Nine idlers

Chapter 705

Chapter [-]: Misfortune Sanctuary

After discovering that his camouflage was very effective, Xu Changqing used the star gate of the hammer furnace to move to different places again and again while he was familiar with the sacred text of the holy market, and then made a little movement to attract the attention of others. After obtaining the star gate keys of other smelting cities from the market, the scope of its activities has gradually expanded to the entire smelting city. 【@】The places he chose were not random. These places are the residences of the upper star ring god families, and there is a high possibility that the eyes of true knowledge are hidden, and he did find seven or eight eyes of true knowledge in these places. These are enough for him to unlock the secrets of all the god formations related to the Holy Ruins.

Although he got the Eye of True Knowledge, Xu Changqing did not go to the library of the city of smelting to check the books of the Holy Ruins Basic God Formation.In addition to the fact that the library was temporarily closed, it was also because he had not fully grasped the divine script seeds in those divine fire books.Although he used the eyes of true knowledge to fully analyze the secrets contained in these divine words, and recorded them through the realm of Dao Xin, but that only made him memorize these knowledge passively, just like writing words on paper Similarly, it will take a little time to fully comprehend these divine words and use them proficiently.

Compared with the basic sacred texts of the Holy Market, Xu Changqing's analysis of the divine power crystal has made a leap forward, because his understanding of the divine texts has deepened, so that he can use the divine texts on the divine array as a breakthrough point to deduce that the surface of the crystal is attached. The functions of the various magic arrays.Although he only analyzed less than one-third of these divine formations, and did not grasp the manufacturing principles and procedures of the divine power crystal, he has already begun to understand how the divine power crystal strengthens the divine fire of the gods.Contrary to what he expected before, he originally thought that the ability of the divine power crystal to enhance the divine fire of the gods came from the power of the core part of the crystal, but now it seems that the ability to enhance the divine fire of the gods should actually come from the surroundings of the crystals, which seem to be used to The tiny magic circle that protects the core power of the crystal, and the power in that core is only used to maintain the effectiveness of the magic circle and make a disguise.

If he can fully analyze the structure of the divine power crystal, and then master the basic divine array of the Holy Ruins, Xu Changqing believes that with his own Dao Xin realm, coupled with the stacking technique of the Taiqing lineage, he can create a new magical array. Formation, and the role of this divine formation to enhance the fire of the gods will be more obvious and safer.

Just when Xu Changqing was hiding in the hammer furnace and was busy with his own affairs leisurely, the atmosphere in the whole city of smelting had become so tense that it solidified. On the originally bustling streets, there was no one wandering around at the moment. Divine guards with various standard artifacts mixed together, patrolling the streets and alleys of the city.Although there are many people who can't bear this atmosphere and want to leave the city of smelting, many of them are the god families of the upper star ring, but none of them dare to raise it, because the core guard camp of the holy ruins outside the city is not a legend. The roar is enough to scare away all visitors.

"He's teasing us, you know he's teasing us!" A roar came from the Shenwei camp outside the Smelting City. Inspired all the divine power to form a phantom of the gods, forming a divine power coercion somewhat similar to the aura of conquest and killing in the world.

It's no wonder that the calm God of the Holy Ruins is so furious. It's because Xu Changqing has played them too hard these days. They are like dogs being led by the neck. Wherever Xu Changqing goes, they will Wherever you are led, don't mention how useless you are.Originally such a useless matter, it was nothing for my own people to know about it, but because of the loud commotion this time, the master of the hammer furnace and the thirteen-star master were all attracted, and most of them No one has a good impression of the people at the core of the Holy Market, just watching them being played again and again.This time, even if they managed to capture the turbid orc with the strength of the god king, it would be difficult to restore the prestige of the two supreme temple guards of the Holy Ruins.

"What's the use of being so angry? We should think of countermeasures to reverse the current passive situation. It's best to find a bait to lure him out of the hole." Calm, but judging from the veins popping out of his hand holding the lufan tightly, his anger is not small.

This time Xu Changqing led these guards into the warehouse of a god family, and also set up a trap array in a very surprising way.This kind of behavior was never done by Xu Changqing before, so the guards who went to check didn't notice it, and they all fell into the trap.This trap array is a kind of chaotic array created by Xu Changqing after merging with Egyptian divine texts and using the Egyptian god of chaos Seth as a divine text. This kind of divine array is not very powerful, but it can ignore the strength of the recruiter , directly blinded the opponent's sanity, so those divine guards who were recruited all did some extremely bad things in the family of the god family.To make matters worse, that divine family came from a divine family that was very close to Shang, and Shang owed his achievements today to this family, and the divine guard who did the terrible thing was his direct subordinate, so he had no choice but to Unable to bear the pain of parting love, punishing those god guards who have done everything in public is a loss of face.

After returning to the camp, seeing Jing burst out his anger first, Shang had no choice but to suppress his anger and keep calm. After persuading his friends, he took a few deep breaths to calm himself down as much as possible, and then turned to Turning his head towards the Bodhisattva who has been silent for a long time, he asked the master Huijue Bodhisattva, "Does the master have any countermeasures?"

"We know too little about each other." Huijue Bodhisattva simply responded without saying anything more, while the Great Mighty Virtue and Fear Evil Bodhisattva behind him snorted coldly, as if full of anger. contempt for both.

It's no wonder that Bodhisattva Dawei Virtuous and Fearful of Evil has such an attitude. Originally, Jing and Shang had promised Huijue Bodhisattva and others that they would directly participate in the search.But after the thirteenth star, the two turned their participants into helpers on the grounds that outsiders were not suitable for interfering with the affairs of the Holy Market.This naturally made the Bodhisattva very angry, but because of the suppression of the Bodhisattva Huijue, they didn't show their anger. Now seeing these high-spirited holy guards of the holy ruins deflated, the Bodhisattva of Great Mighty Virtue and Terror A feeling of gloating.

Hearing the cold snort, both Jing and Shang's faces became gloomy and ugly, and the divine power on their bodies was surging outward like a flame, as if it was about to erupt at any time. A turbulent whirlwind.The Bodhisattva of Great Virtue, Virtue and Fear of Evil did not show any weakness. The Buddha Yuan on his body was agitated, and the wonderland of the Buddha Kingdom appeared in the back of his head. The power of the Buddha Yuan, which should have been in conflict with the power of the Holy Ruins, now exudes a breath of divine power because of an inexplicable force. , so that he can display an aura that is not weaker than the two of them.

"Fearful, you are guilty of anger, recite the mantra of purifying your heart a thousand times." Huijue Bodhisattva suddenly interjected a sentence when the momentum of the three people's confrontation reached its peak, and the tense atmosphere in the stone house disappeared in an instant. .

"Disciple, obey!" The Bodhisattva of Great Mighty Virtue and Fear of Evil replied in a low voice.

Both Jing and Shang showed a little surprise on their faces. They both felt that what Bodhisattva Huijue said just now had silently affected their state of mind, making their anger, shame and other negative emotions disappear instantly. , and the strength of Huijue Bodhisattva who can do this is naturally re-evaluated by the two of them.

"You two, it's just as I said just now." Huijue Bodhisattva turned his head to Jing and Shang and said at this time: "We don't know the details of that person at all, and we can't think of any countermeasures at all. "

Shang also smiled wryly at this moment, and said: "To tell you the truth, master, not only you don't know the details of that person, but even the two of us don't know. On that day, it was taken back by the altar of the gods, and unless the chief priest of the altar approves, even the heads of the four major god families will not even think about turning a page."

"It seems that they want to find out the reason why the Zhuo Beastman became so strong!" Huijue Bodhisattva frowned, closed his eyes and pondered for a moment, and said, "In this case, we can only I analyzed it myself. Judging from the means used by that turbid orc these days, his strength is at least in the realm of a god king, which is equivalent to the title of our Buddha Kalpa, and that person knows a very mysterious The art of transformation, this kind of transformation can not only change into the appearance of any person, but also avoid the detection of the eye of true knowledge, so he can hide in the city of smelting safely. The mastery is extremely deep, and you can freely enter and exit every place in the city of smelting through the star gate."

"If this is the case, then the first thing we need to do is to cut off his way out and close all the star gate passages in the city of smelting." After regaining his composure, Shang quickly transformed into a wise man. When the voice fell, he immediately grasped the key part.

"That's right!" Bodhisattva Huijue nodded in agreement, and continued, "Then we can investigate everyone in the city of smelting one by one. They are exactly the same, we can compare them to see who has behaved abnormally in the recent period, or has a big change in personality, so that we can easily find that person."

"But it will take a long time to do this!" said the Bodhisattva of Great Mighty Virtue and Fear of Evil with some worry.

"Although the time may be longer, at least doing so is the safest way." Bodhisattva Huijue signaled his disciples to calm down, then turned his head, and said to Jing and Shang, "It's just that doing so will inevitably lead to serious problems." The [-]-star ban has been banned for a long time, and the pressure on the two will also increase as time goes on. If the two can't stand the pressure and give up halfway..."

"Let's do it like this!" Jing and Shang knew that Huijue Bodhisattva was really aggressive, but they had no choice but to accept the offer. After accepting the offer, they got up and left, unwilling to stay for a while.

After the two left, the Bodhisattva of Great Mighty Virtue and Fear of Evil changed his rude and presumptuous attitude and became solemn and dignified. He said to Bodhisattva Huijue, "My Lord, something is wrong!"

--Caiyi Pavilion--

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