Nine idlers

Chapter 704

Chapter [-]: Crossing the Sea

Looking at the greedy gazes of these people around, Xu Changqing, who was the target of public criticism, smiled instead. He was sure that if it hadn't been for the rules of the Hammer Furnace Market Square for many years that restricted their freedom, perhaps they would have already rushed desperately. Come up and snatch these golden divine power crystals. 【@】

Under the gaze of everyone, Xu Changqing stood up, picked up the divine power crystals one by one from the display cabinet very naturally, and put them into the leather pouch inside his burqa.Every time his hand touched the edges of those few golden divine power crystals, the sound of breathing around him stopped at the same moment until he moved his hand away.

Soon Xu Changqing collected all the crystals of divine power, leaving only the golden crystals of divine power untouched, and then turned around and walked towards the apprentices on the edge of the square without looking back.

Xu Changqing's actions were beyond everyone's expectations. They obviously didn't expect that there would be someone who could resist the temptation to reach the sky in one step, but soon their surprise completely dissipated, and everyone became murderous and ready to move.

According to the rules of the square market, any thing given up or discarded by the owner is an ownerless thing, and anyone can take it.Obviously, everyone around wanted to get these unowned objects, but there were too many monks, no one dared to be the first to get them, and became the target of being besieged by everyone, and the surrounding atmosphere suddenly froze. , The square market also became quiet, and everyone was as motionless as if they had turned into puppets.

At this time, other people who were talking at the edge of the square also sensed the abnormality here, and looked over here, but because of the obstruction of the crowd, and some people deliberately interfered with divine power, so as not to add more competitors , making it impossible for them to see the golden divine power crystals that caused the change.

I don't know if it was the daring one who couldn't hold back the greed in his heart, rushed out from the silent crowd, grabbed a golden divine power crystal on the exhibition hall, and cast the fastest flying magic, towards the gate of the melting furnace city. Rushing forward, it seems that he should be a child of a family of gods in Furnace City.

Perhaps it was because everyone was still immersed in this tense and silent atmosphere, so that after someone made a move, they hadn't reacted, and they all froze there until the person was about to rush out of the square market. Realizing what was happening, he shot to stop it.

At this moment, the originally quiet square market instantly turned into a hot oil pan poured into cold water, all kinds of rays of light full of divine power splashed everywhere, and thousands of magical spells, divine power, and divine weapons collided together.An impact hurricane formed by divine power centered on the square market, spreading to the surroundings like an overwhelming force, blowing most of the people who could not resist into the air, hitting the surrounding stone walls, and falling hard Falling.At this moment, the divine power erupted by more than 1000 divine servants in the center of the square at the same time even caused the entire Black Flame Volcano where the Hammer Furnace is located to vibrate. .

Fortunately, all the defensive formations in the entire Furnace City were in operation the moment the divine power surge appeared, dispelling most of the divine power one by one, so that most of the other people who were not at the center of the divine power explosion were able to survive. life.Because of the protection of the god formation, the overall structure of the cave where the melting furnace city is located has not been damaged at all, and it is still preserved intact. Countless divine formations were introduced into the underground lava and disappeared.However, some surrounding additional facilities that were not connected to the defensive array of the furnace city were not so lucky, and they were all destroyed by the impact of divine power.

Such a powerful divine power erupted in an instant without everyone being prepared, and the damage and damage it caused was incalculable. Located in the middle of the impact of divine power, the square market was already in a mess, and most of the people who triggered this divine power The shocking servants couldn't bear the power they inadvertently created, and all of them died here, not even the divine fire remained.

Only a small number of people survived, but they were also scarred, but compared to the dead, the living may not be too happy.After all, this is the first time such a big commotion has occurred in Furnace City, and many people from the upper-level star ring god family have been affected. No matter whether these people settled here because they were rejected or their status was not high, their identities After all, it is not comparable to the people of the third star ring.Whether it's for the sake of reputation or to maintain its due authority, Hammer Furnace, the true owner of Furnace City, must take the initiative to stand up to resolve this matter, and those who have not died in this incident, but have low status People will naturally become one of the scapegoats.

Before the impact of the divine power subsided completely, the divine guards of the Hammer Furnace inside and outside the Furnace City all appeared around the square through the star gate. , After all, something happened in Furnace City, no matter how the matter was resolved, their guilt would be unavoidable in the end.Driven by their anger, they didn't care about the identities of the people who were still alive, or whether they were involved in the incident. They arrested all the people inside and outside the square, and most of them were innocent people.Even though most of the people who stayed in the square were injured in the impact of divine power, even if some people wanted to resist the arrest, they were powerless to do anything. People with a little strength realized the seriousness of the matter after they woke up. They all ran away and hid back in their room, pretending they didn't know anything.

"What? The golden divine power crystal?" The captains who led the Hammer Furnace God Guards were all surprised when they heard the reason for this incident from the people they captured, and immediately ordered their subordinates to look around for those few. A golden power crystal.It's just that no matter how hard they searched, they couldn't find any traces. If it wasn't for the fact that the golden divine power crystal was extremely difficult to destroy, otherwise they would think that it had been destroyed by that divine power impact. took away.

As for the two culprits mentioned by those parties, there is no way to find out, because without exception, these people only remember a few golden divine power crystals, and the appearance, figure, etc. of the two people are all vague.

"What's going on here?" Just as the guards of the hammer furnace were cleaning up the mess, a tall figure with two pairs of horns on his forehead and two red and blue flames floating between the horns appeared at the exit of the star gate. Seeing the situation in front of him, he immediately roared angrily.

Seeing the roar of the person coming, all the divine guards of the Hammer Furnace present, including the directors of various departments who came behind, all knelt down, trembling all over, not daring to make a sound.The reason why they are so fearful is not only because of the true divine aura emanating from the visitor, but also because the identity of the visitor is Keriste Opalody, the owner of the Hammer Furnace. .

"Master, what happened is like this." A forging craftsman in charge of the hammer furnace closest to Keriste hurriedly stepped forward to explain, and described what happened just now in the most concise language.

"From what you said, it seems that someone used the golden divine power crystal just now to intentionally create conflicts and cause confusion?" As soon as the executive's voice fell, a strange-sounding questioning voice sounded behind Cariste. .

When the supervisor looked towards the source of the voice, he realized that there were three people standing behind his master, two of whom he had seen before, and they were the guards of the royal government and the senate who had suddenly issued the summoning order this time, and the other was covered in blood. Wrapped up and down by a special burqa, he couldn't feel the aura of divine power on his body, but from the string of necklace-like beads he held in his hand, he guessed that this person was probably one of those on the first star ring temple star. Weird Brahmin deities.

"Do you suspect that the person you are looking for is hidden in my hammer furnace?" Keriste frowned, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and his expression became solemn.Although he fell out with the family and became independent, it does not mean that he and the Opalodi family swore to be at odds.He is a true god who has the power of a god king and is expected to go further. This is enough for his family to ease the relationship with him, and he can also get some information from the power of his family.He knew very well what the King's Government and the Senate were mobilizing for this time, and he also knew how important the mysterious person who directly returned the elder true god to the divine fire state was to the god altar at the core of the Holy Ruins.Now that this person is actually lurking in his power, this will definitely have a great impact on him, but I don't know whether the impact is good or bad.

"Your Excellency, don't worry!" A divine guard of the Wangzhengyuan knew the status of the person in front of him very well, so he spoke with a lot of respect, and explained: "It may not be him? Maybe it's his accomplices, subordinates, didn't you just say Two people? The number does not match what we know, maybe the other party wants to lure the searchers here together, and then they can take the opportunity to leave here."

A Bodhisattva disciple in a burqa suggested in unfamiliar Shengxu language: "Whether it is that person or not, we will still search according to the original plan, and don't be disturbed by other things."

The two divine guards looked at each other, exchanged opinions, and nodded in agreement: "Just do it according to the master's wishes!" After saying that, they turned to Cariste and said, "My lord, I still need to trouble you to send people out again." Gather together, and let us examine it with the eyes of true knowledge."

Keriste nodded, turned her head to give orders to the servants kneeling on the ground, and the supervisors. The supervisors used the hammer badges in their hands to directly notify everyone, and the cleaning work on the square was coming to an end. Those who were considered suspicious by the Hammer Furnace God Guard were also arrested, imprisoned in different areas according to their identities, and interrogated after the matter was over.

Soon, a large number of people gathered in the square of the melting furnace city, and the number of people was even larger than before. Whether it was the noble city people or the low-status apprentices, they were all crowded together, although some people They were extremely dissatisfied with this, but when they saw that the owner of the Hammer Furnace, who rarely appeared, was also sitting here in person, any dissatisfaction could only be swallowed in their stomachs and they became suffocated.

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