the Bodhisattva of Virtue, Virtue and Evil, the scene of inheriting the power of Ares, the god of war among the gods of Olympus, was not only not nervous, but extremely excited. Emerging from behind, formed a sharp invisible divine power, which split the overwhelming coercion into two halves, and the castration continued unabated, towards the Bodhisattva of Great Mighty Virtue and Fear of Evil.On the other hand, as the provocateur, the Bodhisattva of great power, virtue and terror is not afraid. The Buddha kingdom emerges in the back of his head, and the vajra relics around him condense into a vajra subduing magic image. The power, like breaking a piece of glass, instantly shattered that divine power to pieces.

The fight between the two sides was considered a draw, but the attitude of the two guardian gods towards Bodhisattva Huijue did not change for the worse because of this fight. Instead, there was more respect in their eyes.The main divine powers of Jing and Shang are all inherited from the divine power of Ares, the god of war, so their disposition is to respect the strong and despise the weak.

The two of them have the same basic concept of the Buddhist world as most of the gods of the holy market, and they all come from the Buddhist teachers sent to the holy market by the Buddhist world.It's just that most of these people are low-level disciples of the Bodhisattva Vehicle, and those with the highest cultivation have just formed relics or condensed their own virtual image of the Buddha Kingdom, that is, the golden elixir and the realm of returning to the void, which are really not strong By.It is precisely because of the performance of these people that most of the gods of the Holy Ruins who do not understand the situation think that the people in the Buddhist world are weak, and thus look down on the people in the Buddhist world.

But the performance of the Bodhisattva of Great Mighty Virtue and Terror of Evil just now gave Jing and Shang a completely opposite impression.Although Jing is very confident and proud of his own strength, he is very clear that judging from the fight just now, on the surface it was a tie, but in fact he lost by one, and it seems that the Bodhisattva of great power, virtue and fear of evil still has a lot of leeway. .Leaving aside the limitations of the surrounding environment, he knew very well that he and Shang might not be able to defeat the Bodhisattva of Great Power, Virtue and Fear of Evil together, let alone the even more unpredictable Bodhisattva Huijue beside him.

"Your Excellency's strength is indeed strong, but in many cases, being strong may not be able to handle things well." After seeing the strength displayed by the other party, Shang stood up to calm down the slightly tense atmosphere, and then said to Huijue Bodhisattva: "Master, what you want is treasures, and what we want are people. There is no conflict between the two, and the best policy is to cooperate with each other."

Seeing the blond-haired and blue-eyed Shang imitating the Confucian speaking tone and behavior, Bodhisattva Huijue felt a little weird, but he didn't open his mouth to ridicule, just smiled faintly, nodded, and said: "I am here to This means."

The implication is that I came here for this purpose, but you are here to make trouble.

Shang naturally understood the implication, but he did not refute or argue, and continued the previous topic, saying: "Why did the master just say that the turbid beastman stole the treasure from your Buddhist world not long ago? As far as I know, the Buddha The star gate of the world has not been opened for several years, and apart from the star gate of the Buddha world, there is no other star gate in the holy market that can reach the Buddha world."

Huijue Bodhisattva stared at the two foreign gods in front of him, smiled, and said, "What if the turbid orc can open a passage between the two realms and enter the Buddha realm?"

"What?" When Jing and Shang heard this, their faces changed suddenly, showing a surprised expression beyond the imagination of Huijue Bodhisattva.

Although Huijue Bodhisattva didn't know why the two of them had such a big reaction after hearing these words, he could vaguely feel that the news he brought to these foreign gods might be of great significance to them.Although this is a good bargaining chip, if it is used at this time, even if it can obtain good benefits, it will cause great damage to the relationship between the Buddhist world and the holy market.

Huijue Bodhisattva, who is the master of the bodhisattva vehicle, has been able to get in touch with some hidden classics, and knows that the holy market has an extremely important role in the Buddhist world. Shengxu has established a relationship for so many years, and even secretly helped to bring Shengxu and Xiangong into contact, which is enough to show that this relationship is not ordinary.It's a pity that the former Bodhisattva who took advantage of the lord accidentally got mad and caused a catastrophe. He died without leaving a last word, and other people who knew the relationship between the Buddhist world and the holy market would not easily reveal it to him. , so that he can only fumble a little bit from the Zongcheng classics.Therefore, for a little benefit, it is obviously not worth the loss to destroy the relationship that has been established with Shengxu for so many years.

The Huijue Bodhisattva who made up his mind did not wait for the other party to ask, and explained the reason and purpose of his coming here. In particular, he pointed out that the turbid orc seemed to have mastered a little bit of space, even without a star gate. Move back and forth between.

"Master, are you sure about this statement?" As the person in charge, Jing Ge asked again seriously.

The Bodhisattva of Great Mighty Virtue and Fear of Evil seemed to be extremely disgusted with the scene. Seeing his impolite questioning of Bodhisattva Huijue, he couldn't help frowning, and was about to refute him, but his actions were quickly stopped by Bodhisattva Huijue, who followed suit. Bodhisattva Huijue said in a very serious tone: "Two days ago it was not certain, but now it is completely certain. I can guarantee with my life that what I said is absolutely true."

Seeing Huijue Bodhisattva's serious answer, Jing and Shang naturally no longer have any doubts. They just glanced at each other, and there was a trace of divine connection between them. It seemed that they were using some kind of secret method to discuss matters. .Afterwards, Shang's face became more worried, as if he was worried about something, while Jing looked extremely anxious, and the originally inconspicuous fluctuations of divine power also became intense, and he seemed to be trying to persuade him to say something.

After a while, the two seemed to have finished their discussion, and their expressions returned to normal, but there was still a hint of worry on Shang's face. At this time, Jing had taken over the responsibility from his friend, and said to Bodhisattva Huijue, "If Master If you came here only to find the lost treasure, we are also willing to help the master complete this matter, cooperate to track down the whereabouts of the turbid orc, and capture him together. However, I hope that what the master just said can be forgotten. Keep mentioning it to others, it's the only condition of our cooperation."

"Yes!" Bodhisattva Huijue nodded without thinking about it.

After Huijue Bodhisattva answered, a burst of divine power emanated from Shang's body, and at this moment Jing turned his head and looked at his friend questioningly.Seeing his friend's solemn expression, Shang suddenly sighed, nodded slightly, and gave the answer Jing wanted most.

After getting the answer, Jing showed a happy smile on his face, and the whole person seemed to relax a lot. Chao Huijue Bodhisattva smiled and asked: "Since the master came to see me, I think I already have a goal, please tell me directly. , we can immediately mobilize manpower to resolve the matter as soon as possible.”

Huijue Bodhisattva said with great certainty: "No. 13 star, I guess that the turbid orc is on No. 13 star."

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