Nine idlers

Chapter 703

Chapter Seven Hundred and Three

After understanding why the little girl wanted this Divine Formation seed, Xu Changqing smiled at the little girl and said, "Yes, you have the divine fire of the Earth Mother Gaia, and this Divine Formation seed is indeed useful to you. ┌ *| ┐ It's just, why should I give it to you? What's the benefit of giving it to you? "

When the little girl heard Xu Changqing's words, she hesitated for a moment. Obviously she had never encountered such a situation before, she frowned, a little displeased, and looked up and down Xu Changqing presumptuously.Soon she saw the books in Xu Changqing's hands, thought for a while, and said, "Can I tell you how to understand this set of books?"

The performance of this little girl made Xu Changqing a little suspicious. Although this little girl was exactly the same as the little girl from the spirit family he had seen before, regardless of her appearance or the divine power exuding from her body, but the little girl showed His temperament and temperament are like another person.

"How do you know that I can't understand this book?" Xu Changqing looked at the little girl in front of him with interest, and put the book in his hand on the coffee table in front of him.

The little girl pointed to the magic formation seed in Xu Changqing's hand expressionlessly, and said, "Because the magic formation in your hand is not complete, although it is very similar to the Earth Mother God formation, it still lacks a lot of content, and you must not be complete. Master this magic formation." As she spoke, she seemed to have turned back into a child again, and moved to the palm of Xu Changqing's hand with great curiosity, looking at the seeds of the magic formation floating in her palm, as if talking to herself, and As if inquiring, he said: "This thing is so strange, it is able to condense such a strong Earth Mother Array into a ball of divine power, and it is so stable, it seems..., you can tell me how this thing is made Did it come out? This should be considered an artifact, right?"

"It's really interesting. It's not a twin, but it has two different personalities. One is timid and curious, and the other is bold and direct but more realistic and alert." Xu Changqing quickly noticed something wrong with the little girl. place, whispered in his heart, and at the same time divine sense probed towards the other party, wanting to see the real situation of the other party.However, to his surprise, when he saw her for the first time two days ago, he was able to detect her divine fire, but now his divine sense just touched her body, and was immediately blocked by an invisible force return.

"Maya, it's very rude of you to do this." The little girl seemed to feel what Xu Changqing had done to her, she frowned, and immediately changed her character to the tough one, puffing her cheeks, glaring at Xu Changqing, and said.

Hearing the little girl address herself, Xu Changqing knew that the little girl was really angry.Just like all living things are full of discrimination against other species in their own race, forging craftsmen whose gods, gods, fire and body have changed after being poisoned by fire are also discriminated against by others, but this discrimination can only be hidden in the Behind, no one will show in front of them.Maya people are a kind of discriminatory language. According to the interpretation of Shengxu language, they are rotten stinky meat. If someone says this to the fire poison black man face to face, it means that the other party has become so angry that he has lost his mind and intends to fight all the fire poisonous people. The poisonous man in black is the enemy.

After the little girl said these words, she also realized the consequences, but he didn't seem to be afraid. Instead, he eagerly took out an artifact and hid it in his palm, hoping that Xu Changqing would get angry and attack her.

It's a pity that Xu Changqing will not follow her wish, neither her identity nor the surrounding environment are suitable for causing trouble.Seeing that Xu Changqing casually threw the Divine Formation seeds in his hand onto the table in front of the little girl, as if nothing had happened just now, and asked in a cold tone: "Tell me how to understand these basic Divine Formation atlases!"

Seeing that the goal was not achieved, the little girl curled her lips and muttered a cowardly word, then unceremoniously picked up the magic array seeds on the table, and then put them in front of her eyes to study regardless, her personality was also transformed into The one who is studious and cowardly.

"There are 48 kinds of divine script of the earth, but only thirteen kinds have been activated. There are also 89 kinds of divine script of secret language, and only thirteen kinds have been activated. There is something wrong with the secret language arrangement of the law of the divine formation, and only six of them are effective..." The little girl stared at the magic formation seed in her hand, and gradually analyzed the basic magic formation that Xu Changqing had deduced for a day. Although it was just an unintentional behavior, it gave Xu Changqing a lot of inspiration, at least let him know this kind of foundation Several elements of the array.

"It's unbelievable! Such a terrible combination can be so stable. We must study it carefully." The little girl seemed to be completely focused on the new toy in her hand, completely forgetting the deal with Xu Changqing, and turned around to leave.

"Little guy, are you going to renege?" Seeing this situation, Xu Changqing imitated his innate powers by imitating his supernatural powers, and used his supernatural powers to imitate his innate power. A big golden hand flew out from behind his head and grabbed the little girl's burqa by the collar. , raised it in front of himself, and said meaningfully: "When will the spirit survivors who are the pillars of the Holy Ruins also learn the account of the Laimao people?"

"Who said I want to renege on my debts! It's just that I forgot it for a while." The little girl was a little embarrassed, but soon changed her personality, gave Xu Changqing a cold look, and kicked Xu Changqing with her feet. knee, and shouted: "Put me down quickly, you rude Maya!" However, perhaps feeling that such a threat would be useless, he changed his character and softened his tone, saying: "If you don't let me go, How can I get something to you!"

Xu Changqing was very interested in seeing the little girl whose personality changed from place to place, but he had no intention of playing tricks on the little girl, but put her down carefully.At the moment when he grabbed the little girl, he felt that there were ten forces in the little girl's body, as if they wanted to attack those who threatened the little girl's safety, and each of these ten forces In Xu Changqing's opinion, it's not much worse than a full-strength blow from a mid-grade Xeon Immortal.Because Xu Changqing acted without malice, and the little girl's life was not threatened, these powers were not brought into play.

After the little girl landed on the ground, she tidied up her burqa, snorted coldly at Xu Changqing, then searched for a while in the cloth bag at her waist, and finally took out an eyeball-shaped glass bead, handed it to Xu Changqing and said, "I use a One bead for one of yours, just right!"

Xu Changqing took the glazed bead, looked at it, and found that the bead was not an artificially refined object, but a real eyeball, but this eyeball was processed by some special techniques, so that it Not only did the power contained in it not dissipate, but it was condensed in the eyeballs.Although Xu Changqing is still unable to determine the power contained in this eyeball, he can already feel that the power contained in it is very miraculous.Because when he directly aimed the pupils of his eyeballs at himself, he had an inexplicable feeling that all his secrets had been seen through, and he was as if he was showing himself to others.

"What is this?" Xu Changqing frowned and asked in a deep voice.

"This is the eye of true knowledge. It is made of the eyeballs that fell off after the death of the giant of the hundred-eyed true knowledge. It can allow people to see through all secrets and grasp all knowledge in a short time, but it can only be used once." The little girl carefully put away the seeds of the magic array. , and then explained it, and told Xu Changqing how to use the Eye of True Knowledge. After speaking, he turned and prepared to leave.

"Are there many eyes of true knowledge in the upper star ring?" Xu Changqing asked suddenly.

The little girl turned her head to look at Xu Changqing, and said, "It's not a lot, it's just that it's a little troublesome to make. If you still want it, I can help you find it, but you still have to use that magic circle ball to exchange for it." .”

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Xu Changqing to answer, she hugged the book, bounced and ran out of the gap between the bookshelves, ran to the star gate to activate the star gate, and left the library. It seemed that she couldn't wait to use it. That God Formation Seed is here to boost the Divine Fire of the Gods.

Xu Changqing also lost the mood to continue reading at this moment, and put the book back to its original place, then looked thoughtfully at the Eye of True Knowledge in his hand, and opened a two-world passage directly when no one was paying attention, passing through the layer Layers hindered, back to his room.

Just as Xu Changqing used the teleportation method to leave the library, the little girl who had just left before suddenly came out of the star gate and ran to the gap between the bookshelves where Xu Changqing was staying before, looking for Xu Changqing's figure.After failing to find him, the little girl muttered angrily: "He hasn't told me who he is, and I haven't told him how to find me. Next time he makes this bead, how can I trade with him? Really Trouble, asking for that dead face again! What a pity, why didn't you ask more just now?"

At the same time, in a forest outside the city of smelting, a dakini vajra array of Buddhist tantras suddenly emitted dazzling light, and then the array diagram and dharani mantras on the array began to rotate It rose and formed an odd pattern when it finally came to a stop.At the same time that the magic circle stopped, three rays of light shone in the woods, and then three great masters of the bodhisattva vehicle appeared around the magic circle.Seeing the changes after the operation of the magic circle, one of the great achievers closed his eyes slightly as if he was calculating something. Soon he opened his eyes and nodded to the oldest person next to him.

"My lord, we have found him. He is in the city of smelting." At this time, the elder great achiever took out a small conch, said a word to the conch, and then crushed it, a golden light burst from the shards. He rushed out and disappeared into the sky in an instant.

The moment Xu Changqing returned to the room, he knew that his whereabouts had been detected by the arrangement of the Buddha World Bodhisattva outside the city, but this was within his expectation.After tidying up the room and unlocking the restriction on the lava door, he sat on the chair, took out the eye of true knowledge, condensed his spiritual thoughts into a needle, and drilled into the artifact, carefully not to damage the structure In case of a situation, explore the power inside.

For Xu Changqing, perhaps it is not a big trouble to be known by the Bodhisattva to know his approximate whereabouts. The real big trouble is the eye of true knowledge in his hand, because just now he discovered that this artifact has the ability to see through thousands of incarnations of him. the power of.However, fortunately, he was able to know the existence of such a divine weapon before it acted on him. Otherwise, he would probably suffer a lot because of this thing, and even had to let the Puhua avatar withdraw from the Holy Ruins ...q! .

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